

The Major League


TW: Drinking, swearing, food, Jealousy, kissing, making out, start of a relationship, If there are more please let me know!

Baseball Boys meeting and falling in Love

What could go wrong… ;)


Most Characters belong to: @lumosinlove

 Chapter 7

Turner Terrace, Gryffindor District, Hogwarts 2020

Leo walks in his apartment door with a pile of to-go boxes in his arms and two idiots behind him. Cam and Cecil were staying with him because they forgot to get hotel rooms. Typical. So they were gonna sleep on the pull out couch in the living room. Leo texted Remus this earlier in the night but he never got a response. 

He sets the boxes on the counter and gives his friends the grand tour of the living and bathroom. The open concept of the apartment makes it so the kitchen and living room are the same room. He helps them pull out the couch and scourge up a few extra pillows from his bedroom closet. They get comfortable while Leo goes to check on Remus just in case. 

Opening the door to Remus’ boring bedroom he smiles at the sight. Dani and Remus are sleeping on top of his covers and Remus is still fully dressed. He walks over to the bed, Dani’s little head perks up and she hops across the bed into Leo’s arms. Licking all over his face made him laugh. Which wakes Remus up. 

“Oh, it’s you.” 

“You don’t need to be so excited. Also, my friends Cam and Cecil are sleeping on the pull out couch in the living room and we brought you some food. You usually fall asleep before eating so we brought our leftovers. Come grab some.” They go out into the kitchen and see Cam and Cecil fighting over the tv remote and Remus already knows why those three are friends. Leo watches as Remus takes a box of some form of pasta and a box with desert before hiding away in his room again. 

Leo changes into his pjs and hears the doorbell ring. Confused, he comes out of his room while putting on his sweatshirt. Looking at his friends, they both shake their head telling him they didn’t order anything. Maybe Remus did, either way he’s gotta answer the door. Walking over to the door he opens it fully expecting to see someone in a uniform but is met with.

“Logan?” Leo raises an eyebrow, not only is Logan in what looks like sleep clothes but he also has his cat. “Tortilla?”

“Yeah, my neighbor is having a party and the music is making her go crazy, can we crash here?” Logan smiles up at him and Tortilla is so huge that she is basically hiding Logan behind her. 

“She is giant! You never said she was this big! Come in.” Leo moves to the side and lets Logan walk in. “Have you met Cam and Cecil? Also Dani is running around so we should introduce them.” On hearing her name Dani comes running out from under the pull out bed over to Leo spinning around in excitement with her tail wagging. 

“Tortilla loves dogs and Dani is still a puppy so I think we will be okay. Logan sets Tortilla down and her thick gray fur is still all over Logan’s black tank top. The two pets take a whiff of each other and Dani rolls over on her back, then they just run off back under the bed. 

“Huh… Well that was easy. I don’t really have any other place for you to sleep besides my bed. I can sleep on the floor-”

“We can’t share?” Logan looks up at him and Leo is lost for words for a minute. He looks over Logan to his friends who both have similar teasing looks. 

“We can, I was just headed to bed but I know I won’t be able to sleep with Cecil translating every line of whatever movie they watch.” Leo gestures to his door and Logan goes over to it, walking in and closing the door. 

“Knulla inte för högt” Cam sing songs at him as he follows after Logan a few seconds later. 

“Ja, vi försöker sova!” Cecil yells at him as he rolls his eyes and walks in his room. 

Logan was surprised to see Leo’s room so… middle school boy? That’s the way he would describe it. Not only is it kinda messy but he has cups on his desk and his computer still on, the posters on the walls of video games and music artists he likes. His bed is a mess of red sheets with grey pillows and a blue duvet cover. 

“It’s kind of messy, sorry.”

“I’m not much better.” Logan turns around and smiles at Leo, plopping down on the bed. “How was dinner?”

“It was fun! I didn’t know your sister works at Olive Garden on 32nd street.” Leo climbs on his bed, sitting with his back to his headboard with his knees bent. Logan makes a hum of acknowledgment and it goes a bit quiet between them. Before Logan speaks up.

“Wanna make out?” 


Logan crawls into his lap and smiles at him. Resting his hands on Leo’s shoulders and feeling butterflies in his tummy when he feels Leo’s hands rest lightly on his waist. They meet in the middle, kisses starting out slow and closed before Logan gets lost in the fun. Their smooches become more wanting, their hands grip tighter Logan’s hands going into Leo’s soft curls and holding. Leo’s arms wrap fullyfulling around Logan’s waist and pull him as close as he physically can. 

Logan feels someone press up against the back of his thigh and he pulls away. Breathing hard he looks into those light blue eyes and smirks. 

“Are you hard?” Leo turns red dark in the cheeks and even on the tip of his nose. It was cute the way he smiles shyly.

“Yeah, sorry I can’t help it.”

“I’m not hard.”

“You’re old.”

“Am not!” Leo laughs at how upset Logan sounded, feeling a slap on his shoulder he laughs even harder. 

“What did you expect? I’m young, with a hot guy sitting on me and kissing me like he can’t get enough. Plus, we are on a bed and it’s night time.” This time it was Logan’s turn to laugh, resting his forehead on Leo’s shoulder. Sighing once his little fit is finished.

“I don’t want to go any farther.” He lifts his head and looks at the blonde, pushing his hair back from his pale forehead. “Is that okay?”

“Of course it’s okay, I would never want you to do something you aren’t comfortable with.” Leo was staring at him like he was crazy. “But, this means we need to talk about something that will definitely kill the mood.” 

“Do you want me to get off you so I don’t like… Rub against your hard on?” Leo shakes his head smiling, showing off his deep dimples that Logan has somehow never noticed before. 

“I like holding you, and if this is going to happen again I should probably be prepared.” Leo adjusts them a bit so his legs are now resting flat against the bed and Logan’s legs are wrapped around his midsection. 

“Sorry, I don’t want to go any farther… I-”

“Don’t apologize! I wouldn’t even know what I was doing. Plus you have nothing to be sorry about, it isn’t your fault you don’t want to do anything.” Leo cups the long-haired man’s tan cheek and rubs his thumb over the mole sitting on the top of his cheek bone. Logan really was beautiful, his hazel eyes were so bright right now with his hair falling out of his bun. Stunning. 

“You’re amazing.” Logan leans into Leo’s hand and can’t help the smile crawling across his face. 

“This is not killing my boner.” 

“We better talk about something else before you get blue balls.” 

“Logan, that’s not a thing.”


“No, have you ever gotten them before?” 

“No but I’ve only wanted to have sex with two people in my life before.” 

“Well, it’s not real. Can I ask you something?” Logan nods and Leo rests the hand not on Logan’s cheek on the smaller yet more toned thigh and squeezes it making Logan jump. “What is your sexuality?”

“I’m demisexual.” Leo looked confused for a moment and Logan agreed, it took him forever to figure out what was ‘wrong’ with himself. He has explained it a million times, so whats a million and one. “I don’t really feel sexualy attracted to someone until I have a really deep connection with them.”

“Oh,” He was expecting Leo to say something stupid but was surprised. “Like in a video game, there has to be a certain level of romance and friendship before you can do anything.”

“Yeah… that’s actually a really good way of explaining it.” Leo smiles at him, very proud of himself.

“Let’s go back to the questions we always ask in the car.” 

“Favorite drink?” Logan interlocks his fingers behind Leo’s neck and closes his eyes. 

“Easy, saft. It’s like a fruit drink. I’ll make it for you sometime.” 

“I’d like that.” Logan kisses his cheek because he can’t help himself and releases his hands to wrap his arms fully around Leo’s neck. Resting his head on his bicep, closing his eyes once more. This was nice. “My favorite is Mt. Dew, I don’t know why. I just like it. Reminds me of when I was younger.”

“I’ve never actually had it, but I’ve heard it’s terrible for you.” Leo smiles as Logan just shrugs exhaling a small way out of his nose that sounds like a laugh. He could feel it on his cheek. Leo’s arms are resting around Logan’s waist now just rubbing his side and back probably making him sleepy.

“Favorite… music?”

“Funny music, like Lil Dicky and Cupcakke. I genuinely listen to their music all the time. What about you? Let me guess, Mac Miller?”

“I do like him but I wouldn’t say he’s my favorite. I like AJR and Jon Bellion, easy music to listen too.” Calm silence falls around them for the second time that night, both feeling sleepy and warm. Chemically bonded and they don’t realize it yet. 

“We should lay down” Leo says after a while, Logan doesn’t respond. Thinking he fell asleep Leo carefully situated them to have Logan resting his hand on Leo’s chest. Kissing his forehead Leo mentally curses as he sees the sharp hazel eyes blink open just a bit. 


“Yeah?” He pulls the covers further up them and holds Logan a bit tighter. 

“Do you wanna be my boyfriend?”

He felt the world stop spinning at that moment. 

Deathly Hallow Apartments, Hogwarts, 2020

Jackson and Kuny were sitting on the couch pretty wasted, they had just got home from drinking with teammates and friends. Watching Wheel of Fortune, a show Kuny was fascinated by, they shared chips from a bag. They were going to need to vacuum tomorrow. 

“I want to spin the wheel.” Kuny mumbles with his mouth full, crumbs all over his mouth. Jackson reaches over with a paper towel and wipes his mouth for him. Over the past week they have gone back to being best friends who parent each other. Jackson did feel the difference when he was around Kuny though. Almost like they were a married couple. He feels all these mushy things in his heart but it’s almost as though he doesn’t need to say anything because Kuny already knows. 

“You’re so messy.”

“You are too.” Kuny smiles at Jackson and his cheeks are all squished from him holding the Russian’s face. He was so cute he could just kiss him… what if he does? He looks into the golden eyes and smiles. Looking down at his lips and then back up he notices Kuny did the same. 


“Kuny-” They both lean forward at the same time, Jackson’s hand moving from holding Kuny’s chin to cupping his cheek. 

“Can I kiss you?” Kuny whispers, his breath against Jackosn lips.

“If you don’t, I’ll kill you.” With that Jackson flung his arms around the bigger man and kissed him, Kuny wasting no time in kissing back. It’s aggressive and desperate but they both love it. Kuny’s arms wrap around Nado as they fall backwards so he’s on his back. 

Jackson is lying between Kuny’s legs and has one hand in Kuny’s hand the other is resting on his chest as they play tonsil tennis. He bites down on Kuny’s bottom lip and hears him suck in a breath. Smirking he pulls the lip into his mouth and sucks on it. Kuny unintonally rolls them off the couch so he is pinning Nado on the floor. His hands on the side of his head, both of them panting and flushed but smiling. 

Kuny dips back down, grabbing both of his roommate’s hands and pinning them above his head as he meets his lips again. Sliding his tongue over Nado’s bottom lip and smiles when he does. They kiss for what feels like hours and it was. They end up sitting with their legs all tangled together just locking lips only pulling away for air. 

“My ass hurts.” 

“We didn’t even do anything!” Jackson laughs at Kuny’s annoyed grumble at his comment and kisses him again. “Let’s get off the floor then.” They detanlge themselves after another minute of smooching. They didn’t want to stop. Standing up Kuny stretched his arms above his head and then reached back and rubbed his tailbone with the heel of his hand. Looking at Jackson he laughs. 

“Your hair is crazy! Come here, let me fix it.” He takes the hair tie off his wrist and pulls the other man’s hair up in a single quick motion.

“You’re getting better at that.” Kuny feels hands around his waist and smiles, he looks down at the other man, he liked this change. He chuckles and kisses Nado’s cheek before trailing down to his jaw and biting a bit making his roommate squawk and try to pull away. “Don’t eat me!” They pull away from one another and Kuny grabs the chips off the coffee.

