

✧ It’s Spooky Month! Time to draw my skeleton bunny OC again, who I have decided to call Bonnie! I have also decided she can only be alive during October (because of spooky magic in the air) and sleeps for the rest of the year. ✧

goldenxtongued:kropotkindersurprise: June 2019 - Protesters in Hong Kong use traffic cones to contgoldenxtongued:kropotkindersurprise: June 2019 - Protesters in Hong Kong use traffic cones to contgoldenxtongued:kropotkindersurprise: June 2019 - Protesters in Hong Kong use traffic cones to cont



June 2019 - Protesters in Hong Kong use traffic cones to contain the gas from tear gas grenades, then drown them in water. [video]

reblogging for uh. pure scientific purposes

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ISFJ:Why would you kidnap poor innocent ISFJ? What did they ever do to you? Well since you’ve kidnapped an ISFJ be prepared for a few things… mostly that utter feeling of guilt you now have inside of you, but passing that by be prepared for the ISFJ asking questions, and trying to get you to become a better person and to let them go nicely… if this fails you can either expect their friends now turned vigilante to hunt you down… or the ISFJs survival guide knowledge they can put into use… In either case one road will set you down the right path… the other to death or prison… your choice.

ESFJ:Will likely find the entire situation annoying, or terrifying, so you can expect a lot of screaming, flailing, and kicking from this type if female… if male they will break through with their strength and punch you with the fury of a thousand suns… After they’ve either annoyed you by their constant whining and nagging or screaming to save the hassle it is best to let them go… other wise you may find yourself being kicked repeatedly… in the side… or groin before they leave.

INTJ:You… you have a death wish don’t you? Well for what ever maddening reason, you’ve managed to kidnap the INTJ, who has likely developed or researched effective contingency plans in such situations. They will not escape right away, no they will wait till you are asleep, break free, and the next thing you’ll ever notice… and they will make you notice, is cold sharp steel cutting across your throat oh so slowly, no, you don’t get to live.

ENTJ:What is wrong with you? Kidnapping an ENTJ? Are you insane? Is your mind not in the right place? Well if there isn’t an army breaking down your doors right as we speak, the ENTJ will have you measured, weighed, and will have found you wanting… So upon your death… it’s cute how you think you’ll live, the ENTJ will take control of your organization because… opportunity and turn it into the most powerful underground organization ever.

INTP:May or may not find the situation annoying, may even find it a pleasant vacation from their daily work grind. In either case after they’ve placed together all the pieces, and gathered up all the knowledge they will require… you will have found them to be gone… some how, they escaped, you can blame your own stupidity for this one… also there may be the makings of a bomb that they decided was to much of a hassle and simply decided to slip away.

ENTP:They will question every thing you’re doing and why, and debate you on it’s effectiveness. If they’re not doing that, they will likely be mocking you taking enjoyment out of the chaos of the situation, speaking of chaos they were likely the ones that turned your friends against you as well and caused a ripple effect that has now set off an anarchist type movement within the criminal syndicates… and you thought Kidnapping the ENTP was a good thing didn’t you? And just think they did all this with simply their wit… imagine if they decided to do more than just use their wit.

INFP:Would have normally just kind of gone with it like the INTP, letting the situation take them where it will and see what adventures may come from it… unfortunately for you they’ve seen you treat your lackeys like crap, which they dealt with for a time… until they saw you hit a defenseless person and kick a puppy just to show how “serious” or “evil” you were. Now despite common misconception, INFPs aren’t the crybabies you think they are, and you’ve just awoken their inner darkness, for the time being they will take the utmost pleasure in bringing you down and burning you tied inside of your house alive… Also due to their general way of getting along with anyone and treating others nicely you’re lackeys are now the INFPs bodyguards.

ENFP:You actually managed to catch the ENFP? Or do you simply think you’ve managed to catch the ENFP? The ENFP is likely just to excited by this situation to not want to ahem… “try it out” as such they will stay with you, but not bound like you wish, and due to their hyper activity on all the ideas coming to them, you have some how, in some strange explainable way… found yourself in the Twilight Zone, you don’t know how you got there, all you know is that the ENFP said something and then got you to tag along and the next thing you remember is waking up here with no way back and no understanding on how it all happened… but he/she was so fun though!

