#outerbanks imagines


mother’s day (stepdad!rafe imagine)

read other stepdad!rafe here

this was officially your 4th mother’s day now and your first mother’s day not alone (besides jake). 

you hadn’t expected to wake up hearing jake’s giggles echo through the house. normally, you always joke up before jake as you had your alarm set. 

you looked at the clock and saw it was nearly 10 am, way past when you usually got up at 7. there was a note beside you in bed where rafe normally was, on it was scribbled ’to mommy

it said, ‘we turned off your alarm. come downstairs for breakfast when you’re ready. we love you. happy mother’s day! love, rafey and jakey’ you teared up and folded the note how it had been, taking it with you as you got up to put it with your sentimental things. 

after you brushed your teeth and put on a comfy robe, you made your way downstairs where rafe and jake were in the kitchen. “mommy’s here!” jake announced proudly, “did you like our note?”

you walked over and lifted him up to hold him, “i loved it baby. you and daddy did great.” you smiled at rafe, your heart content, “did you make me breakfast as a present?”

“we made cimmamon rolls, got you your fancy ice coffee and scramby eggs! also there’s presents but you aren’t supposed to open them till later.” jake grinned and snuggled into your neck. 

you looked at rafe, tears welled in your eyes, “you didn’t have to do presents.”

“why wouldn’t i? you’re the best mama i know.” rafe said, leaning over to give you a soft kiss. “besides you deserve it more than anyone.”

your hand went to his cheek and you smiled, “you deserve the world, rafe cameron.”

after eating breakfast, it was present time according to jake. he was very excited as he had helped pick some of the items.

you opened the presents first which you could not believe some of the items. there were things from a new purse, new perfume to a brand new phone. 

rafe just shrugged and said, “gotta treat ya right mama. you treat us good. isn’t that right kiddo?”

jake grinned, “duh, mommy’s the coolest so she gets the coolest presents. now card time!!”

jake proudly handed you his card where he had scribbled mommy on it, the only word he knew how to write besides his name and inside was a picture of the three of you. rafe had also had written a translation of all the lines of scribbles, ‘to mommy, you’re the best mommy. i love you. love, jakey

you kissed jake’s forehead, “thank you sweetheart.” then you looked at rafe who handed you his card. 

when you opened it your heart fluttered, there was a whole paragraph of love, but at the end it said, ‘thank you for letting me love jake and you. my life wouldn’t be complete without either of you. i can’t wait to have more babies and give jake some pals so he doesn’t have to keep slummin it with me all the time.’

you jumped out of your seat and hugged him, kissing him all over which earned a few ‘ews’ from jake. “i want another baby.” you whispered. 

rafe chuckled, “oh i’ll give ya one darlin, but let’s wait till kiddo is in bed.” rafe grinned and pulled you in his lap to hold you tight. “i love you, angel.”

“i love you rafe. thank you for giving me the best mother’s day.”


easter | stepdad!rafe imagine

authors note: i know easter is almost over but HERE

growing up, you didn’t get any of the fancy things for holidays and barely even celebrated them some years. so when you had jake you were determined to give him everything.

that became increasingly easier when rafe joined your family. if someone had thought you went over the top, you had no idea what they would think of what rafe did for jake.

he had organized an egg hunt around the island, making use of the pogues since they were your friends.

he was even making, forcing, jj into an easter bunny suit.

the basket that he had bought for jake was bigger than jake himself. and that was just the beginning of what he had planned, you really didn’t know.

you walked into the bedroom where rafe and jake were getting ready. your heart swelled as you saw them wearing matching button downs and khakis. you smiled widely, “look at my two handsome boys.”

you took a turn and kissed them each on their cheeks. jake was only 4 now.

“thanks mama. i got you somethin to wear too.” rafe said, grabbing a dress out of the closet. it had the same matching print as the boys’ button down.

“oh it’s perfect.” you grinned and kissed rafe on the lips. “what do you think, jakey? can i join the club and match you and daddy?”

jake nodded eagerly, already hyper off too much candy, “yeah! daddy said we’re gonna take a picture with the easter bunny and a real bunny!!”

you looked at rafe and he threw his hands up. you leaned down and kissed your son’s head, “go play. i’ll come get you when it’s time so see the bunnies.”

he ran out and you looked at rafe, “thank you. for making this special for him.”

“you don’t have to thank me darlin,” rafe pulled you into his arms, “just the standard with me, wait till you see what i do for christmas.”

you snorted when he said this and leaned up to kiss him, “i can’t fuckin imagine.”


drunk texts part 2 | rafe cameron


your mind had not stopped even a little bit once you had made it to the chateau and EVERYONE noticed. sarah the most.

there was a reason you liked rafe. and that was because you had always been at his house when you were little.

your mom worked for the family and she brought you because ward always insisted. so you grew up with sarah, always catching glimpses of her mysterious older brother here and there.

when you got older, he hung around a little longer, taking notice of you. he’d sometimes drive you and sarah somewhere when ward told him to and you treasured those days, always trying to think of somewhere else you needed to go.

if it was late and your mom had headed home, rafe would sometimes drive you home and he would tell you, “if you ever need anything sweetheart, i’m a call away.”

that’s why you didn’t understand why people thought of him the way they did. you knew him as kind and considerate.

even when you started dating blake, one of his friend’s, he never became hostile towards you. he just distanced himself, but every so often, that phrase would come up in your head.

and that phrase was obviously why you had texted him last night.

“yo, where’s your head at?” jj asked giving your shoulder a nudge, rocking you back to reality.

you shook your head, “worried about seeing blake tonight. i know he’ll be there with topper and those shit heads.”

“and we will beat the shit out of him if he pulls anything,” jj said while rolling his eyes, as if he was stating the obvious.

“besides, if anyones gonna pull shit, it’s gonna be rafe.” sarah said from around the corner, coming into the room.

you gave her a look so she continued, “shit’s been heated with him and blake. don’t know why. think rafe might kick the shit out of blake tonight.” she shrugged.

you wondered if it had anything to do with you or if blake was just being a shitty person. blake had a worse coke problem than rafe and he mixed that with his prescription pill addiction. he owed rafe a lot of money as rafe was always paying for their drugs and blake never matched. so you didn’t doubt that’s why he was pissed at him.

you made it through the rest of the day until it was time for the party. your stomach was in knots. you had put your hair up and put on a white tank top and a jean skirt.

when you walked out, everyone wolf whistled at you, “damn that boys gonna be sorry,” kie grinned as she spoke, “you’re smokin.”

you forced a smile, dread filled your stomach and you didn’t know which you were dreading more: seeing blake or facing rafe after that embarrassing text.


the first hour of the party was fine. none of the kook boys had showed so your anxiety was at bay for the moment.

you had been nursing your second drink, not wanting to get shitfaced and make a fool out of yourself again.

all your friends on the other hand were already plastered, except pope as he was in charge of getting everyone safely home.

you were distracted for a moment watching jj and john b’s shenanigans and when you looked up, your heart dropped. blake was staggering towards you.

you turned on your heel as quick as you could and plowed right into rafe, spilling your drink all over yourself, “shit shit shit.”

tears welled in your eyes as you were in a white tank top that was now covered in red jungle juice, rafe looked down, angry at first, but when he saw it was you, his expression softened, “c’mere sweetheart,” he said, ushering you away from the crowds to the side area and away from blake.

when you got there, you lost it. tears spilled from your eyes and rafe frowned, “hey? what’s up? it’s only a shirt. you can wear mine.”

he was already pulling off his to give you to wear, “it’s not just that.” you said through sniffles, “it’s everything. and blake is here and he was coming towards me and i don’t wanna deal with him after what he did.” it was also the texts you had sent him, but those clearly weren’t on his mind.

rafe walked closer to you, shirt in hand. confusion on his face, “what did he do to you? i know you guys broke up but he didn’t say why.”

you shook your head, “doesn’t matter.”

rafe rolled his eyes, “oh shut up. yes it does. if it’s hurting your feelings, it matters to me.”

“he cheated on me with avery. and called me in the car with her. then tried to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. he was super coked out.” you looked away, embarrassed of everything that had transpired, that was only half of it, too.

rafe didn’t say anything for a moment, he handed you his shirt and looked at you, “i want you to wait here until i come back. can you do that?”

you were lost for words, but when rafe put his hand on your cheek, everything faded away. you nodded, “will you be mad if i don’t?”

