#outerbanks writing


Type: One shot | Imagine about JJ from Outerbanks
Trigger Warning: Sickness (Leukemia) 
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4500+
Paring: JJ + Jordan

She shuffled in the bed, getting tangled up in the sheets. She started to wonder where she was so she slowly started to open her eyes. She realized she was at John B’s house. She turned her head and laid it back on the pillow. She saw JJ laying next to her asleep. She ran her hand through his hair, pulling the blanket over him.

“Seriously when are you two getting together?” John B asked as he walked by.
“Oh hush it,” she said.
“I’m serious,” John B said.
“We are just friends,” she said.
“Uh-huh Jordan” John B rolled his eyes.

She rolled back over and sat up in bed. Running her hand through her hair as JJ started to wake up.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Jordan said.
“Morning,” JJ said in his raspy voice. He sat up in the bed as well, stretching his arms.
“I’m going home to catch a shower and get something done,” Jordan said.
“See you later,” John B said.
“Are you coming tonight?” JJ asked as he grabbed her hand as she got up.
“Yea I will,” Jordan said as she looked back at him.
“Good, see you tonight,” JJ smiled.

She grabbed her things and slipped on her shoes before heading out. JJ got up and poured himself a cup of coffee, leaning against the counters.

“What’s that look for?” JJ asked as he took a sip from his cup.
“When are you going to tell her?” John B asked.
“What?” JJ looked at him.
“That you are in love with her,” John B said.
“I don’t know, it wouldn’t work out,” JJ said.
“And how do you know that without talking to her?” John B asked.
“We are better off as friends,” JJ said.
“How do you know that?” John B asked.
“I just do, so just drop it,” JJ said as he walked out of the house.
“Better Together,” John B said as he followed JJ. “Do you know how she feels?” John B asked.
“No, I don’t because I never asked,” JJ said.
“Ok so talk to her about it” John B. “Come on it’s eating you up,” John B said as he got in front of JJ.
“I will tonight at the midsummer thing,” JJ said.
“Alright,” John B said as he watched JJ get in his truck and leave.

Jordan arrived at her parent’s place and she saw Sarah standing there. She invited Sarah inside as she opened the door. They both went upstairs. Jordan laid on her stomach on the bed as Sarah sat down on the bed.

“Are you coming tonight?” Sarah asked.
“Yea I am,” Jordan said.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked.
“Nothing, just thinking about something John B said,” Jordan said.
“What did he say?” Sarah smiled at the thought of John B.
“That JJ and I should be together,” Jordan said.
“Because you two should be, ” Sarah admitted.
“You think that too?” Jordan asked.
“Yea you two would be great together,” Sarah said.
“I don’t know, ” Jordan sighed. “I don’t know how JJ thinks or feels,” she said.
“You’ll never know until you say something,” Sarah said.
“Yea I know,” Jordan said.

They stayed up in Jordan’s room just talking about things. Jordan always had feelings for JJ but never said anything because he was way too important to risk losing him. Jordan’s mom called them both down so they could eat before getting ready for the midsummer fling. Sarah left after eating so she could go get ready. Jordan went back up to the bathroom, getting a shower in before getting ready. Sitting in front of the mirror doing her makeup and hair. She finally put on her dress and went downstairs. She waited for her parents and then they left the house and went to the midsummer fling.

“There she is,” JJ smiled as he saw Jordan walk in.
“Here I am,” Jordan smiled as she hugged JJ.
“Save me a dance tonight?” JJ asked.
“Sure” she nodded.

JJ walked away to get back to his waiter job while Jordan met up with Sarah. They made their rounds and said hey to everyone that they were supposed to. Eat a few things and just basically waste the night away with sneaking off. They were close enough to be seen but not close enough to have to be there. As the night drew to a close JJ came to find Jordan so he could get his dance.

“Hello my lady, care to dance?” JJ asked as he held out his arm to Jordan.
“Dance with me?” John B asked Sarah.
“Of course,” Sarah said as she grabbed John B’s hand.
“My knight in shining armor” Jordan smiled as she linked her arms to JJ’s.
“Did you talk to JJ?” Sarah asked John B.
“Yes, did you talk to Jordan?” John B asked.
“Yes I did, maybe tonight is the night” Sarah wrapped her arms around John B’s neck.

