#root chakra




Check your chart for an abundance of :


It’s likely easy to balance:The Solar Plexus Chakra ,The Crown Chakra - natural confidence and a sense of unity with the self and your purpose could be easier to reach.

You could have trouble with:The Heart Chakra, The Root Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra- when you let impulsive traits and aggression take over your life.

Neutral on:The Sacral Chakra, The Throat Chakra- if you have a desire to connect to others and speak the truth there should be no issues.If you become disinterested in emotional connections and overly blunt there could be imbalances.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Heart Chakra,The Root Chakra - ease in connecting to one’s values and being loving, ease in understanding how to ground oneself.

You could have trouble with: The Solar Plexus, The Sacral Chakra- self assertion and confidence is build slower here, there could be trouble in accepting changes with serenity.

Neutral on:The Third Eye Chakra,The Throat Chakra,The Crown Chakra- as you are very grounded it could be hard to tap into your intuition unless you work on it. Self expression needs to be developed. Could be hard to see one’s connection to the rest of the world in a spiritual sense.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Throat Chakra, The Heart Chakra- naturally communicative and expressive and able to understand different sides,likely there’s little trouble in balancing those areas.

You could have trouble with: The Root Chakra, The Third Eye,The Solar Plexus-your versatile energy can have trouble grounding and your need for connections could make you imaginative but the vision is not unified. There could be a need to work on self-assertion and direction as well.

Neutral on:The Sacral Chakra, The Crown Chakra- If you are willing to connect with the world on a grand scale and develop a way to understand your emotions,this can improve.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Third Eye Chakra, The Sacral Chakra- highly intuitive and emotionally connective,it’s likely those areas will be easy to balance.

You could have trouble with: The Heart Chakra,The Root Chakra,The Solar Plexus- there could be a lack of ease in self-assertion, grounding and understanding your own power,including issues with developing a freedom in one’s relationships.

Neutral on: The Throat Chakra,The Crown Chakra- self-expression and connectivity is not enhanced but due to your inner richness and spiritual side you could balance these if you work on them.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Crown Chakra,The Solar Plexus,The Sacral Chakra-very expressive and self-confident energy, likely to be giving and creative, in tune with your purpose and importance.

You could have trouble with: The Third Eye Chakra, The Root Chakra- there’s less emphasis on intuition and boundaries and more emphasis on confidence and fun with your energy,so these could be areas to work on to make your talents easier to manifest.

Neutral on: The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra- once you become aware of how your expression plays into your relationships with others and if you plus on making connections,these areas could improve.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Root Chakra, The Throat Chakra- naturally intelligent and practical, mind over matter-like, you’re likely to have an easier time balancing those areas.

You could have trouble with: The Heart Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra,The Crown Chakra- more acceptance needs to be developed, in your relationships and towards the world, emphasizing the way your expression fits in the grand scheme of things can help with these areas.

Neutral on: The Sacral Chakra,The Solar Plexus Chakra-While you are fairly active in nature there could be a need to develop more confidence and a more profound understanding of internal emotional changes.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra- Naturally understanding and able to express as well as understand connectivity,it’s likely those areas won’t pose much of an issue.

You could have trouble with: The Root Chakra, The Solar Plexus- trusting in one’s own power and defining boundaries is necessary in order to balance things.

Neutral on: The Sacral Chakra, The Third Eye, The Crown Chakra- you have a healthy intuition but it’s up to a willingness to accept more profound and transformative connections in balancing these areas.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Sacral Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra-passionate and driven as well as intuitive, your natural energy is attuned to understanding emotional transformations and in tune with those areas.

You could have trouble with: The Throat Chakra, The Heart Chakra- Likely to be secretive and inwardly drawn, it may take some work to connect mentally to others and accept differences in values.

Neutral on: The Crown Chakra, The Root Chakra- If you choose to aim your energy towards understanding your place in the Universe and develop a sense of purpose and work on manifestation,these areas could serve as a vehicle to your development.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Throat Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Crown Chakra- visionary and interested in expressing and learning universal truths, it’s likely there’s less issues in balancing those areas.

You could have trouble with: The Root Chakra, The Heart Chakra- there could be trouble understanding boundaries and differing perspectives unless there’s work done in those areas.

Neutral on: The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra- there’s some ease in self-expression and forging emotional connections,but there would be work needed to understand one’s emotional transformations here.


It’s likely easy to balance:The Root Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Crown Chakra- easily understanding one’s place in the word and the importance of building towards the future,there’s likely not to be much issue balancing these areas.

You could have trouble with: The Heart Chakra, The Sacral Chakra - there needs to be more ease in give and take through relating and work on obtaining an easier flow of emotions and thoughs between self and other in these areas.

Neutral on:  The Solar Plexus,The Throat Chakra- although there is drive to assert oneself there could be confidence issues and restrictions in self expression that can be improved upon.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Crown Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra- able to communicate and channel messages that can help bring about progress, these areas are likely naturally active and easier to balance.