“i could never be mad at you, doll, but please. just stay.” you nodded and rafe brushed his thumb over your lip before walking back towards the crowd.

part 3 coming soon!

(and tags)

A Long Day (Part 3)

This is the third and final part to the “A Long Day” Series.

Somehow you had managed to calm down during your drive to Kildare. You knew that no matter what your mom tried to do, your friends would be there for you every step of the way. Besides, staying at John B’s meant you’d be able to help him keep the place up for DCS and even help him pay rent. Another bonus is the amount of time that your boyfriend already spent there. You could transfer to their school in the fall and from there you could figure it out.

As you walked towards Twinkie, it started to rain. You smiled as you rapped your hand on the door in the ‘secret code’. You were quickly greeted by JJ, Kie, and Pope.

“Everything good?” JJ asked, searching your eyes.

“It is now,” you answered wrapping your arms around him and giving him a quick kiss.

“Okay that’s enough PDA, we are still here,” Pope joked.

The four of you sat and waited, they filled you in on the newest additions to the plan. Kie complained about Sarah, and how she couldn’t be trusted again. But again, your mind started to wander.

‘I didn’t know that sluts were allowed to wear white, she’s still hot for a pogue though.’

Why did it matter where people are from, who their parents are, and the amount of money they had? Your mother’s comments about JJ resurfaced, which led you to think about JJ’s dad and the scene outside of the police station. You allowed yourself to consider for a moment how much worse it would have been if you weren’t there.

Clearly starting to get in your head, you decided to leave before JJ noticed and asked you about it. “Okay, they are taking too long, I’m going to get them,” you explained before exiting the van.

You made your way to the Hawk’s nest only to see that John B and Sarah were joined by Topper. You sprinted up the stairs, knowing that nothing good was going to come out of this, especially since he was already upset and drinking earlier.

“You are a stupid, lying whore Sarah,” you heard Topper say as you rounded the corner.

John B, pushed him out of her face, “Just stop it, man. Leave her alone.”

“Sarah you better tell him to back off, cause I’m about to beat his ass,” Topper threatened, “I’ll drown him like his old man, I swear I will,”

“No, you won’t,” you spoke before John B could respond, alerting everyone of your presence. You pushed yourself in between Topper and John B. “You guys can go, I have my car here, I’ll make sure Topper gets home okay,” you instructed without even looking back at them.

“Y/n I don’t think that’s a good idea,” John B replied.

“I’ll be fine, just go.” As soon as you heard them start to leave you looked back at your brother, “Come on Top, you’re drunk, I’ll drive us home.”

“No, I’m going anywhere with you, you knew!” he said clearly distressed.

“Knew what Top? That you were about to do something stupid? That’s kinda a given when can can’t even speak without your words slurring together.”

Topper snapped grabbed your arm forcefully, “You knew about Sarah and John B and you didn’t even tell me. What the hell?“

Your tone softened as you realized what Topper meant, "Topper, I swear I didn’t know that anything was going on between them.”

“Your lying, you’re not my sister not anymore, you’re one of them.”

"First of all, let go of me,” you said ripping your wrist free and taking a step back. The thunder clapped again, sounding closer this time, and the rain was coming down harder. You tried to remind yourself that he was drunk and heartbroken, but that didn’t stop the sting of his words, especially following the scene with your mother from earlier. “You are in no condition to drive, especially with the storm, so hate me all you want, but I am going to make sure you get home safely. Let’s go,” you said lightly touching his arm.

“I’m not leaving with you!” he yelled, anger getting the better of him, without even thinking about it he pushed you off of him and backward and you broke through the railing. Your body made a thud when it hit the sand and it was still. Too still. Topper sobered up, realizing what he had just done. He was racing down to see if you were okay, but John B was there and he knew that he needed to leave before the rest of the Pogues showed up.

John B had said goodbye to Sarah who he had convinced to go home before the storm got any worse. He was going to head back to Twinkie when he heard you and Topper yelling at each other. He doubled back to the Hawk’s nest just in time to see you fall. He sprinted to your side, “Shit, shit, shit, Y/n! Can you hear me? Y/n!” John B slid to his knees slightly moving your head to see if he could get you to come to. He was met with a small groan. He was afraid to move you too much, having no idea how injured you were.

“Help! Someone help!” he screamed, he dug his hand through his pocket for a phone that wasn’t there. He had no idea if he friends would be able to here him through the rain. He didn’t want to leave you, but he couldn’t get you help if he stayed there. A small groan escaping your lips, and he refocused his attention on you, “Hey Y/n, wake up, come on now. You’re okay, you’re going to be okay,” he promised before looking back towards the path to the Twinkie and yelling at the top of his lungs, “I need help! JJ! Pope! Kie! Help!”

It was not long before JJ and Pope came sprinting down the path, “What’s wrong John B?” JJ yelled before he rounded the corner, “What happened?” he demanded before taking John B’s place at your head.

“Topper pushed from the top of the nest. She needs help. But I don’t think we can move her,” John B explained.

“Where the hell is he?” Kie asked, looking around for any sign of your brother.

“That doesn’t matter right now, we need to call an ambulance!” JJ ordered looking between his friends.

“My phones in the van, I’ll go,” Pope says before running off.

“Hey Y/n, can you open those beautiful eyes for me? Come on sweetheart, you are going to be okay, you just need to wake up,” JJ’s hands hovered over you wanting to shake you, but being afraid to touch you. He glanced up at the top of the nest, the severity of the situation crashing into him like a 15 foot wave. He lost whatever calm that he had, “Y/n please, I need you to be okay, please, I can’t lose you,” tears were streaming down his face at how still you were.

He barely registered John B pulling him away from you so that the paramedics could get to work. He just turned and hugged his best friend, who pulled him back towards the van. He didn’t register the conversations being had between his friends as they decided who would take your car. Kie heading towards the hospital in your car, Pope driving the Pogue, while John B tried to keep JJ calm in the back.

“She’ll be okay man, she’s tough,” John B to comfort JJ, who was on the verge of a panic attack.

“Yeah, she’s going to be fine,” Pope agreed.

“Totally, it’s not like she just fell from 50 feet, laying still on the ground completely unresponsive,” JJ replied harshly, raising his hand to his chest.

“JJ,“ John B said, trying to catch his focus.

“I’m sorry, I just- I can’t lose her,” he cried, pulling his knees up into his chest like he used to when he was a child.

"You’re not going to lose her man, I promise,” John B replied.

When they got to the hospital, they were told that they couldn’t see you or be told how you were doing because they were not family. Your mom had apparently called and told them that she and Topper were the only ones allowed to see you, no exceptions. JJ tried to explain that he was your boyfriend and how he just needed to know if you were okay, but considering the fact that your mom was one of the top donors towards the hospital, he never had a chance. He desperately made a dash to go back to the ICU but was stopped by the security guards. John B and Pope stepped in to try to reason with them, but it just went downhill from there until all three of them were being threatened to get kicked out or have the cops called.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Just ask her mom to come out here please and I’m sure we can work it out,” JK said calmly.

“Her mom isn’t here. You kids need to go home,” the nurse replied.

“What? That’s insane! We aren’t going anywhere!” John B argued.

“It’s okay JB, we can come back later,” JJ said calmly and everyone took his lead heading around the corridor.

“What the hell man? We are not leaving her here alone,” John B said once they were out of earshot of the guards and head nurse.

“No we’re not,” JJ said, holding up the nurse’s ID.

After managing to snag some scrubs from a locker room, JJ snuck around the hospital until he made his way back to the ICU. He tricked a nurse into giving him your room number and then snagged your chart on the way in your room.

When he saw you laying there unconscious hooked up to the machines, he realized that he had never once seen you look helpless before. You looked small and delicate, and those were not words he would ever have used to describe you. He took a seat beside you, daring to look at your chart. You had a concussion, dislocated shoulder, and broken collarbone. Pain meds, a sling, and ice and you should be good as new after a few weeks. JJ smiled at the words and took a moment to send his friends a picture of your chart with a text saying you would be okay. They text him back, but he chose to ignore them, placing your chart down and taking your hand in his.

“Y/n? Can you hear me? It’s JJ,” he spoke softly, “Babe, I need you to wake up,” he tried again. He stood up and pushed the hair out of your face before gently kissing your forehead. It was as he pulled away that you started to shift, taking in a deep breath before briefly opening your eyes.

“Good morning,” he joked softly. You forced your eyes open again, wincing as you turned your neck to see him better. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t move. Just relax,” he instructed.

