#other peoples projects

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For OCInteractionWeek 5/3-11/3

↳ Day One: Sleepover


“I have to admit, when you said sleepover at your fathers country house, this is not what I was expecting.” Rebecca measured the wooden “instrument” in her hands. The row of glass bottles was shining in frond of her, under the low gaslight, like brand new soldier toys sitting in attention.

“Neither did I” Roza’s voice betrayed her irritation. She was sitting behind them, in one of the garden chairs, lady-like as ever. “I thought you meant an actual sleepover. Hair and dress ups and all.”

Evgenia rolled her eyes “Of course you were expecting this, Aliki Vougioklaki. Anyway, I will let you do my hair tomorrow as a payback. And so will Rebecca.” she gave her sister a sweet smile and turned to Rebecca, who was starting to protest at the idea of her use as a doll toy. “So, can you use it?” Evgenia asked.


“And can you teach me how to use it too?”

“I can try” Rebecca gave her a suspicious look “even through I still don’t understand why you want to learn how to fire a gun.”

“Well, it might be useful. And learning a new “art” never hurt anyone. Especially with everything that is going on in Europe right now.“

“Which translates to: I want to actually mean it when I threaten to murder my future fiancéandfather would disapprove so I just have to do it.” Roza smirked in the background.

“Well if father cared for me to behave according to his will all the time, he should have been more careful. And clearly not let his "perfect daughter” go to a “day trip” on the countryside with her friend and crazy sister”

I am the one who is crazy? Not you who wants to learn how to use that thing.” Roza pointed at the riffle with a clear disgust on her face.

As she was saying this, Rebecca had already taken aim and shot. Click, bam! and now a bunch of broken glass stood where the far-left bottle used to be.

Roza left out an long, accidental, whistle. Not lady-like at all.

“Do you really think we might go to war? Did you father said anything about it?” Rebecca’s voice was suddenly dead serious, as she turned to face her two friends.

“I don’t know.” Roza admitted. “Things don’t seem good. Father seems more stressed than usual.”

“I heard father talk about Elli to one of his colleagues in the army again yesterday. They said that it might had actually been the Italians who sunk it. If this is the case then we will most likely be at war by fall.” Evgenia always sound older when she talked about politics. It was something she had inherited by her father. Maybe if she had been born a man, she would have inherited his position in the government as well.

Rebecca remained silent for a moment. The reason she knew how to shoot was because her free-spirited uncle had taught her, after her request. Girls in Russia are allowed to shoot just like men, he had said after returning from his travel to the Union. It had taken some time but at the end her father was convinced, even though her mother had not been all too pleased about it.

She looked at her friends now.

Girls should know how to shoot.

We might go to war by fall.

She then handed the wooden rifle to Evgenia. “Your turn.”
