

                                                ✧  ━━━  ( @seungcheolrk )

taeyong doesn’t remember what time of the night he ended up falling asleep. he doesn’t usually stay up because of his thoughts, because of nerves, but this time, it had been different. maybe it’s because he’s so excited to show everyone yet another new side of convex — this is something that they haven’t done before, and it’s something that taeyong considers to be their best era of music and stylings yet. this is exactlyup his alley, and combined with the fact that this is the first comeback after the additions, taeyong’s felt like this is the most important comeback that they’ll ever have. it’s probably not true, but he’s manifesting his energy into this viewpoint.

so it’s no surprise, to him at least, that he’s falling asleep during breakfast — on the first day of promotions, no less. he thinks to himself, maybehe’s gotten at most three hours of sleep. he doesn’t even count that as sleep, more like a long nap. he’s waiting patiently for an iced americano, any kind of caffeination to get that energy for performing later. taeyong takes a bite out of his food, closes his eyes, and slumps against the nearest member’s shoulder — which just so happens to be seungcheol. he sighs, chewing his mouthful absent-mindedly. he waits for a bit to speak, he can’t be talking with his mouth completely filled to the brim.

“mm ~ i’m so tired…” taeyong muses, “i couldn’t sleep, i was so excited for today!”