“Funny, I thought you would have liked that.” He walks away to put them in the  pantry, hearing stumbles coming up behind him he smiles. Yawning dramatically he closes the pantry door and walks over to the sink to start washing dishes.

“Hey, pay attention to me!” Jackson wanted to take Kuny up on his offer but the taller man was ignoring him on purpose! He wraps his arms around the other man’s middle like he did earlier and kisses the sides and back of his neck. Smiling when he notices how flushed he has become. He was trailing his hands lower, his hands are pushed off as Kuny starts loading the dishwasher since he finished rinsing the dishes. 

Kuny knew what he was doing, Nado was never one to take being ignored for a long amount of time. He knew once he put the last plate in that Nado was going to jump him, so he took his time. As predicted Nado was being annoying, trying to get attention. He was tossing peanuts that they had in a little bowl on the counter at him, he was saying his name over and over in different ways. 

Eventually Kuny couldn’t stall any longer so he put the last dish in and walked over to the other man, pushing his legs open so he could stand between them. Resting his hands on the counter with Nado between them. The long haired man leans forward, grabbing Kuny’s shirt and pulling him closer so their noses are touching. 

“Hi.” Jackson says, threading his fingers through Kuny’s hair. 

“Let’s go to bed.” 

“You wanna-”

“Not in that way!” He laughs and wraps his arms around the man on the counter. 

“Your room or mine?” 

The next evening they were out at their favorite bar. Acting as if they definitely didn’t make out all last night and maybe a bit this morning. Sitting on one of the lounges together Nado’s arm was over the back behind Kuny. Both sipping on their drinks and talking to some of the Russian’s classmates that picked him out of the crowd. 

“Hey Good Lookin, wanna dance?” A tall woman with big blond hair walks over to them and sits basically in Nado’s lap. Kuny couldn’t help but feel that slight twinge of jealousy. 

“Marlene! How are you?” Kuny watches Nado hug her tightly and laugh with her. This was bullshit. They talk about random stuff that he doesn’t bother to listen to, instead he looks around. Spotting a beautiful very tall woman with dark skin and two puffs on top of her head. She notices him and smiles, her teeth have a gap between her front and canine but it makes her look approachable. He gets up from the lounge and heads over to her. 

“Hi, what’s your name?” He leans his side on the bar just like she is and smiles. Her satin silver scoop neck dress fell beautifully over her curves. She was strong too, he could see her muscles flex in her arms as she lifted her glass to take a sip of her drink. 

“Dorcus. Yours?”

“Call me Kuny… wanna dance?” She smirks at him, looking back over towards the lounge where he was sitting before, he looks too. Nado and that girl Marlene were still talking. Joking around and pointing at the tattoos on their arms, telling stories. 

“Only if it’s where they can see it.” She takes his hand after setting her cup on the bar and drags him over to the floor just in the sight range of the two chatterboxes. He smiles at her when she wraps his arms around her as she turns around. Her back to his chest, he puts his hands on her hips as they sway to the music. Making sure to look back over at Nado every once in a while to see if he was watching.

He was.

“They finally noticed us.” He whispers in her ear, hearing her humm deeply amused as she turns around. 

“Grab my ass, it’ll make them go crazy jealous.” He looks over to the lounge between her puffs and smirks at how jittery and uncomfortable they look. Merlene’s stare looked like it could melt toy soldiers. He rests his hands on her ass and squeezes just a bit, he could tell by the material of the dress that it made his squeeze look way worse than it was. Marlene shot up from where she was sitting and marched over to them. Grabbing Dorcus’ wrist, dragging her away into the crowd. 

Kuny smiles in the direction they ran off in before turning to look at were Nado was.

“Ah! Jebat́!” He feels his soul try to jump out of his skin when he is scared by the fact that Nado is right behind him. “You scared me!” Nado grabs his hand gently and replicates what Dorcus did earlier by wrapping his arm around his waist and putting his back to Kuny’s chest. 

“I wanted to be her.” Jackson turned his head so he was whispering toward Kuny’s ear. Taking the larger hands in his, turning around in those strong arms. “Let’s get out of here.”

Next thing he knew he was pinned up against the brick wall outside the bar, fingers digging into his skin under his shirt. Kuny was kissing him with a ferocity he has never seen before and he fucking loved it. Grabbing onto anything he can, one hand finds the front of Kuny’s shirt and the other is sprawled out on the hard shoulder of this giant man. 

Kuny slid one of his hands further up Nad’s back and smiled at the gaps and slapped on his shoulder.

“Your hands are freezing!” Kuny laughs and kisses down Nado’s neck. Sucking a bruise onto his scorpion tattoo. He feels Nado tapping on his shoulder and pulls away. “Look.” He looks where his flushed partner is pointing and smiles.

“Aw, they are so cute.” Marlene and Dorcus were laughing and sharing kisses as they stumbled over to a yellow slug bug. “Looks like they have the same idea.” 

“Let’s go home.” 

The Major League


TW: Drinking, swearing, food, gross love, mentions of odd media titles. If there are more, please let me know!

Baseball Boys meeting and falling in Love

What could go wrong… ;)


Most Characters belong to: @lumosinlove

Chapter 6

Marauder Stadium, Hogwarts 2020

Remus was warming up, tonight’s game was one that has always been close to his heart but he would never tell anyone that. This game that they were playing tonight against the Snakes was Pride Night, which means all numbers and names on jerseys were switched from normal black or white or whatever colors to a flag of their choice. Most people just go with the usual pride flag because it matches the sponsored logos on their sleeves. 

Remus and most of their team has the usual, actually recently updated, pride flag for their uniforms. Leo and their center fielder John Stelfer were the odd ones out, Leo having the trans flag for his and John having the lesbian flag on his to show support for his sister. 

Practicing his wind up and throwing it to wherever Leo’s glove was as the Swede squatted behind the plate. He was feeling good, he was throwing smoothly and easily. This was going to be a fun game, the air was light hearted and the stands were all in different rainbows and flying different flags.

It felt nice.

Sirius was watching Remus’ warm up pitches in the box with a bunch of families of players and his own teammates. Finn and Logan were talking to two people he had never seen in his life before, James was fawning over Lily as usual. So he stood by himself and just watched. Remus’ pitching has always been said to be almost perfect, he sees that now. He wanted to get back at his… Well he didn’t really know where he and Remus’ stood but he wanted to get back at him for the texts he sent at Sirius’ last game. 

He was sipping on his water looking out onto the field when his ears perked up. He heard his name from somewhere over yonder, he tried to listen in a bit more to find out who was talking to him. He heard his name again and turned towards the voice. It was a Man a few inches shorter than him with a really thick well trimmed beard with an Eagles jersey on standing next to a woman with long blonde hair and a Snakes jersey on. They were talking to Logan and Finn, laughing at something someone said. His eyes meet the woman’s and she smiles at him, he nods back and she waves him over. He didn’t want to go over but then Finn and Logan also waved him over. 

“Oh Sirius, we were just talking about you and Remus in the media.” Finn puts his arm around his shoulders and jostles him a bit. “This is Eloise and Wyatt, Clay and Leo’s parents.” 

“Nice to meet you.” He goes to shake both their hands but instead is pulled into a tight hug. He felt like he couldn’t breathe for a moment, taking in as much air as he could without drawing attention to it when they pulled away. 

“Nice to meet you too!” Wyatt pats his shoulder and smiles, his canine tooth is crooked otherwise his smile is basically perfect. Finn puts his arm back around Sirius and smiles at him. Sirius notices for the first time that on Finn’s cheek is the blue gay flag, he looks at Logan and sees a sloppy demisexual flag on his cheek as well. Huh, bold. 

“We were just talking about how homoerotic the media paints your rivalry. Like look at these titles.” Finn pulls out his phone and shows him three titles. 

“Black Stares Deeply at Lupin’s Perfect Pitch…” Logan snorts as he continues reading. “Lupin Comes Hard at Black.” He cringes and reads the last one. “Lupin Spouts ‘Black Can Suck My Fat One’ to Reporter After Heated Argument. Did he really say that?”  Everyone is shaking their head as they giggle and he sighs. 

“You are very adorable and so is Moony so I see why people want you to be queerbait.” Elosie smiles at him, her thick accent making it slightly hard to understand. 


“You’re welcome!” The two Swedes say at the same time. He smiles at them, he definitely sees how Clay and Leo turned out so nice. He hands Finn back his phone, shrugging off his arm from his shoulders. They chat for a bit until two other people who neither him or the other two teammates in the conversation have ever met. He bids his goodbye and goes back over to his spot in front of the box to watch the game. 

He felt the ball leave his hand and smirks a bit as Snape completely misses the ball, giving him his third strike and giving Remus his fifth strike out of the game and it’s only the second inning. He was on a roll! But he knows what’s coming, there are two outs and three people on base for the Snakes. Tom Riddle on first, Evan Rosier on second, and Regulus Black on third. 

Clay walks up to the batter’s box, on the left hand side. Remus knows he’s a switch hitter, being able to bat from both boxes successfully, but he is an actual left handed person so he was looking for a hit. Leo and Clay are both miced up because they are brothers on opposite teams so it makes for great entertainment. 

But the catch is that they also speak Swedish when they talk to each other… so most people have no idea what they are saying. It did sound aggressive when they spoke but Leo told him one night that they make it sound mean on purpose so people think they are arguing but in reality they are just joking around with each other. 

“Siktar du mot staketet?” Leo winks at Remus who can’t help but let out a small laugh as he kicks dirt off his mound. 

“Kanske inte stängslet, men jag vill få hem Reg.” Clay has one foot in the box and his bat is resting on his shoulder as he looks out to the field. Analyzing. 

“Bor ni inte ihop?”

“Han är en riktig snygging vad kan jag säga, alltid vill ta hem honom.” They both burst out laughing as Clay puts his other foot into the box, now that he has two feet in Remus is allowed to pitch. Winding up he hears Clay speak to Leo against right as he is about to let go of the ball. “Titta här.” Remus sees Leo’s eyes widen. Then Clay strikes the ball with a loud crack and takes off towards first as the ball sails over the back wall into the crowd. 

Grand Slam… what Clay was known for. Fuck.

The umpire gives Leo a new ball that he tosses to Remus as Tom, Evan, Reg and Clay all pass home one at a time. Snakes taking the lead by four points. The next batter gets out on first and they switch. Eagles going to bat and Snakes taking the field. 

It was horrendous, it was almost like the Snakes knew everything that was going to happen before it was going to happen. When they got so good, Remus would never know. It was infuriating though. He and Tom have never gotten along, just like how Sirius and Remus have never got along but at least they were working on it for James’ kid. He had no desire to get on Tom’s good side, his freakishly yellow eyes give him the hebejebes. 

They ended up losing the game.

Remus was getting dressed after his shower, Leo sits next to him sighing just in a towel because Leo was always the last to get dressed. He was picking at his arm wrap that was always under his compression sleeves that goes from his wrist to basically his collar bone. Remus never understood why he showered in the tape but Leo was already a weirdo so he never questioned him. Especially not after he found him raiding the fridge one night with three frozen fish sticks in his mouth. 

“We got our butts kicked.” 

“Good observation Leo.” Remus smiles a little at Leo’s offended face and finishes pulling on his socks before slipping on his slides. “Are you going out with your family tonight?”

“Mhm, and two of my friends from back home… and Finn I think.” Leo took the towel from his shoulders and ruffled his hair a bit with it before leaving it on his head. 

“Finn is going? Poor kid is gonna be so confused.” 

“We will speak english tonight, well most of us. Cam will try his best.” Leo starts changing into his clothes starting from his socks and working his way up. Putting on his tight long sleeve last and peeling the tape off after it was on… Oddball. 

