#overwatch one shot

@a-literal-trash-man I’m gonna do PostRecall!Ana, which is what I assume you wanted. If it’s n

@a-literal-trash-man I’m gonna do PostRecall!Ana, which is what I assume you wanted. If it’s not, let me know and I can write one where she’s Prefall!


Oh goodness were you nervous.

First dates were always a bulldozer to your nerves (and honesty, so was being so close to Ana). So, when she asked you out, you felt like you were completely devoid of air, leaving Ana- sweet, beautiful Ana- smiling as she waited patiently for your stuttered agreement.

You run your fingers through your hair, assessing your appearance via the floor length mirror on the back of your door.

Overall, you were fairly pleased with yourself. You think you succeeded at not to look too fancy- it was just a lunch date after all- but still dressing to impress.

Grabbing your phone and other essentials, you exit your room, as ready as you’ll ever be to woo that Egyptian beauty.

“Uh…….hello, Fareeha.” You begin, shoving you hands in your pockets in attempt to look casual. “You need something?”

She pushes herself off a wall (which you assume she was leaning on, waiting for you to come out of your room), “Just a quick talk.” She glances over your outfit. “You look nice.”

“Oh, uh, thanks.” You straighten up your shirt.

“Look, my mom really likes you,” she sighs, unfolding her arms to express venerability, “I just……I need to know that you feel the same about her.”

“I do.” You answer slow and earnest, teetering onto your heels. “I like her a lot.”

Fareeha eyes you for a moment, then she lets her shoulders droop slightly.

“Good.” She lets out a small smile, patting a hand on your back as she passes, heading in the opposite direction that you were. “She’s really excited. Don’t let her down.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”


“I think you’ll love it, I used to come here all the time when I was younger!” Ana beamed during the short walk to the cafe.

“It looks super cozy!” you comment, holding open the door to let her in.

“I can’t believe it’s still here,” she speaks softly, “ after all these years.”

She finds a table near the window, and motions you to come with her. When you sit, she’s already staring out at the few, slightly orange trees, with a gentle smile on her face.

You watch her, taking in how content she was, how relaxed she was. You always did admire her level head.

Well, you always did admire her in general. She’s is and continues to be an amazing woman.

“-order?” You jump, realizing that you were daydreaming, and turn to the waiter with a heated face, clearing your throat.

“I’m sorry, didn’t catch that.”

Ana chuckles, “He asked if you had a drink order.”

You smile awkwardly and order, seeing that Ana had already, and that she knew that you were blankly staring at her.

“So,” Ana starts, placing her chin atop her laced fingers, “what were you dreaming about?” You easily detect her teasing tone.

You pause, taking a moment in attempt to not fumble your words. “Well, y'know, a few things.” You clear your throat. “It’s nothing.”

Her humored chuckle surrounds you, “You’re bad at lying.”

You smile at her timidly. “And you’ve got a good eye.”

This makes her snort.

“Only one!” She grins tapping the corner of her eyepatch.

“Wait! I didn’t mean-“ You’re quick to raise your hands in defense.

“It’s alright, I know you didn’t mean anything.”

You hope she really does, and isn’t just saying that.

The waiter returns with drinks, and promptly takes your orders for food.

As he departs, you both sit in silence, and you pray that she isn’t uncomfortable.

Her long sigh grabs your attention.

“You know,” she begins slowly, “there has been very few times in my life where I’ve felt truly nervous.” Her eyes fixate on her mug, twisting it gently back and forth. You watch her, intently, hung on every word. “When I first enlisted into the military, when Fareeha was born, my first mission in Strike Team” she pauses, letting you soak everything in, “now.”

You’re face heats up almost instantly, but you stay quiet, unsure how to respond.

“It’s………..silly, that after all that, everything I’ve been through,” She meets your eyes, “this is what makes my stomach flutter.” Her gaze quickly lands elsewhere, away from you. “I guess you just have that effect on me.”

“Well…..I don’t think it’s silly.”

“You don’t?” Her voice carries a semblance of hope.

“Not at all,” in what may a sudden burst of either bravery or stupidity, you place your hand on hers, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a nervous wreck before this.”

“Do you say that to all the ladies?” She halfheartedly jests.

“Only to the ones as pretty as you,” You shoot back, causing her to burst out laughing, lightly pushing your arm.

“That was awful!”

“I only use the worst pickup lines!” You boast, inbetween chuckles.

She pushes her hair behind her ear, smiling wider than you’ve ever seen her smile, and it was at that point you knew you where smitten.

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I love wings! Y'all get me on this blog. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) ———— “Flying is

I love wings! Y'all get me on this blog. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)


“Flying is weird.”