“Where am I?”

“St. Olive’s. You fell from the top of the Hawk’s nest, but you’re going to be okay. Just a mild concussion, broken collarbone and a dislocated shoulder.”

“At least my nurse is cute,” you joked, causing you to laugh and move wrong. Apparently whatever drugs you were on were wearing off.

“Take it easy over there,” JJ said, taking your hand in his again, “You feeling okay? Need anything?”


“Yeah, of course. Coming right up.”

“Thanks,” you said after downing the tiny cup he handed you, “What’s up with the scrubs?”

“Your mom has this place wrapped around her finger and has decided that only she and Topper can visit. So I had to be a little creative in sneaking in.”

At the mention of Topper, you forgot where you were, that you were safe, with JJ. “Y/n, you still with me?” JJ asked, concerned with your sudden change. You didn’t even hear him as the events from Hawk’s nest flashed through your mind and caused your heart rate to skyrocket, leading a group of nurses to race into your room. Luckily JJ, ducked into the bathroom before anyone could see him.

The nurses managed to calm you down, thinking that you were just freaking out because you woke up and were alone. They gave you another round of pain meds and told you that you should be good to check out in the morning when your mother came to pick you up. You thanked them, and waited for them to leave the room before pulling the IV out of your arm.

“What do you think you’re doing?” JJ asked as you were now standing up looking to unplug the machines from the wall.

“If I unplug them from me the alarms will go off and the nurses will come back. If I unplug them from the wall they can’t give me away.”

“Why not just lay back down and let them stay plugged into you so that the doctors can make sure you’re okay?”

“Because we’re leaving,” you replied, opening cabinets looking for something besides a hospital gown to slip into, whether that be scrubs or your clothes from earlier.

“Y/n I don’t think that’s a good idea. Besides, it’s just one night and I promise to be here with you the whole time. Hospitals aren’t that bad.”

“I’m not worried about the hospital. I’m worried about what happens tomorrow when my mom comes to get me,” you let slip apparently not yet fully control of yourself.

“What is that supposed to mean?” JJ asked.

“Look it doesn’t matter J, I am not staying here. So either start helping me or get ready to be escorted out of here,” you say clearly upset.

JJ grabbed your good arm, his other hand guiding your chin so you were looking at him, “Are you sure you are okay?”

“I’ll be fine JJ, I promise.”

“And you’re sure you want to leave?”

“Yes. I am sure.”

“And are you turned on by me in scrubs?” he joked, making you smile.

“Oh, so turned on,” you replied before closing the gap between the two of you and kissing him.

“Okay, how do you want to do this?”

“I need clothes, I am not leaving in this. Are John B and them still here?”

“Yeah, they’re camping out in the parking lot in Twinkie.”

“Okay, call him and tell him to meet us at the side entrance in 5 minutes.”

“Okay, I can do that, and I know where we can get some scrubs. Just stay here.”

JJ left and was quick to return with a set of scrubs for you. While he was gone you wrote out a note saying that you left of your own accord, blah, blah, blah. He helped you change and the two of you snuck out using the stairs. There was one close call, but you made it out to where you were relieved to find Twinkie with the side door open and your friends waiting for you. Pope got out to give you the front seat. Everyone was asking you a ton of questions and telling you how glad that they were that you were okay. JJ explained how he managed to break into your room and how he managed to break you out. You tried to tune out the pain in your arm and ignore the growing pounding of your head.

“You okay?” John B said quietly so only you could hear him.

“I left after the pain meds wore off and before the next round started I pulled the IV out of my arm, so I’m consciously experiencing my symptoms for the first time,” you explained as you shut your eyes, concentrating on your breathing.

“Okay, sounds like we need to make a pit-stop,” he said, glancing over at you slightly concerned. He pulled into the 24 hour drugstore on his way to drop Pope off. “I’m going in to get Y/n some pain meds and an ice pack for her arm. Does anyone else need anything?”

“Ice cream?” you asked with puppy dog eyes.

John B rolled his eyes jokingly, “Pain meds, ice pack, and ice cream, got it.”

“I’ll come with you,” Pope started, “I want to see if they have any of those things,” he lied horribly.

JJ hopped out and went around to the driver’s seat. “How you feeling?”

“Oh you know I’m on cloud nine,” you say sarcastically.

“I would give you some of my stash, but Pope said it could mess with your concussion.”

“Yeah, probably not then.”

“I love you, you know that right?”

“Of course I do J, I love you too.”

“You wanna tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

“I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have you,” you answered, which was not a lie, just not the complete truth. One glance at JJ’s face told you that he wasn’t buying it. Luckily for you the others returned. At this point everyone was tired, John B took Pope home, before taking both you and JJ back to the chateau with him, where Kie was waiting outside in one of the hammocks. You knew that if she drove your car she knew. But instead of bringing it up she just brought you into a side hug careful not to hurt you.

"Everything’s going to be okay, I promise,” she whispered as she pulled away.

You thanked her before taking a deep breath and turning to John B, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

He nodded a bit confused, before gesturing for you to lead the way, “What’s up?”

“I was wondering if I could move into the spare room long term, at least until I can get a job or something?”

“Of course you can. Consider the guest room Casa ala Y/n.”

“I’ll help you keep everything straight for DCS and I’ll chip in for rent and groceries and everything,” you promised.

John B laughed at how serious you are, “Dude chill, it’s not a big deal. JJ practically lives here too,” he laughed.

The two of you walked back towards the others JJ clearly confused as to what was going on.

“Kie, can you help me grab Y/n’s stuff from her car?” John B asked giving you a knowing look.

You turned to JJ prepared to explain everything, but he beat you to the punch, “Okay, spill, I want to know everything that has happened since the last time I saw you because clearly you were upset and now…” he rambled before you cut him off.

“I got into a fight with my mom at Midsummer and she kicked me out, so I’m moving in here,” you explained, “I left Rixton’s to get all of my stuff before she tried to get rid of it.”

“Babe, you could have told me. I would’ve went with you,” JJ sighed. He knew that your relationship with your family had been strained since you started hanging out with the Pogues and how much that bothered you.

“It was something that I needed to do on my own.”

“Okay,” he nodded. “Are you okay though? Do you want to talk about it?”

“It’s weird, earlier I was stressed, but now I just feel freed. It’s like I know everything will work out now, because I have you and the Pogues,” you replied smiling genuinely.

“I love you, you know that?”

“Of course I do, I love you too J.”

The two of you went inside, where John B and Kiara were bringing in the last of your stuff.

“Hey guys, I’m going to take Kie home, I’ll be back in a bit,” John B said as he headed out the door. Kiara said goodbye to you and JJ and made you promise to call her if you needed anything.

After the two of them left, you yawned. JJ noticed and said through a smile, “Looks like its bedtime.” He was quick to set up the pillows so you could sleep comfortably beside him. You were trying to get the scrubs off to put on some of your pajamas but were failing miserably. “JJ?”

“Yeah, what’s up? Oh,” he said, trying not to laugh.

“Shut up and just help me,” you whined.

He came over and carefully lifted the shirt over your head and around your arm in the sling, he winced at bruises that showed, wishing he was there to stop Topper, who was a dead man walking at this point as far as JJ was concerned. He couldn’t focus on that though, not when you were laying right beside him. He watched you contently, allowing himself to relax, knowing somehow that things would be okay. He started to drift off, a smile still on his face.


AN: JJ Maybank x Reader. Mentions of blood, injuries, etc.

When you showed up to the chateau, tears streaming down your calm face, blood coating your hands and shirt, a fresher redder blood coming from the side of your head and from your nose and even from a busted lip, you honestly had no idea what you were doing. Your brain was not processing the pain, fear, and exhaustion. You weren’t consciously aware of where you were or where you were going. You were just on autopilot, going to the one place you knew you would be safe. The events of the past hours were no longer playing on repeat in your head, instead there was just a fog, a numbness. At this point you didn’t even register that someone came out the front door, nor could you comprehend who it was.

“Yo Y/n, we’ve been trying to get ahold of you. We’re all about to go on the-” JJ looked up from his phone and dropped it, jumping off of the porch to meet you.

“Shit Y/n what happened? Are you okay? Is this yours?” he asked frantically as he pulled your shirt away from your skin. What he saw made him sick.

“JJ?” you asked before passing out.

He quickly repositioned himself to keep you from hitting the ground. He shifted you in his arms to carry you in the house.

