#outlast waylon


Uncle miles would be a great (?) uncle to Lisa’s and Waylon’s sons.

Fun head cannon I have is that Miles gets along great with the others’ wives to the point they go on week vacations. He gets to not listen to those nerds while the ladies have a personal demonic bodyguard ready to tear cat callers apart :)

It would’ve been a lot of fun to see Miles’s silhouette running around while playing whistle blower or maybe just hear him in the vents

mslangermann: incorrect quotes: american outlast! (ft. @sschnsucht & @walridiing) Couldn’tmslangermann: incorrect quotes: american outlast! (ft. @sschnsucht & @walridiing) Couldn’t


incorrect quotes:american outlast! (ft.@sschnsucht&@walridiing)

Couldn’t help it and drew it. Because that’s what my imagination keeps telling me to do.

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I was today years old when I found out that Blake and Waylon is voiced by the same person. How I imagined Waylon’s voice while reading fanfics was uh way off.

so waylon sounds like he smokes a pack every 2 hours??? aint no way

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