“I totally agree! Well, to a degree.” Lena halfheartedly chuckled, leaning her arms against the back of a chair.

“It’s kinda hard to explain, but, I guess, it’s kinda like swimming for you guys? I mean, it’s still exercise.” You gesture around. “It’s not like I can fly forever.”

“They seem like a lotta work” McCree points at your wings. He gets a scolding look from Ana for coming off as intrusive.

“A little,” You chuckle to assure that it’s fine, “it’s probably like having really, really long hair. Extra grooming and vulnerability and whatnot.”

You hear Tracer let out a small giggle. Something that felt like she was planning something.

“I’m curious.” Tracer starts, “If we were to race, who’d ya think would win?” You could see the pure mischief in her eyes.


“GO!” McCree fires his gun in the air and the two of you take off, speeding to the finish. He raises his hat partially, to get a better view of the sky.

You were already far beyond sight. He sighs, deciding that a roof near the end would be a good vantage point to watch this go down.


All Hanzo wanted was to go out on his roof and meditate. Why were there people on his roof?

“Ah, hello?” He was hesitant to speak at first. His question coming off as more confused than anything.

“Oh, hello.” Ana rang back, “You’ve come to watch as well?”

“….Watch…?” He took a moment to check his surroundings, noticing a few others sitting on adjacent buildings. His head snaps to a noisy McCree, who was hollering at something passing on the ground, the familiar sound of violent wind approaching.

He steps back, just in time for you to swoop past him, carrying a strong gust behind you. It almost feels as though times slows as you pass, leaving him feeling out of breath.

The excitement around him makes him realize the slight trance he was in. Moving to the the edge of the building, his eyes land on the small group below.


“I would’ve won, if I didn’t have to fly against the wind for half of it!” You argue between breaths, raising your goggles off your eyes.

“You shouldn’t of been so sure of you’re self then.” Lena taunted back at you. “You know what you have to do now!”

“Orisa!” You near whine.

“I apologize, but Miss Oxton crossed the line first.” She hands you both water, her eyes twisting to further show her empathy.

You sigh, thanking her for the drink, and sulk over to Tracer. “Okay, I’m at your service, I guess.”

She jumps and thrusts a fist into the air, letting out a excited cheer. She settles down slightly, clasping her hands together, and takes a moment to think. “Oooooooo~! What do I want?”


He approaches, curiously, the sound of Lena becoming clearer as he gets closer. Is she listing things? That’s what it sounds like. You don’t seem too happy about it either way. In fact, it seems that the longer the list, the more distraught you become.

Hanzo’s eyes lock with hers. “Ah, or Hanzo!” You straighten up a bit and turn to see him; he feels a bought of anxiety flush up through his stomach from the attention.

One of your wings twitch as you quickly turn to Lena and whisper something to her. She laughs, and grabs your shoulder, using her other hand to gesture to him. She’s saying something that makes you cover your face with your hand.

You turn and face him, seeming determined and slightly flustered. Your wings stay stiff as you move in front of him, trying your best to give off an air of confidence.

“Hey, I, uh,” and there goes that confidence.

You rub your hands together and lean on your heels. “So, ya see, I lost this bet.” He doesn’t like where this is going, and the nervous chuckle makes him want to leave the conversation right then and there. “And now I gotta do all this crazy stuff for Lena. But, I was hoping you could do me a solid-”

“A solid?” He forgets if he’s ever heard that term before.

“A solid.” Your talking fairly fast at this point, trying to get the words out before the nerves could stop you. “See, she says I don’t have to do all of that stuff if you agree to help me with something.”

You take a breath. He stands, not sure what to do with his hands, and feels his stomach twist slightly.

“Go out with me.”

“What….?” Your face is red, but serious, and it takes him a moment to process your statement.

He feels his own face warm up. He turns his head away from you, crossing his arms. ‘Yes.’


“Wait, no! Please, it doesn’t have to be a real date!” Your wings spread out in defense, and you raise your hands. “It can totally be fake, like we’re hanging out!”

“…..no….” Why was he saying no? He didn’t really know. He wanted to say yes. He wanted it to be a real date. His impulse just forced him away, shoving him deeper into an abyss he did not want to be in.

Your feathers rustle a bit, your face showing mild disappointment. He watches as you nod in understanding and sigh, turning to leave. There goes his chance.

Or not.

A hand gently grabs your arm, stoping your turn. “I change my mind.” He states plainly. Your eyes meet his; showing a stern uncomfortable lining to his actions.

“I…. You do….?” He nods and watches as your wings extend fully out of excitement. “Really?! Thank you, Hanzo!”

Without thought, you thrust slightly into the air, spinning and punching happily upwards.

He watches your display with amusement as you land and promise that it will be a good time.

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