INFJ:Has somehow managed to predict that they would be your next target, and as such is adequately prepared… you’ve seen Home Alone right? Well if the INFJ doesn’t feel bad for you… which they likely won’t at this point, that is exactly what’s going to happen to you, to get to them you must first get through their traps, and by the time you get through their traps, they’re already long gone… as if they were going to stick around and wait for you to nab them… also there’s that gas stove that’s on… and that lit candle… how fast do you think you can escape? And thanks to their feeling function, everyone will think the INTJ did it and not them.

ENFJ:Is very upset with you, your life choices, and everything you’re doing, and they aren’t afraid to let you know it. As such will advise you to pursue a better way of life, but first serve your time as penance for the awful crimes you have committed. This is not the life you should be in, and there is a better future out there for you, you’re not a bad person just made bad choices. Luckily for you the ENFJ will help you go the right path in life and make the right choices, that you can’t help but feel and follow all while apologizing profusely to the ENFJ for kidnapping him/her.

ISTP:Congratulations, you’ve just kidnapped the Macgyver of the MBTI types… somehow, I’m not sure how but you did it! You should pat yourself on the back… no really, because that is the only moment of success you’ll ever have. Also remember that partially put together INTP bomb? Well the ISTP decided to finish it… they’ve also broken free, and yes the entire building is going to blow up with you inside it. The ISTP will naturally be watching a fair distance outside with their sunglasses on and a smile on their face.

ESTP:Action! Adventure! Getting kidnapped by a bunch of guys and beating the living crap out you all! All in a days work for the ever active ESTP, who for the sake of said action, adventure, and general fun time, decided to let themselves get captured for just this purpose alone… because you know, they have some friends they would absolutely love to tell this story too as well as take pictures of all the action along the way, you didn’t want to, but the ESTP has forced your hand and now you must go out guns blazing against the ESTP who will let him/herself get shot once… and once only to show live “proof” of the situation the ESTP had been in.

ISTJ:So… uh… just fair warning but… are you sure this is a wise idea? I mean this is the Judge Dredd of the MBTI types after all… anything they do to you from here on… which will yes… result in death. I mean I’m not sure how you did it, but the ISTJ has got the experience and knowledge to back themselves up and get themselves out of this situation, and depending on how irritated or angry they are, you may have just found yourself with a live version of a Judge Dredd type character… well it’s your funeral, the best result you can have now would be to not resist arrest.

ESTJ:Ok so I get why you’d go after the weak ones… or the apparent weak ones, but why must you go after the ones with power? In either case you haven’t paying your henchmen nearly enough money have you? No of course you haven’t otherwise you likely wouldn’t have resorted to kidnapping the ESTJ… well in either case, the ESTJ has now found this out, and your Henchmen is now the ESTJs henchmen, as the ESTJ has and is capable of paying them more than you ever were… and with the ESTJs new found freedom, and henchmen, it’s now time for you to pay the price with a severe beating and jail time.

ISFP:They didn’t want to act you know, they just wanted to do their own thing you know… walk or run across the park, spend some time with the animals and smelling the flowers, drawing pretty pictures or simply following whatever their passion is… but you’ve gone done and screwed that up… as such you’ve just turned the ISFP into a vigilante who thanks to you has questioned themselves, reality, and all the corruption in it… some one has to do something about it, might as well as start with you. The next you wake up you will have found yourself tied and gagged and left in front of a police station full of evidence as the ISFP now goes on their adventure of being a new found vigilante.

ESFP:The only reason you’ve managed to get the ESFP is because they wanted to go along with it, enjoy new sensations, and much like the ESTP enjoy a sense of action and adventure. They are probably thoroughly enjoying this situation, and all the things it presents for them… they however, aren’t too thrilled with remaining a kidnapped person so they will likely break out like the insane contortionist type of person they are, and in their fighting will turn it into some kind of crazy rhythmic dance of a fight which of course they will win. Enjoy trying to break yourself out of that pretzel you’ve now been turned into without any help.






A little Homestuck PSA

As 4/13 is right around the corner I just wanted to remind everyone about the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. As Viz and the death of Flash have been slowly killing the intended Homestuck experience there is still a way to see it how it was meant.

This offline program allows for all the flash to be seen and mini games to be played as intended and helps protect from spoilers. If you are going to start reading Homestuck or are planning to trick some unsuspecting friend into reading please consider using this program!

And - I love new livebloggers! Let me know who you love to watch make this journey.


Also! Homestuck has some language that has not aged well (i.e. slurs and unkind terms, especially towards the begining) so someone also made an optional patch that removes that language and replaces it with stuff that still keeps it funny! Not everything gets replaced outside the main comic but I know they are working on it!


