

                                                ✧  ━━━  ( @seungcheolrk )

taeyong doesn’t remember what time of the night he ended up falling asleep. he doesn’t usually stay up because of his thoughts, because of nerves, but this time, it had been different. maybe it’s because he’s so excited to show everyone yet another new side of convex — this is something that they haven’t done before, and it’s something that taeyong considers to be their best era of music and stylings yet. this is exactlyup his alley, and combined with the fact that this is the first comeback after the additions, taeyong’s felt like this is the most important comeback that they’ll ever have. it’s probably not true, but he’s manifesting his energy into this viewpoint.

so it’s no surprise, to him at least, that he’s falling asleep during breakfast — on the first day of promotions, no less. he thinks to himself, maybehe’s gotten at most three hours of sleep. he doesn’t even count that as sleep, more like a long nap. he’s waiting patiently for an iced americano, any kind of caffeination to get that energy for performing later. taeyong takes a bite out of his food, closes his eyes, and slumps against the nearest member’s shoulder — which just so happens to be seungcheol. he sighs, chewing his mouthful absent-mindedly. he waits for a bit to speak, he can’t be talking with his mouth completely filled to the brim.

“mm ~ i’m so tired…” taeyong muses, “i couldn’t sleep, i was so excited for today!”

@seungcheolrk (backdated to 29th sep)

outgoing → yena~
( ✉ ) a little birdie told me your birthday was coming up today so… happy birthday!!!
( ✉ ) we don’t know each other too well yet, but i’m hoping that changes soon! 
( ✉ ) also congrats on your debut with 1/3! i look forward to your solo song too!! 
( ✉ ) I thought a gift would be a little weird, so I prepared something else instead…
( ✉ ) enjoy :) happy birthday once again!! 
( ✉ ) [ img attachment ]
( ✉ ) [ img attachment ] 

✉ ⇢ Cheollie sunbae

[ ✉ ] lil birdy- more like a long noodle huh? : P
[ ✉ ] or was it jieun eonni? in that case ye. songbirdie kek
[ ✉ ] thank u for the congrats ♥ is it normal t’feel like yer life is endin’ with debut? X’D
[ ✉ ] I appresh the pics doe thanks a bunch ♥ 
[ ✉ ] I restore 50% hp seein’ my sleepy noodle :3


buzzkill. he wishes he could say he’s surprised, but not only is this changkyun he’s talking to, but seungcheolhe’s talking about. he pretends he is nonetheless, though, a gasp parting his lips and his eyes widening comically. hand on heart, he sniffles a little, as if wounded, before shaking it off with a quiet but hearty laugh. changkyun won’t entertain his dramatics for long, so there’s no point keeping it up unnecessarily. his further request piques his attention, however. it’s at least work related, but he can’t say he thinks it’s a good idea still. he hates to shoot his best friend down twicein a row, but he’d rather take his pouting than a scolding from their stylists for messing up his hair or getting sweat on his outfit. 

( no more than his usual nervous amount, anyway, though he’s been getting better in front of the camera. it isn’t like this is his first music video shooting, or his second or third. they’ve even recently done those new member teasers, too; he should be comfortable by now and he isgetting there — steadily. ) 

“see, you’re at least aiming at the target this time,” he teases, “but I’m afraid it’s a no again. do you know how much I feared for my life when the stylist glared at me for fiddling with my shirt earlier? imagine if I got my hair all windswept or got a crease in my top— you’d be promoting without me.” an exaggeration, but what’s a joke without a littletruth behind it? “uh, people with cars, devil. also, I’m surprised I’m not already saved as that. how long have you known me? hey, what’s my contact photo on your phone? it better be flattering.” he mumbles, tiptoeing to see over at the screen. 

conversations like these always lightened changkyun up. knowing that his best friend was aware he was joking and meant no harm, was always good. after all, this was what friends were for. teasing each other, being there for each other. it was nice that seungcheol was okay with all of this. he is sure the staff can hear them quietly being dramatic with one another, but none of them seemed to care. it was like any other photoshoot. they were left to their own accord whenever it wasn’t their turn to film. 

with one more dramatic sigh, changkyun slumped even further into his seat “i am bored.” he states and he knows he sounds dramatic, but this was the first music video they weren’t dancing in. he literally had nothing he was interested in or looking forward to. “you feared for it, i don’t. the cordi-noonas love me!” he says, seriously, but they all know he is joking. he doesn’t want to get yelled at, afterall, he is supposed to set an example when it comes to the new members.”stop calling me devil, i already get call demon by fans i don’t need you to bandwagon on that behaviour!” changkyun says with a huff and runs a hand through his hair. at the question about cheol’s contact photo, the younger raises a brow at him. quickly, he unlocks his phone and goes onto his contact, turning the phone to him.

“of course its a good one! i only take flattering pictures.“ she adds, rolling his eyes. it was a picture he took of seungcheol when he had his silver hair, which meant it wasn’t from that long ago “i hope mine  is flattering, otherwise i will be upset!“

“I guess you’re right,” Sehun says, finally, still pouting a little a he pushed around the vegetables on his plate that he absolutely despises. “I mean, I haven’t actually been strict with, uhm, my diet, but I’m not actually ignoring it,” he chuckles nervously, his smile a little shaky.

It’s a little frustrating (and saddening) as he tries to count on the little scoops of sweets he’s managed to sneak in when he’s alone at home. They’re little candies, meant to keep the sweet craving at bay. He has been constantly reminding everyone in the house not to but any ice cream or pudding or whipped cream lest his swest tooth got the better of him. Sometimes, he sticks to gum when he’s ran out of gummy bears to munch on. And he believes he’s about to run out of gum, too.

Bubble tea, though. Now that’s one thing he probably won’t be able to stay away from ever.

“I’m a bit of a mess because how does one exactly refuse food? But we can do this together,” he chirps, shoving another spoonful of their food in his mouth and visibly shudders. It just does not get any better at all. “But if the food tastes like this, it wouldn’t be hard. RIP to my taste buds.” he laughs, making another silly face at Seungcheol in hopes to make him laugh, too.

“By the way, I saw the samsung announcement,” Sehun says over a mouthful of food, unable to gulp it down completelt so he has a hand over his mouth as he continues. “Any plans on joining?”