JJ led Jordan to the dance floor, placing his arm around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed to the music. He pulled her in closer as she rested her head against his chest.

“So” JJ started off saying.
“Yea?” Jordan asked.
“How was your night?” he asked.
“It was good, I never really liked these things, to be honest” she admitted.
“Me either” he chuckled slightly as he pulled away, spinning her under his arm. Bringing her back close to him.
“You are good at dancing” she looked up at him.
“Maybe a little” he smiled as he looked at her.

He pulled her closer to him, as she rested her hand on his chest. He leaned down and kissed her softly. She leaned up and kissed him back. He placed his hand against her neck, brushing his thumb against her cheek as he kept the kiss.

“YES FINALLY” John B yelled out.

JJ flicked him off as he kept Jordan close to him. Resting his forehead against his, looking at her. She leaned back up and kissed him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Can we go somewhere where we could be alone?” she asked,
“Yeah sure,” he nodded as he grabbed her hand.

She intertwined their fingers together as they left the midsummer event. Walking towards the beach so they could be alone. She undid her hair and ran her hand through it. He smiled as he watched her.

“So why did you want to be alone?” he finally asked.
“I just wanted to be alone so we could talk” she looked at him.
“Ok” he nodded slightly. “What about?” he asked.
“About that kiss,” she said. “About us,” she said.
“Well I liked the kiss,” he said as he grabbed her hand again.
“I did too” she looked at him.
“Do you want us to be us?” he asked.
“I would love that but I don’t want to lose you” she looked down.
“You won’t” he tilted her chin up so she was looking at him.
“But what if” she started to say but he stopped her by kissing her softly.
“No what ifs” he whispered. “This is what I want” he brushed his thumb against her cheek.
“I want this as well” she smiled as she looked up at him. Leaning up, kissing him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He kept the kiss between them, wrapping his arm around her waist. Pulling her closer to him, smiling against her lips as he pulled away. Brushing the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. Resting his hand against her cheek, brushing his thumb against her face.

“It’s such a beautiful night,” she said.
“Yea it is,” he said.
“You are getting fired,” she chuckled slightly.
“I don’t care” he shrugged as he kept his arm around her.
“It’s only one night right?” she smiled.
“Yea and you are my forever,” he said.
“Always and forever” she looked at him.
“Be careful what you say” he smiled as he picked her up, running towards the water.
“JJ” she yelled. “Put me down please” she requested.
“Alright,” he said as he put her down in the water.
“JJ,” she said.
“I’ve always wanted to do something,” he said as he pulled them further into the water. As a wave crashed over them, they went under.

He didn’t let her go and pulled her back up to the surface. Pulling her closer to him, kissing her softly as another wave crashed over them. This time it pulled them apart, he came up to the surface as well as she did. He swam over to her, wrapping his arm around her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder.  

“I love swimming at night time,” he said. “With the moon” he kissed her cheek softly.
“Yea it is nice out here,” she said.
“But you are cold,” he whispered. “I feel you shaking” he looked at her.
“Yea I am cold,” she said.
“Come on,” he said as they started to swim back to the shore.

They got out of the water and he ran up to his truck. Turning it on and turning the heat on before opening the door for her. As she finally made it up the shore. He helped her get inside, shutting the door for her before getting on the driver’s side. She slid across the seat and snuggled to him. He wrapped his arm around her as he drove her back to her parent’s place.

“Is it weird that I don’t want this night to end?” she asked as he pulled into the driveway.
“No, because I don’t either,” he said.
“Well let’s not let it end” she looked at him.
“You’re cold and wet,” he said.
“Let me go get changed and I’ll be right back,” she said.
“Alright, I’ll be here” he smiled.

She went inside and went up to her room. She took the dress off and dried off with a towel. She put on a pair of jeans and just an oversize tee shirt. She headed back downstairs and opened the front door. JJ was standing there, he smiled and grabbed her hand. Leading her back inside and back upstairs. Opening her window and going out onto the roof, he helped her out of the window.

“We can watch the sunrise here,” he said.
“Yea, we used to do this all the time,” she said as she sat beside him.
“Yes we did, don’t know why we stopped” he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“Life” she whispered as she rested her head against his chest.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked.
“Yeah sure,” she said as she grabbed his hand.
“How long have you liked me?” he questioned.
“For a while, ” she admitted.
“Same” he also admitted. “Well really the first moment I saw you” he smiled.
“Really?” she asked.
“Yes really” he held her close to his chest.
“Same” she whispered as she played with his hand.