I think it’s hella cool that this option exists for people that may not be comfortable with the very late 2000s internet language of homestuck, but this post opened my eyes to that fact that homestuck mods can exist, like we can mod homestuck now,

like a video game? brb im doing a homestuck any% run rn. homestuck troll%

Hey all - heads up! They updated to version 2.0.


Alpha!Hetian lost a fight against Beta!MoGuanshan

A WIP I drew to my idea of Alpha!He Tian giving in to Beta!Mo Guan Shan (originally their roles were switched but I thought this would spice it up a little bit more if Mo is a stronger Beta)

And don’t be afraid Mo is just holding He Tian down by his lower neck. He is not choking him.

I really want to draw more in this universe since ABO is my favourite AU :)


takethis quiz to find out what colour your writing is

warm brown of a cup of tea

“Your writing is a comfort that your readers didn’t really know they were missing. It has a deeper meaning that may be missed by some of your readers but adored by the ones lucky enough to find it. Poetic language drips from your pages like honey, a sweet solace for every reader. Your words welcome all with open arms, encompassing them in a warm embrace that they simply melt into.”


Adelanto Exclusivo Las Aventuras de Ladybug - El Combate de las Reinas |…

so, I was rewatching this clip right here and I noticed something
Remember the pictures of Adrien that were all over Mari’s walls?
Yeah, the ones we have seen since season 1 and were a huge problem in Troublemaker…


The pictures are gone…

So my guesses are:
a)Animation error
b)Marinette took them down off-camera
c)This will be adressed in some episode (Probably Frozer, I guess although is improbable)

Oh and before you ask, the whole room is shown throughout the clip and the pics are nowhere to be seen

Yep, no pics here

Nope, no photos of sunshine child to be seen here, either.

poppypicklesticks:lackyannie:vampire-gerard:ask-dr-knockout:meelo-dot-net:a public servicepoppypicklesticks:lackyannie:vampire-gerard:ask-dr-knockout:meelo-dot-net:a public servicepoppypicklesticks:lackyannie:vampire-gerard:ask-dr-knockout:meelo-dot-net:a public servicepoppypicklesticks:lackyannie:vampire-gerard:ask-dr-knockout:meelo-dot-net:a public service






a public service announcement


You will only end up with mud on your palette and tears on your face

and i thought only bob ross knew what was up

this single post is more useful to me then four years of art school 

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siklogame: Sketch of the first map, the shitty colors are simply for reference because other wise I’


Sketch of the first map, the shitty colors are simply for reference because other wise I’ll open this in a week and have no idea what those scribbles are.

This is just a first earldraft, but not  bad considering how terrible at backgrounds I am.

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naspstablook:guess whos obsessed with this crossover? (its me)


guess whos obsessed with this crossover?

(its me)

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Dan Povenmire had been pitching Phineas and Ferb since 1993 but it didn’t get picked up until 14 years later in 2007.

We could’ve been living in a timeline where Phineas and Ferb was a 90s show with waves of nostalgia for it on BuzzFeed articles.

We could’ve been seeing the Phineas and Ferb reboot by now.

I’m trying to picture what it’d look like if it was made in the 90′s but i just can’t

Here are some early character designs

It looks mostly the same

I can’t believe Irving was here since square one??

dontbefanci:turakamyou: erykahisnotalright:desbreaux:elionking:Real question: did backpacks nodontbefanci:turakamyou: erykahisnotalright:desbreaux:elionking:Real question: did backpacks no






Real question: did backpacks not exist in the 70’s?

I think they were just poor

The backpack started on the west coast and migrated towards the east pretty slowly between the late 60s and early 80s. They were originally intended for hikers and other outdoors-y types, and were marketed at hiking retailers, but one of them happened to be connected to a university in Washington. Since it was so rainy over there, people started using them for books, the idea caught on, spread, and eventually backpacks became a necessity as opposed to a novel idea.

Images && info truncated from “From ‘Book Strap’ To ‘Burrito’: A History Of The School Backpack”

Also back then kids didn’t have to carry a ton of books to school, full sized lockers were the norm, and they didn’t have as much homework.

1: I miss The Get Down, 2: this timeline tracks, i never had a backpack ‘til college in the early-mid-80s,

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The thing about Those White People Baby Names is the way they so poetically express the tension between individuality and rigid conformity. These parents all want to name their child something unique, because they value the concept of uniqueness, yet simultaneously they abhor it in practice… ergo, 30 different spelling variations on the most normative possible names. This homogeneity-masquerading-as-diversity is inseparable from capitalist consumer culture and in fact is directly analogous to the experience of walking into a grocery store and being asked to “choose” between 50 varieties of toothpaste with the same exact ingredients, 12 brands of laundry detergent, etc.

