
 Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army  Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army  Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army  Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army  Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army  Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army  Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army  Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army

Here is my (currently) finished, painted and based Ork collection!I started collecting an Ork army sometime between 4th and 5th editions, but they were just a side army since I was maining Tau at the time and my friends had a lot of leftover Black Reach Orks they had no use for. Eventually halfway into 5th we got tired of the hobby and up the attic they went. Last year though with 9th edition around the corner my friends and brother decided to get back into it and I joined them, and was happy to find my old Orks were still in the attic, unfinished but playable. Since then I’ve gotten a bit more serious with the army, painting them fully, getting new models to add to them, really getting into the fun of having Orks to the point they became more or less my mains (8th and 9th are so much more fun than 5th). Also decided to collect old Codexes just for fun, and it’s cool seeing the old style models. So here is my Waaagh! led by my Warboss Zogger ‘Eadgrabba. Looking forward to what comes in the 9th edition codex as it’ll most likely determine where I take these guys from here, but short term plans are some changes to a couple of my old vehicles like the looted wagons.

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Even if you don’t collect Orks, there’s no reason not to paint Mozrog Skragbad. Simply one of the me

Even if you don’t collect Orks, there’s no reason not to paint Mozrog Skragbad. Simply one of the meanest looking @warhammerofficial models around.
#orks #orks40k #womenofwarhammer #warhammer40k #warhammer #genestealercult #paintingwarhammer (at Nottingham, United Kingdom)

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