#hanzo x reader


Author’s Note: I am aware that there are so people out there that own plushies, because it’s helps them a lot, so I thought that I should write something for them! <3


◙ Hanzo may seems like he’s a very judgemental person, but in reality he’s pretty understanding 

◙ You were aware of that, but you just were ready to tell him that you own a stuffies

◙ Having them was helping you a lot, they were part of your safe space and you couldn’t image not having them

◙ You were happy to own and your friends knew you owned them and supported you

◙ You just were worried how Hanzo would react 

◙ So when you and Hanzo started living together you were completely nervous

◙ He noticed it, of course and asked about it, but you just told him not to worry

◙ Some time later, he found them in your shared closed

◙ He came to you after finding them, asking who you bought them for

◙ His first thought was that you bought them for some kid from your family

◙ You turned completely red when you saw Hanzo holding them

◙ “Those are mine, Hanzo.”

◙ He looked surprised, but said nothing, seeing how anxious you were, he just gave them to you and gave you some space, seeing you need it

◙ Later he came to you, seeing you in bed with one of your stuffies, he asked about it

◙ He wasn’t sounding like he was disappointed he was curious about them

◙ You explained the whole thing to him

◙ And he understood 

◙ “Do they have names?” He couldn’t help himself

◙ He was happy to listen 

◙ Of course, Hanzo was supportive 

◙ He even bought you one stuffie, because it reminded him of you 

◙ Because of you, he was thinking about getting stuffies too (Let’s be honest, this dude has trauma)

Overwatch Boys comforting their s/o during panic attack

Decided to write after being inspired by @sunshineistyping​ Monty one shot, I requested it and I’m in love with and it got me inspired to write this
Here’s a link if someone would like to read it! ^^
Warnings: Panic attack

Genji Shimada

⋆ Genji knows how to deal with panic attacks, because he was experiencing them when he was in Blackwatch

⋆ Whenever he was having a panic attack, he was going to Angela, because he trusted her and she was a doctor, and knew how to deal with it

⋆ He picked up some things from her, when she was calming him down, so now he knows what he should do

⋆ When you have a panic attack, he would take his mask off, so it would be easier for you to focus on breathing with him

⋆ He took off his mask and focused his eyes on you. “Hey, look at me.” He grabbed your hands, squeezing them lightly, speaking softly. “Breath in…” He took a deep breath and you followed. “And out. One more time, okay?”

⋆ Genji is not leaving you until he knows you’re okay

⋆ As soon as you’re breathing is under control, he’ll ask what happened. You don’t have to tell him if you don’t want to, he’s going to respect that

⋆ He’s going to give a hug and will ask what would cheer you up 


Hanzo Shimada

⋆ Hanzo is similar to Genji, he has experienced panic attacks, but he didn’t have anyone to comfort him

⋆ So he’s gonna a bit lost when it happens, but he’s gonna do his best to help you

⋆ He’s going to gently hold you his arms, whispering things to help you calm down

⋆ “I’m here, darling. I’m not leaving you, everything’s gonna be alright.” He murmured, kissing the top of your head, hoping it would help at least a bit

⋆ He’ll wipe your tears away, while asking if there’s anything he could for you to help you

⋆ When you’re calm and feel better, Hanzo will bring you some water


Cole Cassidy

⋆ Cole will let you play with his metal hand, so you can get distracted 

⋆ He knows a bit about them, because once saw Genji having panic attack during blackwatch times and decide to help him

⋆ He’s going to help with calming your breathing 

⋆ He can also give his poncho if you feel like hiding from the world (even his hat if you really want)

⋆ “You’re safe pumpkin, it’s gonna be okay.” He whispered, kissing your forehead

⋆ He’ll also talk about random things to distract you even more

⋆ And joking to cheer you up


Gabriel Reyes/Reaper

⋆ He may seem like rough man, but when you’re crying and shaking, he’s soft and gentle

⋆ Wiping your tears away, not daring to leave you until you’re okay

⋆ and what I mean by that, is he won’t leave you until he sees you’re okay, you can say what you want, he’s not leaving until he’s sure that everything is fine, this man can read you like a open book

⋆ Holding your hands, helping you breathe

⋆ You can hide your face in his chest if you wish

⋆ “Breathe in…And out, you’re doing great honey.” He smiled a bit, gently caressing your hand with his thumbs

⋆ Reyes is going to have conversation about these panic attack/s with you, because he what’s yo know how to help

⋆ For example, getting rid of someone or something that is stressing you out


Lucio Corrieira dos Santos

⋆ Lucio was quite lost when you happened to have a panic attack, but that doesn’t mean he would leave you

⋆ He would hold you close to him, murmuring random song to distract you

⋆ “I’ve got you, ____.”