“You know you can take the tape off before you put your shirt on… right?” 

“Yeah but I’d rather not, don’t want to show off my tattoo yet.” Remus is one of the only people who has ever actually seen Leo’s tattoo, it’s kind of a creepy one but the way Leo explained it really made sense. It still stunned him when he saw it sometimes because it’s such a rare sight. They grab their bags and walk out together to the lounge and part ways when Leo gets basically tackled by his doppleganger. 

Remus makes his way over to James and Lily, hugging Lily. He was going home after this but was going to chat with them a bit before he left. They start talking about how weird the game was but also how James was barely paying attention because he was playing 8-ball on his phone with Sirius the whole time. Speaking of, Sirius comes out of the bathroom and walks over to them. 

“Did you win?” Remus asks him, feeling tired and probably not looking any better. 

“Win what?” Sirius’ confusion was plain on his face.

“8-ball, duh.” James snorts.

“No, I’m terrible at that game.” Sirius crosses his arms and sighs as James starts fully laughing now. 

“He tries so hard too! I don’t even aim!” Lily rolls her eyes and shares a look with Remus who smiles. 

“Well, I think I’m gonna head home. I’m tired and Leo won’t be there so its going to be like paradise.” He bids them goodbye and walks out to his car, yawning. He wanted to watch something on the tv but he knows as soon as he sits on the couch he’s gonna pass out. So he’ll just watch something in his room. But first he needs to eat, then walk Dani, then feed Dani, then let her in his room so they can snuggle. Oh and give Dani her meds, Leo took her to the vet and found out she has some genetic thing that makes it so she needs expensive medicine and if she doesn’t get it then things can go south really quickly. 

He drives home, annoyed by the terrible traffic but it was after a major sports event he played in so it was in a way, his fault. Parking and getting out he makes sure to block the entrance to the house with his leg so Dani doesn’t just sprint out the door into the concrete jungle to get lost. He sets his bag on the ground and kicks off his shoes before picking up the large puppy and walking to the kitchen. 

“What should I eat, Dani?” She is licking the side of his face much to his dismay but he’d let it slide tonight. Making himself a few slices of toast with butter he decides this will hold him over for a bit before he orders something. They really need to go grocery shopping. Making the mistake of holding the piece he was munching on in the same hand connected to the arm he was cradling Dani with, she snatches it from him as he scrolls on twitter to see commentary of the game. 

“You’re scarily like your dad…” He sets her down and fills her bowl, letting her eat while he grabs her leash and puts on his sneakers. Getting her situated after she walks away from her bowl, she tugs him around the neighborhood before tiring herself out once they get a few steps away from the apartment. They settle down for the night watching some random show on his small tv in his room. Falling asleep not long after laying down. 

Forgetting to ever order his food.

Marauder Stadium, Hogwarts 2020

Clay walks out of the locker to be picked up over Finn’s shoulder and carried over to his family with everyone cheering him on. He can’t help but laugh, being put down in the middle of his friends and family he turns a bit pink from the attention on him. Kissing Finn’s cheek he is dragged into a crushing hug from his two best friends. 

“Cam! Cecil! Jag kan inte andas!” His friends laugh and pull apart, Cma ruffling his hair like he always does. “Has your English improved?”

“Kind of?” Cam’s clunky words fall out of his mouth and Cecil snickers. Cam, not turning away from Clay, punches his Swedish-Korean friend in the shoulder. “I try.” 

“I know. Where’s Leo?” Speaking of the devil Leo walks up to them and a chorus of ‘CCCCLLLLLEEEEEOOOOORRRR’ breaks out from Cecil, Cam and Clay. Leo being the only one in their friend group without a C starting name, has earned himself the title of Cleo but everyone says it in that way that the characters from H2O Just Add Water do. All because they pirated the series back when it was big and watched it together. 

“Yes, yes hello. Can we go? I’m starving!” Cecil pats his back.

“Oh Cleo, aren’t you always hungry?” 

“Yeah? Why?” With that they all head out the door, getting an Uber XL and making their way to Olive Garden, Clay looks over at Leo and notices how… sad he looks. He was going to say something but his attention was turned towards Finn who was basically vibrating out of his seat from excitement. He wanted some fucking breadsticks and Clay was so confused as to why he was so excited for bread. Clay puts his hand on Finn’s bouncing knee to stop it and looks at the red-heads face. 

“Sorry, I’m just excited.” 

“It’s cute.” They share a chaste kiss hearing protests from the back where the three degenerates were messing around. He looks back at them and sticks his tongue out, which he knew was a bad idea because anytime anyone does that in the vicinity of Cecil… they get their tongue grabbed. Luckily he pulls his tongue back in before Cecil is able to grab it. 

Getting to the restaurant Wyatt gets out of the van first to make sure no one trips on the way out because said van was full of accidentally prone people. Clay and Finn were the first ones out, walking into the garden of olives Finn goes to the little stand in the middle of the room and tells them the name that the reservation is under. 

Once they are all inside they are brought to a table secluded from the rest of the restaurant which was a great choice because they are not only accident prone people but also loud. Sitting around the table starting with Wyatt and Eloise on each end and everyone else filling in, Clay ends up between Finn and Cecil. They all got glasses of water and a pitcher that was hopefully not going to get broken. They all stuck with water and the hostess left them to look at the menus. Leo and Cam decided to arm wrestle after finding out they wanted the same dish because it is tradition that no one can order the same thing. 

Leo won, Cam cursed and started looking at the menu again. After a couple more minutes of catching up while Finn looked confused because he couldn’t understand anything besides what Clay would translate for him, their waitress walks in. 

“Noelle?” Finn and Clay say at the same time as she walks over to the table. 

“Hey guys.” She gives them a little wave and then introduces herself with some scripted thing that she was trained to say before taking everyone’s orders. She winks at Clay before leaving the area again and he can’t help but smile a bit. 

“So, I take it getting her and Thomas together is going well?” Finn looks at him with a teasing smirk making Leo laugh a bit, leaning forward on the table Clay looks at his brother. 

“No way, from what Logan told me Noelle would never go for Thomas.” He takes a drink of his water and yelps when a straw wrapper is blown into his ear. “Cam!”

“Cecil said too!” Cecil was silently dying of laughter beside Clay, laughing hard enough that a couple tears streak through his little ace stripes on his face. “No, don’t ruin! Those took me hours!” 

“Hours? For three stripes?” Clay laughs a bit and looks at Cam who just shrugs. 

“It took him so long because I kept laughing at his stupid face.” Cecil speaks up wheezing after calming down from his fit. “It was so funny! Look.” Cecil pulls out his phone and shows Clay the picture of Cam with flared nostrils and his tongue poking out of his mouth. Clay smiles. Cam was the most painfully straight man he has ever met but he was also the most supportive ally he has ever met as well. Always joining the Knut family during Stockholm pride events. They were lucky to have a friend like him. 

Noelle takes a breath, she does everything she needs to do to get the orders to the kitchen and leans against a table. It was a really slow night, ten tables max… plus the party table that is Clay and his family. It really took her by surprise when she walked into the party area to see Finn’s arm over Clay’s chair while the shorter man whispered translations to the clueless ginger. They were cute together, she wasn’t going to deny they were and have always been really sweet on social media. 

But seeing them all coupley right in front of her, it was weird! She can’t hide it anymore its fucking weird! Finn was and has always been in love with her brother and she was trying so hard to get them together and then Finn just goes off and picks up some Swedish guy who is basically Logan but two inches taller! She has been chatting with Clay over messages for the last few days and he’s an absolute doll. Unlike Logan who is annoying as hell. She knows she shouldn’t get involved but she also felt like she should get involved… Wonder what Thomas thinks about all this? She wants to send him a text but that will have to wait until she is able to go on a break because one of her small tables food is ready for her to take out.

God, she hates Italian food. 

Thomas was at the bar with Logan and a couple of his teammates. He was having a nice chill night chatting away with Benji, their second baseman, about the different types of crystals they have been collecting together for fun, but it kinda turned into a whole informational thing that they now love. 

“Why crystals?” Logan asks between them after finally looking up from his phone. “Like that seems kinda, I don’t know, culturally ambiguous.” 

“Wow, big words for such a small body.” Thomas laughs a bit at Logan’s glare and he ruffles his hair, messing up his half up hair-do going on. “We don’t mean any harm and we don’t try to convert people to crystals. It’s just something we like and enjoy learning about. Also, I think they are pretty.” 

“Hmm, just watch yourself. Okay?” Thomas and Benji both nod. 

“So, I went to go watch your sister’s ballet the other day with Clay and honestly, I don’t see why you hate him so much.” 

“I don’t hate him.” Logan states a bit confused, getting both Benji and Thomas to give him a questioning glance. “What? I don’t!”

“Logan, you talk shit about him all the time. You rant about how annoying and self centered he is.” Thomas watches Logan’s face, he looks guilty. 

“That’s because I didn’t really… want to know him for a long time. Finn just talks about Clay non-stop and it was so annoying that I couldn’t help but pick out every bad thing about him before even getting to know him. I went over to his house a couple weeks ago with Leo, Finn was there too. Watching them together was weird because I’ve never seen Finn act like that with anyone except…” Logan pauses and takes a drink. “Anyway, I ended up having a really nice talk with Clay while sitting on a counter and drinking some hot alcoholic drink that I can’t remember the name of. He was really nice and actually listened and understood why and what I was talking about. I think we are on the road to being friends now and it feels like a boulder has been lifted off my shoulders.” 

“That’s really great. I never thought you’d ever get along with him.” Benji smiles at Logan and pats his shoulder before getting up to go get another drink. 

“I still feel really bad when I talk to him.” Logan looks up at Thomas and he honestly doesn’t know how to respond to that, so he does the only thing he really knows how to. He pulls Logan into a tight hug and for once, Logan doesn’t struggle to pull away. 

“He wants to get to know you, Logan. He wants to be your friend. Just let him.” Logan sighs, sounding a bit sadder than he was earlier. 

“Can I tell you something?” They pull away, Thomas keeping his hand on one of Logan’s shoulders. 

“Of course you can, I’m always here for you… Brother-in-law.” That makes Logan roll his eyes and smile.

“She’s never gonna fall for you. Anyway, So… You know Clay’s brother.”

“Yeah, he’s my teammate. Funny as hell too.” 

“Well, he and I have kinda been flirting and umm.”

“Did you sleep with him? Not gonna lie, I could see you two together.”

“No! We haven’t slept together, but we have made out and I think I’m really starting to like him. Do you think I should go for it?” Logan has so much wanting in his eyes and the expression on his face contradicts that by looking worried. 

“If you feel in your heart that Leo is someone you want to be with, then I don’t see an issue with you dating him.”

“But, I’ve never been with a guy before. I mean I almost dated someone else but I rejected them because I was scared that the media would tear us apart.”

“Well, as we see from Clay and Finn the media doesn’t care and I don’t think many people in the league even really bat an eye at two guys being together. Lucky for us, we don’t live in the early days.” 

“Maybe I’ll go over to his place tonight, just to talk some things over. Also, I’ve never been inside his apartment and I’m curious to see just how Swedish it is.” Logan smiles a little, relaxing enough that the tension leaves his shoulder. Thomas takes his hand off him and crosses his arms on the table. 

“It’ll all work out in the end.”

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 12

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

A decade passed with ease. Well, maybe not ease but a lot happened. Finn and Logan actually broke up for a couple months following the whole Leo situation. Logan got traded to another team for two seasons but after a career ending injury to his back he showed up at Finn’s apartment in shambles. Finn wasted no time pulling Logan into his arms. They cried for what felt like hours just telling each other how much life sucked without the other. From then on their relationship flourished. It wasn’t but a little over six months later they were getting married. Surprisingly enough Clay showed up. He was actually holding the daughter he and his partners had. Noelle was ecstatic when she found out she was pregnant. They never had a paternity test because they didn’t really think they needed it. 

