#peaceful place

Prayer in a Peaceful PlaceA calm, quiet afternoonGives me space I need to center myself.Listening to

Prayer in a Peaceful Place

A calm, quiet afternoon
Gives me space I need to center myself.
Listening to the wind in the trees,
And watching the world go by,
I am amazed by its simplicity.

Here among the still waters,
Alone in contemplation,
I let myself rest upon a stone.
The clouds float by above me,
Making shapes and figures flow.

Stirring the reflections,
Ripples that shimmer in light,
I open the gates inside my heart.
Before me, within me, around me,
All things are centered and ready.

Spirits all, I call to you,
Uphold me in this space:
A rock amid the flowing waters,
Fresh air that fills my lungs,
And an inner flame that keeps me warm.

Resting here, among the Spirits,
I find a place of simple peace.


[Image description: my son at the pond in Franks Park, by Rev. Michael J Dangler]

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