#paula speaks


I got a new laptop sooner then I thought I would, but my Sims 3 saves are on my old broken laptop though! At the moment though I’m installing my games on this laptop now. And after that I’m going to put Eponine Reid in the game when finished, and I might make Marius as well.

I have 4 posts of the Reid Legacy Generation 4, but it’s just writing…..should I just post it? I hate that I don’t have screenshots to go with the writing, but my game took a shit and then my main laptop….so this is the best I can do for right now. So please support me and my Reids!

Hello, shitty simblr here again! And since I’m grieving so why not get lost in my Drispin feels, right? Anyways this is a Crispin song this time! So listen and maybe enjoy?! @randuhhxx

#non sims    #paula speaks    #dukexcrispin    #randuhhxx    #drispin    #saviorhide    

Yesterday at 2:30 am I watched my mom’s heart stop as I sat with her holding her hand, so with that being said I’m a complete damn mess and I’m alone here. I just don’t know what to do…….