Logan loved his niece, spending so much time with her made him develop a case of baby fever. On Faye’s second birthday they decided they wanted to adopt a child. This process was long and tedious but in the end they adopted a beautiful 3 year old boy named… Leo. Which actually was a complete coincidence. When Little Leo or Le, as they called their son, turned 13 they were sat down at the kitchen table and told something that would change their lives. Their child was born in the wrong body. 

Le decided to change her name to Leah, she liked being called Le but her full name irked her. They supported her 100%. Getting used to the name was a bit of a struggle but they would do anything for her. 

Logan came home one day to the sound of a familiarly beautiful voice playing from the speakers of their smart tv. He looked at the screen and his heart fell out of his ass. Leah was watching Leo on the screen. A docuseries came out about the fall of Eros because people were fascinated by it. LOgan went to grab the remote and turn it off but Leah was watching the screen in awe.

“Dad, did you ever listen to Eros when you were younger?” She looks up at him smiling so bright. “I found this band recently and they look really familiar! Like the one guy really looks like uncle Clay! Even has the same name!” She looks back at the screen bouncing with excitement. “They are so cool! Apparently their lead singer still makes music and I looked some up, I really really like them! Especially his first single I don’t care, I’ve been listening to it all day.” 

“Sweetheart, can we turn this off? I don’t like this type of music.” 

“What are you talking about! This is exactly the type of stuff you listen to.”

“Ma’am why aren’t you in school?” Logan gives her a little parent look and she laughs.

“I had a doctor’s appointment, so I got out of school early.” They turn off the tv and start making dinner together. Something that Logan learned to do after spending so much time at home when his back acts up. “Do you think Dad likes Eros?” 

“I’m not sure…” Logan just slices up some tomatoes.

“I’m gonna show him it when he gets home!” Logan just looks at her and gives her a sad smile as she makes the salad. He thinks about telling her everything. He doesn’t. Finn comes home as soon as dinner hits the table. 

“Oh! BLTs are my favorite!” He sits down and smiles at his husband and daughter. 

“Hey Dad?” Leah speaks up as they eat and both Logan and Finn respond. 

“Yes?” They look at each other and laugh, holding hands under the table. 

“Just you.” She points at Finn. “Have you ever heard of the band Eros?” Finn chokes on his bite of food and pounds his chest, Logan hands him a water bottle and rubs his back looking at him sadly. Finn’s coughing fit eventually ends. 

“How do you know about that band?”

“I came across a documentary!” She looks at him, “My friends showed me it and then I came home and watched the whole thing after you dropped me off. Apparently this big docuseries came out because the lead singer is putting out the last song of his career next week. He said any of the money made from that song is going towards the International Bipolar Foundation. He doesn’t want a cent from it. A lot of people worry he’s going to do something bad after it finally releases. My friend said he has been posting about officially disappearing these last few months. People are really worried.” 

“You didn’t tell me this.” Logan says now worried out of his mind. 

“Well, I didn’t remember it until a few minutes ago. But Dad,” She looks at Finn, “I’ve been listening to their music all day! It’s really good and for some reason Uncle Clay looks like the Clay from the band.” 

“That’s because-” Logan kicks his leg under the table but their lovely daughter doesn’t seem to notice. “I mean, Clay has got that for a long time. Just a celebrity look alike situation.” He laughs nervously standing up to collect the plates and wash the dishes. 

“Can we watch the new video together?” Leah asks them, she looks over towards Finn who is standing at the sink all tense. She turns to Logan who looks just as wired. “Please? I want to share this with you.” Logan and Finn look at each other over the island that’s a few feet from their table. Finn gives him a tiny nod and Logan sighs looking at Leah. 

“Anything you want, Baby.” 

A week later the song and video dropped. They all sat as a family on the couch to watch and Finn felt sick to his stomach. 

The video starts with the camera panning down from the darkness into what appears to be an operating room with machine parts everywhere. Leo is laying on a table, or something that looks like Leo is on the table, like he’s a robot. He’s beautiful, even in shining silvery paint and CGI he is still breathtaking. His eyes are closed, his face is expressionless like he’s sleeping, but he wasn’t breathing. The music starts and the doors to the room swing open, two people in full surgery gear walk in, one tall, one short… His mouth isn’t moving, his eyes aren’t either. Nothing is happening but they make it known the music is coming from Leo as a sort of diagnostics test on a machine. As the song goes onto the first verse,  the people start opening his chest cavity. Which is just a metal door because he’s a robot obviously and he has organs but they are made of machinery. There is a lot of oil in his chest cavity. They seem  to start fixing him as the chorus starts, they are doing more tests, jabbing him in places to make him jolt. It makes Logan feel uneasy. Making sure that he’s still functional, they’re doing more unsettling poking and prodding, at the Ba ba ba ba bum bada ba you can see the lights on his neck and temples light up in the rhythm. Logan then notices that this song is nothing like Leo’s other works. It’s a completely different genre. 

Eventually, his eyes are triggered to open. Staring blankly into the camera not able to move, those eyes are definitely Leo’s. Finn knows Leo‘s eyes so well he sometime picture them in his dreams, because they’re fucking blue and scary. He is just staring, they keep working on him as the song goes on; his mouth still isn’t moving but for some reason there’s oil that keeps dripping on his cheek, one of the people will just wipe it off with something like the thumb of their  gloves and it starts getting more intense, they continue fixing him. By the second chorus they start taking out some of his parts in his chest and torso, to suck out the oil and when putting them back they forget his heart on the tray… and his mouth starts moving but he is still expressionless. 

It was unsettling.

They start to close him up, his heart still on the tray. In the bridge of the song before the last intense chorus; Leo’s eyes start leaking oil like he’s crying and as soon as that intense final chorus starts he’s fully expressing everything and it’s obvious he’s in pain. He’s panting and screaming and trying to move the rest of his heavy metal body. Thrashing his head around, sobbing as he sang.

It is incredibly heartbreaking. Logan actually starts tearing up while Finn just stares in horror. 

 The camera pans up to look from Leo’s perspective at the two people and they were also robots. The oil that kept hitting his face earlier in the video was their tears. They see him expressing, showing pain and decide that isn’t normal for a robot. So, they shut him down and all the light in his eyes go out  but the oil kept dripping from them. Pooling on the ground under him. It fades out as the other two leave. 

Logan was crying and didn’t even realize it, Finn was also on the verge of tears and Leah between them was entranced. 

“That was so unexpected and beautiful. I didn’t know he made music like that.” Leah turns to look at her parents on either side of her and realizes something is wrong. “Dads?”

They just keep staring at the screen. 

That was about them. 

They made him a robot.

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 11

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

The next month was really rough, it was uncomfortable and mean. But, Finn was coming around, he still loved Logan. He will always love Logan, but the announcement of the disbursement of Eros was a big deal. Melony was now Reg’s roommate, Clay was still recovering at the rehab center. No one knew what Leo was doing. No one knew how he was doing. No one knew anything. 

Logan was sitting at a coffee shop with his sister who was looking worse for wear, she was in a perpetual state of exhaustion. They sat and drank but never spoke. Noelle was writing stuff down stuck in her head while Logan just watched the other people in the shop. 

“So, how’s Leo? I haven’t heard you talk about him in a while.” Logan and Finn hadn’t told anyone they broke up with Leo because they, themselves were just focused on each other. Working on climbing a mountain they were on opposite sides of to meet at the peak. 

“Oh umm-”

“Do you know why he just stopped coming to therapy? I haven’t been able to get a hold on him, I’m getting worried. So I thought I’d ask you.” She rests her arms on her notebook and looks at him. He didn’t know what his face was because he was so lost in thought but she seemed to understand. “Logan.”

“I broke up with him… I didn’t know he was going to therapy.” 

“He didn’t want anyone to know, Logan. People are embarrassed about this stuff.” 

“I didn’t think he was getting better, I didn’t want drugs at home. I couldn’t-”

“Okay, I’m sorry I asked.” Noelle drinks some of her coffee and shakes her head, wishing she never asked.

“Are you in love with Clay?” She looks at him and raises an eyebrow. 

“Now that he isn’t my patient, yes.” Logan feels like he’s choking.

“Does Thomas know?” 

“Yes, we both are interested in Clay.” He just nods, feeling awkward. “Why?” 

“I didn’t think you would ever date a drug addict…” 


“I thought that since you worked with people like that you wouldn’t want to date one.” 

“Logan… They are still people. Them having an addiction does not make them a monster.” He lets out a breath and runs a hand down his face feeling regret start to boil in his stomach. “Was that the only reason why you left Leo?” He just nods, not wanting to talk. “Oh, Logan” 

“I need to go.” He leaves his sister at the table pulling out his phone and dialing Finn, as soon as he picks up he starts blabbing. “Finn, we need to go to him, I messed up. I’m fucking stupid.”

“Okay okay, I’ll meet you at home.” They hung up. 

A few hours of  driving in Finn’s car while Logan looked up the venue that apparently Leo by himself was performing, they didn’t know he kept making music, it’s only been a month. Either way, they found where they needed to be and bought shitty overpriced tickets off a scammer. Going into the stands a million miles away from the stage they ended up being early. Sitting there anxiously. 

“Should we have just tried to go backstage?”

“If it goes wrong I don’t want to ruin his show.” Logan said making a new profile to stalk Leo’s socals. He has only posted one thing since their break up and it was just the dates to his new solo tour titled I Don’t Care, which was a little alarming. 

The show started and it opened with an incredibly angry Leo belting out a song that was equally as belligerent. Leo looked amazing as ever but his hair was longer and less taken care of, he was shaky and unbalanced on stage, even having to stop for a second to lean on someone. He was clumsy and would trip over nothing. 

Something was really wrong. 

The show came to an end and people started filing out, they got swept up in the crowd, being pushed outside. Leo has performed here before so they know where the back entrance is. Finn is dragging Logan by the arm to make sure he doesn’t lose him. Standing outside the dimly lit back entrance in the alley was Leo’s bodyguard Haggrid. They all knew each other so they didn’t hesitate to go up to him. 

“Hagrid, we need to see Leo.” FInn pants out tired from running. 


“Yes! Now please can we talk to him.” Logan pleads.

“He told me, if you two ever come to talk to him at a show to say this.” Hagrid pulls out a piece of paper and clears his throat dramatically, adjusting his sunglasses. Why was he wearing sunglasses at night? “I am done with you and all your issues. I’m fucking done.” Hagrid recites Logan’s exact words to him in the most emotionless and flat voice he has ever heard. 

“I- That’s what I said to him…” Finn looks at Logan with shock written on his face. 

“If you don’t go I’ll call the rest of security to remove you.” They look back at Hagrid realizing… it was over. 

Leo made it clear he didn’t want them. 

So, they left. 

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 10

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

Logan walks in the door to his apartment to find his boyfriend sitting on the couch looking rather upset. He kicks off his shoes and hangs up his jacket, making his way over to Finn. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“Leo blocked me on everything, I don’t know what I did!” Finn looks up at Logan who is now directly in from of him. Logan notices how watery his eyes are and feels like someone kicked him in the stomach. 

“I broke up with him, for us.” 

“What…?” Logan shifts his feet and clears his throat. 

“He wasn’t good for us, Finn.” 

“What are you saying?” Finn stands up so he is now looking down at Logan, his eyes are sad but his face is angry, it’s all just negative. Logan takes a breath, taking Finn’s hand in his own. 

“Finn, he was bad for us, he caused us so much stress and-”

“No he caused you stress because he wasn’t the perfect person you thought he was!” 