⋆ When you calm down, he would softly ask if you want to talk about this, of course respecting if you would say no

⋆ But he’s still gonna bring up the topic later, he’s just worried about you and wants to help you


Jamison Fawkes/Junkrat

⋆ He has on idea what to do honestly 

⋆ When it happened for the first time, he was panicking a bit, because he had no idea what he should do

⋆ Right after he made sure you were okay, he went to Mako to ask him what he should do next time this happens

⋆ Mako explained it all to him, so next time you would get panic attack, Jamison would be prepared 

⋆ He did his best to help with calming down your breathing

“You’re doing amazing, mate. Just one more time.” He kept you close to him, in case you wanted a hug

master list under read more due to length, please let me know if any of the links don’t work ^-^

Genji x Reader

“I shouldn’t be in love with you.” [x]

“I could kiss you right now!” [x]

Genji,Sombra and Widowmaker with a S/O that has a lot of scars [x]

Reader watches Young Genji die with: “How long have you been standing there?” [x]

Mer!Genji,Mer!McCree and Mer!Hanzo with a human S/O [x]

McCree x Reader

Mer!McCree,Mer!Genji and Mer!Hanzo with a human S/O [x]

McCree meet-cute in the season of Fall/Autumn [x]

McCreeand Reaper reacting to their S/O being held hostage [x]

McCree,Junkrat, Hanzo and Lúcio reacting to your baby being born with a cleft lip [x]

McCree,Reaper, Soldier76 and Junkrat reacting to their shy S/O dancing around their bathroom [x]

McCreeand Hanzo reacting to their S/O finding the ring they were planning to propose with [x]

McCree,Tracer and Hanzo comforting a depressed S/O [x]

McCree,Hanzo and Soldier76 reacting to their S/O becoming a parental figure to Efi [x]

McCree reacting to a female S/O who lets the airship leave without her to take on a dangerous solo mission [x]

“I’m flirting with you.” with a painfully oblivious S/O [x]

“Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say that I love you.” [x]

“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.” [x]

“I could kiss you right now!” [x]

Road trip headcanons [x]

McCree with a S/O that is uncomfortable with pet names [x]

McCree,Soldier76 and Reaper catching a S/O wearing their clothes [x]

McCree with a shy S/O that speaks so softly people can’t usually hear [x]

McCree with a S/O who uses dog commands on him [x]

McCreeand Hanzo comforting a depressed reader with self-image issues [x]

Imagine seeing McCree and Gabriel for the first time in person after a long-distance relationship [x]

McCree,Sombra and Soldier76 reacting to a new agent who specialises in cute disguises [x]

McCree,Sombra, Soldier76 and Hanzo with a S/O that takes them indoor skydiving [x]

Pharah x Reader

“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.” [x]

Reaper/Gabriel Reyes x Reader

Reaper and S/O get ready for a Halloween costume party [x]

Reaperand McCree reacting to their S/O being held hostage [x]

Reaper with a small S/O who wears a lot of pastel dresses [x]

Imagine seeing Gabriel and McCree for the first time in person after a long distance relationship [x]

^ Part Two in which the reader gets flustered by Gabriel’s voice [x]

Reaper,McCree, Soldier76 and Junkrat reacting to their shy S/O dancing around their bathroom [x]

“I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.” [x]

Reaper with a shy and quiet S/O [x]

Reaper,McCree and Soldier76 catching a S/O wearing their clothes [x]

Soldier76 x Reader

Soldier76 Christmas headcanons [x]

Soldier76,Reaper, McCree and Junkrat reacting to their shy S/O dancing around their bathroom [x]

“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” [x]

“Excuse you?” [x]

“Say it!” [x]

Soldier76 comforting a depressed reader [x]

Soldier76,Reaper and McCree catching a S/O wearing their clothes [x]

