#peaky blinders imagines


Request: Hello! I’d like to request preferences for the oldest three Shelby brothers and maybe Alfie for how’d they do trying to feed their young child(ren) (like 1 or 2 yrs old) when their S/O is away for the first time and the kid just isn’t having it and tries to make a mess❤️

Requested by Anonymous

Characters: Alfie Solomons, Arthur Shelby, John Shelby, & Thomas Shelby


A/n: I loved this! Idk what else to say, but I loved it and it was super easy to write. And now I have baby fever, which honestly I always do, but that doesn’t matter.  I just thought this was super cute and I hope you guys do too.


Alfie Solomons: Alfie was a very hands on parent and would help you feed the kids. So he never had any issue when it came to watching them alone. It would get a little messy, yes, but that was also because Cyril wanted a taste of what they were having and would always try to get in the way. If the kids were fussy over their food and refused to eat, Alfie would usually taste, he’s that guy, and agree that it was horrible. Young children had taste buds too! And he would make them something else, praying that they would like it more. 

Arthur Shelby: Arthur wouldn’t know what to do. You were usually the one to feed the small toddler that was wailing in his arms. He’d watch you do it plenty of times, but obviously Arthur couldn’t replicate that. He’d do his best though. He’d be very gentle and nearly cry if he couldn’t get the baby to stop fussing over it. But eventually he would win and the baby would actually eat the food, finally realizing that Arthur was the only one who was there to feed them. Arthur was very relieved when you came home, telling you all about how picky toddlers can be. 

John Shelby: John would be clueless. Yes, he has tons of kids, but you can’t tell me he ever takes proper care of them. Anyway, he would be clueless and worried the whole time. He wasn’t sure what was baby food and what was adult food in the fridge, but he’d paw through everything. The older children would try and help but they didn’t know either. John eventually found what looked like mashed peas and tried to feed it to the little babe. That didn’t go over well. He’d handed the child the spoon, thinking it was old enough to use it, but instead mashed peas just got flung all over the place. John then took the spoon back, but not before the whole kitchen was covered in little green splotches.

Thomas Shelby: Tommy wasn’t too worried about having to take care of the children alone, they were his kids after all, but he was terrified of being left alone with them. He was always worried about doing the wrong thing and usually the led to over thinking. And that’s what happened when it came time to feed them lunch. You had told him what to feed them, but he honestly couldn’t remember a word of what you’d said. So he had to go through all the food in the kitchen to find what he thought would be suitable. The ended up with leftover potato soup and mashed sweet potatoes. They seemed to enjoy it as he watched them with hawk eyes and thought it wouldn’t be too hard to have to feed them dinner.


Let me know if you would like to be added to any of the tag lists (please be specific on which ones) and feedback is always appreciated.


Peaky Blinders:@thendlessdays@simonsbluee@elia-the-bibliophile@astheworlddturns@saltchloe2017@annabelrose5@jenepleurepasbaby@elisabethisdead@soleil-dor@maryams-things@writerdream22@brandydel@annshit@shadow-of-wonder@amirahiddleston​ @beth-winchester21@jellybeanpie@secret-ssociety@justsimplyme93@whiskeypowder@lilymurphy03@peakascum@haileyybird@theflamecrystal@justalonelyslytherin@walkernigh@babaohhhriley

Alfie Solomons:@multifandomfix

Arthur Shelby:@albeeox@multifandomfix

Thomas Shelby:@captivatedbycillianmurphy@creativemayhems@magnificentzombiebasement@terrainhead@everyartistwas-firstanamateur@spurra@savannah-elliott@kathryn-jane@annshit​ @hanster1998@irishbish@lettersofwrittencollective@albeeox@justsimplyme93@snugleo@in-some-fandoms@multifandomfix@irelanddesires@retromafia@lilymurphy03@infinitelycharmed23@honeyofthegods@itscheybaby@angelusk@janelongxox@would-die-for-bucky-barnes@slytherinicequeen@elenavampire21@nikkixostan​ @buckyswillows @lizyshores