“Logan, it takes time for people to get clean!”

“Then why didn’t he go to Noelle like Clay? Why didn’t he tell us he needed help? Why would you want to watch someone do something like that!” 

“Logan. You. Are. Not. Noelle! You don’t know what it takes to get clean and healthy again! On the topic of fucking Clay, he was making prgesss and almost died because he relapsed and overdosed! Do you see Noelle giving up on him? Cutting ties completely!”

“He’s her patient-”

“She’s in love with him!”

“She has Thomas! She does need him!”

“What? You think Thomas didn’t know about that? You think Thomas just sat back and watched his fiance fall for a patentit and didn’t question it? Why do you think Clay would always hang out with Thomas?” 

“You’re making shit up!” 

“Ask them next time we see them. I fucking dare you!” Finn yanks his hand away from Logan and wipes his face, his tears were making his skin feel tight and he just wanted to be alone. “I can’t believe you went all the way to New York without telling me… to end a relationship that I was in, without talking to me first.” 

“You make me sound like a villain.” There is silence, it’s heavy and thick. Finn just stares down at him. Finn loves Logan so much, he’s everything he could ever want. But, Leo was too. Now, Finn won’t even get a chance to talk to Leo, their lines of communication are cut. It made him feel sick. 

“Maybe, you are.” Logan jolts a bit from the words like a slap in the face, Finn watches his eyes fill with tears finally meeting Finn on that level of hurt. They continued staring at each other, it felt like time was sticky, gooey, and stuck in place. 

Finn closes his eyes, swallowing down the lump in his throat and leaves the room. 

Logan looks at the floor, he really messed up. 

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 9

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

It was weird being home without Clay, Leo and Melony could feel that weird missing emotional support that they have had for years. They knew the bare minimum of what happened to him but when they went to visit him in the hospital they were told by Dr. Tremblay that Clay was going to be checked into rehab. 

There was no room for argument.

It felt just like it did when Melony’s sister was checked in and ended up completely leaving the band. It took them a full year to recover from that and now it was all being taken away again. At this point Melony was actually thinking about quitting music all together. The strain it put on her own mental health wasn’t worth it. 

She loves music, it is her ultimate obsession and passion. The thing that kept her going for so long. But realizing that the thing she loves is hurting everyone around her with the things that come along with the culture around creating and producing and performing music. Especially how most of their own songs have come from drug binges. 

It wasn’t right. 

She and Leo were currently sitting at the dirty and messy table eating chinese take out. She was tired and she could tell Leo was as well. Leo’s usage of coke has really gotten out of hand but she knows that this is just the last hurrah before he starts completely getting clean. He has been going to therapy with the same person that Clay has been going to. 

He was ready to start getting clean, without rehab, but with the help of going to AA meetings whenever he had the chance. Clay was supposed to start that at the same time as him but his… his accident set him on a different path. Leo wasn’t sure how to tackle this alone but he knew he had to. Not only for himself but for Clay as well. He also wanted to do this for the sake of his relationship. He knew that everything he was doing to cope with his illness made Finn and Logan hurt.

But he didn’t know how else to help himself. Infact, he knew he didn’t help himself. He still hadn’t told his boys that he was even going to therapy because he wanted to surprise them. He wanted to get clean and show them that he was very serious about this relationship. He just wanted to be free of these metaphorical chains that Logan always says he’s in. 

Was he going to completely stop cold turkey? 

No, he couldn’t. It would most likely kill him if he did. But fuck! He wanted to be able to do that so bad! He just wanted to be a normal fucking person! He wasn’t and he most likely never would. 

“How do you think Clay is doing?” Melony’s voice was small, timid, Leo would tell she was really affected by this loss. 

“I think he’s doing okay. We can always go visit him.” 

“Not for a few weeks… Do you think he’s lonely?” 

“I bet he’s made a couple friends.” Leo’s mouth was dry from lying, drinking his energy drink he set the can back on the table in a different spot so he can run his finger around in the condensation ring of where it was before. They sit in silence for another half hour before Melony leaves to go to her room. She has been spending a lot of time there. 

Leo was about to do the same when he heard the buzzer of their apartment going off. He’s confused because they haven’t ordered anything and Peter the rat doesn’t buzz, neither does their manager Crouch. He walks over to the loud panel and presses the button that lets him see who’s at the door. 

It was Logan? Like, just Logan. Why didn’t he let Leo know he was coming over? Gryffindor is a good three hours from New York, that’s a long drive to make without telling someone ahead of time. Leo thinks about unlocking the door and just talking through the speaker, but decides against it. He runs down the stairs a bit excited and opens the door smiling. 

“Hey!”  Leo smiles at the shorter man… Who doesn’t smile back. In fact, he looks quite angry. “Everything okay?” 

“No Leo, everything is not okay.” Leo frowns, Logan is definitely guarded. His arms are crossed and his stare looks like it could shoot lasers.

“Do you want to come in-”



“You’re using fucking cocaine!” Logan’s arms are thrown up rather violently before he takes off his hat, fluffs his hair and slaps the cap back on. 


“It’s fucking obvious! I can’t take it anymore! You drink! You smoke! You’re doing hard fucking drugs and whats the goal!? Are you trying to fucking end up half dead in a hosptial bed like Clay! This is fucking ridiculus! I knew you were taking pills but I thought it was a prescription for your fucking fibro!” Logan’s voice has gone through so many different emotions, anger, sadness and finally just disbelief. “Are you even getting help?” 


“No, I know you aren’t. If anything you’ve gotten worse, I’ve watched you get fucked up in my own fucking house!”

“You saw?”

“I know what you do when you spend twenty minutes in the bathroom.” 


“No, shut the fuck up! I don’t want to hear your fucking excuses. I don’t want to be the one who has to keep you in check. I don’t want to watch you fucking kill youreself. I DON’T WANT DRUGS IN MY HOUSE!” At this point Leo is just staring at his love, he didn’t want to make him more angry by reacting. “I am done with you and all your issues… I’m fucking done.”

“Are you breaking up with me?” Leo felt everything around them fall away, the only thing he could see and focus on is the man standing in front of him whose eyes are full of angry tears. 

“Yes, I am.” 


The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 8

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

Months passed, Leo would visit them as much as he could. It seemed to be around the same time every month. His actions became more obvious to Logan and it would irk him more and more. Forgetting those unsettling feelings when he would remember how loving and sweet and just how amazing Leo was. 

Leo would cook for them.

He dances with Logan in the middle of the night when neither can sleep.

He reads those long boring books with Finn and talks about his favorite parts with him. 

He loves them in a perfect way that ties all of them together in a wondrous equal tangle. 

He also has a tendency to get angry after being awake too long. 

He gets jittery when nervous or when he hasn’t had a moment alone after a few hours. 

He would disassociate to the point where he would stare forward for hours. 

Leo would scare them sometimes, not because he was violent or abusive but because it was obvious he was sick. They knew about his fibro and learned all they could about it. How it flares up after stressful situations whether physical or emotional. How painful it is. Where the pressure points are. How to care for someone going through a flare up. 

The issue was, Leo didn’t take care of himself. He would continue working until absolute exhaustion, until he could not stand without help. He would drink and take medication to numb himself completely. It was dangerous and scary. They worried one day Leo would accidentally mix the wrong medications and not wake up the next day. 

Leo would never tell them what he was taking or how much, when they would call him after a show and it was obvious he was in pain they would see him tossing pills into his mouth but never knowing what they were. 

It’s terrifying watching someone completely destroy themselves. Logan knew something illegal was being hidden and he wanted to get to the bottom of it to help Leo. To save the one he was falling in love with. 

But Leo was a pro at hiding. 

Clay was sick, he was ill, he didn’t know where he was. He just knows that someone is pressing a cold cloth to his head while he lays on the cool floor of a bathroom. He doesn’t remember anything besides having a good time out at a club in Gryff with a couple new found hockey friends. He was shivering, everything was spinning, he couldn’t catch his breath, his memory was fuzzy and he was sweating so much. He knew he was making some noise but he didn’t know what it was. 

He didn’t know how much time passed but his surroundings were starting to defuzz around him. There was a woman crying next to him quietly, she must have been the one who was pressing the cloth on him. He blinks trying to get his eyes to focus. 

Someone else was in the room. He heard them talking, and that other person sat down next to the woman. He keeps blinking but nothing is working and suddenly everything goes black. 

He wakes up with a rotating fan stationed near his head moving from side to side giving him a delicious breeze. He looks around and realizes he isn’t on the bathroom floor anymore. He’s on a couch in Thomas and Dr. Tremblay’s house.

 Why was he here?

 What time was it?

 What happened?

“Thomas! He’s awake!” Dr. Tremblay rushes over and kneels next to him. Clay tries to talk but nothing is coming out. She has a tiny flashlight and shines it in his eyes, blinding him for a few moments. “Fuck, we should have just taken you to hospital.”

“Is he still not okay?” Thomas’ voice sounded rough like he had been yelling or singing too much. 

“No, will you help me get him to the car?” Clay watches Dr. Tremblay back away from him, his eyes feeling heavy again as strong arms find their way under him and the feeling of the couch beneath him disappears. 

Everything is black again.

He once again wakes up, this time the lights of the room he is in are blinding. He closes his eyes and lazily lifts his hands to rub them feeling tape or something on the back of his right hand. Picking at it, someone gently stops him. 

“Don’t do that.” The voice was gentle and sweet. It was feminie and familiar but he couldn’t place who it was. “Don’t pick at it.” He opens his eyes and the light is diffused around two concerned faces. 

Thomas and Noelle. His angels.

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 7

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

Clay was sitting on a random couch in a random house in a random town. He was told this was a therapist place that his mom had set up but honestly it was feeling more like a hostage situation. There were no pictures and not very many decorations. A very handsome man did show him where the office was. He didn’t know who that guy was but Clay could look at him all day. He was very nice as well, didn’t treat Clay like he was some amazing person because he was famous or whatever. He joked around like they were friends and stayed in the room just to chat. Clay found out he was on the same team as Sergei, who he had become friendly with through Leo. If all hockey players were as good looking as the ones Leo had introduced him to, Sergei included, he wouldn’t mind going to a game. 

He hears a little knock on the door and is expecting that man to come back in but instead it was an absolutely beautiful woman. Her hair was up in a tight ponytail, she was tall and looked like she ran everyday, her eyes were a sharp green but friendly at the same time, she has one dimple on her right cheek that just makes her smiles even more sweet.She is smiling at him.

“Hi I’m Noelle Tremblay, I’ll be your therapist.” She shakes Clay’s hand while he is still a bit dazed from having an internal argument with himself. He pops back into the moment to shake her hand back.   Why does he feel this way, he’s not supposed to crush on a therapist but… it doesn’t mean he can’t, he just can’t act on it. Right?

“I’m Clay.” 

“I know.” She smirks at him and he feels his face heat up, that look she gave him was not good. This was going to be a struggle.

Leo and Melony were invited to go out with Sergei’s team at a bar tonight. That means Logan and Finn will most likely be there. Leo was a bit jittery, Melony was as relaxed as ever. She was really good at blending in with large crowds and talking to people she doesn’t know while Clay and Leo, more so Leo stay away from those situations. 

“You’re going to be fine, your boyfriends will be there.” Leo became a part of their relationship about a month ago after they confessed they had feelings for him over the phone when he was in Italy. When Leo got back to the states he parted ways with Melony and Clay at the Newark airport to go home with his boys. It was a great night but sadly it was ruined by having a flare up and his lack of drugs making him rather cranky the next morning. He worries that Logan and Finn are going to get annoyed with him and leave him. He did agree to go to therapy that his mom set up for him but he didn’t tell them that because he doesn’t want them to know how bad he really is. 