Soldier76,Hanzo and Zenyatta reacting to a S/O waking up screaming in the night [x]

Soldier76and Zarya helping a chubby S/O with endurance training [x]

Soldier76,McCree and Hanzo reacting to their S/O becoming a parental figure to Efi [x]

Soldier76,McCree and Sombra reacting to a new agent who specialises in cute disguises [x]

Soldier76,McCree, Sombra and Hanzo with a S/O that takes them indoor skydiving [x]

Sombra x Reader

Sombra,Genji and Widowmaker with a S/O that has a lot of scars [x]

“You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” [x]

Sombra,Widowmaker and Zenyatta with a reader that spooks easily [x]

Sombra,Soldier76 and McCree reacting to a new agent who specialises in cute disguises [x]

Sombra,Soldier76, McCree and Hanzo with a S/O that takes them indoor skydiving [x]

Tracer x Reader

Tracer,Widowmaker and Symmetra with a mute S/O whose first words to them are ‘I love you’ [x]

Tracer,Mercy and Widowmaker with a S/O that is very clumsy and hurts themselves a lot [x]

Tracer,McCree and Hanzo comforting a depressed S/O [x]

Tracer’s best friend takes her back to Emily after the short ‘Alive’ [x]

Tracerand Mercy with a self-harming reader [x]

Hanzo x Reader

Hanzo Christmas headcanons [x]

Tricking Hanzo with a magic show [x]

Hanzo,Junkrat, McCree and Lúcio reacting to your baby being born with a cleft lip [x]

Hanzoand McCree reacting to their S/O finding the ring they were planning to propose with [x]

“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” [x]

“I’m not jealous.” [x]

“You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.” [x]

Hanzo,Tracer and McCree comforting a depressed S/O [x]

Hanzo and his S/O move to Japan and S/O is a bit homesick [x]

Hanzo,Zenyatta and Soldier76 reacting to a S/O waking up screaming in the night [x]

Hanzo reacting to a new agent who specialises in cute disguises [x]

Hanzoand McCree comforting a depressed reader with self-image issues [x]

Hanzo,McCree and Soldier76 reacting to their S/O becoming a parental figure to Efi [x]

Mer!Hanzo,Mer!Genji and Mer!McCree with a human S/O [x]

Hanzo with a sensitive and gentle S/O [x]

Hanzo,Sombra, Soldier76 and McCree with a S/O that takes them indoor skydiving [x]

Meditation - a fluffy little oneshot [x]

Junkrat x Reader

Junkrat,Hanzo, McCree and Lúcio reacting to your baby being born with a cleft lip [x]

Junkrat,Reaper, Soldier76 and McCree reacting to their shy S/O dancing around their bathroom [x]

“You can’t keep doing this.” [x]

Junkrat with an ADHD partner [x]

Junkratand Roadhog fluffy headcanons [x]

Mei x Reader

Mei,D.Va and Ana meeting their S/O who looks scary but is a sweetheart [x]

Widowmaker x Reader

Mistletoe Widowmaker Christmas headcanons [x]

Widowmaker,Sombra and Genji with a S/O that has a lot of scars [x]

Widowmaker,Tracer and Symmetra with a mute S/O whose first words to them are ‘I love you’ [x]

Widowmaker,Mercy and Tracer with a S/O that is very clumsy and hurts themselves a lot [x]

Widowmaker,Zenyatta and Sombra with a reader that spooks easily [x]

D.Va x Reader

D.va,Mei and Ana meeting their S/O who looks scary but is a sweetheart [x]

Roadhog x Reader

Roadhogand Junkrat fluffy headcanons [x]

Zarya x Reader

“When I picture myself happy…it’s with you.” [x]

Zaryaand Soldier76 helping a chubby S/O with endurance training [x]

Zarya opening up to the reader [x]

Ana x Reader

Ana,Mei and D.Va meeting their S/O who looks scary but is a sweetheart [x]

Lúcio x Reader

Lúcio,McCree, Junkrat and Hanzo reacting to your baby being born with a cleft lip [x]

Mercy x Reader

“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” where Mercy falls in love with a Talon medic [x]

“I’m not good enough for you.” [x]

Mercy,Tracer and Widowmaker with a S/O who is very clumsy and hurts themselves a lot [x]