“John B!” JJ shouted desperately as he hoisted you up and inside, setting you down gently on the bed before grabbing the first aid kit, water, and a towel. He called out for his best friend again, hoping that he would come tell him what to do.

It wasn’t like JJ didn’t know how to patch you up. He had treated his own injuries and the injuries of his friends countless times. The problem was that seeing you in the position was not letting his brain function properly. He wiped the blood away from the gash about your temple, holding the rag there long enough to be able to see that it wouldn’t need stitches. He ran his fingers through your hair to make sure that there were not any serious head injuries hidden. He then continued to move down your face cleaning you up, disgusted by the bruises he was uncovering. He swore to himself that whoever did this was not going to see the light of day tomorrow.

He pulled your shirt off again and felt your ribs, making sure none of the were broken, at least as well as he could tell. He relaxed a little knowing that this significantly lessened the chance of internal bleeding. The bruises on your body were making him sick. He watched your chest rise and fall, allowing himself to calm down a bit.

“I swear if the two of you don’t get on the Pogue right now, I’m fishing without you,” John B called as he entered the back door.

This was enough noise to bother you, and as you tried to turn away from it you groaned clearly in pain.

“Shit what happened? Is she okay?” John B asked.

“I don’t know man, she just showed up covered in blood and then passed out before she could say anything?”

“Is she okay though?”

“Does she look okay man? Someone beat the shit out of her, I’m surprised she even made it here.”

The two of them talked for a bit, keeping a careful eye on you. John B took the med kit, towel, and everything up. JJ had grabbed some pain meds, fresh clothes, and water for you. He wanted to wake you up, to know what happened, to make sure that you would be okay, but he knew that it was best to let you rest for now.

It wasn’t until Pope and Kiara arrived with Pizza that you began to stir. The smell was the first think you noticed. Then the low voices from the living room. You opened your eyes, the right one sore and clearly swollen . You reached your hand up to your face, feeling the gauze over your temple, and lightly brushing your hand over your nose, causing pain to shoot through it.

You tried to sit up, inhaling sharply at the pain in your stomach. You felt like you were about to throw up. You forced yourself off the bed, downing the advil and water. You walked into the bathroom and literally burst into painful tears when you saw your reflection in the mirror. Your face was bruised and swollen, you could see the bruises on your throat, and didn’t dare to lift up your shirt, well JJ’s shirt.

Speaking of, having heard you crying, JJ rushed to the bathroom annoyed to find it locked.

“Y/n? Are you okay? Can you unlock the door?” he pleaded.

You couldn’t answer him. It was too much.

“Y/n please?” he asked voice soft as he held his head against the door. It was killing him to be out there.

You shifted over and undid the lock. JJ opened the door and his heart broke at the scene in front of him. You were wrecked. He wanted to ask you if you were in pain or if you were okay, but both of those were clearly stupid questions. He also wanted to ask what happened, but now was clearly not the time. So instead he gently pulled you into his chest whispering calmingly in your ear. He held you there until you calmed down.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked, pulling away to look at your face.

“No,” you answered simply.

“That’s okay, why don’t we go get some food?” he suggested.

You nodded, weirdly nervous to see your friends. JJ stood behind you the entire time arm around your back reassuring you that you were okay.

“There she is!” John B said excitedly.

“Hey guys,” you greeted as you sat down, JJ going to the kitchen to grab both of you some pizza. You took the plate he was handing you and looked at your friends. Everyone was looking at eachother nervously, which was giving you anxiety so you decided to just answer the question that they’d all been wanting to ask, “My dad owes alot of money to his dealer, I was came home to find the place being ransacked and they did this,” you said gesturing to your current condition, “to send him a message. I’ll be fine though, I’m just gonna hang her until everything blows over. So stop staring at me like I’m about to break and eat some pizza,” you say smiling at the end.

“The queen has spoken,” JJ joked, earning laughs from the group, and everything shifted into more comfortable conversation.

It wasn’t until later that night that you allowed yourself to start thinking about what happened again. You hated your dad for putting you in that position. The fact that after undoubtedly coming home to find the place ransacked and finding blood, that he hadn’t even bothered to check in with you to see if you were okay almost hurt more than your injuries. It didn’t matter that you already knew he was a deadbeat, you still wanted to believe that he cared a little. Yet at the same time you felt guilty for hating him.

JJ noticed that you were becoming agitated and motioned for his friends to give the two of you a moment. He knelt down in front of you gaining your attention.

“What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?” he asked softly.

You explained everything to him, knowing that he would understand. JJ was your person, through and through, he was always there for you. He listened and then proceeded to berate your father which made you laugh and then winch from the pain in your ribs.

“Easy there, don’t get too excited.”

You rolled your eyes before yawning, “If you don’t want be to laugh, you better start avoiding me,” you grinned.

“I don’t know about all that,” he smiled.

“You’re cute, you know that?” you asked taking in his blonde curls and blue eyes.

“Oh my gosh!” he says excitedly, “I’m the more attractive one in this relationship for once!”

“JJ!” you say before smacking him with a pillow unable to hide your smile.

“Hey guys!” he calls out to his friends wanting to inform them of his latest discovery.

You just lay back, rolling your eyes at his antics, thinking about how lucky you were to call him yours.

JJ explained his revelation, and without missing a beat John B replied, “No, I’m pretty sure she’s still got you beat.” The others quickly agreed, laughing as JJ pouted.

You looked around you, realizing something that you’d always known deep down. At the end of the day this was your family, and you wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Foul Party

A/N: This is a JJ x Reader imagine that contains potentially triggering content related to an attempted sexual assalt.

Just to be crystal clear, the decision to go to this party was not yours. Sarah had watched her dad blow himself up and then she broke up with John B, and she just wanted to blow off some steam. That is why you let her talk you into going to a kook party. You were going to make sure Sarah was okay, because that is what good friends do. You had decided that you would have 1-2 drinks right off the bat and then switch to water so you would be good to drive whenever Sarah was ready to leave. You made sure that she had JJ’s number just in case. JJ, being the good boyfriend that he is, offered to take you guys to the party. However Sarah wanted a girls night and you weren’t going to make her third wheel, especially right after a break up.

The two of you went inside, downed the first drink, poured the second, and then Sarah led you into the crowd and you started dancing with her. She seemed to be having a pretty good time and had started talking to some girls that she had known from school. You were about halfway done with your second drink and headed back to get some water when a guy knocked into you spilling his drink on your shirt.

“Hey, I’m sorry I must have got distracted by how incredibly beautiful you are.”

“Nice line, but I have a boyfriend,” you said, finishing your drink and trying to push past him.

“Understood. Let’s get you another drink, and then I’ll show you a bathroom you can freshen up in, and I’ll leave you alone the rest of the night.”

You agreed and you made your way to the kitchen to grab some water. He then led you up to the master suite bathroom, telling you that no one else would know that it was there, so he knew that it would be free. You went into the bathroom and tried to ring the beer out of your shirt. You looked in the mirror, and the room was starting to spin, which was odd because you’d only had the two drinks.

“Are you okay?” the guy asked from the door, “You don’t look so good, maybe you should lie down for a minute, I can go get Sarah.”

You normally wouldn’t have listened, but you were feeling really out of it. It wasn’t until you watched him close the door instead of going to get help that your confused mind was able to place the pieces together.

“You slipped me something,” you slurred trying to push yourself up and find your phone.

“Not so fast,” he said, grabbing your phone and putting it on the table, “everything is going to be fine Y/n, just lay back and relax.”

“Stop it. Get off me. Help!” you tried, but there was no power behind your words.

“Shh. Everything is going to be fine. Just relax.”

You tried to fight back, but your mind wasn’t processing anything. He was in the process of pulling your shirt off when Sarah opened the door. “Get the hell away from her, you creep!”

“Get out of here Sarah,” he shouted, not expecting her to push him off of you and onto the floor.

“What did you give her?” Sarah demanded.

“I didn’t give her anything, she’s just wasted.”

“No she’s not and if you don’t tell me what you gave her now I’ll call the cops, or better yet her boyfriend,” she bluffed.

“I just slipped her a roofie, no need to overreact.”

Sarah was going to say something else, but was distracted as you started to groan. She grabbed your phone, stashing it in her back pocket before putting your arm around her neck and more or less carrying you out to your car. You kept going in and out of consciousness and she was tempted to take you to the hospital, but she knew that they would ask too many questions. She was also well aware of the fact that she was far too wasted to drive, so she pulled out her phone and called JJ. She was trying to figure out exactly what to say, but didn’t have time to think as he picked up after the second ring.

