#outer banks preferneces


Type: One shout about JJ (Outer Banks)
Rating: Rated R (some sexual content)
Word Count: 4200+
Pairing: JJ + Lyla

JJ walked into John B’s house where everyone was sitting down. He took a seat on the couch as Kiara handed him a beer. He popped the top and took a sip. He leaned his head back as John B walked back into the room.

“You know Lyla is coming back today,” John B said.
“Yea I know” JJ nodded.
“Aren’t you excited?” John B asked.
“Of course but I’m not going to show it, ” JJ said.
“Why not?” Kiara asked.
“Because you know me,” JJ said.
“Uh-huh,” Pope rolled his eyes.
“Did you two leave off on good terms?” John B asked.
“Yes we did,” JJ nodded. “We knew it wouldn’t work long distance so we are friends,” JJ said.
“Until you two see each other?” Kiara asked.
“I don’t know, ” JJ rolled his eyes. “You guys can stop questioning me,” he said.
“We just worry about you,” Kiara said as she ran her hand through his hair.
“I know,” he sighed. “Lyla just texted me, she will be here in 5 minutes,” he said.

Before they could respond a truck was pulling up into the driveway. Everyone besides JJ ran outside to greet Lyla. She got out of the car and hugged them all.

“Hey girl,” Kiara said.
“Hey, you” Lyla smiled. “Pope” Lyla hugged Pope.
“Hey,” Pope said.
“JOHN B” Lyla yelled as she looked at John B.
“I know that’s not my baby girl” John B smiled and hugged her.
“Where is JJ?” She asked as she stepped back from John B.
“He’s inside,” Kiara said.
“I know he isn’t hiding from me,” Lyla said as she walked up to the porch.
“Naw” JJ came out smiling and hugged her tight. “There’s my girl,” he smiled.
“There’s my favorite person,” she said as she held him close.
“How long are you in town for?” Kiara asked.
“All summer,” Lyla said.
“Nice,” John B nodded.
“Yea,” She said as she stepped back from JJ. “So the party tonight, are you guys going?” she asked.
“With the kooks?” Pope asked.
“Yea” She nodded. “Topper asked me to come,” she said.
“We could ” John B nodded as he placed his arm around Sarah’s shoulders as she walked up.
“Hey Sarah,” Lyla said.
“Hey, you” Sarah smiled and hugged her.
“And they know I don’t go alone so they invited you guys,” Lyla said.
“Sounds fun: JJ rolled his eyes and walked back inside.
"So that’s a yes?” Lyla said.
“We will go,” John B nodded.

Later on that day they all headed to the party that the kooks were throwing. Since they were friends with Lyla no one said anything to them.

“Get drinks and enjoy yourselves, I’ll be right back,” Lyla said.
“Thanks,” Kiara said.

Lyla went over to where Topper was with his friends.

“Hey, you” Topper smiled as he placed his arm around Lyla’s waist.
“Hey Topper” she smiled and kissed his cheek.
“How long are you back for?” Topper asked.
“All summer” she nodded as she took a drink from the table.
“Nice” Topper smiled as they both took a sip from their drinks.
“Yeah maybe I get to spend more time with you,” She said.
“Oh really?” Topper looked at her.
“Yea, I would love to be around you guys more” she nodded. “But you guys seriously got to be nice to my friends,” she said.
“Of course,” Topper nodded.

Back where JJ and the gang were at. Everyone could tell that just watching Lyla with Topper was making JJ jealous. He tried to stay calm and took a few sips of his drink. Just watching them made his blood boil, he wanted Topper’s hands off of her.