You could have trouble with: The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus- There’s a need to understand how individuality and emotional transformations can affect oneself and the world,and work is needed in these areas.

Neutral on: The Third Eye Chakra, The Root Chakra- there is some understanding of systems together with an understanding of the future but intuition and the ability to ground one’s visions into reality can be developed further with some work.


It’s likely easy to balance: The Crown Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, The Sacral Chakra- accepting of change and vulnerability,while naturally imaginative -it could be easy to balance these areas. 

You could have trouble with: The Root Chakra, The Solar Plexus- it may be more difficult to develop healthy boundaries and assert or define the self in interactions with the world-so these areas need development.

Neutral on: The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra- while understanding, this energy is not naturally so expressive and is more focused on unity than understanding differences and separations,so these areas could bring a new dimension of understanding if worked on.

Wulfenite allows one to accomplish the transition, from the physical plane to the psychic and astral

Wulfeniteallows one to accomplish the transition, from the physical plane to the psychic and astral planes quickly. The time which is usually required to alter ones state is dramatically decreased. It also can be used to promote contact with the spiritual world in the form one manifests; allowing for attunement to those of ancient civilizations, to those of the near distant past, or to those of futuristic worlds. It is quite useful for connecting to higher beings or to the higher self. It stimulates a bonding between souls who are on the Earth plane and have agreed to meet again during this lifetime.

Metaphysical Properties:
Primary Chakra: Heart/Root
Astrological sign(s): Sagittarius
Vibration: Number 7

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3 Orders Available for the Herbal Oat Bath on my etsy shop

Message me to pre-order $17 for a pack of three

Root Chakra Clearing Reiki also available on my shop now!

I’ve tried journaling so many times & I often fall off or am not consistent. This daily prompt has been the only one to work for me consistently so far. I found out about the fears & resentments list from a channel on YouTube called Crappy Childhood Fairy. It’s not only good for releasing “normal” day-to-day fears, but have helped me so much in healing my trauma that has been at work on a subconscious level.

Because a lot of the time (every day) Im healing a different aspect of my trauma, I felt it was needed to add in a list of things that Im proud of myself for & a gratitude list. It reminds me that I am further in my healing than I give myself props for & helps ground me in the present.

Another personal touch that helps me is listening to meditation music, rain sounds, or just about any relaxing music that will help me as I write and process ♥️

Another #selfhelp hack especially for those that have trouble organizing their thoughts ( like me) or have planners leftover from school.

How I make the prompt work for me is writing the fears/resentments [Step 1] on either a separate notebook or way in the back of the planner where the “notes” section is.

For [Step 2 ] Things I’m proud of myself for/Gratitude list- I use the boxes that are in the daily notes behind the calendar

For [step 3] “ I am” statements

I actually wait until Sunday to do. In the “ weekly to do” section I write a gratitude list based on the entire week & the in the empty box next to it I write my “ I am” statements to set the tone & energy of the upcoming week. *even if your handwriting is too big to fit info these tiny boxes, this layout is a great way to organize your thoughts*

Get creative!


This is a reading for F, as always shared with permission. I’m using the Circle of Life tarot for this reading.Most potent energy moving into Leo season Let’s go.

1. Four of Swords:The thing you most desire this coming lunar cycle, Leo season.

Retreat. Heal. Align. The Four of Swords is a card of solitude and I often feel, healing. It speaks of a time of rest, perhaps a ‘calm before the storm’. I’m reading this as a bit of a timeline across the next four weeks, so start at New Moon 20th July (21st of July in Australia) by making time for meditation and contemplation. Use this moment to consolidate the last lunar cycle (Cancer) - sift through your thoughts/feelings/experiences  and put them into perspective. 4′s provide stability and structure, and correspond to Muladhara, the Root Chakra {grounding, security, safety} and the physiological level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: air, water, food, rest, health, shelter.

This card is about how you care for yourself aka “self-care” {its a verb} action, deliberate and self initiated. It might not feel glamorous, but until we get this straight, nothin’ else is going to flow.

2.Death.How you can step into your power this coming lunar cycle. 

Profound transformation. One thing is ending so another can begin. Carrying on with a timeline for the coming cycle, the Death card follows the Four of Swords. It seems there is a thing you need to allow to die away. This could be anything {A relationship? A job? A bad habit? An outdated emotional tick?} something you intuitively understand is standing between you and your power. Whatever this thing is, it’s past its sell by date, and requires you to unhook your claws and let it go. Letting go is not easy for most of us, however this ending is inevitable and the longer you hold on, the longer what’s fresh and new and beautiful will take to manifest.

It’s quite probable during the retreat and healing represented by the four of Swords, you’ve already got some ideas about what is depleting your energy or standing in your way.  The Death card asks you to face the future, accept any changes or losses and adapt accordingly. 

Remember:  Whatever falls apart, let it fall. As my Granny said {in a broad Scottish accent}, a thing meant for you,“will no get by you”. If not this thing, something better. Affirm it.  