While waiting for the sunrise she ended up falling asleep in his arms. He held her close, kissing her forehead as the sun started to rise. He gently moved her slightly so he could get up. Picking her up and taking her back inside. Placed her on her bed, kissing her forehead once again. Before placing the blanket around her. He made his way downstairs, slipping his shoes back on.

“Good morning,” Jordan’s mom said,
“Good morning,” JJ said as he turned to face her.
“Is Jordan upstairs?” She asked.
“Yea fast asleep” JJ nodded.
“See that she disappeared last night,” she said.
“We went to the beach and then came back here to chill,” JJ said.
“Oh ok,” she nodded. “So I’m assuming she hasn’t told you yet?” She asked
“Tell me what?” JJ looked at her.
“I’ll allow her to tell you,” she said.
“Ok” JJ nodded as he left the house

JJ went back to John B’s house and fell asleep on his couch. John B and Sarah were already asleep on the bed Later on that day they were up and just hanging out in the backyard. JJ couldn’t seem to forget what Jordan’s mom said, what did Jordan need to tell him?

“What’s wrong?” John B asked.
“Nothing,” JJ said.
“Come on dude you look like the whole world ended,” Kiera said.
“It’s nothing or something” JJ looked down. “I’m not sure yet,” he said.
“What do you mean?” Pope asked.
“Jordan’s mom said that Jordan didn’t tell me something,” JJ said.
“Tell you what?” John B asked.
“I don’t know until Jordan tells me, ” JJ said.
“Well we are here for you,” Pope said.
“Thanks,” JJ said.
“Here she comes,” Sarah said as she nodded at Jordan pulling up.
“Hey, you” JJ smiled as he walked up to Jordan’s car.
“Hey,” she said as she got out of the car. Wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him softly. He wrapped his arm around her waist
“Did you sleep well?” JJ asked.
“Yea but I was sad you didn’t stay” she pouted.
“Didn’t want to get killed by your father” he chuckled slightly. “But I’m here” he kissed her softly.
“True,” she said.
“Come on, we are hanging out back,” he said.
“Ok” she nodded as she grabbed his hand, following him.

He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. Resting his head against her shoulder as they hung out. Later on that night JJ pulled her away from the group.

“What babe?” she asked as she followed him.
“We need to talk,” he said as he grabbed her hand. Leading her to a spot on the lake where they could be alone.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Nothing is wrong, well I honestly don’t know,” he said.
“What is that supposed to mean?” she looked at him.
“Your mom said something this morning when I was leaving,” he said as he took a deep breath in.
“What did she tell you?” Jordan questioned.
“She wondered if you had told me,” JJ said as he grabbed both of her hands. “Told me what?” he asked.
“It’s complicated,” she sighed. “It’s” she took a deep breath in. “I’m sick,” she said.
“Sick?” he asked.
“Yes it’s complicated and I shouldn’t have brought you into it,” she said as she pulled away from him.
“Hey,” he said as he grabbed her arm.
“I’m sorry JJ,” she said as she pulled away, walking away from him.
“No, stop” he ran in front of her, grabbing her hands. “Talk to me,” he said.
“I have leukemia” she wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Ok we got this” he hugged her to his chest. “I got you” he whispered.
“I wish you did,” she cried into his chest.
“I do” he rubbed her back, kissing her forehead softly.
“I can’t put you through this JJ,” she said.
“You’re not putting me through anything, I want to be here for you,” he said.

For the rest of the night, JJ kept her close to him. They were both really quiet while everyone was talking and enjoying themselves. JJ took her home at the end of the night and stayed this time. They cuddled up in her bed, he was playing with her hair as she rested her head against his chest. Tracing patterns on his arm.

“Are you scared?” JJ asked.
“Not really, Just more treatments and then bone marrow transplant,” she said.
“Transplant?” he asked.
“Yea but I have to be on chemo for a while before my body is ready for that,” she said. “Which will suck” she sighed.
“How many treatments?” he asked.
“I’m not sure,” she responded.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way” he kissed her forehead.
“Can you promise me something?” she asked.
“Anything,” he said.
“I want to do everything that I can do,” she said.
“We got time baby girl, you’re not going anywhere,” he said.
“Just promise me,” she said.
“I promise,” he whispered.

