#pathologic classic hd



Daniil Dankovsky got all his funding from OnlyFans btw

Daniil Dankovsky got all his funding from OnlyFans btw

master of cremations (cw self-harm)

My opinions on the costume design of my favourite characters in pathologic classic & pathologic 2

(I haven’t played patho2 so the only context for those is me looking at the wiki)

Drawing of Lara from pathologic classic, alongside text (transcribed below image)ALT

[id: Drawing of Lara from classic, with text that reads: Fun unique outfit. Lots of layers! Interesting textures and embellishments. Purble. Jacket full of little hearts :) 7/10 Hard but fun to draw. end id]

Drawing of Lara from pathologic 2, alongside text (transcribed below image)ALT

[id: Drawing of Lara from pathologic 2, with text that reads: Discount sailor costume. Why is her hair doing that. 4/10 Shirt texture is interesting but that’s about it. end id]

Drawing of Yulia from pathologic classic, alongside text (transcribed below image)ALT

[id: Drawing of Yulia from classic, with text that reads: Fuck yes spiky lapels and giant cuffs are out of this world. Suit is just bizzare and ostentatious enough without being over the top. Sets her apart visually from other characters. Purple pants!!!! Are those spats?? 6.8/10 Maybe this was just how russians dressed back then I have no idea. end id]

Drawing of Yulia from pathologic 2, alongside text (transcribed below image)ALT

[id: Drawing of Yulia from pathologic 2, with text that reads: Depressed protagonist of a Scandinavian detective show. At least the sweater looks comfy!! Lots of layers :) Colour palette of a modern war film ): +1 point because my friend prefers this design for some reason. 5/10 doesn’t make me angry to look at so what more can i ask for, really. end id]

Drawing of Anna from pathologic concept art, alongside text (transcribed below image)ALT

[id: Drawing of Anna from classic concept art, with text that reads: (Concept art Anna) Colour scheme doesn’t fit, but I appreciate this as a piece of development art. You can tell the artist was on track to her final design, as all the key elements are there. Definitely not pathologic vibes in terms of colour though. 4/10 Not there yet but I appreciate it for what it is. end id]

Drawing of Anna from pathologic classic, alongside text (transcribed below image)ALT

[id: Drawing of Anna from classic, with text that reads: There she is!! Peak character design. I love it. Fits both Anna’s loud and obnoxious personality and also the dark and grim setting of the game. Love the spiky collar. Is she wearing a strange, extremely cropped jacket or does she put on two separate sleeves every morning? Who knows. 8/10 yeah. end id]

Drawing of Anna from pathologic 2, alongside text (transcribed below image)ALT

[id: Drawing of Anna from pathologic 2, with text that reads: What the fuck. 1/10 they ruined my girl. end id]

Painting of Lara Ravel from pathologic sitting in front of the fireplace of The Shelter. She is looking through a half-full wine glass. The fireplace is in the foreground.ALT

Lara…… o((>ω< ))o

Anna Angel from Pathologic sits at the edge of a theatre stage, hugging her knees. The back wall is diamond patterned. The theatre backdrop is dirty and run down.ALT

Anna!! Everyone in the town hates her guts. But I don’t. I love you, Anna.

(I’m trying to learn speedpainting… this one was about 3.5 hours. Could be better, could be worse :P )

Progress gif under the cut!

Progress gif of the above painting of Anna Angel from Pathologic.ALT
Artemy, Clara, and Danil from Pathologic drawn as animal crossing characters. Artemy is a bull, Clara is a mouse, and Danil is a black cat.
Lara, Yulia, and Anna from Pathologic drawn as animal crossing characters. Lara is a white cat, Yulia is a flamingo, and Anna is an antelope.

Animal Crossing: Pathologic

Pathologic fan-comic. Script in description.

yulia you are CURRENTLY DYING OF THE PLAGUE are you sure you want to give me that cure.


Panel 1: Yulia: “There’s no reason to worry. This whole affair will hurt no one. Quite the opposite, in fact; everyone will benefit from it. Everyone - including yourself.” Panel 2: Yulia: “I don’t really need this vial of panacea, you see, I may be very easily persuaded to hand it over.” She holds out a vial of panacea. Panel 3: Bachelor looks down at it, unsure. Panel 4: He looks over his shoulder. Panel 5: There is an Executor standing outside the window looking in, with its hands pressed against the glass. Caption reads *heavy breathing*

end script]

i caught a rat! his name is billy and he guards my stuff

Digital sketch of The Bachelor driving an old-fashioned motorcycle down the street in Pathologic
Digital sketch of The Changeling standing with a scooter on the side of the street in Pathologic
Digital sketch of The Haruspex riding a cow, stopped on a bridge in Pathologic
Digital sketch of The Haruspex riding a pogo stick
Digital sketch of The Changeling wearing roller skates, a helmet, and shoulder and knee pads.
Digital sketch of The Bachelor falling off a skateboard and over the edge of the fence towards the river in Pathologic.
Digital sketch of The Haruspex, Bachelor, and Changeling riding a three-person tandem bicycle. They are arguing and pointing in different directions.

there are multiple posts out there on hypothetical modes of transportation in pathologic and i find them very inspiring

Waist-up digital sketch of Pathologic character Danil dankovsky wearing executors garb, face peeking out underneath the mask.


bonus: (wip/development image)

A set of 3 in-progress headshots of the above drawing. The character's mouth is drawn in a different silly expression - a cat face, a frown, and a sinister grin.



Int. The Stillwater. Bachelor, coming down the stairs: “I have a meeting, and I’m fetching something for Burakh later. I’m visiting the Termitary today too, so I won’t be back until -” he stops, seeing Eva standing still in the corner. From behind her, he asks: “Eva? Are you ok?”

Eva turns around with a small smile: “Oh, yes. I’m fine. Don’t let me keep you.”

Bachelor: “Alright. I’ll see you tonight, then.” He walks out. Eva stays looking down at her desk - she is holding papers, and has a pen and inkwell.

Int. The Cathedral. Long shot showing the vaulted ceiling, and the Bachelor and Inquisitor standing on the chancel stairs: “How should I know? I’ve only been here for a few hours, whereas you’ve been here for a week. Ask the local rulers. I would suppose they’re spread out evenly throughout the town.”

Close up on the Inquisitor: “One was certainly active here in the Stone Yard, one in the Knots, and the last one in Earth.”

Bachelor, looking up from the base of the steps: “You’re really well-informed, aren’t you.” He turns to leave. “ …Very well.”

SFX: THUD. Bachelor and Inquisitor look up, surprised. Upshot showing the back of the cathedral. Bachelor: “…What was that?”

A digital painting of Eva yan and Daniil dankovsky from pathologic. they sit at the table in the Stillwater, in front of the broken mirror. the room is candlelit, and red curtains are behind them.

I like Eva she is my friend :)

Day 5

"friendship ended" meme reads: "Friendship ended with Saburov. Now Big Vlad is my unfortunate ally due to dire circumstances." Daniil & Vlad shake hands, with pictures of Saburov crossed out below.

i hate both these men