Mercyand Tracer with a self-harming reader [x]

Symmetra x Reader

Symmetra,Widowmaker and Tracer with a mute S/O whose first words to them are ‘I love you’ [x]

Zenyatta x Reader

Zenyatta comforting and depressed and lonely S/O [x]

“I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.” [x]

Zenyatta, Widowmaker and Sombra with a reader that spooks easily [x]

Zenyatta, Soldier76 and Hanzo reacting to a S/O waking up screaming in the night [x]


Young Hanzo art by M-hourglass on DeviantArt

  She wasn’t sure why he brought her out here all alone. I mean, she did love how beautiful the Shimada Clan’s garden in Hanamura was, but she wasn’t typically here and most likely not supposed to.

 Her main job was to be Hanzo’s bride and that was all to it. A two-dimensional figure to only serve him is what his father intended her to be for him, yet Hanzo thought otherwise. He knew she could be more than that.

 "___,“ The young master said her name, gazing up at the cherry blossom trees as she followed him, "I think it is time.”

 'Time for what?’ she thought in her mind, for she wasn’t allowed to speak until told to. She followed the rules his father gave her by heart.

 "Time that I teach you the skills of a Shimada.“ Hanzo pulled out a dummy from a shack. It was made out of cloth filled with hay wrapped with rope along the ends. There was a stick along its back to prop it up. It was shaped like a human body or at least an attempt to. A small, red heart was painted on the chest of the dummy, right in the center.

 She watched as he grabbed a typical bow and arrow made out of wood and then handed it to her. She looked at the details of the bow and then to her husband’s face with utter confusion. Why is he teaching her? Isn’t this forbidden?

 ”___, the Shimada Clan has numerous enemies. They will do anything they can to bring us down and take our territory and goods away from us, even kidnapping our beloved. It is a dangerous world out there, and I want you to stay safe at all costs, my dear. I will teach you what I know about archery. Are you up for the task?“

 "Yes, I’ll do what I must.” She nodded and a fiery passion grew in her eyes.

 The young master saw the determination in her eyes and chuckled lightly, a half-smile forming on his cheek. “We begin.”

Of course, she couldn’t quite hit her mark of the heart. She even missed the dummy most of the time. Her position would be off, and he would point it out and corrected her.

 She had numerous tries, yet all had failed. She felt like this task is so basic, yet she questioned if she was too narrow-minded to even get the concept of a bow. ‘I’m such a disappointment. A disappointment to him. A disappointment to be his wife.’ Tears began uncontrollably filling her eyes as the weight of dishonor weighed down on her.

 Yet, Hanzo tilted placed his hand under her head and lifted it up to make her gaze into his soft, patient eyes. He smiled pitifully as he wiped the hair away from her face. “I know you did your best, but you don’t have to worry. It will take time for you to master archery, my dear. Let us rest.”

Six months of sweat and tears had passed by. Hanzo had kicked it up a notch. Martial arts and harsh exercises were added to their secret training regimen. ___’s muscles would scream for her to stop, yet she pushed onwards through thick and thin in order to better them. To better her defenses as a whole.

 But their main focus was the archery, of course. One hour of launching arrows at the same dummy. She was able to hit the dummy, but never quite hit the heart. Came close to it, but not quite on the mark.

 Yet, she steadied her position, facing her target perfectly perpendicular. Hanzo watched underneath a tree, leaning against its trunk with his arms crossed. She inhaled and held her breath. She let go of the bowstring and hoped.

 The arrow sliced through the air, zooming at an ungodly speed. Then, the head sunk deep into the dummy, piercing through the other side of the chest.

 The young master grinned and clapped. “Strike at the heart. Well done, my dear.”

 She cheered and jumped in her own triumph, yet she stopped herself at how childish she was. A sheepish look grew on her face.

 "Don’t worry, ___. No one is watching, I made sure. Go ahead.“ Hanzo laughed.

 "I did it! Woohoo!” She shouted into the sky and raised her fists in the air.

 "And for that, I’ll give you a nice glass of fresh water as a treat. You look tired out.“ The young master went to go fetch her water, but then an arrow landed by his foot. He stopped and picked it up. A note was attached to it.