“You need to calm down,” John B said.
“He needs to stop touching her,” JJ said as his eyes were glued to them.
“She’s friends with them,” Kiara said. “Come on, let’s go down to the beach,” she said.
“He needs to BACK OFF,” JJ said.
“JJ comes on,” John B said as he grabbed JJ’s arm.
“No, I’m going to kick his ass” JJ pulled from John B and walked over to where Lyla and Topper were. “Back off,” he said.
“JJ” Lyla looked at him.
“Can’t help it she wants to hang out with me” Topper said as he pulled Lyla closer to him.
“She doesn’t!” JJ said. “Come on Lyla,” he said.
“Calm down JJ,” Lyla said.
“And what are you going to do about it?” Topper said as he stepped to JJ.
“I’ll kick your ass,” JJ said.
“JJ STOP NOW,” Lyla said as she got between them.
“Oh, I know this joke isn’t talking,” Rafe said as he walked up.
“Mind your business,” JJ said. “I’m talking to this asshole,” JJ said.
“JJ stop” Lyla grabbed his hand. “Walk away NOW,” Lyla said.  
“Yea listen to her before you get your ass handed to you,” Rafe said.
“Shut your mouth,” John B said as he walked up.
‘Oh so now this is a thing now?“ Topper said. "Threatening us at our party?” he crossed his arms.
“STOP,” Lyla said. “JJ look at me” she placed her hand on his chest.
“You put your hand on her again, I’ll make it a personal threat,” JJ said as he walked away.
“You better get your boy in check, if you want us to hang out more” Topper said as he looked at Lyla.
“What?” JJ turned and walked back to Topper and punched him.

Of course, John B and Pope jumped in and there was a huge fight. Lyla got caught in the middle and the police were called. Finally, everyone separated it, John B took JJ back to his place. Topper and Rafe ended the party and went back to their place. Lyla went down to the beach and just sat there, watching the waves crash over.

“CALM DOWN NOW,” John B said as he pushed JJ into the house.
“Where is she?” JJ asked.
“I don’t know but she got hurt, YOU need to calm down,” John B said.
“Wait who hurt her?” JJ asked as he spits out blood.
“I don’t know but you need to calm down” John B sighed.
“No where is she?” he asked as he grabbed a towel. Wiping his mouth off.
“I don’t know JJ,” John B said.
“She’s down at the beach,” Sarah said as she walked in.

He rushed down to the beach and searched for her. He finally found her sitting on the beach, he ran over to her. He sat down next to her, trying to slow his breathing down.

“I’m sorry,” he said.
“Why did you pick a fight?” she asked.
“I-I don’t know” he looked away.
“JJ what’s going on?” she asked.
“I guess I got jealous” he admitted. “I’m still in love with you,” he said.
“And you couldn’t just tell me?” she said.
“Since we ended things, I just” he took a deep breath in. “I didn’t want to make you feel bad,” he said.
“JJ look at me,” she said as she grabbed his chin, turning him to her. “JJ you are bleeding” she sighed as she took the towel out of his hand.
“I’m sorry,” he said as he looked at her.
“Come here” she moved closer to him and placed the towel over his lip.
“Are you hurt?” he asked as he looked her over to make sure she wasn’t bleeding.
“No, I just got pushed,” she said.
“Ok” he nodded as he breathed out.
“You need ice,” she said.
“I’ll be alright,” he said. “I’m sorry Lyla,” he said as he grabbed her hand.
“Talk to me JJ,” She said. “I still care about you” she looked at him. “I’m still in love with you,” She admitted.
“You are?” he asked.
“Yes, just a long-distance wouldn’t work,” she said.
“I know,” he said.
“But I still love you” she moved closer to him. “And I don’t want you to get hurt,” she said.
“I love you” he wrapped his arm around her, pulling him onto his lap.

She leaned in and rested her forehead against his. He placed his hands on her sides as he looked at her. She leaned in slightly allowing her lips to touch his. Waiting for his response but it doesn’t take long as he kisses her. Placing his hand against her neck, brushing his thumb against her cheek as he kisses her. She grabs his shirt to keep him close as she keeps the kiss. They could hear the group cheering for them in the distance. JJ flipped them off but didn’t pull away from her. She smiled against his lips as she gently pulled away from him. Gently resting her forehead against his as he looked at her.

“I want this summer to be fun and full of love,” she whispered.
“Of course” he smiled as he brushed her hair out of her face.
“I know you’ll make it fun,” she smiled.
“You know me all too well” he leaned up and kissed her softly.
“Come on, let’s get you that ice,” she said as she stood up, reaching for his hand.
“Alright,” he chuckled as he got up, grabbing her hand.