Request: Hi! I was hoping I could request a one shot/or blurb with Finn x Shelby reader where they’re dating and reader works in a book/paper shot or something. And maybe she’s more quiet and passive But for some reason maybe a mean customer pours like a thing of blue ink on her head. And so while She goes to Finn to see if he can help her get it off she starts to worry because her hair is Turing kinda . And the Finn then makes his to make her feel better. they laugh see his family’s reactions:)

Requested by Anonymous

Finn Shelby x Reader

Warnings: None

A/n: Okay, I just realized that I should have just made this a blurb. Why does this always happen? I write headcanons and then I go back and read through them and the read like something that should have been a blurb! Whatever, if I had done it as a blurb I can tell you that it would have taken a lot longer to write. Any who, I just want to say that people need to love on Finn more, he’s a little bean. I also say this cause my favorite things that I have written are both Finn fics, so. 



  • You ended up having to dye your hair simply because of an accident at work.
  • How it happened, you’re still not sure. But one moment you were looking through the supply closet for printer ink and the next you were covered in blue paint. 
  • It seemed someone had used the paint, but was forgetful when it came to making sure the lid was on tight. 
  • You were a blue mess by the time you had registered what had actually happened and there was no saving you. Your were covered in the stuff and it stained everything it touched.
  • You were able to go home and scrub it off your skin in the shower, but your clothes and hair weren’t as lucky. It didn’t matter how dark or light they were nor how much you washed them. 
  • You washed your hair about five times in an attempt to get the color out, but that did nothing.
  • Eventually, you finally faced reality and were left with two options. Either dye your hair a different color or live with it.
  • You liked the first option.
  • But before you could do anything about it, Finn showed up at your door. You had completely forgotten he was supposed to come over, too busy trying to rid yourself of all the blue.
  • “Wow,” he mouthed, eyeing you up and down. There was still a faint stain of blue along the back of your arms, but he was much more interested in your hair. “You dyed it.”
  • “Not exactly,” you mumbled in defeat before telling him the story. “Now what do I do? I don’t want to go to the salon, but what choice do I have?”
  • “Hey, it’s not that bad. I actually like the blue,” he offered, taking your hand. “It suits you.”
  • “Yeah, but you don’t have to deal with it.”
  • Finn shrugged, you had a point. His eyes widened as an idea came to him. “What if I dyed my hair blue too? We could match,” he said excitedly. “It’d be cute and you won’t be the only one who sticks out like a sore thumb.”
  • It was a wild suggestion, but you appreciated how willing he sounded. “I don’t want to make you do that.”
  • “Nonsense,” he waved it off. “You won’t be making me do a thing.”
  • Reluctantly, you agreed because it seemed like he would do it anyway. So the next day you went with him to go get his hair dyed, doing your best to keep your mouth shut. His family was going to kill him, especially Polly. 
  • When he was all finished, he stood before you, waiting for your approval. “It looks good, a much better dye job than mine.”
  • “That doesn’t take much,” he laughed as the two of you headed out of the shop.
  • “Do you think your family will like it?” you asked, noticing that he was leading you in the direction of the Garrison.
  • He shrugged, but his face paled a little. It seemed he hadn’t brought them into the equation. 
  • Turns out the whole Shelby family was in the Garrison when you entered, each with their own questions.
  • You had to make it very clear that you never intended to make your hair blue and you in no way encouraged Finn to do it.
  • Polly didn’t believe it, but she knew how Finn could be, so she didn’t give you any shit for it.
  • “Jesus, Finn!” she cried when she’d seen his hair. She had to take a deep breath before looking between the two of you. Your hair wasn’t that bad, but Finn’s was the brightest blue she’d ever seen. 
  • They would never lose Finn in a crowd again.
  • John gave Finn a lot of shit, though. And Tommy made sure Finn knew he looked like a clown. 
  • “We should get you an application to the circus,” Arthur laughed after Finn’s comment.
  • But no one outright was mad about it, mainly because they had a feeling Finn used what happen to you as an excuse to dye his hair. It was sweet, that’s for sure, but he’d been threatening to do it for ages.
  • “What if the blue comes out of my hair before it comes out of yours?” you asked.
  • “Then you’ll have to go get it dyed. It’s only fair that we both look like clowns to the Shelby family.”