 'May we explore outside of the Shimada Castle? Perhaps a date?’ The note had read. He turned around to see his wife smiling. He heaved a chuckle at how sweet it was. "Getting cocky, are you?” He grinned. “I will take your offer. You deserve it, for you have truly have stricken at my heart." 

Author’s Note: Howdy! I hope you enjoyed my story! This was originally released on my DeviantArtaccount. 

I liked writing this one, woah. :O


Hanzo walked through the halls of the overwatch headquarters, giving small greets to those who walked passed him. He would’ve been outside at Target practice but on this day, it happened to be raining with a wind chill. Some mist but other than that, it wasn’t a great time to be practicing. As he walked around, getting to know the huge building even more, he made his way to the back doors.

His gaze shifted to both ends of the hallway before stepping outside, a shiver going up his spine right away. Hanzo wasn’t really expecting anyone out here but seeing you gave him a surprise. He focused on your movements and only to realize you were a ballet dancer. Seeing the way your body moved, the way you twirled, the way you looked at him.

Wait, what?

His eyes widened from being noticed, not sure if he was supposed to or not. Letting out a huff, he stepped into the rain as he walked towards you.

“You looked marvelous,” Was all he could speak out, his gaze connected with yours.

“You weren't–” You paused for a few moments before letting out a sigh, a smile curving on your lips. “Thank you.”

Edit: This was the only one in my drafts. GoodnessI don’t do NSFW, I’m sorry. ewe Also, I never wrot

Edit: This was the only one in my drafts. Goodness

I don’t do NSFW, I’m sorry. ewe Also, I never wrote anything about werewolves¿ so this is my first time, hope it’s good enough


It was during your mission at Dorado when the moon was shining much brighter than before. You were fighting against Moira at the moment, but she was winning.

As you were about to say your line for you ultimate, that’s when you transformed in mid battle. But that didn’t stop you and Moira from being at each other’s throats, yet, it gave you more strength.

Hanzo watched from afar with a surprised look, his gaze being stuck on your new form, or what he would call it. He was to distracted that he didn’t even realize Widowmaker shot at him.

Feeling a stinging pain on his arm, he took cover.


“How long?” Hanzo questioned, the both of you sitting across each other from the table.

“What?” You nervously asked, scratching the back of your neck with a small smile.

“You know what I’m talking about, how long?” He repeated as his eyes shifted to meet yours. Hanzo tapped his fingers against the table, a him being heard from him as he sat in silence.

“I–” You stopped before letting out a sigh, “I was born with it… I understand if you just, if you just want to cut off the relationship but–” Getting cut off mid sentence, Hanzo chuckled to himself as he stood.

“And who said anything about cutting our relationship off?”


Jesse slid in front of you on his knee, only to face Reaper as he did his famous six-shooter.

Watching Reaper turned into his wraith form as he went off. As McCree looked down at you, he quickly crawled towards your injured form.

“Are you alright, sweetpea?” McCree questioned.

Before he can get an answer, you saw the shadowy figure behind McCree randomly appear as a loaded gun was heard. Before McCree could react, you quickly turned into your wolf form.

No matter how difficult it was to change into it, the anger that Reaper placed on you for almost killing your lover, that helped the transformation faster. McCree’s gaze quickly changed towards you but only to be in front of a large wolf.

“woAH!” McCree’s eyes widened in surprise as he held onto his hat, falling back to watch what you do.


“Do ya mind explaining what happened out there?” Jesse asked with a raised brow and a small grin.

“Uhm– it was nothing! Just uhm–” You stammered on with red cheeks, worry building in you.

“Well doll face, I’m pretty sure if you had that in ya. Pretty sure you would have a lot more energy in the bedroom than before,”

Post link
I think I do, I’m pretty motherly myself! Even still I hope that this is what you had in mind! /////

I think I do, I’m pretty motherly myself! Even still I hope that this is what you had in mind!


* Homeboy needs a mom in his life tbh.
* There’s a lot of gentle reprimanding for this man.
* “Please use a fork.” “You should really clean your room.” “Why is one of your socks in the kitchen but the other one’s in the hallway????????”
* They carry snacks around for him and he is very grateful.
* He really just needs someone to look after him.

* The easy child™
* Isn’t used to being doted on so it’ll take a little for him to get use to it.
* He isn’t used to being mothered at all; it’s just……different.
* It was an odd experience when he scraped his hand and they flew to his side with a worried face and bandage.

