#part 9 chance and change


Ikemen Sengoku Fanfiction

Yukimura Part 9: Romantic Standoff Kasugayama


By@ikesensrandomninjagirl​​ (Jan 2021)

  • Featuring: Yukimura x Akira
  • Word Count: 2800
  • Disclaimer: Akira is my OC but all other characters are not mine. They are the rightful property of Cybird.
  • Warnings: NSFW 18+

“I’ve pictured saying this to you a thousand times yet now that seems to make this moment all the more intimidating.” Sasuke sighed as he sipped the cup of tea Shingen had offered him.

He had explained what had transpired with Yukimura that morning and how worried he was about Shingen’s vassal.

Shingen had been quick to pick up on the things he hadn’t said and had just asked him to speak his mind.

Sasuke looked up to meet the wise and often far too observant grey eyes of the Tiger of Kai. His smile was friendly enough, but nothing escaped Shingen’s notice.

“I know Yukimura is not one for keeping secrets. So, may I assume he has told your some of the far-fetched adventures Akira has experienced? Ones from before she came to Kasugayama?”

“Yuki could never lie to me. Luckily he gave up trying long ago.” Shingen chuckled. “So, you are also aware that Akira is from five hundred years in the future?”

“As far as secrets go, this is one Akira and I share.” Sasuke admitted.

Shingen rarely looked surprised. Yet, even now, his smile returned so quickly that it was difficult for Sasuke to catch it. 

“Please elaborate?” He asked curiously.

“I’m not only aware, Lord Shingen, I traveled with Akira to this time. I’ve spent the last four years searching for her in hope—well—hoping to help her find her way home. I believe if it weren’t for me she would not have been swept up in this journey I chose to take. I wanted to do anything I could to help her find her way back to our time.”  

“I see.” Shingen tipped his head to the side, but his eyes narrowed slightly when he asked, “You informed Yukimura of this I take it?”

“I did this morning.”

“But not Kenshin?”

“I still need to inform Lord Kenshin.” Sasuke admitted suddenly feeling a bit itchy around the collar of his shirt. It was as though his Lord might sense they had spoken his name and appear at any moment.

“So there is a chance that Akira could return to your time? When Yukimura spoke of it, he seemed to imply that time travel was—what did you call it—far-fetched?”

Sasuke nodded.

“Yuki to be under the impression that finding a way home was not an option for our lovely guest.”

“He was rather upset when I explained it might be a possibility.” Sasuke sighed, “Akira and Yukimura were interrupted before she could explain everything to him. I only finally managed my own explanation this morning. So, Yukimura now knows there is a chance she can go home, to a future she is familiar with. The passage—a wormhole as I call it—will open in a few days if my calculations are correct.”

Shingen placed his tea cup down looking rather solemn at that prospect.

“Shingen… after seeing Yukimura’s reaction to all this I… I felt it was necessary to ask something of you. I wanted to ask you to consider a choice you would not have chosen before now. I’m asking for Yukimura’s sake and for your own.”

“Once the wormhole closes there is a chance it will not open again. The parameters required for it to appear are quite unpredictable.” Sasuke paused as the weight of what he was about to ask the Tiger of Kai seemed to grow heavier with his explanation.

“You mentioned asking me something, Sasuke. I have yet to hear a question.” Shingen’s tone was teasing, but behind it Sasuke saw a hint of the exhaustion that was eating away at the warlord every minute he was not resting. 

“My apologies, Lord Shingen.” Sasuke cleared his throat, “I know you are worried about Yukimura and your vassals. I also realize—with your symptoms—how little time you have left.”

Shingen looked away from Sasuke. The pain he was keeping at bay crossed his face and with it a sorrow that made the ninja wish he could take back what he had just said.

“My question is… would you be brave enough to bargain with me? It would mean taking the chance at losing what little time you have left? In exchange for the chance to have more time with them than you’ve ever dared to hope for?”

As Sasuke outlined his plan Lord Shingen listened carefully asking questions now and then. They were just finishing their discussion when the castle physician came to check on Shingen. Sasuke couldn’t help being somewhat concerned upon the physician’s arrival.

“I would have thought Yukimura would be back by now to ascertain Lord Shingen’s progress.” The ninja commented.

Shingen offered Sasuke a smirk. “If Yukimura is not here it is likely he has finally realized there is something more important he should be doing with his time.”

Sasuke could only offer him a confused silence.

Shingen chuckled, “You sent Akira after him, didn’t you? Yukimura needs to be worshiping his lady like she is a goddess. Not nagging at me to stop eating sweets.”

“Oh.” Outside of the brief response and a rather obvious change in the coloring of his ears, Sasuke left the room without questioning the Tiger of Kai any further.   


“Let me have you.” Yukimura’s words made her heart rate erratic. It was as though it didn’t know how to function in the face of his open and honest desire.

