#orisa overwatch


Listen my brothers and sisters our problems are not always Spiritual in the way we think and let’s be fair to the Spiritual realm the spirits are not the ones that always affect our lives be it good or bad. Our issues are sometimes inherent or self inflicted. So how the Spiritual realm affects us positively or negatively depends on how we handle the weakness that come our way. Through the awareness of our weaknesses we have the power to control and redirect negative or misguided energy. With this you learn to balance the physical,material and Spiritual aspects of our lives.

Orunmila is the Yoruba deity of wisdom, knowledge, and omniscience who is also known by several cognomens that further highlight his nature and role in the Yoruba pantheon. Thus, Orunmia is known as Eleri Ipin, that is, the “witness to creation and destiny,” and as Ibikeji Olodumare, “second to the Creator, Olodumare.” From this position, Orunmila speaks to the complexities of life. Renowned for his wisdom and understanding of humanity and divinity, he is also called Agbonniregun, “a wise man without bones (in his body),” thus emphasizing his omniscience and compassion. Consequently, he is knowledgeable of all human and divine matters, the ways of the world, and all related phenomena. Orunmila is one of the major orisa or IrunMole in the Yoruba pantheon
