#ot3 bouquet

Arum and Damien pining together in Rilla’s bed, inspired by the precious fic Crawling Along The Hour

Arum and Damien pining together in Rilla’s bed, inspired by the precious fic Crawling Along The Hours To Youby@jakkubrat.  Check out their content for some good penumb shit :)

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Last page of the graphic novelization for Battle at World’s End, pt.6!I know this didn’t really capt

Last page of the graphic novelization for Battle at World’s End, pt.6!

I know this didn’t really capture the whole scene; I pared it down largely to action panels for the sake of my sanity.  Hope you guys liked it!


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A continuation of my graphic novelization of Battle at World’s End, Pt. 6PreviousNext

A continuation of my graphic novelization of Battle at World’s End, Pt. 6



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This is the first page in a graphic novelization of the climactic Bouquet scene in Battle at World’s

This is the first page in a graphic novelization of the climactic Bouquet scene in Battle at World’s End, pt. 6.  You might notice it doesn’t quite start at the beginning; due to time/sanity restraints, I’ve only drawn the parts with the most action (the ones best for comic drawing). 


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Based off of a text post (if anyone can find it, let me know and I’ll link it!)I’m sorry I haven’t b

Based off of a text post (if anyone can find it, let me know and I’ll link it!)

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting in a while, I’ve been torn between making more goofy noncanonical stuff like this or actually focusing on what’s going on in the story…let me know what you guys would get more of a kick out of

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