“I want that too.” Akira sighed even as his hands began to warm her skin by curving over the parts of her that were now exposed.

Yukimura began placing kisses across her abdomen as he moved to kneel between her legs. She spread her legs even further apart. Allowing his broader body to settle afaints her. His hands began running over her exposed skin. They curved over her hip and down the foreign smoothness of her inner thighs.

She couldn’t resist a sigh of pleasure as at last those long gentle fingers stroked over her entrance. Exploring the shape and softness of her folds with a combination of curiosity and caution.

Her own hands traced the shape of his lower—then upper—arms. When she reached his shoulders she needed to sit forward slightly, exploring the intricate muscles that he needed to preserve his own life.

He was a work of art. It seemed as though any muscle she suspected might exist beneath Yukimura’s kimono was evidently hiding ten others. She knew he was training constantly, but every part of his exposed skin seemed capable of flexing and rippling with power-filled motion. The idea of that kind of power just beneath his skin was both intimidating and endearing. It made her feel even more safe and protected. Yet, she was a bit intimidated when she already knew the imperfections of her own body all too well.  

The way his rich brown eyes wandered over her made her skin feel warm all over. The way he looked at her made her stomach clench with nerves. She’d never felt like someone wanted her this much. It felt as though both his intelligent gaze and gentle hands caressed her.

He had said “I know you need—” a few times now. She suspected he was trying not to mention Shingen. Yet, the way he would pause and thing for a moment seemed almost as though he were shifting through battle formations, attempting to discern which was prevalent and which to discard. The thought made her smile and she reached up to stroke his cheek.

“Hmn?” He met her gaze with a tender smile leaning down to steal a kiss from her lips. “If I’m doing this wrong—?”

“You’re not. You’re just… wow.” She whispered glancing over his beautiful body hungrily.

“Wow, huh? So eloquent are we?” He laughed softly running his fingertips across her thigh once again.

“Only with you.” She whispered pulling him down for another kiss. A deeper one this time. When she peeked her eyes open his ears seemed sufficiently red and she couldn’t help smiling in satisfaction.

“Couldn’t you have been less pretty? So, I could actually think straight sometimes?” He whispered placing more kisses against her skin.  

He seemed less hesitant to resume his exploration of her after that. As though the banter had been enough to relax him from whatever “first time” nerves he had been dealing with. When he parted the outer lips of her entrance she couldn’t hold back a quiet “Oh.” A few moments later he continued stroking deeper and she gasped.

His small laugh made her eyes snap up to his handsome face. His smile wasn’t teasing, however. It was sexy as hell, but somehow still held a curious delight. He was quickly discovering what she liked without much prompting at all. The pleasure was almost surprising for her because she had expected him to be a bit more…shy?

“I know you need to be touched first… so let me? Please?” His face had been so flushed when he said that.

Yet, now she was the one blushing. Blushing with the increased need and the pleasure of feeling his fingers stroke inside her. They paused to circle her clit, and then slid back inside her wet heat brushing over the needy flesh of her core. He supplemented that with tender kisses and caresses along her breasts, stomach and thighs. Each touch seemed to make her need him more and the damp heat the pooled in her core made her moan his name.

He slid another finger inside her. They were both soon heavily coated in the essence of her pleasure, and he summoned more with each stroke. The heat of her need was spreading upward toward her heart and down her trembling legs. 

Her hands had stopped exploring him and were instead either buried in his hair or gripping his upper arms as if to beg him to keep going. Not that he needed the extra encouragement. He seemed motivated enough by the wet sounds he was making with his fingers and the moans he was summoning from her lips. She was somewhat embarrassed by those gentle whimpers. Yet, she still couldn’t hold the sounds back. Not when her voice encouraged him to forget his hesitation and touch her with more confidence.

The nervous jolts of pleasure were running up her legs to her core as her body responded to his touch. Her rising need felt more like an inferno that should burn Yukimura’s fingers. Yet he didn’t hesitate as he continued to touch her. Even as her approaching orgasm threatened to make her fall to pieces

“Hng… Yukimura… I’m… I’m going to fall…”

“Huh? Fall?” He looked confused for a moment but when his fingers paused their movement she whimpered and objection. He quickly resumed the motions offering her tensing walls the friction they needed.

“Th-that’s good right?” He asked looking a bit embarrassed again.

Unable to speak she attempted to nod but it was only three or four strokes later that her world began to shatter. Her walls trembled and pulsed around his fingers as her pleasure reached its height. The burning heat that seemed to wake every nerve in her body hit her hard and she cried out. Moaning as the pleasure of each trembling wave made her muscles clench and release over and over again.