Somebody’s third eye is WIDE the fuck open??!!!!!!!

okay so there’s actually a reasonbehind this that isn’t just “white people are terrible and really really boring!” it’s to do with Mormon culture. specifically: the fireworks you get when sexist expectations and terrible petty drama collide. 

most of Those White People Baby Names are originally Mormonbaby names. they’re chosen (or invented) by women in Utah; they tend to filter out to the rest of the world through things like “mommy blogs” and “baby name books” and “parent forums.” 

you know how every culture has a “hey, welcome to the world, lil baby!” ritual? the mormon version of that is called a baby blessing. the baby’s father, and a handful of other men in the family, go up in front of the congregation during a Sunday service and say a special prayer. it begins by reciting the baby’s fullname and then saying “I give you a name and a blessing.”  It’s not something you can avoid doing- if you try, people will think that you’re trying to hide something. baby blessings are mandatory, and everyone in the congregation willwatch and judge you.

becauseof this, your baby’s name gets a good bit more of a spotlight in Mormon culture than it does in secular culture, and that’s sayingsomething. 

 Mormon women start picking out names for their hypothetical future kids in fourth or fifth grade and snipe at each other for picking “weird” or “bad” ones. it’s something that’s supposed to be in the back of your head longbefore you have a kid. and because people willjudge you if you pick a name that’s “too boring” or “too weird”, it is already an intricate dance of finding something that’s “interesting” enough to pass muster but not so “interesting” your kid won’t survive kindergarten.

and that dance becomes even more intricate when Baby Name Drama gets involved. 

see, because you’re supposed to put so much time into your baby’s name, a lot of women get… overinvested, let us say. the perfect name they picked for their baby is THEIR baby’s name and NO ONE ELSE’S. if you so much as dare to BREATHE that you’re naming your baby/pet/favourite laptop the same thing, you have STOLEN their BABY’S NAME.  

so here’s the thing… say you really wanted to name your daughter Amy. You love the name, it’s classic, it’s cute, it’s perfectfor your little girl-to-be… and then your sister-in-law gets pregnant and LOUDLY ANNOUNCES thatshe’snaming her baby Amy! and you know for a factthat she’s the type of person to throw a massive petty shitfit over you STEALING her BABY’S NAME. your family will take sides. herfamily will take sides. 

if you want to avoid the drama, and you’re dead-set on naming your daughter-to-be Amy… well, then you name your daughter Aimee, or Aimi, or Aimy. It’s not the same name, it’s pronounced the same but it’s not the exact same name, so you can shut up, sis-in-law. 

from what I understand a lot of the Crazy Name Spellings came from this root- “it’s not Kaylee, it’s Kayleigh, I swearI didn’t steal your idea”- and then once it became a trend, people named their kids that to be ~trendy~ just like they did with every other stupid trend. 

but the root cause of Terrible Trendy Misspelt Baby Names has very little to do with white people being boring and conformist, and certainlynothing to do with capitalism.  it’s a good old fashioned case of a) sexist expectations warping women’s behaviour into really really stupid shapes and b) Petty Small Community Drama.  

This is a terrific addition to this post that I don’t think actually contradicts my main idea all that much

Its explains Reneesme I’ll tell you that.

arsanatomica: I’m not sure if these drinks exist in other parts of the world, but they are pretty coarsanatomica: I’m not sure if these drinks exist in other parts of the world, but they are pretty coarsanatomica: I’m not sure if these drinks exist in other parts of the world, but they are pretty coarsanatomica: I’m not sure if these drinks exist in other parts of the world, but they are pretty coarsanatomica: I’m not sure if these drinks exist in other parts of the world, but they are pretty coarsanatomica: I’m not sure if these drinks exist in other parts of the world, but they are pretty co


I’m not sure if these drinks exist in other parts of the world, but they are pretty common in large american cities.

Other places to see my posts:

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Oh my god they were tombmates. 




Just two girls buried in a grave six feet apart

Look at that. 25 years between their deaths… And still buried together.

Excuse me while I go cry quietly about these gals being pals.

raidfozan:ثنائياتAdam Styka (1890-1959)raidfozan:ثنائياتAdam Styka (1890-1959)



Adam Styka (1890-1959)

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Leona’s Wish

Savanaclaw Dorm - Leona’s room

Leona:*softly snoring*

Ortho: Leona Kingscholar seems to be having his afternoon nap at the moment.

