#ousama ranking bojji


This show is sooooooo nice!

I’m still on episode 9 but Ousama Ranking/ Ranking of Kings have done a great job in discussing how to be a good ruler and what requires to be the most powerful person in the world.

Bojji is a very lovable character and I think his tears are the most powerful thing in the show.

(Every time seeing him cry just gives me teary eyes)

Being brave doesn’t require strong muscle or genius mind.

Being brave is about getting to know your own weaknesses and accepting who you are.

This is the starting point where you can learn to be a better self, improve then evolve.

And Bojji’s tears are the proof of him being brave.

It’s dangerous to go alone, take this

who else is watching ranking of kings uwu

ALL ABOARD! Subway Master Emmet Teaching prince bojji their signature pose ( also they both Smile like :> )

Prince bojji Animation! still work in progress though

(i just love how my attempt to do the mouth movement worked)

// i used my voice to dub him ^^;


iim gonna miss these two
(im still waiting for new manga update on the mangahack tho)

Ousama Ranking x Undertale ❤

Im sure they gonna be friends cuz they both been

*Ahem*fallen down*ahem*

Ousama Ranking x Jujutsu Kaisen

(Where prince bojji and prince daida was wearing the jujutsu high uniforms!)

Bojji and kage!

they are very wholesome