“Akira?” His voice was a mixture of concern and awe as he watched her come undone. He had slowed his fingers to small strokes which she responded to with encouraging moans. Her sighs seemed to reassure him and when he pulled his fingers away from her entrance, she couldn’t resist reaching out to him. Inviting him into her embrace so she could feel the warmth of his body against hers.

“That was beautiful… Oh wow… I can’t… catch my breath.” She whispered against him even as she pressed closer to him. Begging for his touch. To feel the warmth of his skin against hers.

“Are you okay Akira?” He asked when her breathing seemed to have slowed a little.

She nodded. Her words were lost in the midst of a train crash somewhere between her mind and her heart. Yet, that didn’t change how badly she wanted to feel his touch.

She ran her hands over his body pressing kisses against his shoulders and chest. This encouraged him to do the same. She would check his expression every so often to see if he disliked something. But she was soon too wrapped up in touching and kissing his smooth skin to worry. Her body still trembled from need even after the orgasm. She needed him to claim her completely. To take her as his.

Her lack of restraint made him laugh a little which encouraged her to tease. She tickled him in just the right spot. He actually yelped in surprise. In his haste to get away from her teasing fingers, he bumped his head on the wall nearest their heads.

She attempted to hold in her laughter but she failed.

“Oh, you did not just—” The next thing she knew he was tickling her. He already knew most of her sensitive places, but he quickly discovered a few others. Akira was soon in a giggling heap with Yukimura wrapped around her. His boyish smile was as adorable as it had ever been.

This time when he leaned in to kiss her she wrapped her arms around his neck. Pressing their bare chests together. Enjoying the warmth of feeling him against her skin. When his fingers brushed between her thighs again, she hummed her encouragement against his lips.

“You like this then?” He whispered stroking the sensitive skin again.

She nodded.

He leaned in and kissed her neck before whispering, “What about this?”

His fingers brushed over the folds of her entrance and her breath stopped.

“Was that a no?” His voice teased.

“Y-you—hng—” Just as she started to reply his fingers moved upward brushing against her clit.

“You wanted me to fall to pieces all over again?” She breathed.

“The more times the better.” His fierce blush following those words made her suspect they were actually Shingen’s.

She cupped his face with her hands and smiled at him tenderly, “I want to make love to you too, Yuki. So, don’t hold back on letting me pleasure you.”

“I… Akira…” His face reddened and she kissed his mouth hungrily even as her hands slid downward finding their way to his needy member. She stroked his shaft gently and he moaned into their kiss. Deepening it as she continued to stroke his cock.

“You’re going to make me lose control.” He warned breaking the kiss.

“Control isn’t necessarily something I want you to keep. Not right now, Yuki.” She replied running her thumb over his sensitive tip making him groan. “Yukimura… I want you inside of me… please?” She whispered breathlessly.

“A-are you sure?” He asked looking a bit awkward. She nodded… grateful his hands seemed to be less hesitant than his voice. “Please Yuki? I want to feel you.”

He captured her mouth in another heated kiss. Shifting himself to hover above her. She settled her legs on either side of his thighs, spreading them sufficiently for him to enter her. Then she reached up to stroke his cock tenderly again.

He moaned in pleasure. Trembling a little at her touch before thrusting instinctive into her hand.

“I’m not sure you should… I don’t know if I can hold back Akira.” He whispered as she continued to touch him.

“I don’t want you to.” She whispered teasing her own entrance with his tip. “It will feel better for both of us if you let go and just enjoy this. Don’t be nervous or worried about me. I’m ready for you and I want this as badly as you do.”  

His dark eyes stared into hers. Both their bodies trembled with need at being so close, but for just a moment he paused. Just looking at her with so much adoration it could break her heart with a glance.

“I love you Akira.” He whispered. There was no hesitation. No following blush. Just the truth.

“I love you too Yukimura.” She touched his cheek and his mouth came down to hers in a gentle kiss.

There was a promise there that did not need to be put into words. And when the rush of need overtook the sweet moment—as his tongue thrust wantonly into her mouth and she guided his cock between her thighs—it stayed in her heart. Making everything that happened afterward feel that much more real, and that much more sweet.

(to be continued…)

Masterlist for Ikemen Sengoku

Tagging: @salty-fed-up-bitch​  @zetalith​​​​​​@mysticdreamerme​​​​​​​​@mozartsdrawingofvincent​​​​​​@oikoneko​​​​​​​​@vespeshadowmoon​​​​​​​​@zavannahmj​​​​​​​​@ashavazesa​​​​​​​​@milas-imaginarium​​​​​​​​@lunnakai-blog​​​​​​​​@nad-zeta​​​​​​​​@tsubaki3192@datenoriko​​​​​​​​@some-animal-in-azuchi​​​​​​​​  @missjudge-me​​​​​​​​@jiyuu-chan​​​​​​​@starry-starry-night24@imyournewfairygodmother​​​@menollywanderer​​  
