
wanted to jump on the “these girls that have unfairly been pitted against each other are actually da

wanted to jump on the “these girls that have unfairly been pitted against each other are actually dating” wagon, so here’s some Harry Potter WLW’s

Ginny was praised by the narrative for not crying, Cho was criticized for crying too much. Ginny doesn’t mind her girlfriend being a little emotional :)

Despite the narrative’s best efforts to trash on Parvati and Lavender, Hermione actually loves her femme girlfriends :)

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Coming Soon: HP Bodice Ripper Fest

Follow for updates. HP Bodice Ripper Fest coming soon. Watch this space! Prompting will start soon!

Preliminary timeline:

  • prompting: 13th March
  • claiming: 3th April
  • submissions due: 17th July
  • posting: 1th August

Mark your calendars!

your mods: @ghaniblue&@3lvendork

Memorial Tattoos

Neville’s Frank and Alice tattoos on either wrist made Augusta furious at first, but she grew to like the way the names shimmered.

Teddy Lupin has a tattoo for his mother and a tattoo for his father. For his father, he asks the tattoo artist to capture the moment between casting a patronus and seeing its form, the flash of beautiful white light and the anticipation of something silvery sweet, a sort of Patronus-y feeling of joy and bravery. For his mother, he gets an ever-changing picture of a nose on his wrist that makes him smile every single day. 

Parvati has a line from The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock on her wrist in honor of Lavender, who had clung to Elliot’s Wasteland in the midst of their own war.  There will be time to wonder, do I dare? It reminds her of the daring, nerve, and chivalry that she and Lavender had learned to embody together, the six years they spend wondering and the year they spent daring under the reign of the Carrows.

The only reminder of the child Greg Goyle used to be are the tiny crab tattoos on his biceps, in honor of his best friend Crabbe.

All the women in the Bones line have a matching family crest tattoo. When Susan comes of age and is asked to join the family tradition with her mother and her aunt Amelia, the world is it war. It seems uncouth to mark her skin with a mark of purebloodedness given the state of things. When the war is over, she gets a memorial tattoo for the friends she lost in battle instead. She prays that this will not be a new family tradition of mourning the dead. 

Dudley has a bunch of petunias on the inside of one arm, an array of lilies on the other. When he hugs his daughters, they feel his love through both. 