Let me know if you would like to be added to any of the tag lists (please be specific on which ones) and feedback is always appreciated.


Peaky Blinders: @thendlessdays@simonsbluee@elia-the-bibliophile@astheworlddturns@saltchloe2017@annabelrose5@jenepleurepasbaby@elisabethisdead@soleil-dor@maryams-things@writerdream22@brandydel@annshit@shadow-of-wonder@amirahiddleston @beth-winchester21@jellybeanpie@secret-ssociety@justsimplyme93@whiskeypowder@lilymurphy03@peakascum@haileyybird@theflamecrystal@justalonelyslytherin@walkernigh

Summary: Michael decides to go see his adoptive family after his adoptive mother visits him in the hospital. He misses the happy home he grew up in and the people that he loved, especially the girl he left behind. Seeing Y/n again makes him wonder if he could leave the Peaky Blinders behind and have a normal life once again. But more importantly, he wonders if she would ever let him into her life again.

Michael Gray x Female!Reader

Word Count:2.5k

Warnings: Mention of cocaine, mention of alcohol

A/n: This takes place after the events of s4. I didn’t reference it much when I wrote it but I swear this took on a life of its own. Like the second part of it was not how I first imagined it going, it just did. But I did really enjoy this. I don’t write for Michael that often, but I always love it when I do. I can imagine him moving back to the village or at least moving to the countryside and leaving the Peaky Blinders. I can totally see it. Like you can’t tell me that his adoptive mother didn’t raise a gentleman, cause I know she did. So I feel like Michael would have resisted much harder to that whole life, but whatever, I didn’t write the show. Oh, speaking of, I had to name Michael’s adoptive brother and father because I couldn’t find out what their names were and they probably didn’t have any. So, yeah. 

And now I’m tempted to write someone about Michael and his wife in the countryside. Maybe I’ll do that later…



Michael sucked in a breath as he stepped out of the recently polished Rolls Royce and stared at the small brick cottage. It had been years since he’d laid eyes on it, always telling himself that it would only ever be a memory. But nostalgia had won the battle in his heart that was pulling him home, turning it into reality. Polly would have a fit to find out that he had returned, but he hoped his mother would understand that it was only to give the place a proper goodbye. Yeah, that’s all he needed to do, give it a meaningful farewell. He’d been young and foolish when he left all those years ago, never once realizing that he’d never hop on a train to come back. Back then Michael hadn’t considered that his whole world would turn upside down once he was reunited with his mother.

Shaking out his nerves, he strode towards the front door. Even from the footpath, he could smell the blueberry pie that his adoptive mother was famous for. A fresh one was probably sitting in front of an open window to cool down. There had been countless times in his childhood where he’d gotten sick from eating too many slices. He’d yet to experience anything like that, anything that melted him into a puddle of warmth and happiness, in Small Heath. Cocaine and whiskey only numbed the pain of reality. Stopping in front of the wooden door, Michael glanced back at the car, giving himself one last moment to flee. But he turned his gaze back to the door he used to run through and let his knuckles rap against it.

A dog barked as his knocks echoed through the house followed by the sound of feet shuffling. “Matthew, sit and finish your lunch,” he heard Rosemary say before the door swung open. From the startled but warm glow of her eyes, it appeared she’d always hoped that this day would come. That her son would come back to her. “Henry,” she breathed.

“It’s Michael now,” he gave her a small smile, eyes scanning the room behind her. Little had changed since he’d lived there. The fireplace in the small parlor still had a photo of the family that was taken at a wedding and a few from when him and Matthew were younger. A painting of some mountain that none of them could name hung on the wall. And cracked tile peaked out of the kitchen, tile that Michael may have broken by dropping a full milk jug. He would never admit it, though.