“What’s up princess? Calling to get my help getting John B back?” JJ joked.

“JJ…It’s Y/n” Sarah started, the tone of her voice already scaring the shit out of him.

“What do you mean ‘it’s Y/n’? What happened? Where are you?”

“We’re in her car in front of the party. Someone slipped her a roofie and I can’t drive right now. I need you to come pick us up.”

“Is she okay?” he asked, worry evident in his voice as he was scrambling to get his stuff together.

“She’s really out of it, and can’t stay awake. But I think that’s normal. She just needs to get home and sleep it off.”

“Are you sure we shouldn’t take her to the hospital?”

Before she could answer, she heard John B’s voice in the background, “Take who to the hospital? Is Sarah okay?”

“Sarah’s fine. Y/n was drugged and they need a ride. I’m just trying to figure out if I’m bringing her here or to the hospital. So shut up and get ready to go,” JJ instructed his best friend before returning his attention to Sarah, “Sorry about that, do you think we should take her to the hospital to be safe?”

“She was drinking earlier and they are going to ask how it happened and I really don’t think we want to get the police involved or even her parents for that matter. I’ve been reading online and since there was only one, she should be fine.”

“Oh, okay.”

There was a long pause.

“Did anything happen?” JJ asked, his voice quiet like a scared child’s.

“No JJ, I got there before he had even got her clothes off.”

“Okay, John B and I are on our way,” JJ said before hanging up the phone.

Sarah refocused her attention on you, trying to keep you somewhat cognizant while making sure your pulse was still vibing. She felt horrible for dragging you to the party. Even though she had no way of knowing that this was going to happen, she blamed herself. She let her mind wander to what could have happened if she was even a few minutes later. Tears were streaming down her face.

“‘m sorry Sarah,” you slurred.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. Just do me a favor and try to stay awake,” she saw you give it a valiant effort before starting to nod off again, “Hey Y/n guess what,” she said excitedly.


“JJ’s coming. Your golden knight in board shorts will be here anytime now.”

Instead of the happy response she was expecting, you seemed to freeze up, “He’s going to be mad,” you whimper.

“Not at you. This isn’t your fault. He’ll be so relieved to know you’re okay.”

“‘m tired and dizzy.”

“I know, I know, just try to stay awake til JJ gets here, okay?”


JJ and John B pulled up behind your car in Twinkie and JJ was out and opening your door within seconds. “Y/n?”

“JJ, knight in board shorts,” you slurred without even opening your eyes to confirm it was him.

“How you feeling?” he asked softly.

“Like shit.”

“Okay, we’re gonna get you home okay?” he promised.

JJ carefully closed your door and went to where Sarah and John B were talking awkwardly.

“So run me through this, what exactly happened?” JJ asked.

“I don’t know Y/n and I got here, we were dancing and she said that she was going to grab some water. She doesn’t come back right away so I start looking and I see her walk upstairs with this guy. I figure that he’s probably showing her the bathroom or something, Y/n’s a big girl who can handle herself. But when neither of them come back down the stairs after a couple of minutes I decide to go check on her. And I find her practically passed out with him trying to take her shirt off. He claims she’s just wasted, but obviously I knew better. So I demand that he tells me what he slipped her or I’d call the police and he said he gave her a roofie. I carried her out to the car, looked it up and figured that the best bet is probably for her to try to sleep it off. I’m too drunk to drive, so I called you.”

Normally, JJ would have already been off to kick this guy’s ass, probably beat him within an inch of his life, but he couldn’t focus on that right now. “What do I need to know to take care of her?” he asked.

“She’ll be in and out of it, probably won’t remember much of anything from tonight, might become confused. Main thing you have to watch is her breathing and heart rate. It can stay in her system for up to 24 hours, but she should be in the clear after 12. When she’s coming off it, she might have a pretty bad headache or possibly be somewhat delirious. Make sure she stays away from alcohol, drugs, even over the counter stuff. Food and water will help, but she might have a hard time keeping it down.”

JJ looked slightly overwhelmed at everything that Sarah had just said. Noticing this she put her arms on his shoulders, “She is going to be fine. I’ll send the website with all of that info, just be there for her,” she reassured.

“Yeah,” he agreed, nodding his head, wiping a stray tear away. He got back in your car and made sure you were buckled in. Apparently, you had forgotten where you were or that he was there and he was a little too handsy for your liking.

“I have a boyfriend,” you said firmly.

Despite the situation, a small smile formed on his face, you never really got drunk so this was new for him. He decided it was best to keep you talking until he could get you home, “Do you?” JJ asked amused.


“What’s he like?” JJ asked as John B waved him off, letting him know he was taking Sarah. John B was going to make sure Sarah was okay after everything that happened, and then take her home. Afterwards he would drive your car back to the chateau.

You paused before answering JJ, your demeanor shifting, “He’s going to be mad at me,” you remembered what happened or what almost happened, but there were gaps and you suddenly it was like you forgot how to breathe.

You started hyperventilating and JJ immediately pulled over, not even a mile away from the party yet. “Y/n it’s JJ. I’m not mad at you. I love you and you’re safe now, I promise. I need you to calm down. I need you to breathe slower. Take big deep breaths okay. I’m right here Y/n, you’re going to be okay, just breathe.” He grabbed your hand and tried to calm you down. After a few minutes, you pretty much clocked out. He checked to make sure you were okay and then started driving again just wanting to get back to the chateau where it would be easier to keep and eye on you and make sure you were okay.

The drive felt like it was taking forever. He would glance at you every few second waiting for you to move or wake up or do something. It was agonizing for him to be sitting there unable to help you.

He was in the process of picking you up bridal style to carry you inside when you spoke softly, “J?”

“Yes Y/n?”

“‘M sorry”

“You have nothing to be sorry for sweetheart, I’m just glad you are okay.”

He propped you up against the couch and went to get you water. You were asleep before he came back. JJ settled in across from you. He was going to be there, making sure you were okay as long as you needed him. He was your knight in shining board shorts after all.

A Long Day (Part 2)

If you thought that morning was bad, the night was only going to get worse. Midsummer was supposed to be your brother’s coming-out party, but apparently Sarah had other plans which upset Topper. Knowing him, he’d be completely wasted by night’s end. As far as the rest of the party went, this one was pretty typical for you. You walked around and socialized, sneaking a few drinks here or there to make things tolerable. Kie and Pope were there, which was a definite plus.

In fact, you’d have even argued that the event was going smoothly until a familiar blonde caught your eye. Your boyfriend had showed up playing the part of waitstaff, obviously something was going down. You watched as he weaved through the crowd, only to hand something to Sarah Cameron. At that point you started to close the distance between the two of you hoping to find out what was going on.

You were about to call out to him when Rafe, Topper and his goons intercepted him. JJ took off at a sprint and you were about to follow when a hand caught your wrist.

“Don’t you dare make a scene. If you embarrass this family, I will make sure one way or another that you are no longer a part of it. There is nothing that that stupid Maybank boy can give you. So just sit here and let your brother take care of him,” your mother threatened through a forced smile.

“Seriously mom?”

She stared you down for a second, “If you go after him that’s it, your cut off. You need to learn that you are better than them. JJ is destined to end up like his dad, and you, you’re going to make some rich man a very happy husband.”

Without a second thought, you ripped your wrist from her grasp. “I’d rather be a Pouge.”

You started inside the building, grabbing a security guard and following the noise to the locker room, where JJ was being held back Topper could beat him up.

“Gentlemen, is there a problem here?” the guard asked as the boys released JJ.

“No, no problem,” Rafe answered, eying JJ.

“Sir, I’m going to have to escort you out,” the guard said before pushing him out of the locker room where you were waiting.

“What are you doing? It wasn’t his fault. He’s allowed to be here, he’s with me,” you demanded, pulling the attention of everyone to you.

JJ was stunned by how beautiful you looked, having seen you for the first time that night. He was going to compliment you, but before he could he heard one of Rafe’s goons speak, “I didn’t know sluts were allowed to wear white, she’s still hot for a pogue though.”

JJ turned around ready to fight him, when the guard pushed him back towards the entrance. Rafe and Kelce didn’t dare laugh knowing that you were off-limits considering you were Topper’s sister. You didn’t care enough to react though, and just followed the guard out with JJ. You could tell that he was getting antsy. As you walked past Pope, he yelled and told him that it was a mandatory power hour at Rixton’s and to tell Kie.

