#other peoples readings


This is a reading for F, as always shared with permission. I’m using the Circle of Life tarot for this reading.Most potent energy moving into Leo season Let’s go.

1. Four of Swords:The thing you most desire this coming lunar cycle, Leo season.

Retreat. Heal. Align. The Four of Swords is a card of solitude and I often feel, healing. It speaks of a time of rest, perhaps a ‘calm before the storm’. I’m reading this as a bit of a timeline across the next four weeks, so start at New Moon 20th July (21st of July in Australia) by making time for meditation and contemplation. Use this moment to consolidate the last lunar cycle (Cancer) - sift through your thoughts/feelings/experiences  and put them into perspective. 4′s provide stability and structure, and correspond to Muladhara, the Root Chakra {grounding, security, safety} and the physiological level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: air, water, food, rest, health, shelter.

This card is about how you care for yourself aka “self-care” {its a verb} action, deliberate and self initiated. It might not feel glamorous, but until we get this straight, nothin’ else is going to flow.

2.Death.How you can step into your power this coming lunar cycle. 

Profound transformation. One thing is ending so another can begin. Carrying on with a timeline for the coming cycle, the Death card follows the Four of Swords. It seems there is a thing you need to allow to die away. This could be anything {A relationship? A job? A bad habit? An outdated emotional tick?} something you intuitively understand is standing between you and your power. Whatever this thing is, it’s past its sell by date, and requires you to unhook your claws and let it go. Letting go is not easy for most of us, however this ending is inevitable and the longer you hold on, the longer what’s fresh and new and beautiful will take to manifest.

It’s quite probable during the retreat and healing represented by the four of Swords, you’ve already got some ideas about what is depleting your energy or standing in your way.  The Death card asks you to face the future, accept any changes or losses and adapt accordingly. 

Remember:  Whatever falls apart, let it fall. As my Granny said {in a broad Scottish accent}, a thing meant for you,“will no get by you”. If not this thing, something better. Affirm it.  

3.Eight of Cups. How you want to feel during the coming lunar cycle.

So there’s an emerging theme here, Lovely.  Change iscoming and it will occur when that which requires releasing is released, opening space for what is coming to arise.  You may have found yourself in a situation or relationship that left you feeling off balance, that things were unnecessarily complicated or messy and/or draining. You might be feeling a little stuck, but this is an illusion. You walk away from what is weighing you down, the moment you are willing to turn your back on what is notfull-filling you and take a step in the opposite direction.  When you align with the decision to move on,  heaviness dissipates and you’re filled with renewed enthusiasm and optimism. 

Remember: Get lit! Whatever lights you up is your path. If its not a hell yeah, it’s a no.  

Heed the call. I had a jumper card happen here, The Fool, which I think is significant as a Major Arcana card, and also as the first card in the archetypal journey tarot symbolizes. So what feels does the Fool represent?  Hope, happiness, laughter, spontaneity, innocence, trust, openness and unconditional love. Do these feelings seem worth reaching out for? That’s a hell yeah!

The Fool confers upon you the abilities and tools to be able to break free from old ties and habits. You can be a non-conformist or authentically yourself in any fashion that suits you. Let go of all the censoring and self-doubt we human beans engage in. This is an opportunity for sudden awakenings or epiphanies, for freedom in truth. Look inward for your answers, relinquish fear for you are divinely guided and protected. Move on with confidence. 

4.Ace of Wands.What you can do to conserve and protect your energy.

I consider all aces, regardless of suit, to be gifts. What a great note to end on! The Ace of Wands is the gift of new beginnings increased creativity, imagination, and inspiration. You’ll have the energy and drive to invite new things, people, projects into your life. Attune yourself to possibilities and potential in all things. This is a card of adventure and opportunity. What is it that you most desire? Look for the thing that captures your imagination and excites your heart enough to risk the consequences. 

Remember:The most divine and holy work we can do is to meet and release our fear.

Go forth into the next lunar phase knowing some things will  end and go, others will come. This is all timely and you are DIVINELY equipped to meet any and all challenges head on!

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
- Helen Keller