She drifted off to sleep, he held her close to him. He didn’t fall asleep right away, he got onto his phone and started looking up stuff. About the treatments and the transplant. The more he read the more he got scared, scared of losing her. He wanted to keep the promise to her but he didn’t want to think of a life without her. He turned his phone off and tried to get some sleep but he didn’t sleep that much. Over the next few months, things started to get rough with her treatments. It seemed like she was always sick from the chemo. On the days when she felt better, he kept his promise and did everything she wanted to do.

“Good morning sunshine,” JJ said as he walked into her hospital room with flowers. “Sunflowers of course” he smiled.
“Good morning” she sat up in her bed. “My favorites” she smiled as she grabbed the flowers.
“I know” he sat on her bed, kissing her cheek softly.
“Guess what?” she said.
“What babe?” he asked.
“Well today is my last treatment, I’ll go for my bone marrow transplant next week,” she said.
“Really?” he smiled.
“Yea” she leaned in and kissed him softly.
“Well then this weekend is going to be full of things you want to do ” he smiled against her lips.
“Wait what?” she looked at him.
“I have a cabin in the woods for us, your mother is getting it all ready for us,” he said. “And I have a few other things planned,” he smirked.
“Wow,” she said.
“I’m keeping my promise” he placed his hand against her cheek.
“I knew I could count on you” she rested her head against his hand.
“Of course” he brushed his thumb against her cheek. “I got you,” he said.
“Now I just have to get out of here,” she said. “They are getting my paperwork ready,” she nodded.
“Alright,” he said.

Jordan got released from the hospital, her mom was waiting for them. Driving them up to the cabin for the weekend, it was about 3 hours away from their home.

“Wait in the car for a second,” he said.
“Ok babe” she smiled at him.

He got out of the car and grabbed their bags, putting them into the cabin. He returned to the car, opening her door. He got her to place her arm around his neck as he picked her up. He carried her into the cabin as her mom pulled away. Placed her on the ground, as it started to snow.

“Wait, it’s snowing,” she said, stopping him from closing the door.
“Wow,” he said.
“I’ve always wanted to see snow,” she smiled.
“Well here you go” he wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.
“It is,” he said.
“Bet you didn’t have this planned,” she said.
“No I didn’t but, amazingly, it’s happening” he kissed her cheek.
“Yea it is” she rested against him as they watched the snowfall.
“Come on, I got your favorite snacks” he whispered.
“Ok” she nodded as she closed the door.

She went into the kitchen, looking at what he bought for the weekend. He started a fire before going into the kitchen. She grabbed her favorite snacks and went to sit on the couch. He also grabbed his favorite snacks and a blanket before sitting next to her. He wrapped the blanket around them both, she rested her head against his shoulder.

“So tell me more about what you want to do?” he asked.
“Well if we get enough snow I want to make a snow angel and snowman,” she said.
“Ok,” he nodded. “Anything else?” he asked.
“Maybe have a picnic in the snow but maybe that would be too cold” she chuckled slightly.
“Maybe” he smiled.  
“But right now I just want to be in your arms” she looked up at him.
“I can do that” he smiled and held her close to him. “So what else?” he asked.
“I’m not sure,” she said.
“So just a question but what is your perfect proposal?” he asked.
“Are you asking?” she lifted her eyebrow as she looked at him.
“No, it’s just a question,” he said.
“Oh ok,” she nodded. “Well I would love it to be in Paris and just something romantic” she smiled as she thought about it.
“Sounds cheesy” he chuckled slightly.
“It might be but it’s my dream,” she said.
“Well I hope I can make that happen for you,” he said.
“You will” she sat up and kissed him softly. “Because you are my forever” she whispered against his lips.
“My forever” he smiled.

That night they stayed inside and cuddled up by the fire. In the morning he allowed her to sleep in while he went to make breakfast. Making some easy but also her favorite. He snuck back into the room with the food before she woke up. He placed the tray on the bed as he leaned down kissing her forehead.