They made their way back up to John B’s house. He sat down on the couch as she got ice for him. She sat on his lap and held the ice on his head. He placed his arm around her, to keep her close. She kept him up mainly all night just to make sure he didn’t have a concussion. At nearly 4 am they both ended up falling asleep, she snuggled close to him. Feeling him breathing and hearing his heartbeat was what she needed to fall asleep. Later on, he woke up and got up gently to make sure she didn’t wake up. He went to the kitchen and got something to eat. He went out back and found John B asleep in the hammock. JJ went and shook the hammock to wake John B up. It ended up flipping John B out and JJ couldn’t help but laugh.

“What the hell” John B said as he rubbed his face.
“The wind,” JJ laughed.
“Uh-huh,” John B said as he stood up, brushing the dirt off of him.
“Why did you sleep out here?” JJ asked.
“It was nice outside so why not,” John B said.
“True,” JJ said.
“So you and Lyla?” John B asked.
“You know she’s my weakness” JJ smiled to himself at the thought of her.
“Yea we know,” John B said. “But why the fight?” he asked.
“I got jealous,” JJ shrugged. “I’m sorry you got involved,” JJ said.
“I wouldn’t let you fight alone,” John B said.
“I know, and I’ll do the same,” JJ nodded.
“Oh everyone knows,” John B said as he looked at JJ.
“Oh hush” JJ pushed John B. “I’m going to take her out to breakfast,” he said.
“You know where the shower is,” John B joked.

JJ rolled his eyes and went into the house. He jumped into the shower as Lyla started to wake up. John B told her that JJ was in the shower. She smiled to herself before she slipped into the bathroom. She took off her clothes and got into the shower behind JJ. She placed her hands over his eyes, he jumped before he realized who it was. He smiled and turned to face her, placing his arms around her. He leaned down and kissed her softly as he pulled her under the water. She smiled against his lips before pulling away, grabbing the soap.

“So you want to get slippery,” he smirked.
“Of course” she smiled as she rubbed his chest with the soap.
“It’s better when it’s slippery” he started to rub her down with soap as well.
“You know what you do to me” she whispered in his ear, guiding his hand down between her legs.
“Oh I know” he whispered, nibbling her ear.
“JJ” she moaned.
“That’s my girl,” he said as his hand found her center, rubbing her softly.

The hot water wasn’t the only thing fogging up the mirror. Once they were finished in the shower they got ready to go out to eat. John B and Sarah tagged along as well. They went down to one of their favorite cafes. Sarah and Lyla went to get a table as the guys ordered their food and drinks. JJ and John B returned to the table, JJ slipped in beside Lyla as John B did with Sarah. JJ pulled Lyla closer to him, resting his hand on her leg. She smiled and leaned into him, resting her hand over his.

“So I was thinking after we eat, we hit the water,” Lyla said.
“A perfect day” John B smiled.
“Yea perfect” JJ said.
“Well anything is perfect with you” she smiled as she looked at JJ.
“You two are perfect together,” Sarah said.
“She’s my everything,” JJ said as he looked into Lyla’s eyes.
“My everything” she whispered.

The food finally arrived and everyone was quiet. Just focus on eating and after they finished they left. Lyla left the group to go back to her parent’s house. She changed into her bikini and put a cover-up over it. Her mom walked into her room.

“Hey where have you been?” her mom asked.
“With the crew,” Lyla said.
“Back with that boy?” her mom asked.
“Yes, I am,” Lyla said as she sat down.
“You know what happened last time,” her mom said.
“I know,” she nodded.
“You ended things because of the long distance to help his ego but you know the truth,” her mom said.
“I know mom,” Lyla sighed. “And I still love him,” she spoke softly.
“I’m sure you think you do but he’s never going to be the one,” her mom said.
“You never know,” Lyla said.
“I don’t want to see you wrecked over this guy again” her mom sat beside her.
“I know mom and things won’t be the same,” Lyla nodded.
“Alright, well have fun” Her mom sighed as she stood up.
“I will,” Lyla said as she grabbed her bag.

She rushed out of the house and went down to the water. JJ helped her up on the boat as everyone was just waiting for her. They pushed off and they were out on the water. They stayed out on the water all day enjoying the weather. Blasting music and having drinks, enjoying each other.