Idia: Welp, looks like its impossible to get a wish out of him. Let’s roll out!

Ortho: Wait, brother! We should try to wake him up first.

Leona: Tch, keep it down will ya…

Leona: …Huh, I was wondering what was buzzing around my bedside, its the radish sprout and his little brother.

Idia: Wait, did you just call me a radish sprout!?

Leona: It fits perfectly for a shut-in who grew up all spindly while living in the shade right?

Leona: Whatever, you better have a good reason for waking me up just now.

Idia: Eep! Please don’t glare at us like that, we’re just here to collect the wishing stars…

Leona: The hell? You telling me you interrupted my nap for this?

Leona: Ugh, why do I have to bother with shit like this…

Leona: My wish is…“To eat a lotta meat.”

Ortho: Eh!? Leona Kingscholar-san, are you perhaps…not getting enough to eat?

Ortho: Then, were you also sleeping because you weren’t feeling well?

Leona: …Yeah, that’s right. Been feeling terribly ill lately.

Leona: But I can just sleep it off so, hurry up and get the hell out of here.

Ortho: Oh but I don’t sense any abnormalities in your vitals, could it be a new strain of disease?

Ortho: I have been equipped with cutting edge medical technology so, I could take a look at you and see if there’s anything that needs fixing!

Idia: O-Ortho! Let’s just leave for now…

Idia: Leona-dono probably just made a wish on the fly just so we’d leave him alone.

Ortho: Oh, was that all? It’s a relief to know that he is not seriously ill then.

Leona: …Oi, radish sprout. Your brother ain’t nothing like you is he.

Idia: T-that’s right.

Idia: Unlike me, Ortho is honest and bright, and doesn’t shy away from people. This Ortho has inherited that personality as well…

Leona: Ahh whatever, I didn’t tell you to spill your life story, just get out of here already.

Idia: So mean!!





Like men are able to get away with never expressing of requesting help with their feelings because women are trained from a very young age to observe men, watch for signs of emotional need and environmental stressors and deal with them without being asked.  It’s why women worry constantly about emasculating the men in their lives but men never worry about “efeminating” the women in their lives.

Men are “stoic” only because they don’t have to communicate in order to get their emotional needs met.


…….have never read something that explains my family dynamic so well

This describes the past several MILLENNIA, including why so many men only really communicate with their bros.

Let me tell you about an assignment I give: All the Feels. (Which, btw, “feels” is a geekboy way of trying to communicate feelings without actually doing so in order to maintain their “masculinity”).

I ask students to explain to me how their favorite song makes them feel.This means the thesis is really simple: This song makes me feel X, with X being a real emotion you can name. The paper then explains how and why.

And about half of my male-identifying students fail it outright. (about 1/5 of my female ones do too–but for different reasons.). They fail it because they cannot name the feeling they are having and thus have no thesis. Often, in conferences with me and in peer review with female-identifying classmates, they are able to finally pinpoint an emotion (”it touches me” is not an emotion), but often then they cannot talk about why the song is actually making them feel that. It’s a mess of words on the page that end up meaning nothing.

The assignment reveals two things: 1) Male-identifying folks feel uncomfortable discussing emotions even when forced to by class requirements–and this discomfort appears in their ability to give names to their emotions. And 2) All students have difficulty talking about why they are feeling the way they are feeling. While my female-identifying students could name emotions, they weren’t sure WHY they were feeling them (after all–women are just, like, emotional, right? There’s no rational reason to explain, right?). My male-identifying students, with some rare exceptions, barely can say THAT they’re feeling anything.

And music–man, music is all about emotion. Tones, rhythms, patterns, words: their job is to make you feel something with the artist, to identify with them and their lives. If you can’t feel with music, you are less likely to be able to have compassion and empathy.

Now, it’s one thing if you’re not neurotypical–that’s just who you are and I’ve talked with those students separately about this assignment (Guess what: They do BETTER on the assignment because they have to actively think about emotions anyway). But if you’re neurotypical and cannot process emotions because you’ve been socialized that way due to gender, then we’ve got a problem as a culture. Recognizing your own emotions is step 1 to recognizing others’ feelings and being sensitive to those. If you can’t get past step 1 for fear of emasculation….well.

We’re in trouble, and the papers get worse every time I assign them. I’m worried.