“Yeah, but what if-”

“Nope, shut the fuck up. We are going and you’re going to have fun.” Melony’s hair was down which was a rarity, she was just in a band shirt and jeans with her ginormous black boots and she is still so friendly looking. He doesn’t get it. Leo is wearing basically the same thing yet people are scared to approach him, maybe it’s because he is so tall. Melony and his dad both say it’s because he rarely smiles in public places because he is so overwhelmed. 

“Okay, let’s go.” A half hour in a van later they pull up outside the bar and get out, Hagrid is going with them just because it’s his job as their bodyguard and because he enjoys a good night out. They walk in the bar that honestly looked closed and notice the only people in there are the team and a couple bartenders. “I’m going to go to the bathroom quick.” Leo squeezes Melony’s arm who looks back at him and nods. 

“I’ll cover for you, go.” She walks over to the group and greets everyone smiling brightly. “Hello! I’m Melony.” She shakes a bunch of peoples hands and laughs at them when they realize how strong her grip is because she does mostly drum for the band. “Leo is here too, just had to stop to take a piss he’ll be out in a minute.” She meets Logan’s eyes and then looks away. “This is Hagrid, he is our body guard so he had to come but he does quite enjoy a night out so don’t be thinking he will spoil the fun.” 

“Nice to meet you.” A man catches her hand and shakes it. He was rather pretty, had short curly hair with very bright blue eyes and tan skin, he was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans along with the same boots as Melony, she also notices an Ace pin on his boot and smiles. Someone like her. “I’m Regulus, but you can call me Reg. It’s nice to have someone my own age here. Everyone else is pretty old and crepid.” An older man pats Reg’s back and laughs, he looks like Reg with similar features but with longer hair and a slightly crooked nose. 

“You act the oldest out of all of us Reg. I’m Sirius, his older brother.” She shakes his hand as well and they chat until he is called off to go take some shots. 

“He seems like fun.” 

“Depends on when you catch him, after a losing game? Not so much.” Reg takes a sip of his drinks and offers to buy her one, she just asks for a Shirley temple and he gets it for her without asking. “So, you play in a band I hear. Sirius went to one of your shows, which I was surprised because he doesn’t like concerts, he loved it. Hasn’t stopped listening to your music. Your songs in particular.” 

“How flattering your brother has a crush on me.” Reg snorts before he takes another sip, she follows his lead and takes a sip of her own. “I noticed your pin.” She pokes his boot with her own and smiles. “Me too.” Reg lights up completely, his smile was very bright letting the corners of his eyes crinkle. 

“I’ve never met anyone else like me, I’m around horny hockey players all the time. It’s nice to finally meet someone who understands.” Melony nods. 

“My bandmates are also very horny but it seems like two people on your team have caught one of their attention.” She nods towards Leo and his boys who are already hanging off each other. Logan looks a bit tense but Finn is looking very sappy while Leo talks to them while sloshing his drink around, looking more relaxed than before the bathroom. He probably took a line in there before he came out. 

“Eh, it’s not my team, just my brothers. I live with him. Mom thought she was sending a spy down to keep him in line but really I just lie to her to say he isn’t doing anything the family wouldn’t agree with. Where is the other bandmate?”

“He’s off doing his own thing.” She doesn’t want to out Clay for therapy because she knows the stigma around it. She wants him to be safe. 

“Do you want to go share a cigarette?” Reg stands up and pulls a pack out of his sweatshirt pocket and a lighter from his jean pocket. She gets up as well and follows him out to the smoking area where a couple other people are. 

“Leo, are you okay?” Logan looks up at him and notices just how large his pupils are, it isn’t that dim here and he knows Leo doesn’t need glasses. 

“Yeah! I’m great! Especially seeing you again.” Leo leans down and kisses both of Logan’s cheeks making him smile a bit and turn red. “You’re really pretty. Where’s Finn? Finn!- oh there you are! I was just telling Logan how pretty he is and wanted to make sure you didn’t feel left out. You’re very pretty as well.” Finn laughs a bit and smiles at Leo, Logan notices it’s the same smile he gives Logan and it makes his worries dissipate a bit. 

Logan is very straightedge, since his sister is a therapist for things like addiction he knows how bad it can get. He doesn’t smoke, doesn’t really drink much either. Finn doesn’t care for smoking but he does enjoy a good drink so they have never really ran into these problems before. It appears that Leo really likes to drink and if from what Noelle has told him, the way he acted when he was at their place was symptoms of someone who was missing their substances. 

This worried and annoyed Logan. 

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 6

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

Thomas heard knocking on his door, he wasn’t sure who was supposed to be here but Noelle was going to be home any minute and it wasn’t like her to forget her keys. He opens the door to find Sergei with Eloise Knut and another woman looking quite frazzled behind him. 

“Sergei? What’s wrong”

“Is Noelle home yet? We have some people who need to talk to her.”  Thomas looks at Eloise who looks like she has been crying, the woman behind her not looking much better. He opens the door all the way and gestures for them to come in. 

“Here sit, I’ll go get you something to drink? Anything?” 

“Water would be nice, thank you.” The woman next to Eloise sits down at the same time as Eloise, she has pixie cut dark brown hair and pale skin, she looks as if she has been chewing her lips because they are so red. Her pale blue eyes look lost as she sadly smiles at him. He nods and walks into the kitchen. 

He brings out two glasses of water and hands them to the distraught women on his couch and watches them take a sip. He then hears the front door open. 

“Thomas, honey I’m home.” Noelle locks the door behind her and sheds her coat, kicking off her boots leaving them by the door to dry, walking into the living room with her tote bag full of her binders and folders for each patient she has worked with today. Usually she leaves them at her office but she has some extra analyzing she needs to do in her home office later in the evening. She looks up to see two people she doesn’t know on her couch. A bit taken back she stops walking right after the entrance of the room. “Oh… hello?” 

“Are you Noelle Tremblay?” The woman who seems a bit more familiar stands up and walks over to her, taking her cold hands in her own warm ones. Noelle nods, still very confused and looks at Thomas and Sergei for help. “I need your help, I would have contacted your office but it’s very hard to get help when the media is all over my son as it is.” Noelle raises an eyebrow. 

“Why don’t we take a seat and talk about this, I’ll set my stuff down in my office and be right back.” The woman nods, watching Noelle walk away. She noticed how terrified and panicked she looked,  this put Noelle herself on edge. Placing her bag on her desk she takes a moment to compose herself. Taking a large deep in and holding it for a moment before letting it go. She walks back out ready to help.

Noelle sits in the chair across from them and takes in how they look. Coats and shoes still on, hair a bit frizzy, looking like they were in a rush but Noelle guesses it’s just nerves. 

“Okay, now tell me what’s happening.” She has a notepad in hand with a pen ready to take down any details they share.

“My name is Elosie Knut, My son Leo Knut is in a band named Eros-” 

“I actually quite enjoy that band, what’s happened?”

“Well, it’s more like what has been going on. Leo and his bandmates are really in deep in the… in the drug scene.” Noelle watches Eloise swallow like she is about to cry. “Before the band actually came together Leo was on his way to play professional hockey, He tore his ACL his senior year of highschool at one of the camps that Sergei put on. It ruined him, after that he was in so much pain during recovery that they ran tests on him. Nothing was conclusive so she determined that he had fibromyalgia. It’s a thing that means your nerves are overactive because of the pain indicators in your brain. He soon took to pain meds to help him be more comfortable in his everyday life from the doctors. He ended up getting addicted and when the band started not only was he selling but he was also using… He still is and it’s getting worse. He’s now using cocaine whenever he can and other things I probably don’t know of. It breaks my heart.” Noelle takes Eloise’s hand as she has a few tears dripped. Noelle is a drug and alcohol therapist that specializes in heavier addictions. She now understands why they came to her. Sergei must have mentioned her and they jumped on the opportunity. Noelle looks at the other woman. 

“Are you here for the same thing?” 

“Yes. I’m Judy Bruss. My son is Clayton Bruss, we adopted him when he was 14 years old. He didn’t have an easy life and we thought he was getting better but recently he had a bad trip of some kind, called me and pleaded to me to get him help because he doesn’t want to do this anymore. But he can’t stop, he wants to.” Noelle nods, writing down everything she remembers from both of the women’s statements. 

“Now, I don’t do home therapy sessions… but I can make an exception for them because I do not want the media finding out and surrounding my work building to deter other patients from coming in. The only thing I worry about is them actually showing up to therapy, they travel a lot, yes?” The women both nod. “That’s another thing that worries me, I can travel to meet them but it’s rather expensive so that would add to the cost of therapy.” 

“Anything, we will do anything.” Noelle sighs, of course they would do anything and there is no doubt in her mind they have the money, she is worried working with people who are so famous that they will not see the need for help because they have a god complex. 

“I’ll keep in touch with you, if I could get your information.” She writes down addresses and phone numbers for both women and nods. “I will get in touch with you as soon as I have a schedule ready, which I’ll need tour and stage dates for as well.” The women both nod enthusiastically. She stands up and shakes their hands. “I will see you in a few days or whenever this is all finished to let you and the boys know the information.”

“Their bandmate Melony has a sister, she had to leave the band because she went into rehab and decided that performing around those drugs was not good for her. Melony is also in therapy but I’m not sure how well it’s going. She was diagnosed with bipolar disoder a few years ago and we take care of her because her family lives in Australia.” Noelle writes that down as well.

“How old are these three?”

“Leo is 19 going to be 20 in about three months, Melony is 20.”

“Clay is 20 as well, they all met in highschool, Clay and Melony were a year above Leo.” Noelle wrote this down as well, having to flip over to the next page. 

“Thank you.”

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 5

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

The next morning Finn wakes up in a hotel bed with Logan curled up in his arms, they were both covered in hickey’s and Logan had some minor rope burns all over his body. Leo was nowhere to be found. Finn sits up slowly, stretching his sore muscles from the game last night and the activities after. Logan starts to stir, wrapping his arm around Finn’s lower stomach and squishing his face into his hip. Finn pets his hair as he uses his free hand to rub his eyes. 

He notices a note on the little table next to the bed.

‘When to grab food and stuff. Be back soon. -LK’ 

Finn smiles a little and lays back down, pulling Logan up to have their noses poking each other. Drifting back off to sleep.

Leo walks in the door as quietly as he can, lowkey high out of his mind but having been a functioning addict for a while he knows he can mostly hide it. He grabbed a bunch of food and some cream to put on Logan’s ropeburns. He still can’t believe Logan was so excited for Leo to tie him up. He was a natural but apparently had never done this before. He walks over to the bed after taking his shoes off and shakes the boys a bit. 

“Time to wake up, I got food.” Logan wakes up a bit and grabs Leo’s shirt catching him by surprise and yanking him onto the bed to cuddle with them. Leo flops onto them right on top of his bag with stuff he got and laughs a bit. Finn wakes up and looks startled before he sees Logan gripping Leo’s shirt and Leo trying not to laugh. 

“Good morning, did you get food I’m fucking starving.” Finn sits up with Leo’s torso across his legs as Logan hugs Leo’s face into his chest. Leo moves around a bit and pulls the now squashed food out from under him. Finn takes the bag, Leo notices how tired he looks and it makes him wish he could have cooked him something. He usually cooks for Melony and Clay back home unless he is having a flare up of his fibro, then they cook and baby him which he hates. But secretly he loves it because he is lucky enough to have these two as bandmates. 

“It’s probably mushed now, it’s just things like donuts.” 

“You got gluten free donuts? Odd choice.” Finn pulls a little bag of donuts out from a vegan allergy friendly shop and raises an eyebrow. He didn’t expect this. 