“So who’s up for a treasure hunt?” John B asked.
“Are you still on that? about your dad?” Lyla asked.
“Yea, I know he would want me to pick up where he left off” John B nodded.
“So what do we have to do?” JJ asked.
“Follow clues and figure it out,” John B said. “I have a map and a few clues,” John B said.
“Well don’t hide them, show us,” Lyla said.
“You guys are game?” John B asked surprised.
“Yes of course,” JJ smiled.
“Yea, so are you going to show us or what?” Lyla said.

John B showed them the map and everything that he had.

“Ok, so the gold is buried in a well” Lyla said as she looked over the map.
“Wait what?” John B asked.
“It’s buried under a well,” Lyla said. “Just got to figure out where,” Lyla said.
“Wow,” JJ said as he looked over the map.

All of a sudden the boat shifted forward and threw everyone down. JJ and Lyla were thrown over the water. She came up to the surface at the same time as he did. He noticed something in the water, it was a boat.

'Hey there is a boat down here" JJ said.
“Probably from the storm,” Lyla said.
“Yea probably, are you ok?” he asked as he swam to her.
“Yea I’m ok,” she said.
“A boat?” John B asked.
“Yea a boat” JJ said.
“We could explore it,” Lyla said.
“Sounds fun,” JJ smiled.

They went under the water and went under the boat. Coming up to the surface for quick air before going back down to explore the boat. JJ found a few things that he thought John B would be interested in. Placing them in his pockets as he grabbed Lyla. She swam to him, wrapping her arms around him. He leaned in and kissed her under the water. She smiled against his lips before kissing him back. They went swimming from the boat to the surface but she got caught under the boat. The weight of the water made the boat shift and it started sinking lower. Her shirt was caught and she panicked trying to get free. Since the boat was sinking she couldn’t swim back inside to get air. She was trapped under the water.

“John B I got a few things I think you’ll like,” JJ said.
“JJ where is Lyla?” John B asked.
“She should be right behind me,” he said as he turned. “LYLA” He yelled.
“I think she might be trapped,” John B said.
“Hold on baby I’m coming,” JJ said as he jumped back into the water.

He swam further down as the boat was sinking. He found her and got her untrapped and helped her back to the surface. He swam back to the boat with her, helping her back onto the boat. John B grabbed her and laid her on the deck. JJ moved over top of her as he started doing compressions. He leaned down and gave her a breath before doing compressions again.

“Come on, I just got you back” he cried out.

He continued to do CPR hoping that she would wake up. Finally, she started to spit up water, gasping for air. JJ moved her to her side so she could breathe and not drown in the water. She finally sat up looking around confused. JJ wrapped a towel around her and wrapped his arms around her. Bringing her close to him as she held onto him. John B looked over the things JJ brought up to the surface. A few of the things belonged to his dad and he tried to figure out what they meant. They went back to the shore and called it a night. JJ wouldn’t let Lyla leave his side, he kept her close to him. They fell asleep at John B’s house as they normally do on a summer night. Throughout the summer they got closer to finding the treasure. It wasn’t all they did though, they would have bonfires and go to beach parties. Spend time in the water, learning how to surf.

“JJ can I ask you something?” Lyla asked as she sat next to him.
“Go for it,” he said.
“Take me dancing?” she looked at him.
“Wait what?” he asked.
“Take me dancing,” she smiled.
“Line dancing?” he asked.
“Sure why not” she chuckled slightly.
“I know a place, it’s a little ways away from here but I’ll take you,” he said.
“Sounds fun,” she said.
“Tonight?” he asked.
“Sure” she leaned over and kissed him softly.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. She gently pulled away and looked at him. Brushing the hair out of his face she leaned down and kissed him again. He smiled against her lips and kept the kiss. She pulled away and left John B’s house and went back to hers. She was getting ready for the night when she heard someone enter the house.

“You’re not welcome here boy,” her father said.
“I’m here to pick up Lyla,” JJ said.
“You heard me, you’re not welcome here,” her father said.
“I’ll wait outside,” JJ nodded.
“What point of you’re not welcome here DON’T you get. you’re not taking my daughter anywhere” her father said.
“Ok sir” JJ rushed out the door.
“Cheating bastard, you lucky you’re alive,” her father said as he followed JJ outside.
“What?” JJ asked.
“You broke my daughter’s heart when she saw you with that whore down the street,” her father said.
“DAD STOP!” Lyla ran out, getting between her father and JJ.
“Is that true Lyla?” JJ asked.
“We can talk about it,” Lyla said.
“Is that why you left?” JJ asked.
“We will talk about it later,” Lyla said as she got her dad to go back into the house.