He made eye contact with you before grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the party to the protest of the guard. The two of you didn’t stop until you reached the HMS Pogue. Kie and Pope not far behind.

The five of you went to Rixton’s, Pope explained to the group what had happened on figure eight and with your brother’s boat. The JJ filled in the gaps of what went down after he got arrested. John B filled everyone in on his day with Sarah and his new plan to get the gold. The whole time you struggled to pay attention though.

Your mind was racing, everything was about to change for you, and there was so much that you needed to do. You would need to go by your house ASAP to get your stuff before your mother threw it out. You would need a new place to stay, probably with John B or Kiara. You would need all of your legal documents and as much money as you could manage. You knew that your mom wouldn’t try too much, because you were aware of family secrets that could bring her down. That didn’t mean that you weren’t stressing out. In fact it was overwhelming to the point that you went into autopilot. “I have to dip for a bit,” you said out of nowhere, “JJ do you still have my keys?”

Luckily, you had noticed your car earlier. JJ must’ve drove it here and met John B who had the HMS Pogue.

“Uh yeah,” he said digging them out of his pocket. He went to hand them to you, but one look at your face told him that something was wrong, so he held them just out of reach, “I can drive you, where are we going?”

“I just need to take care of something, please JJ,” you said close to a breakdown. JJ knew that look, slight fear behind the eyes, and he knew that no matter how much he wanted to go with you and to protect you, that whatever was going on was something that you believed that you needed to do on your own. He hesitated for a moment before handed you the keys. “Be careful, I love you. Call me if you need anything.”

You turned away him, and he followed you with his eyes as you drove off before returning to his friends.

“What was that all about?” John B asked.

“I don’t know,” JJ answered before turning towards Kiara, “Did something happen tonight at the party?”

“Not that I know of.”

“I’ve never seen her just shutdown like that,” Pope added.

“She’ll be fine,” JJ decided, trying to reassure himself more than anyone.

The four of them continued to talk for a while. JJ text you asking you to let him know you were okay whenever you got to wherever you were going, to tell you their plans for the night, and to remind you that he was only a call or text away if you needed him. He couldn’t help the unsettling feeling that was building inside him. He regretted not going with you.

You were inside your house packing up everything that you owned. You put the suitcases in your car before going in again to grab your passport, insurance, some cash out of your parents safe, etc. You walked out and stood outside of your door, knowing that it would be a while before you would be back…if ever came back.

You got in your car, looking at your phone which contained missed messages from your friends. They were all in Twinkie heading to Kildare, you decided to meet them there. Whatever they were up to would probably serve as a distraction.

Type: One shot | Imagine about JJ from Outerbanks
Trigger Warning: Sickness (Leukemia) 
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4500+
Paring: JJ + Jordan

She shuffled in the bed, getting tangled up in the sheets. She started to wonder where she was so she slowly started to open her eyes. She realized she was at John B’s house. She turned her head and laid it back on the pillow. She saw JJ laying next to her asleep. She ran her hand through his hair, pulling the blanket over him.

“Seriously when are you two getting together?” John B asked as he walked by.
“Oh hush it,” she said.
“I’m serious,” John B said.
“We are just friends,” she said.
“Uh-huh Jordan” John B rolled his eyes.

She rolled back over and sat up in bed. Running her hand through her hair as JJ started to wake up.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Jordan said.
“Morning,” JJ said in his raspy voice. He sat up in the bed as well, stretching his arms.
“I’m going home to catch a shower and get something done,” Jordan said.
“See you later,” John B said.
“Are you coming tonight?” JJ asked as he grabbed her hand as she got up.
“Yea I will,” Jordan said as she looked back at him.
“Good, see you tonight,” JJ smiled.

She grabbed her things and slipped on her shoes before heading out. JJ got up and poured himself a cup of coffee, leaning against the counters.

“What’s that look for?” JJ asked as he took a sip from his cup.
“When are you going to tell her?” John B asked.
“What?” JJ looked at him.
“That you are in love with her,” John B said.
“I don’t know, it wouldn’t work out,” JJ said.
“And how do you know that without talking to her?” John B asked.
“We are better off as friends,” JJ said.
“How do you know that?” John B asked.
“I just do, so just drop it,” JJ said as he walked out of the house.
“Better Together,” John B said as he followed JJ. “Do you know how she feels?” John B asked.
“No, I don’t because I never asked,” JJ said.
“Ok so talk to her about it” John B. “Come on it’s eating you up,” John B said as he got in front of JJ.
“I will tonight at the midsummer thing,” JJ said.
“Alright,” John B said as he watched JJ get in his truck and leave.

Jordan arrived at her parent’s place and she saw Sarah standing there. She invited Sarah inside as she opened the door. They both went upstairs. Jordan laid on her stomach on the bed as Sarah sat down on the bed.

“Are you coming tonight?” Sarah asked.
“Yea I am,” Jordan said.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked.
“Nothing, just thinking about something John B said,” Jordan said.
“What did he say?” Sarah smiled at the thought of John B.
“That JJ and I should be together,” Jordan said.
“Because you two should be, ” Sarah admitted.
“You think that too?” Jordan asked.
“Yea you two would be great together,” Sarah said.
“I don’t know, ” Jordan sighed. “I don’t know how JJ thinks or feels,” she said.
“You’ll never know until you say something,” Sarah said.
“Yea I know,” Jordan said.

They stayed up in Jordan’s room just talking about things. Jordan always had feelings for JJ but never said anything because he was way too important to risk losing him. Jordan’s mom called them both down so they could eat before getting ready for the midsummer fling. Sarah left after eating so she could go get ready. Jordan went back up to the bathroom, getting a shower in before getting ready. Sitting in front of the mirror doing her makeup and hair. She finally put on her dress and went downstairs. She waited for her parents and then they left the house and went to the midsummer fling.

“There she is,” JJ smiled as he saw Jordan walk in.
“Here I am,” Jordan smiled as she hugged JJ.
“Save me a dance tonight?” JJ asked.
“Sure” she nodded.

JJ walked away to get back to his waiter job while Jordan met up with Sarah. They made their rounds and said hey to everyone that they were supposed to. Eat a few things and just basically waste the night away with sneaking off. They were close enough to be seen but not close enough to have to be there. As the night drew to a close JJ came to find Jordan so he could get his dance.

“Hello my lady, care to dance?” JJ asked as he held out his arm to Jordan.
“Dance with me?” John B asked Sarah.
“Of course,” Sarah said as she grabbed John B’s hand.
“My knight in shining armor” Jordan smiled as she linked her arms to JJ’s.
“Did you talk to JJ?” Sarah asked John B.
“Yes, did you talk to Jordan?” John B asked.
“Yes I did, maybe tonight is the night” Sarah wrapped her arms around John B’s neck.

JJ led Jordan to the dance floor, placing his arm around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed to the music. He pulled her in closer as she rested her head against his chest.

“So” JJ started off saying.
“Yea?” Jordan asked.
“How was your night?” he asked.
“It was good, I never really liked these things, to be honest” she admitted.
“Me either” he chuckled slightly as he pulled away, spinning her under his arm. Bringing her back close to him.
“You are good at dancing” she looked up at him.
“Maybe a little” he smiled as he looked at her.

He pulled her closer to him, as she rested her hand on his chest. He leaned down and kissed her softly. She leaned up and kissed him back. He placed his hand against her neck, brushing his thumb against her cheek as he kept the kiss.

“YES FINALLY” John B yelled out.

JJ flicked him off as he kept Jordan close to him. Resting his forehead against his, looking at her. She leaned back up and kissed him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Can we go somewhere where we could be alone?” she asked,
“Yeah sure,” he nodded as he grabbed her hand.

She intertwined their fingers together as they left the midsummer event. Walking towards the beach so they could be alone. She undid her hair and ran her hand through it. He smiled as he watched her.

“So why did you want to be alone?” he finally asked.
“I just wanted to be alone so we could talk” she looked at him.
“Ok” he nodded slightly. “What about?” he asked.
“About that kiss,” she said. “About us,” she said.
“Well I liked the kiss,” he said as he grabbed her hand again.
“I did too” she looked at him.
“Do you want us to be us?” he asked.
“I would love that but I don’t want to lose you” she looked down.
“You won’t” he tilted her chin up so she was looking at him.
“But what if” she started to say but he stopped her by kissing her softly.
“No what ifs” he whispered. “This is what I want” he brushed his thumb against her cheek.
“I want this as well” she smiled as she looked up at him. Leaning up, kissing him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He kept the kiss between them, wrapping his arm around her waist. Pulling her closer to him, smiling against her lips as he pulled away. Brushing the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. Resting his hand against her cheek, brushing his thumb against her face.