* He may not seem like it, but this boy NEEDS someone to look after him.
* Namely to force him to take breaks.
* He’s probably forgotten how to relax at this point and could use some help.
* He appreciates every bit of help he gets.
* Sweet boy needs a rest.

Post link
I love wings! Y'all get me on this blog. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) ———— “Flying is

I love wings! Y'all get me on this blog. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)


“Flying is weird.”

“I totally agree! Well, to a degree.” Lena halfheartedly chuckled, leaning her arms against the back of a chair.

“It’s kinda hard to explain, but, I guess, it’s kinda like swimming for you guys? I mean, it’s still exercise.” You gesture around. “It’s not like I can fly forever.”

“They seem like a lotta work” McCree points at your wings. He gets a scolding look from Ana for coming off as intrusive.

“A little,” You chuckle to assure that it’s fine, “it’s probably like having really, really long hair. Extra grooming and vulnerability and whatnot.”

You hear Tracer let out a small giggle. Something that felt like she was planning something.

“I’m curious.” Tracer starts, “If we were to race, who’d ya think would win?” You could see the pure mischief in her eyes.


“GO!” McCree fires his gun in the air and the two of you take off, speeding to the finish. He raises his hat partially, to get a better view of the sky.

You were already far beyond sight. He sighs, deciding that a roof near the end would be a good vantage point to watch this go down.


All Hanzo wanted was to go out on his roof and meditate. Why were there people on his roof?

“Ah, hello?” He was hesitant to speak at first. His question coming off as more confused than anything.

“Oh, hello.” Ana rang back, “You’ve come to watch as well?”

“….Watch…?” He took a moment to check his surroundings, noticing a few others sitting on adjacent buildings. His head snaps to a noisy McCree, who was hollering at something passing on the ground, the familiar sound of violent wind approaching.

He steps back, just in time for you to swoop past him, carrying a strong gust behind you. It almost feels as though times slows as you pass, leaving him feeling out of breath.

The excitement around him makes him realize the slight trance he was in. Moving to the the edge of the building, his eyes land on the small group below.


“I would’ve won, if I didn’t have to fly against the wind for half of it!” You argue between breaths, raising your goggles off your eyes.

“You shouldn’t of been so sure of you’re self then.” Lena taunted back at you. “You know what you have to do now!”

“Orisa!” You near whine.

“I apologize, but Miss Oxton crossed the line first.” She hands you both water, her eyes twisting to further show her empathy.

You sigh, thanking her for the drink, and sulk over to Tracer. “Okay, I’m at your service, I guess.”

She jumps and thrusts a fist into the air, letting out a excited cheer. She settles down slightly, clasping her hands together, and takes a moment to think. “Oooooooo~! What do I want?”


He approaches, curiously, the sound of Lena becoming clearer as he gets closer. Is she listing things? That’s what it sounds like. You don’t seem too happy about it either way. In fact, it seems that the longer the list, the more distraught you become.

Hanzo’s eyes lock with hers. “Ah, or Hanzo!” You straighten up a bit and turn to see him; he feels a bought of anxiety flush up through his stomach from the attention.

One of your wings twitch as you quickly turn to Lena and whisper something to her. She laughs, and grabs your shoulder, using her other hand to gesture to him. She’s saying something that makes you cover your face with your hand.

You turn and face him, seeming determined and slightly flustered. Your wings stay stiff as you move in front of him, trying your best to give off an air of confidence.

“Hey, I, uh,” and there goes that confidence.

You rub your hands together and lean on your heels. “So, ya see, I lost this bet.” He doesn’t like where this is going, and the nervous chuckle makes him want to leave the conversation right then and there. “And now I gotta do all this crazy stuff for Lena. But, I was hoping you could do me a solid-”

“A solid?” He forgets if he’s ever heard that term before.

“A solid.” Your talking fairly fast at this point, trying to get the words out before the nerves could stop you. “See, she says I don’t have to do all of that stuff if you agree to help me with something.”

You take a breath. He stands, not sure what to do with his hands, and feels his stomach twist slightly.

“Go out with me.”

“What….?” Your face is red, but serious, and it takes him a moment to process your statement.

He feels his own face warm up. He turns his head away from you, crossing his arms. ‘Yes.’