“Wake up sleepy head” he whispered.
“Go away” she groaned.
“I made breakfast” he sat down.
“You are not a morning person” she looked at him.
“I’m not but I wanted this weekend to be special,” he said.
“You are doing a damn good job so far,” she said as she sat up, stretching her arms out.
“Here you go” he placed the tray in front of her.
“It looks amazing,” she smiled.
“Unfortunately it didn’t snow that much to make a snowman” he pouted.
“It’s ok but we can have that snow picnic” she smiled as she started to eat.
“Yes we can” he kissed her cheek before returning to the kitchen.  

After she finished eating she brought the plate into the kitchen. Placing it in the sink, she started to wash the plate. He came back out and picked her up, placing her onto the counter.

“No work this weekend, I got this,” he said before kissing her.
“Sure” she smiled against his lips.
“Good,” he said as he started to wash the dishes.
“Did you eat?” she asked.
“Yea I did” he nodded.
“Good,” she said as she watched him as he cleaned up.

Once he finished cleaning up he helped her down from the counter. Kissing her softly as he pulled her near. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kept the kiss. She gently pulled away and rested her forehead against his. She felt that she was at home with him. They played a few board games before she went to the bedroom to get some rest. Reading a book as she rested, since the treatments she got tired quicker. He started to prepare for the picnic, making sure to make all of her favorites. He shoveled some of the snow off the back porch and set up some lights as well as a few blankets. He came back inside after he set up the picnic. Making his way to the bedroom, grabbed her hand and placed a blindfold on her.

“Trust me,” he said as he started to guide her.
“With my life,” she said as she walked with him

He guided her outside and got behind her. Undoing the blindfold, placing his hand on her hips.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.
“All for you” he smiled.
“Thank you JJ’ she turned to look at him. "Thank you for everything,” she said.
“No problem,” he said as they sat down.
“I appreciate you,” she said as she started to eat.
“It’s because I love you,” he said, realizing that it was the first time saying those words.
“I love you” she looked at him.
“You do?” He looked at her.
“Of course I do,” she smiled as she leaned over, kissing him softly.  
“I love you” he smiled as he said those words. “Here,” he placed a strawberry against her lips.
“I love you,” she said before taking a bite out of the strawberry. “Kind of sour,” She said.
“Sorry,” he said. “So I have something for you,” he said.
“This is enough JJ,” she said.
“I know but one more thing,” he said as he pulled out a ring box.
“I thought you ” she started off saying before he placed his finger over her lips.
“It’s not that, just a promise to one day take you to Paris and give you what you dream of,” he said.
“JJ” she looked at him.
“Just a promise I want to keep” he nodded as he showed her the ring.
“A promise till forever” she smiled as he slipped the ring on her finger.
“Yea a promise until forever” he smiled as he leaned in kissing her softly.

They finished eating and he cleaned up as she went inside. Making a fire while he cleaned up, snuggling into a blanket to get warm. He finished cleaning up and came over to the couch. Cuddling with her as they enjoyed the rest of their night by the fire.

“JJ?” she asked.
“uh?” he said.
“I’ll love you forever,” she said. “I want you to know that,” she said.
“I know and I’ll love you forever,” he said as he kissed the top of her head.
“Our forever,” she said as she started to drift off to sleep.

The way she was leaning against JJ he knew something was wrong. He started to shake her, trying to wake her up but she wasn’t waking up. He called 911 while trying to get her to wake up, she was barely breathing. He laid her on the ground, checking her airway and her heartbeat. It seemed like forever but finally, the ambulance arrived, and while on the way to the hospital he called her parents. Once they got to the hospital they rushed her back and JJ was left in the waiting room. Minutes seemed like hours while hours felt like days. John B and Sarah rushed to the hospital to be with JJ.  Her parents were there waiting with JJ, it seemed like it was taking forever. JJ would perk up every time a doctor entered the waiting room but it was never any news about Jordan. He sunk in the chair, placing his head in his hands. John B was on one side of JJ as Sarah was on the other side, trying to keep JJ as calm as possible. Finally, a doctor came out and this time it was an update on Jordan. Her parents went with the doctor to talk in private.

“Wait, I need to know,” JJ said as he stood up.
“We will be right back,” Jordan’s mom said as they went into another room.
“Why aren’t they telling me anything?” JJ asked.
“They will,” Sarah said. “Remember this is their daughter as well,” Sarah said.
“Yea they need to be told first but they will tell you,” John B said.

JJ sat back down and placed his head back down in his hands. Once again it seemed like forever before they came back out.
