#para spill the milk tea



She is about to respond to his outrageous questions when he somehow manage to break his cup, instant karma, perhaps, and so suddenly she is at loss for words and feel like she has to react quickly. While Jaemin head to the counter to fetch himself a new one, Yoohyeon heads over to pick up some napkins to clean up the mess that is all over their table. It is all amusing her greatly, so she can’t help but giggle when he comes back with a brand new drink. “Yeah– let me help you with that, silly. Here,” she carefully slides it over after piercing through it.

Jaemin’s energy levels take a significant dip after spilling his milk tea everywhere. He really needs to learn how to be chill around his friends, but it’s hard! Spending time with friends is something he treasures as he appreciates them making time in their busy schedules, especially one as busy as Yoohyeon’s. Even though Jaemin’s always ready to take the blame for her, he appreciates her acknowledgement that they both could’ve met up more over the Halloween season. It was hard to believe that it’s almost the holiday season; they really haven’t seen each other as much as he’d like! After the whole milk tea ordeal, Jaemin realizes he’s the one talking her ear off, when the whole point of this meeting was so he could hear what his busy friend is up to.

Collapsing in his seat, he lets his more level-headed friend stab the milk tea for him. Almost as flamboyant as a cartoon character, he visibly deflates. “Ah, thank you, Yoohyeon,” he sighs out while putting his hands in prayer. “You didn’t have to clean up my mess. You’re too nice… Where would I be without you?” He whines out as he slumps in his chair to the point where his head is barely visible over the table. He carefully reaches out for his drink, not wanting another fiasco. After a couple of satisfying sips, he lets out a sigh of relief. Maybe drinks are better the second time they’re made? Brushing off the situation, he gets back into his usual jokester mode. “Anyways, no use crying over spilled milk tea.” Wiggling in his chair, he sits back up. “I don’t want to be the one spilling all the tea!”

He raises an eyebrow at his friend, hoping it’ll make her nervous to speak about something. Inching his neck forward and looking in her eyes, he hopes he’s making her think he knows something, even if he has no idea what his friend has been up to. “You got something you want to spill?” He snaps back in his seat. "If you want, I’m willing to do quid pro quo. I probably have some tea to spill… that isn’t my literal drink.” His attempt at being intimidating falls flat when he laughs at his own joke. “I’ll even start. I’ve been thinking about actually getting into this whole idol thing seriously. Rather than just pretending that I can become an idol with my stunning, dashing, handsome looks,” he poses with his hands framing his face, as he makes a goofy grin, “I’ve been like actual dancing! I’ve been learning those awful TikTok dances just cause they’re fun… It’s kind of embarrassing, even if no one is watching, but at least I’m trying.” After a pause, he aggressively points his finger at his friend. “Your turn now! Give me something exciting, Yoohyeon!”

charisma starter (5/5) for @yoohyeonrk

It’s finally the weekend, which meant that both Jaemin and Yoohyeon’s schedules are relatively free. Rather than go see a movie where neither one of them can talk, Jaemin had suggested earlier in the week they meet up for some milk tea. He doesn’t go that often and for some reason the sugary drinks had been calling out to him all week. After a bit of bickering, Jaemin pays for their drinks and they sit down. The environment of the cafe is surprisingly luxe yet comfortable, with its plush furniture and fake chandeliers. On one wall is an LED light with “spill the tea” written in bubbly handwriting.

“Aren’t you glad I suggested we go somewhere other than your work?” Jaemin asks, while scrunching his nose. Yoohyeon’s work is a cute comic and cat cafe but it didn’t make sense for him to suggest that they hang out at her work. No way they could gossip with her coworkers lingering around. He hadn’t seen Yoohyeon since Halloween and it’s already the end of November. Projects have piled up for Jaemin, taking up all of the free time he used to have. “I’m glad we got to meet up! We barely got to chat at the Halloween event, which is my bad. I had to take photos of everything.”

Trying to sound nonchalant, Jaemin breaks eye contact to look at the LED sign on the wall. “So, got any tea to spill?” With his lips puckered, his eyes trail back to Yoohyeon. “New man? New drama?” After unwrapping his straw, Jaemin stabs the top of his milk tea with boba, with a bit too much force. The cup breaks open on one side. With a high-pitched scream, Jaemin tries to cover up the hole. “Ah! No!” He rushes to the counter with his drink. After the employee takes his drink and makes him a new one, he quickly runs back to clean up with some napkins. “Maybe you should stab it for me.”