JJ got into his truck and started to drive away. Lyla ran after him but it was no use, JJ was pissed and there was no stopping him. She sighed and went back into the house. Tears built up in her eyes as she looked at her father.

'YOU had no right to do that!“ Lyla said. "Who I DATE doesn’t concern you” she crossed her arms.
“You don’t talk to me like that, ” her father said.
“I will when you treat me like a CHILD, I’m not a child anymore,” She said.
“This is my house! My Rules” her father said.
“Well you can shove them up your ass,” she said. “I’m out of here,” she said as she left the house, slamming the door behind her.

As she walked down the street the tears slipped from her eyes onto her cheeks. Kiara drove up behind her, honking her horn to get her attention. Lyla turned around thinking it was JJ but she was relieved it was Kiara. Lyla got into the car and they drove back to John B’s place.

“Is JJ here?” Lyla asked.
“No he hasn’t come back, I thought he was with you,” John B said.
“It was a big fight at my place” she sighed. As she said those words JJ pulled up in his truck.
“Is Lyla here?” JJ asked out the window.
“She’s in Kiara’s car,” John B said. JJ got out of the car and walked over to Kiara’s car, opening the door where Lyla was.
“We need to talk in private,” JJ said.
“Yea,” Lyla said as she fought back tears. He offered his hand and she took it. He led her to the boat so they could be alone.
“Ok, so did you see me with that girl?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said.
“And you thought I cheated?” he asked. “Is that why you left?” He looked at her.
“Yes,” she looked down.
“I didn’t cheat on you that night, I was blowing off steam but never did it go anywhere with her,” JJ said.
“Ok,” Lyla said.
“Look at me,” JJ said as he tilted up her chin.
“I’m sorry JJ,” she said as the tears slipped out of her eyes.
“Hey none of that” JJ said as he hugged her to his chest. “We just have to figure this out,” he said.
“I thought you cheated so I broke things off and left” she sighed. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she said.
“I wish you would have talked to me about this before you left” he cupped her cheeks. “I would never hurt you,” he said.
“I love you JJ” she whispered.
“I love you,” he said as he leaned down and kissed her softly.
“Now come on, we have a date” he smiled softly.
“You still want to go line dancing with me?” she asked.
“Of course,” he said as he offered her his arm.

She grabbed his arm and he led her back to his truck. He invited the whole crew and they were down to try something new. They all got into JJ’s truck and they were off to the town over. They arrived at the place and JJ got out of the truck and rushed over to open Lyla’s door. She grabbed his hand and they all went in. Of course, they did not know how to line dance but they sure had fun learning.

“You have to go the other way, JJ,” she laughed.
“Nope,” he said as he grabbed her hand, spinning her right into his arms.
“Oh I like that,” she smiled.
“I knew you would,” he leaned down and kissed her.

As the drinks were flowing the good times were picking up. They stayed in a hotel room that night so there was no risk of getting into an accident. The next day they drove back into town and started the treasure hunt back up. They figured out where the treasure was at but unfortunately, someone beat them to it. The summer was coming to an end and September was there before they knew it. JJ was scared that he was going to lose Lyla again.

“So what’s your plan now that it’s September?” JJ asked.
“Well,” she took a deep breath in. “I got a job and I lined up an apartment,” she said. “I’m staying” she looked at JJ.
“You’re staying?” He looked at her. “for real?” he asked.
“Yes for real,” she smiled.
“Oh my god,” he said. He picked her up and spun her around, placing her back on her feet as he kissed her.
“What’s the good news?” John B asked.
“I’m staying,” Lyla said.
“Well welcome home” John B smiled and hugged her.

She didn’t know what the future held for JJ and her but she wanted to see where it would go. She patched things up with her parents but made sure they knew they couldn’t make decisions for her. This was her home and she wanted to stay, plus they had to figure out where the treasure was. Plus it was nice that she had her place to call hers and JJ could stay for as long as he wanted to. Which was all the time, he never wanted to go anywhere else besides being at home with her.