“It’s such a beautiful night,” she said.
“Yea it is,” he said.
“You are getting fired,” she chuckled slightly.
“I don’t care” he shrugged as he kept his arm around her.
“It’s only one night right?” she smiled.
“Yea and you are my forever,” he said.
“Always and forever” she looked at him.
“Be careful what you say” he smiled as he picked her up, running towards the water.
“JJ” she yelled. “Put me down please” she requested.
“Alright,” he said as he put her down in the water.
“JJ,” she said.
“I’ve always wanted to do something,” he said as he pulled them further into the water. As a wave crashed over them, they went under.

He didn’t let her go and pulled her back up to the surface. Pulling her closer to him, kissing her softly as another wave crashed over them. This time it pulled them apart, he came up to the surface as well as she did. He swam over to her, wrapping his arm around her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder.  

“I love swimming at night time,” he said. “With the moon” he kissed her cheek softly.
“Yea it is nice out here,” she said.
“But you are cold,” he whispered. “I feel you shaking” he looked at her.
“Yea I am cold,” she said.
“Come on,” he said as they started to swim back to the shore.

They got out of the water and he ran up to his truck. Turning it on and turning the heat on before opening the door for her. As she finally made it up the shore. He helped her get inside, shutting the door for her before getting on the driver’s side. She slid across the seat and snuggled to him. He wrapped his arm around her as he drove her back to her parent’s place.

“Is it weird that I don’t want this night to end?” she asked as he pulled into the driveway.
“No, because I don’t either,” he said.
“Well let’s not let it end” she looked at him.
“You’re cold and wet,” he said.
“Let me go get changed and I’ll be right back,” she said.
“Alright, I’ll be here” he smiled.

She went inside and went up to her room. She took the dress off and dried off with a towel. She put on a pair of jeans and just an oversize tee shirt. She headed back downstairs and opened the front door. JJ was standing there, he smiled and grabbed her hand. Leading her back inside and back upstairs. Opening her window and going out onto the roof, he helped her out of the window.

“We can watch the sunrise here,” he said.
“Yea, we used to do this all the time,” she said as she sat beside him.
“Yes we did, don’t know why we stopped” he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“Life” she whispered as she rested her head against his chest.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked.
“Yeah sure,” she said as she grabbed his hand.
“How long have you liked me?” he questioned.
“For a while, ” she admitted.
“Same” he also admitted. “Well really the first moment I saw you” he smiled.
“Really?” she asked.
“Yes really” he held her close to his chest.
“Same” she whispered as she played with his hand.

While waiting for the sunrise she ended up falling asleep in his arms. He held her close, kissing her forehead as the sun started to rise. He gently moved her slightly so he could get up. Picking her up and taking her back inside. Placed her on her bed, kissing her forehead once again. Before placing the blanket around her. He made his way downstairs, slipping his shoes back on.

“Good morning,” Jordan’s mom said,
“Good morning,” JJ said as he turned to face her.
“Is Jordan upstairs?” She asked.
“Yea fast asleep” JJ nodded.
“See that she disappeared last night,” she said.
“We went to the beach and then came back here to chill,” JJ said.
“Oh ok,” she nodded. “So I’m assuming she hasn’t told you yet?” She asked
“Tell me what?” JJ looked at her.
“I’ll allow her to tell you,” she said.
“Ok” JJ nodded as he left the house

JJ went back to John B’s house and fell asleep on his couch. John B and Sarah were already asleep on the bed Later on that day they were up and just hanging out in the backyard. JJ couldn’t seem to forget what Jordan’s mom said, what did Jordan need to tell him?

“What’s wrong?” John B asked.
“Nothing,” JJ said.
“Come on dude you look like the whole world ended,” Kiera said.
“It’s nothing or something” JJ looked down. “I’m not sure yet,” he said.
“What do you mean?” Pope asked.
“Jordan’s mom said that Jordan didn’t tell me something,” JJ said.
“Tell you what?” John B asked.
“I don’t know until Jordan tells me, ” JJ said.
“Well we are here for you,” Pope said.
“Thanks,” JJ said.
“Here she comes,” Sarah said as she nodded at Jordan pulling up.
“Hey, you” JJ smiled as he walked up to Jordan’s car.
“Hey,” she said as she got out of the car. Wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him softly. He wrapped his arm around her waist
“Did you sleep well?” JJ asked.
“Yea but I was sad you didn’t stay” she pouted.
“Didn’t want to get killed by your father” he chuckled slightly. “But I’m here” he kissed her softly.
“True,” she said.
“Come on, we are hanging out back,” he said.
“Ok” she nodded as she grabbed his hand, following him.

He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. Resting his head against her shoulder as they hung out. Later on that night JJ pulled her away from the group.

“What babe?” she asked as she followed him.
“We need to talk,” he said as he grabbed her hand. Leading her to a spot on the lake where they could be alone.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Nothing is wrong, well I honestly don’t know,” he said.
“What is that supposed to mean?” she looked at him.
“Your mom said something this morning when I was leaving,” he said as he took a deep breath in.
“What did she tell you?” Jordan questioned.
“She wondered if you had told me,” JJ said as he grabbed both of her hands. “Told me what?” he asked.
“It’s complicated,” she sighed. “It’s” she took a deep breath in. “I’m sick,” she said.
“Sick?” he asked.
“Yes it’s complicated and I shouldn’t have brought you into it,” she said as she pulled away from him.
“Hey,” he said as he grabbed her arm.
“I’m sorry JJ,” she said as she pulled away, walking away from him.
“No, stop” he ran in front of her, grabbing her hands. “Talk to me,” he said.
“I have leukemia” she wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Ok we got this” he hugged her to his chest. “I got you” he whispered.
“I wish you did,” she cried into his chest.
“I do” he rubbed her back, kissing her forehead softly.
“I can’t put you through this JJ,” she said.
“You’re not putting me through anything, I want to be here for you,” he said.

For the rest of the night, JJ kept her close to him. They were both really quiet while everyone was talking and enjoying themselves. JJ took her home at the end of the night and stayed this time. They cuddled up in her bed, he was playing with her hair as she rested her head against his chest. Tracing patterns on his arm.

“Are you scared?” JJ asked.
“Not really, Just more treatments and then bone marrow transplant,” she said.
“Transplant?” he asked.
“Yea but I have to be on chemo for a while before my body is ready for that,” she said. “Which will suck” she sighed.
“How many treatments?” he asked.
“I’m not sure,” she responded.
“I’ll be with you every step of the way” he kissed her forehead.
“Can you promise me something?” she asked.
“Anything,” he said.
“I want to do everything that I can do,” she said.
“We got time baby girl, you’re not going anywhere,” he said.
“Just promise me,” she said.
“I promise,” he whispered.

She drifted off to sleep, he held her close to him. He didn’t fall asleep right away, he got onto his phone and started looking up stuff. About the treatments and the transplant. The more he read the more he got scared, scared of losing her. He wanted to keep the promise to her but he didn’t want to think of a life without her. He turned his phone off and tried to get some sleep but he didn’t sleep that much. Over the next few months, things started to get rough with her treatments. It seemed like she was always sick from the chemo. On the days when she felt better, he kept his promise and did everything she wanted to do.

“Good morning sunshine,” JJ said as he walked into her hospital room with flowers. “Sunflowers of course” he smiled.
“Good morning” she sat up in her bed. “My favorites” she smiled as she grabbed the flowers.
“I know” he sat on her bed, kissing her cheek softly.
“Guess what?” she said.
“What babe?” he asked.
“Well today is my last treatment, I’ll go for my bone marrow transplant next week,” she said.
“Really?” he smiled.
“Yea” she leaned in and kissed him softly.
“Well then this weekend is going to be full of things you want to do ” he smiled against her lips.
“Wait what?” she looked at him.
“I have a cabin in the woods for us, your mother is getting it all ready for us,” he said. “And I have a few other things planned,” he smirked.
“Wow,” she said.
“I’m keeping my promise” he placed his hand against her cheek.
“I knew I could count on you” she rested her head against his hand.
“Of course” he brushed his thumb against her cheek. “I got you,” he said.
“Now I just have to get out of here,” she said. “They are getting my paperwork ready,” she nodded.
“Alright,” he said.

