#paulina morgan


Many children today inherit biased language and concepts from generations before. In An ABC of Equality (Frances Lincoln, The Quarto Group, 9781786037428) debut author and intersectionality expert, Chana Ginelle Ewing offers the first children’s concept book focused on educating youth about the importance of the intersections of equality. Together with Chilean illustrator Paulina Morgan, Ewing makes complicated identity concepts like gender, immigration, and ability - accessible for children and encourages informative and constructive conversations around our modern and evolving vocabulary. Together, Ewing and Morgan offer parents a jumping off point for conversation about equality in today’s divisive world. In the Q & A below, author Chana Ginelle Ewing interviews the illustrator of An ABC of Equality, Paulina Morgan.


What excited you about taking on the project of illustrating An ABC of Equality?

I loved the concept of An ABC of Equality! I found it wonderful to be part of a project that spoke to children in such an honest way and that was able to teach such complex concepts in a simple and love-filled way. I had never seen such a book and it seemed at the same time a great challenge to accompany these words with images that also talked about equality.

Walk me through your process. How did you arrive at the imagery we see? What tools did you use? 

It was a significant job to illustrate these concepts and I learned a lot in the process. The first thing I did was read, understand and feel, in order to translate into images a world in which we were all equal without leaving anyone out. Such a world must be colorful, friendly and fun. Secondly, I explored my color palette and the characters that accompany this book. I spent many hours drawing and looking for the images that best represent each concept and taking great care in each drawing to maintain the simplicity of the words. Finally, when I found the perfect characters, I added the color and gave life to the images. The tools I use are very simple, paper pencil, my digitizing tablet and tons of love.

Did you do any research on any of the words before getting started? 

What seemed wonderful to me is that each concept was so well explained and so simple that I did not need to investigate much more. I did, however, investigate how these concepts had been visually interpreted and it was very enriching.

How do you feel about equality? Does the book definition resonate? 

I believe that the concept of equality is one of the most necessary in this world. We must learn to accept ourselves and others. In this book, you learn that we should not fear difference and that equality makes us stronger. This book is for children and more than that, it is beneficial for everyone!


Is there any word that you didn’t know initially? 

I knew almost every word, but I had never read such an open-minded and full-of-love approach. In this book, you can understand concepts that are sometimes complex such as gender, gender equality, sexuality, among others.

I am so glad we got to work together on An ABC of Equality - your illustrations beautifully articulated the expansiveness that is so needed in conversations on identity. If we worked on a part two, a 2nd book, what would you want to cover? 

It would be incredible to make a second book, there are so many incredible topics that I’d love to illustrate! I love the idea of working on issues that make us better people like empowering women, friendship, self-esteem, feelings. It is great to contribute with a grain of sand to help our world.


Women and identity advocate and entrepreneur, Chana Ginelle Ewing is the Founder and CEO of Geenie, a leading women’s empowerment platform centering the stories of Black women for personal growth. She is the author of the forthcoming children’s book An ABC of Equality, illustrated by Paulina Morgan (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, Sept 2019).


Paulina Morgan works as an independent illustrator based in Santiago de Chile. She studied design before moving to Barcelona, Spain to obtain her master’s degree in Art Direction. She worked in advertising before deciding to pursue her passion for illustration.