“I have fibromyalgia and would rather not have a terrible day because I ate something to trigger it.” Leo rolls over to sit at the other two feet. 

“I wasn’t trying to be rude.” Finn looks guilty and Leo smiles.

“Don’t worry about it, most people don’t know a lot about it so I don’t expect you to know either. Now, I also got some cream for Logan’s little burns and thought we should get that done before we eat.” Logan smiles at him and fishes the cream out of the bag. 

“I’ll do everything I can but if you two get horny from rubbing burn cream on me we might have an issue.” Finn and Leo both laugh, watching Logan push the covers off himself and seeing all the burns he has, they aren’t bad but they are still there and quite obvious. 

It’s almost like Leo marked his territory.

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 4

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

“Leo?” Logan was nervous, he’s never met a famous person. Well, okay that a lie he is on a team with some of the most famous hockey players, but not a music famous person. Leo was even taller in person, he was just wearing normal converse and it felt like he was towering over him. Finn was gripping his hand, both their hands were sweaty. Leo smiles at them and it feels like they have known each other for years. In most pictures you see online of Leo he has a scowl on his face, never smiling, always looking tired. 

“Yeah, that’s me. Come in. Bye Dad.” Wyatt waves as he leaves, whistling to the tune of their new song. Leo turns his gaze back to the two gorgeous men in front of him. “So, want to go back to my hotel with me?” Clay laughs on the couch at him trying to be smooth but Leo is only focused on the two stammering idiots in front of him. “Come on, I’ve got someone to drive.” He grabs his bag, still wearing his shirt around his neck like a towel and looks at Clay who is nodding his head from how tired he is. “Make sure you leave with Melony, I don’t want you two getting lost or hurt. Drink water before you sleep.” 

“Aw shucks, look at you caring for us.” Clay smiles as Leo just shakes his head. Walking back over to the out of place men outside the room. 


They were in a limo, a fucking limo. Leo had climbed in after talking to a really burly man who stopped him to ask who he was with and where he was going. They joked around a bit as before Leo led them over to a black limo. Leo stopped in front of it and sighed like he was annoyed. They all climb inside, Leo sitting on the side seats and Finn and Logan sitting on the back ones. 

“Sorry, I don’t really like limos, they draw too much attention. I’d rather we just left in a van or something, this is more Clay’s style.” He looks at them. “So I know what I could find about you from your profiles on like every platform but I didn’t actually google you, I didn’t want to seem creepy.” He looks down at his jeans and picks at the little frayes on the rip in his jeans by his knee. He was really a shy person at heart and if these two didn’t like him he didn’t know what he was gonna do. “I also just kinda wanted to get to know you in person. I asked if you wanted to fuck on Twitter but we don’t have to do anything. I just was kinda fucked up when I sent that and-”

“I googled you and watched hours of interviews and concert footage!” Logan blurts out. He cringes at himself and it’s silent for a moment before Leo AND Finn start laughing. Finn wrapping his arm around Logan and kissing his forehead. 

“Ohhh, I get it. You two are dating.” Leo smiles at them, seeming more relaxed than a couple seconds ago. “I thought you were from all the pictures of you together but I could never find a clear answer on y’alls pages.” 

“We don’t date and tell Leo, it’s just for us.” Leo nods at them, taken back by how secretive they were when really it was painfully obvious. 

“So, what made you say yes to meet me? Was it the free concert?” Logan and Finn look at each other for a moment, like they are having a conversation just with their eyes. Leo was metaphorically on the edge of his seat, physically he was relaxed as ever. Finn and his eyes met, they almost softened when they looked at him, it made him shift uncomfortably. 

“Well, it’s because of you we started officially dating, instead of acting like we weren’t.” The atmosphere changed around them, it was suddenly thick. Leo swallows a bit after his eyes travel from Finn’s eyes to his lips, from his lips to Logan’s and up to meet his eyes. 

“What do you mean?” 

“What we mean is I sucked Finn off in the bathroom of your New York show and it was all because of how good you look on stage. After that you answered us on twitter and we decided if we were going to ‘meet you’ we should probably talk about us first.” Leo blinked at them, suddenly Logan was in his lap and Finn was by his side. He is very nervous on the inside but on the outside he just smirks. 

“Is this my reward for getting you two together?” They nod, Logan leaning forward to catch his lips and Finn suckin on his neck.

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 3

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

Clay was jittery like he always was before a show, he hadn’t taken anything in a while but that was because he was trying to stop. Unlike Leo who is two lines of blow down and Melony joined him. He needed something to calm down but everything around him was something he was trying to quit. Maybe some take some xanax that was technically prescribed to Melony but she shares, because he knows they don’t do much for her… he stands up from where he was sitting and puts a bar in his mouth from the shitty ziplock bag they had on their dressing room table. He chugged an entire water bottle before crushing it and throwing it at Leo’s head. He smiles when Leo drops his cigarette because the bottle hit his forehead. 

“On in fifteen guys.” Peter pokes his head in the room and quickly closes the door when that same water bottle flies at his face, bouncing off the wall landing on Melony’s shoe. They all stand up, Leo checks the mirror, perfecting his smudgy eyeliner that Melony taught him how to do. It became their signature after the first concert. Like a good luck superstition with hockey. Leo started his normal routine before the show. Doing a mixture of different stretches, Calf raises, arms behind his back, a bridge up from the floor and many others. He would pace three times forward and three times backwards. 

They were all wearing the same thing tonight. Black skinny jeans with various rips, white shirts with hearts all over them like their last album release, a red converse and a white converse. Melony’s hair was up in a high ponytail, Clay’s hair was also up tonight in a bun with a couple of his thin locs out by his face. The one that always is in front of his nose bugging him but he refuses to pin it back somehow. Leo’s hair was his normal wild and fluffy blonde curls in his face. He didn’t really care. 

He shook his head twice and looked at his bandmates. 

“It’s show time.” They walk out into the hall, it’s always Melony, Leo and then Clay. They start walking towards the stage, getting into their usual cocky personas. His mom was there, standing right in front of the curtain waiting for them. She smiles, wishing them luck placing gentle kisses on their cheeks. Leo gives her a tight hug before they go out. 

“I miss you.” She says but his ears are ringing so loud as everything he took starts to set in, he just squeezes her before he follows Melony on stage. He hears the crowd chatting but no one can tell they are on stage yet. He takes this time as he puts on his guitar that his dad made for him, to look out into the crowd. Looking for the faces he knows. He spots Sergei and some other people he recognises from the team pictures Sergei posts. He sees Pascal, he’s met him a few times, but he doesn’t see the two he is looking for. Maybe they didn’t come. He sighs, putting on his mic, they stopped using regular stand mics a few shows ago because they felt like it prevented them from actually performing. He looks at Clay who is a couple feet away from him and nods, they both look back at Melony who gives them a thumbs up. They all breathe in at the same time. It was peaceful.

After the show Leo was sweaty, taking off his shirt to use it as a rag to wipe his face. He sits down on the couch in their dressing room and sighs. Clay sits next to him while Melony decides to go to the merch stand to say hello to people. She was definitely the most social out of the three of them. Clay looked exhausted, there was no way they were going out after this. The adrenaline from being on stage and other things is leaving their system making it so they could barely keep their eyes open.

“I think that went well.” Clay puts his head on Leo’s shoulder and closes his eyes. Leo hums in agreement and they sit in silence for a few minutes. They don’t bother opening their eyes when the door opens, expecting it to be Melony. Leo cracks one of his eyes open, his cheek ends up on Clay’s head at some point. He smiles, closing his eyes again. 

“Hey Dad.” He breathes in deeply through his nose and stretches when Clay takes his head off his shoulder. Standing up he walks over to his dad and hugs him. Wyatt has made all the instruments they play, it’s a family business that he was proud of to no end. 

“You sounded great out there, Bud.” He stumbles a bit as Leo puts his full weight on him without even meaning to. Feeling really dizzy all of a sudden. “I think you should go to your hotel, get some sleep and not… you know.” Leo  doesn’t really hear what he said but nods. He smiles at his dad who gives him a kiss on the cheek. They hear a knock on the door, which no one knocks on so that was kinda weird. Wyatt decides it’s time for him to go. “Call me when you wake up. We need to figure out when we can celebrate your birthday. 20 is a big year!” Wyatt smiles, messing up Leo’s hair like he always does before he leaves. “I love you, Bud.”

“I love you too Dad.” He watches his dad open the door. 

Finn and Logan are there. 

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 2

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

“He apparently wants to fuck.” Logan is looking at his twitter baffled at how bold this guy is. He looked him up and ended up watching hours of his concerts. He was really good, now knowing he wants to fuck him made him want to go to a show. “What if I DM him? Is that a bad idea?” He looks up at Finn who is currently burning toast and having no idea how to get it out of the toaster. “Put down the fork I don’t want to take you to the hospital because you’re fucking stupid.” Finn holds up a plastic fork and the unplugged wire to the toast and Logan laughs. “Just be careful.”

“Yes mom.” Finn rolls his eyes smiling and finally gets the toast out of the toaster by tipping it upside down over the floor. The toast does come out but so do all the crumbs that have fallen in the bottom of the toaster after years of the team using it. They were in the lounge after practice, not wanting to really go home yet. “Fuck! I just made it worse!” He goes to the closet across the room and pulls out a dustpan and broom while Logan just keeps contemplating about messaging Leo. “Why does Kuny have to have the weirdest superstition of burning his fucking toast before a game?”

“Nado has been trying to get him to stop but it’s basically impossible at this point, he’s been doing it since he was ten.” Logan sighs. “Finn help, what should we do!” 

“You want to go to a concert? You know if we go… we will do things in the bathroom again, right?” Logan nods, Finn sighs. He loves doing things with Logan but for some reason Logan still refuses to talk about it. It was getting annoying at this point. “We can, but only if we talk about us first.” Logan furrows his brow.

“What do we have to talk about?” Finn just looks at him like he’s a dumbass. “What?”

“Logan.” He finishes cleaning his mess and sits down next to him. “We need to talk about how we fuck and have feelings for one another but you still refuse to date me.” Finn was being blunt but he was tired of this. He was tired of feeling like he was stuck on a ferris wheel that gets stuck on the high parts of this mess they made, goes too fast by the bad parts. Sometimes fast enough that he forgets about them. Sometimes when he is alone at their apartment he just thinks about how many secrets are in the walls. The moaning of each other’s names, the fumbling between the sheets when there is a storm or they are drunk. The acting like a domestic couple when not being one. He was tired

“Well… it’s not that I don’t want it-”

“Then let’s be together.” 

“But, other peop-”

“I dont give a fuck about other people Lo! I fucking care about you! I want you! I need you! I fucking love you! Why can’t you just take something for yourself for once and not care about everyone else? It’s not like we have to scream it for the world to know, it can be just for us.” Finn huffs out a big breath, grabbing Logan’s hand gently, hoping he wouldn’t pull away. He didn’t. “What do you want, Logan?”

“I want you.” Logan looks up to meet Finn’s eyes, those deep brown orbs that just melt his heart. He felt so bad, he knew what they were doing wasn’t going to last forever but he didn’t want to think of the possibility of losing Finn. He was always scared that if they did get together that Finn would change his mind. Maybe he wouldn’t want Logan anymore because of how he acts sometimes. “I want to be with you.”

“Then let’s be together.” 

“Okay.” Logan couldn’t help but smile as they both leaned in for a kiss. Hearing his phone ding he ignored it as he moved his hands up to squish Finn’s face so his lips were pouting like a fish. “This is why they call you fish.” Finn laughs and lurches forwards to steal one last kiss from Logan. 

“They call me Fish because I skate so seamlessly on the ice it’s like I’m swimming!” Finn playfully growls at Logan and kisses him a bunch on his cheek while he laughs. 