Jordan got released from the hospital, her mom was waiting for them. Driving them up to the cabin for the weekend, it was about 3 hours away from their home.

“Wait in the car for a second,” he said.
“Ok babe” she smiled at him.

He got out of the car and grabbed their bags, putting them into the cabin. He returned to the car, opening her door. He got her to place her arm around his neck as he picked her up. He carried her into the cabin as her mom pulled away. Placed her on the ground, as it started to snow.

“Wait, it’s snowing,” she said, stopping him from closing the door.
“Wow,” he said.
“I’ve always wanted to see snow,” she smiled.
“Well here you go” he wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.
“It is,” he said.
“Bet you didn’t have this planned,” she said.
“No I didn’t but, amazingly, it’s happening” he kissed her cheek.
“Yea it is” she rested against him as they watched the snowfall.
“Come on, I got your favorite snacks” he whispered.
“Ok” she nodded as she closed the door.

She went into the kitchen, looking at what he bought for the weekend. He started a fire before going into the kitchen. She grabbed her favorite snacks and went to sit on the couch. He also grabbed his favorite snacks and a blanket before sitting next to her. He wrapped the blanket around them both, she rested her head against his shoulder.

“So tell me more about what you want to do?” he asked.
“Well if we get enough snow I want to make a snow angel and snowman,” she said.
“Ok,” he nodded. “Anything else?” he asked.
“Maybe have a picnic in the snow but maybe that would be too cold” she chuckled slightly.
“Maybe” he smiled.  
“But right now I just want to be in your arms” she looked up at him.
“I can do that” he smiled and held her close to him. “So what else?” he asked.
“I’m not sure,” she said.
“So just a question but what is your perfect proposal?” he asked.
“Are you asking?” she lifted her eyebrow as she looked at him.
“No, it’s just a question,” he said.
“Oh ok,” she nodded. “Well I would love it to be in Paris and just something romantic” she smiled as she thought about it.
“Sounds cheesy” he chuckled slightly.
“It might be but it’s my dream,” she said.
“Well I hope I can make that happen for you,” he said.
“You will” she sat up and kissed him softly. “Because you are my forever” she whispered against his lips.
“My forever” he smiled.

That night they stayed inside and cuddled up by the fire. In the morning he allowed her to sleep in while he went to make breakfast. Making some easy but also her favorite. He snuck back into the room with the food before she woke up. He placed the tray on the bed as he leaned down kissing her forehead.

“Wake up sleepy head” he whispered.
“Go away” she groaned.
“I made breakfast” he sat down.
“You are not a morning person” she looked at him.
“I’m not but I wanted this weekend to be special,” he said.
“You are doing a damn good job so far,” she said as she sat up, stretching her arms out.
“Here you go” he placed the tray in front of her.
“It looks amazing,” she smiled.
“Unfortunately it didn’t snow that much to make a snowman” he pouted.
“It’s ok but we can have that snow picnic” she smiled as she started to eat.
“Yes we can” he kissed her cheek before returning to the kitchen.  

After she finished eating she brought the plate into the kitchen. Placing it in the sink, she started to wash the plate. He came back out and picked her up, placing her onto the counter.

“No work this weekend, I got this,” he said before kissing her.
“Sure” she smiled against his lips.
“Good,” he said as he started to wash the dishes.
“Did you eat?” she asked.
“Yea I did” he nodded.
“Good,” she said as she watched him as he cleaned up.

Once he finished cleaning up he helped her down from the counter. Kissing her softly as he pulled her near. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kept the kiss. She gently pulled away and rested her forehead against his. She felt that she was at home with him. They played a few board games before she went to the bedroom to get some rest. Reading a book as she rested, since the treatments she got tired quicker. He started to prepare for the picnic, making sure to make all of her favorites. He shoveled some of the snow off the back porch and set up some lights as well as a few blankets. He came back inside after he set up the picnic. Making his way to the bedroom, grabbed her hand and placed a blindfold on her.

“Trust me,” he said as he started to guide her.
“With my life,” she said as she walked with him

He guided her outside and got behind her. Undoing the blindfold, placing his hand on her hips.

“It’s beautiful,” she said.
“All for you” he smiled.
“Thank you JJ’ she turned to look at him. "Thank you for everything,” she said.
“No problem,” he said as they sat down.
“I appreciate you,” she said as she started to eat.
“It’s because I love you,” he said, realizing that it was the first time saying those words.
“I love you” she looked at him.
“You do?” He looked at her.
“Of course I do,” she smiled as she leaned over, kissing him softly.  
“I love you” he smiled as he said those words. “Here,” he placed a strawberry against her lips.
“I love you,” she said before taking a bite out of the strawberry. “Kind of sour,” She said.
“Sorry,” he said. “So I have something for you,” he said.
“This is enough JJ,” she said.
“I know but one more thing,” he said as he pulled out a ring box.
“I thought you ” she started off saying before he placed his finger over her lips.
“It’s not that, just a promise to one day take you to Paris and give you what you dream of,” he said.
“JJ” she looked at him.
“Just a promise I want to keep” he nodded as he showed her the ring.
“A promise till forever” she smiled as he slipped the ring on her finger.
“Yea a promise until forever” he smiled as he leaned in kissing her softly.

They finished eating and he cleaned up as she went inside. Making a fire while he cleaned up, snuggling into a blanket to get warm. He finished cleaning up and came over to the couch. Cuddling with her as they enjoyed the rest of their night by the fire.

“JJ?” she asked.
“uh?” he said.
“I’ll love you forever,” she said. “I want you to know that,” she said.
“I know and I’ll love you forever,” he said as he kissed the top of her head.
“Our forever,” she said as she started to drift off to sleep.

The way she was leaning against JJ he knew something was wrong. He started to shake her, trying to wake her up but she wasn’t waking up. He called 911 while trying to get her to wake up, she was barely breathing. He laid her on the ground, checking her airway and her heartbeat. It seemed like forever but finally, the ambulance arrived, and while on the way to the hospital he called her parents. Once they got to the hospital they rushed her back and JJ was left in the waiting room. Minutes seemed like hours while hours felt like days. John B and Sarah rushed to the hospital to be with JJ.  Her parents were there waiting with JJ, it seemed like it was taking forever. JJ would perk up every time a doctor entered the waiting room but it was never any news about Jordan. He sunk in the chair, placing his head in his hands. John B was on one side of JJ as Sarah was on the other side, trying to keep JJ as calm as possible. Finally, a doctor came out and this time it was an update on Jordan. Her parents went with the doctor to talk in private.

“Wait, I need to know,” JJ said as he stood up.
“We will be right back,” Jordan’s mom said as they went into another room.
“Why aren’t they telling me anything?” JJ asked.
“They will,” Sarah said. “Remember this is their daughter as well,” Sarah said.
“Yea they need to be told first but they will tell you,” John B said.

JJ sat back down and placed his head back down in his hands. Once again it seemed like forever before they came back out.


*=smut x=romantic pairing &=platonic/family pairing


JJ Maybank

One Shots

It’s Not Your Fault

–jj maybank x fem!reader, non-con!rose cameron x jj maybank, pope heyward & fem!reader summary: for the past few weeks, you’ve noticed your boyfriend has been pulling away from you without any given reason. it’s only after you voice your concerns to him that jj finally breaks down to you about his trips to the cut. ✦ warnings: male sexual assault, victim’s denial of sexual assault, underage sexual assault, misuse of power, grooming, misunderstandings, angst, hurt with lots of comfort ✦ word count:4,000+



Collateral|Chapter Two|Chapter Three|Chapter Four|Chapter Five|Epilogue

–jj maybank x fem!routtledge!reader, brother!john b x sister!reader summary: since jj made the mistake of stealing from barry, barry has chosen you as the perfect form of collateral. ✦ warnings: torture, kidnapping, violence, blood, injuries, fighting, angst, mentions of child abuse, hurt&comfort, explicit drug use, sexual harassment ✦ word count:20k+



One Shots

Indebted to You

–barry x fem!maybank!reader summary:as an older sister, it has always been your top priority to protect your younger brother; even if it means paying off your father’s debttt by indebting yourself to outerbanks’ top dealer. ✦ warnings: mentions of hard drug use and drug dealing, drinking, mentions of child abuse, paying off a debt in a non-conventional way ✦ word count:2,000+


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