“Wait, no! Please, it doesn’t have to be a real date!” Your wings spread out in defense, and you raise your hands. “It can totally be fake, like we’re hanging out!”

“…..no….” Why was he saying no? He didn’t really know. He wanted to say yes. He wanted it to be a real date. His impulse just forced him away, shoving him deeper into an abyss he did not want to be in.

Your feathers rustle a bit, your face showing mild disappointment. He watches as you nod in understanding and sigh, turning to leave. There goes his chance.

Or not.

A hand gently grabs your arm, stoping your turn. “I change my mind.” He states plainly. Your eyes meet his; showing a stern uncomfortable lining to his actions.

“I…. You do….?” He nods and watches as your wings extend fully out of excitement. “Really?! Thank you, Hanzo!”

Without thought, you thrust slightly into the air, spinning and punching happily upwards.

He watches your display with amusement as you land and promise that it will be a good time.

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@kawaiibreadhideout Pffff, I’m totally doing this, you kidding me? That’s super funny!

Pffff, I’m totally doing this, you kidding me? That’s super funny!


Excited was an understatement. They were FLOORED.

It felt like they went through their whole life hearing about ramen, now to be here, going to an actual ramen shop, about to eat real ramen.

Yes, of course they’ve had had the cheap cup of noodle stuff (curtsy of Junkrat’s stash), but they never really had the chance to try the real deal. These days, ramen shops were getting more and more scarce, leaving it hard to find, and a bit pricy.

There was one notable company, and that was Rikimaru. They had managed to get some products into a few stores, but being told by multiple people that the fresh version was better, lead them to decide that, for the price, it wasn’t worth it.

“Hurry, or you will freeze.”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah!” They pick up their stride to catch Hanzo, who was moving rather quickly through the crowd. He was always a fast walker. “So, this guy was, like, your cousin, right?”

“Distant relative. Though it was like we were close cousins, yes.” He keeps his eyes forward, as not to bump into anyone.

They adjust their scarf, huffing slightly as it slips off one of their shoulders.

“That’s kinda cool that you know him. I mean, in a way, he’s kinda famous huh?” They hum. “This gut practically owns Rikimaru, that’s pretty cool.”

He snorts slightly, “Am I not famous enough for you?” He jests, opening the shop door for them.

“Oh, yeah,” they nod in thanks, moving past him into the warmth of the indoors, “I guess you are famous, that’s so wild.”

“About time you two show up!” A deep voice cuts in, “It has been much too long!”

This must be the guy. They didn’t really look related, though.

Hanzo bows politely, a small smirk making it’s way to his lips, “I see you have yet to grow any taller.” It seems that hit a nerve.

“Hey, you are certainly one to talk! What are you? 153 centimeters?” The man chuckles at his own joke, slowly shifting his gaze to the Shimada’s companion.

He lazily composes himself before bowing with an introduction. They respond accordingly and he shows them to seats set in front of his cooking station.

“Order whatever you like! It is on the house!”

“Absolutely not.” Hanzo protests.

“Well, I will not take any money you try to give me.” Hanzo eyes narrow at him, and he cockily tosses his ladle in the air, before catching it and doing it again.

Hanzo huffs, leading the other man to smirk. Knowing is victory, he turns and works on the food in front of him.

Deciding on what to get was a somewhat overwhelming task. But, once the order was in, the bowl was out in no time.

The first serving was nearly scarfed down. They couldn’t help it! It was so good!

The man slide over a second helping before they could even ask, and that was gone as Hanzo finished his first.

When the third one came, they took it a bit more reluctantly. However, as soon as they were reassured it was okay, that was gone too.

And there sat Hanzo, dumbstruck, watching them dig into their sixth bowl.

“I did not know that you were this hungry.” He states as they wipe their lip and blush.

“I guess that was quite a few helpings, huh?”

“Not at all.” He counters seriously. “I was afraid from the rate that you were eating that you hadn’t had food for days.”

They let out an embarrassed chuckle of sorts and continue it with an excuse that it was, “really good.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it!” The third party chimed in. “Reminds me of how someone I know use to act.” He eyes Hanzo playfully.

He nearly glares back at him.

“Oooooooh! Embarrassing stories about Hanzo? I’m all in!”

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