“Finn, you don’t know how to swim.” Finn laughs and pulls away enough just to look at Logan. He was checking his phone to make sure it wasn’t an important notification and his eyes widened. “He messaged us, you too. It’s a group, get your phone!” Finn digs his phone out of his pocket and sees a message. He opens it. 

‘Y’all want to come to my show in Hufflepuff? I see you have a game that night. Bring the team, tell Sergei I say hi’

The Cult Of Dionysus


Chapter 1

Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

Leo was laying on their studio’s couch, puffing on a cigarette, he’s been up for three days straight and had only binged a pizza. Clay was sitting next to him with Leo’s feet in his lap and a notebook in one hand, the pen twirling in between his other hands fingers. He has been writing for the three days they have been on a binge. Melony was on the ground, sitting with her hair over Leo’s lap and her head resting on his hip. 

“What have you got Clay?” Melony asks, hoping that he was writing and not just scribbling his anxieties away. 

“I have a something about when Leo was fucking that dude’s girlfriend in your tour van and he didn’t know. What was his name? Seth?”

“Scotty.” Leo answers as he runs his hands over his face, trying to keep from falling asleep. “Let’s work on music then.” He goes to move but the other two won’t let him get up because they are comfy. “We need to do some sort of work this week, we have two days left before Peter comes and knocks our door down begging for money.” Peter Petigrew was their manager’s assistant and the person who supplies them with… things. 

“I fucking hate that rat.” Melony is the first up, stretching her arms over her head. “Let’s get on with it then.” She snatches the notebook from her bandmate’s hand and reads over it. “Maybe instead of ‘he doesn’t know’ it could be ‘Scotty doesn’t know’…” Clay and Leo smile at each other and then get up, maybe a bit too fast because they run into each other. 

“What did you name it?” Leo looks at the top of the page and smiles when he sees its blank, grabbing Melony’s face and smacking a kiss on her forehead. “I think you just figured out the name of our song, I knew I kept you around for a reason.” Melony rolls her eyes and walks away towards the room with all their instruments where they make the actual music for the songs. They live in the apartment right above the studio so they didn’t need to go far when they had an idea. 

They mess around a bit on their equipment and eventually are too tired to continue. They head upstairs and decide to go to bed at three in the afternoon. Leo wanders into his room and finds his phone on his bed that he doesn’t remember putting there but he doesn’t remember a lot of the last few days. He sees some missed calls from Crouch, their manager and Peter the rat. A few calls and texts from his parents but he won’t call them back until tomorrow or whenever he wakes up. He scrolls through Twitter aimlessly and notices he was tagged in something from hockey players. 

He misses hockey a lot. Maybe too much but he physically cannot play if he wants to be able to walk by the time he is thirty. His knee starts hurting at just the thought of playing again and he knows everything is fading from his system because his neck and wrists are starting to ache as well. He sighs and looks at the tweet before he tries to fall asleep. 

He sits up on his elbows when he sees the picture of the two guys who are apparently at his concert. They must have been there when Sergei brought his team. He missed Sergei. But these guys were pretty good looking. One was tall and lean and the other was shorter and built. He wonders if they are together. He replies to them in the only way he seems fit. 

@finnohara- Fish  @logantremblay- Tremz Wanna Fuck?

The Cult Of Dionysus


Y'all remember that fic I wrote a while back named British V-Sign? Well I turned it into a shitty chapter fic. You’re welcome and I’m sorry

Character’s belong to: @lumosinlove 

TW/CW: Swearing, Mentions of drugs, drug usage, Underage drinking, Smut, Therapy, Not Happy Ending.

Sergei was on the phone with someone.Talking loud and animatedly like the person was actually in front of him. Everyone else was in the shower or getting into their game day suits. Everyone was a little bummed because they just lost against the Rangers, 3-0. It stung but with Kasey being their only goalie and having a pulled thigh muscle makes it hard on the team. It isn’t Kasey’s fault at all. He can’t control when he is hurt and when he isn’t. Yet, he still blamed himself. 

Sergei was pulling on his blazer, he laughed into the phone and nodded as if the person on the line could see him. No one really paid attention, usually people get calls in the locker room from family, then again Sergei was speaking English. Suspicious. Because his entire family speaks Russian. Hmm.

“I will let them know! The whole team got it!” He hung up and whistled for everyone’s attention, just about deafening the room. When all eyes were on him and mostly dressed he made his announcement. “Okay, I have the entire team invited to go to a free Punk Rock concert!” The words rolled off his tongue a bit thick with his accent.

“You like Punk? Sergei, why did I never know about this?” Dumo walks over to stand next to his friend and puts a hand on his shoulder. Sergei punches him in the arm slightly and rolls his eyes. A few people snicker at their actions.

“I don’t really care for it, but an old friend of mine’s son plays and has a concert at the Barclays Center. I thought you would like to go, maybe cheer up.” He smiles that sweet smile he always puts on when he wants to do something but not go alone. Most of the team agrees, Sunny, Sirius and Kasey decide that concerts aren’t really their place, deciding to stay at the hotel.

Everyone went to the hotel to change into something more comfortable. Finn knocked on Logan’s door because he was taking forever. Finn didn’t really know what to wear to a punk concert so he went with his normal ripped black skinny jeans and a white shirt and some white tennis shoes. When Logan finally opened the door the room was a mess as expected, he shook his head as Logan held up two shirts for him to pick from.

Logan was so indecisive that Finn, being his best friend, made all his decisions for him. Once Logan was dressed in a black and white tiedyed shirt with the sleeves cut off and some lightwash baggy and ripped jeans, he threw on his stupid boots that weighed like 20 pounds but Logan took everywhere. They gave him the height he always wanted.

Everyone was waiting for them by the time they walked out of the elevator, the usual chirping about being late insued as they all piled into the vans waiting for them. They were expecting some small concert hall with a couple of mediocre bands that would sound great after a few drinks. Instead everyone but Finn was taken aback when they pulled up outside one of the biggest concert halls in NYC. Sergei went first and gave the bouncer a word. He let them through without hesitation. Leading them into a taped off area of the mosh pit. Logan has never been to a concert with a mosh pit and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous. All the horror stories of them on the internet popping up in his brain. He looks around and notices just how many people are there, he loves rock. Literally any type of it, how has he never heard of this band before… Well maybe he has but he doesn’t remember them. Actually, Sergei never told them the name of the band so maybe it is one he knows. Either way it’s weird that Sergei knows the band personally. 

“Sergei, who the hell do you know!?” Finn was looking around so confused but also in awe. “Do you have a past we don’t know about?” Sergei laughed at Finn’s teasing tone and shook his head, patting Finn a little hard on the back.

“Nope! You remember the traveling Junior Professional teams I used to coach.” Some of the older players nodded while Logan and Finn shook their heads. “Well I used to coach Eloise Knut’s son. He was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year as he was on the road to recovery from a torn ACL. He used to just do music for a hobby but now it’s his whole life.” Sergei shrugs as Finn and Logan gawk at him. Dumo snaps a picture of the two and sends it to the group chat for the ones at the hotel to experience. 

“You mean Eloise Knut, the absolute hockey LEGEND!” Finn looks at Logan then back at Sergei. “You’re shitting me.” Sergei shakes his head again as the lights start to dim and the band comes out. They all turned to face the stage, it was too dark to see anyone clearly but they knew people were up there. The screen above the stage came on with a picture of what looks to be an album cover. Three people wearing boxers with hearts on them, little baby angel wings and crooked halos. The name ‘Eros’ in red scratchy letters at the top. The picture had a tall blond man in front, two people on the side of him just staring forward with no expression like him. He has an anatomical heart tattooed where his actual heart would be, a couple of quote tattoos just above his knees and what looks to be an upper sleeve tattoo of… Finn didn’t have his glasses on so he really couldn’t tell. Then the picture flickered and changed so the man on his left is now in front and the other guy was on the right of him. This man had a lion tattooed on his side, the black ink being shown off on darker skin big enough to take up half his stomach and Finn guessed half his back as well, he had short small locs pulled up into a bun at the back of his head. He was smirking forward with his head tipped back just a little, he looked cocky. The picture changed one last time, this time it was a woman in front, wearing the same boxers as the other two and a small bra to cover her small chest, it has the same design as the boxers. This woman looked like she could beat anyone up, strong arms on her small frame. Her hair was flaming neon orange up in two buns on the side of her head. She didn’t have any tattoos that he could see. The picture keeps changing, moving the three people around like clockwork and Finn notices that they all have messy black smudges on their lower eyelids. Scary. 

Suddenly, a spotlight shines down on an angel, a giant angel. He’s tall built blonde with a green streak over his left temple messing with his beautifully golden angel curls. The mop of hair suits his face, a mesh shirt tucked into some baggy, black, torn to shreds jeans and four inch platform boots. His golden skin glowed from under the light with a cloud of twinkles on his face that must be piercings that can’t be seen from this far away. They also notice some balck smudges around his eyes. Just like in the pictures earlier.

Logan is suddenly very thirsty. He got even thirstier when this angel opened his mouth. The songs were amazing, they were punk and crazy but also not anything he ever imagined. Everyone around them was dancing, drinking and laughing. Whooping when the angel from the stage came closer to sing directly to the group and pointed at Sergei before waving at him with the sweetest smile. Logan has never heard of this band but the music they were producing was amazing. Thoughtful yet aggressive, meaningful yet fun. There was also a lot about sex. The three people on stage would transition between songs to switch instruments or to have another person take over a song and it was flawless. 

He was close enough that Finn could make out his piercings, a septum, a smiley, an eyebrow and so many in his ears. What took his breath away was when the angel had been focusing so much on his bass solo that his tongue poked out of his mouth… and it was pierced. Looking down his chest because he couldn’t help himself he noticed the glinting of the light on his chest. His nips were peirced as well. 

Finn and Logan both took big gulps of water at the same time, then gave each other pointed looks saying ‘You too?’ They both nodded awkwardly and looked back on stage. Standing so close the back of their hands were touching. There had always been an unspoken thing between them but unspoken was always unspoken unless they were slightly inebriated somehow. So they never did anything around the team, most of the time. But, this angel was pushing them close and closer to having to drink. In public.

Once the performance came to an intermission Logan and Finn shared a look. Then they told the team they were going to the bathroom. Being told to be safe they pushed their way through the crowd and made it to the bathroom, luckily it was empty. Logan had Finn pinned to the door in a matter of seconds.

“Please tell me you saw that gorgeous man!” Logan was dropping to his knees and undoing Finn’s belt and jeans before Finn could even process what was happening. A shocked moan was ripped from his throat as Logan swallowed him down with no hesitation. It didn’t take long for Logan to pull an orgasm from him. Logan loves going down on Finn so making him finish was easy, without even being touched. Logan stood back up as Finn was fixing himself. He washed his hands and splashed some water on his face.

“Yeah” Finn is still trying to catch his breath as he finishes his belt. “I saw him.”

They get back to the team without drawing too much attention to themselves, again standing so close to each other but this time their pinkies are linked. Finn is all bright smiles the rest of the night while Logan is a bit more shy than normal. Blushing at the slightest joke. 

Once the concert ended and everyone crawled back into their respective beds they still couldn’t get that boy out of their heads. They weren’t the only ones with members of the band on their mind either.

The next morning on the car ride to the airport Finn tapped on Logan’s headphones and showed him his phone. He has typed out a tweet that had Leo (They eventually got his name from Sergei) tagged. 

“I’ve never been to a Punk concert but @peanut made me fall in love <3” It had a picture of him and Logan, and another that was just Leo. Logan was tagged on the side. Logan nodded, smiling and clicks post for Finn.

What they weren’t expecting was a response when they landed.