The woman nodded with a sad smile. “Of course, of course. Please come in.” She opened the door wider, allowing him to step inside. “Your fath- I mean, Joseph is out delivering milk but he should be back in time for a late lunch.”

A bing of guilt crept into his heart at her words. It was no one’s fault, least not her’s, the situation that had fallen into their lap. “Is Matthew here?” he asked. That was who had wished to see the most.     

Polly went on and on about Anna, about how important it was for them to remember her, but each time she mentioned it, Michael only ever thought of Matthew. Blood or not, Matthew would be his brother until the end. They had done everything together. From harassing the cows to falling into the fountain in the center of the village, they were inseparable. Then Michael left, never sparing his brother a second glance, an action that always haunted him. 

“Oh, yes, yes. He’s having lunch in the kitchen, would you like some? You look like you could use a few hearty meals,” she said, eyeing him up and down. She wasn’t wrong, Michael couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a proper meal. Polly always saved diner for him, but his appetite withered the longer he worked for the company.

“I’d like that very much.”

“Come on then, let’s get you fed,” she announced as she walked into the kitchen. “Look who’s come to visit, Matthew, it’s your brother.”

A lanky boy turned in his seat with wide, hopeful eyes. He quickly set his sandwich down and raced to his brother, wrapping him in a hug. “I knew you’d come back, I knew you would,” Matthew muttered as Michael hugged him back. 

“I had to come back to see you,” Michael said with a smile. God, he’d missed the boy. “Now sit and eat before mum yells at us.” From the counter, he could see Rosemary’s lips turn up in a smile. He knew he must have broken her heart by leaving. 

The three sat at the table, eating their lunch, while Matthew asked questions and told stories in between chewing. Their mum tried to silence him, reminding him that it was improper, but he shrugged it off as he continued, informing her that he just wanted to fill Michael in on all that had happened while he was gone. Someone had to if she wouldn’t. Michael then told them all about his life in Birmingham, leaving out a few details here and there, doing his best not to mention his real family as he knew it was a sore subject.

“That’s so cool,” Matthew mused, when Michael mentioned his job.

Rosemary rolled her eyes. “Do you even know what an accountant is?” she asked her son. 

He shook his head. “No, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t cool.”

A laugh vibrated Michael’s chest. “It’s not as cool as you think.”

His brother shrugged, “I don’t know, sounds better than running a farm.”

“Are you going to visit Y/n while you’re here?” his mum asked, in need of a new subject.

Michael leaned back in his chair, wishing he had a cigarette between his lips, but he knew how Rosemary felt about such things. Last he’d hear, Y/n had moved to London, leaving her memories of him in the village. “I wasn’t aware she was back.”

She nodded. “Oh, yes, the poor girl had to come back to take care of her mother. I don’t think she liked London that much since she’s been dragging her feet about going back ever since her mum died.”

“Oh,” he mouthed. He hadn’t heard about that and he did his best to keep up with what was going on in the small village.

“Yeah, she claims that she’s just waiting for the house to sell, but I know she’s lying,” Rosemary said with a sad smile. “You should go see her if you have time. I’m sure it would mean a lot to her. She’s got no one now and I’m sure that gets lonely.”


Michael walked out of his childhood home an hour later. He wasn’t sure how long he’d meant to stay, but he had a hard time leaving. Everything there grabbed at him, reminding him of better times, happy times. He was happy to know his real family, happy to know Polly, but he was starting to question whether he was happy in Birmingham. He tried not to dwell too much on the subject as he walked toward the village, now wasn’t the time to rethink his life. Not when everything was at its brightest in the village. Spring days like that would make any man happy.