3.Eight of Cups. How you want to feel during the coming lunar cycle.

So there’s an emerging theme here, Lovely.  Change iscoming and it will occur when that which requires releasing is released, opening space for what is coming to arise.  You may have found yourself in a situation or relationship that left you feeling off balance, that things were unnecessarily complicated or messy and/or draining. You might be feeling a little stuck, but this is an illusion. You walk away from what is weighing you down, the moment you are willing to turn your back on what is notfull-filling you and take a step in the opposite direction.  When you align with the decision to move on,  heaviness dissipates and you’re filled with renewed enthusiasm and optimism. 

Remember: Get lit! Whatever lights you up is your path. If its not a hell yeah, it’s a no.  

Heed the call. I had a jumper card happen here, The Fool, which I think is significant as a Major Arcana card, and also as the first card in the archetypal journey tarot symbolizes. So what feels does the Fool represent?  Hope, happiness, laughter, spontaneity, innocence, trust, openness and unconditional love. Do these feelings seem worth reaching out for? That’s a hell yeah!

The Fool confers upon you the abilities and tools to be able to break free from old ties and habits. You can be a non-conformist or authentically yourself in any fashion that suits you. Let go of all the censoring and self-doubt we human beans engage in. This is an opportunity for sudden awakenings or epiphanies, for freedom in truth. Look inward for your answers, relinquish fear for you are divinely guided and protected. Move on with confidence. 

4.Ace of Wands.What you can do to conserve and protect your energy.

I consider all aces, regardless of suit, to be gifts. What a great note to end on! The Ace of Wands is the gift of new beginnings increased creativity, imagination, and inspiration. You’ll have the energy and drive to invite new things, people, projects into your life. Attune yourself to possibilities and potential in all things. This is a card of adventure and opportunity. What is it that you most desire? Look for the thing that captures your imagination and excites your heart enough to risk the consequences. 

Remember:The most divine and holy work we can do is to meet and release our fear.

Go forth into the next lunar phase knowing some things will  end and go, others will come. This is all timely and you are DIVINELY equipped to meet any and all challenges head on!

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
- Helen Keller

Healing the Root Chakra through awareness, affirmation, crystals, essential oils and other alternatiHealing the Root Chakra through awareness, affirmation, crystals, essential oils and other alternatiHealing the Root Chakra through awareness, affirmation, crystals, essential oils and other alternatiHealing the Root Chakra through awareness, affirmation, crystals, essential oils and other alternatiHealing the Root Chakra through awareness, affirmation, crystals, essential oils and other alternati

Healing the Root Chakra through awareness, affirmation, crystals, essential oils and other alternative healing methods …

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Air signs need to be extra aware of keeping their root chakras in balance. Especially those whose charts are air-heavy. Airier people will find it harder to stay grounded, and if they don’t pay attention, they can easily float away into the clouds. Remember to stay conscious of every part of your body that comes in contact with the earth, my lil air friends. Keep both feet on the ground ✨


Grounding | Earth Star Chakra | Primal

My favourite quality is that this stone teaches you to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. It is a settling and nurturing stone that connects us with a sense of homeliness. It gives us a connection to plants and animals and guides us to learn from working in harmony with them. Cleanse with Earth, as it is a strong grounding stone. 

  • Grounding & Anchoring Stone
  • Raises Vibrations during Meditation
  • Neutralizes Negative Vibrations
  • Blocks Geopathic Stress
  • Relieves fear & Lifts Depression
  • Promotes Positive & Pragmatic Thought
  • Relieves Pain & Cramps
  • Aids acceptance of the Physical Body
  • Earth Star Chakra
  • Awakens Primal Self
#smokey quartz    #crystals    #gemstones    #minerals    #nature    #healing    #chakras    #plants    #grounding    #quartz    #protection    #chakra healing    #new age    #spiritual    #crystal grids    #root chakra    #base chakra    #harmony    #kaunocrystals    #alternative healing    #earth star chakra    

Music: Medicine for the Soul

Music communes with the human soul in more ways than one can imagine. Do you ever wonder why certain songs resonate with you more powerfully than others? It is because that music is on the same vibrational level as your soul!

How to use music in your life:

  • Manifesting

Put your intent into the song and watch your desired life unfold before your eyes!

  • Spellcasting

Incorporating songs with high vibrations into your spells or making elixirs can amplify their desired effect

  • Alignment

Use music, particularly sounds, to align your body and soul. Each chakra has a corresponding sound, and meditation can be powerful with your favorite track playing in the background

Be well, be love, be positive!

Chakra healing tip:

If you’re feeling out of alignment but don’t have your crystals, oils, space to meditate, etc., this is my favorite practice to begin healing the chakra(s):

Envision the chakra in your body. The chakra is an energy center, and should be visualised as such! Imagine that the area is emitting light from its center, pure light and love. Imagine it warming you, healing you, bringing the chakra back to its center.

I find this method particularly helpful with the Solar Plexus chakra, but it will work with them all!

Be well, be love, be positivity!