Nearling the center of the small village, Michael caught sight of a woman kneeled in front of a small garden bed outside a small brick house. Her back was turned to him, but he didn’t need to see her face to know it was Y/n. Her mother had always taken extra care of the flowers in that little bed, and with her gone, the job had fallen upon her daughter. 

“Y/n,” he called, heart stopping as she turned toward him. He only had one photo of her, one he kept tucked away in his wallet. Seldom did he glance at it, but having it near never failed at reminding him of what was missing in his life.

Her lips twitch, suppressing a smile as she stood and wiped the dirt on her apron. “Um… It’s Michael now, right?”

“Yes, it is,” he nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “How have you been?” 

Y/n shrugged, “Good, I suppose. Um, would you like to come in for a cup of tea?”

“I’d like that very much,” Michael said and followed her into the house. Y/n untied her apron, throwing it on a stool as she entered the kitchen. Taking a seat at the small table, Michael had nearly forgotten all the time he used to spend at her house. The two had been best friends growing up, always tagging along with Michael and Matthew. She would always get in trouble with her mother, coming home late and usually covered in mud. 

“How is Birmingham?” she asked as she put the kettle on the stove.

He caught the bite in her words, she’d been deeply hurt by his departure, which Michael understood all too well. Before he’d left, the two had started courting and he swore to her that he’d marry her one day. But he left for Birmingham, only thinking of himself and leaving the people he loved in the dust. “It’s… good, but different.”

Y/n hummed and searched the cabinets for a couple cups. “Well, anywhere’s better than here, right?”

“You don’t seem to think so.”

“What does that mean?” she glared at him as she poured the steaming liquid into the two mugs.  She wasn’t sure what he was getting at, but she’d heard enough from all the other women in town. They all cooked up their own little reasons as to why she had stayed so long. Each was as wild and untrue as the next. If she were to be honest, she couldn’t bear to part with home as it reminded her too much of how happy life used to be. 

Michael shrugged. “Just that you don’t seem to be too keen on moving back to London.”

Y/n rolled her eyes, bringing the cups over to the table. “London hasn’t been as kind to me as Birmingham has to you.” She handed him his cup before taking a seat, keeping her eyes on the dark liquid in front of her.

“I’m sorry,” he confessed, knowing life hadn’t played out the way either of them had expected. He was sorry for leaving her behind, for never coming back, for her taking life on alone, and for taking care of her ailing mother all by herself. “I’m sorry about all of it.”

“Don’t be, it happens,” she shrugged and took a sip of tea.

“And Birmingham hasn’t been as grand as you think.”

She raised a brow, waiting for him to continue, but when he didn’t she said, “What do you mean? You have everything you didn’t here. A better, more exciting family, enough money to drown in, and I’m sure women lined up at your door. That is grand compared to here, compared to this.”

Michael let out a sigh. He wished to ignore the broken heart before him, but he knew Y/n would rip him a new one for it before he’d have a chance to leave. He wanted her to, he wanted her to let him know how deeply he’d hurted her. He wanted to hurt as deeply as the people he’d hurt, it would only be fair. “It’s not as grand as it sounds. All that doesn’t equal a happy life.”

“Is that why you’re here? To get a touch of everyone else’s happy life, stick around long enough to make everyone think you’ll be coming back, and then leave again?”

“Is that what you think?”

“It doesn’t matter what I think, Michael,” she spat. “It seems it never has.”

“Now, don’t say that,” he urged. “I was a fool to not bring you with me, I know that now, but you can’t go thinking I still don’t care about you.”

“Oh please,” she mumbled. She shouldn’t have let him inside. It should have been a quick hello and goodbye, but no, she had to let him in. She had to ask all the questions, digging for all the answers she’d been wondering about since he left. “Don’t say that. If you cared about me you wouldn’t have come back here and make me think you might be back for good.”

“What if I was back for good?” Why he asked, Michael couldn’t say, but part of him knew he couldn’t stay in Birmingham forever. The family business was built for tougher men than him and everytime he picked up a gun, he was reminded of what Rosemary used to say. She always told her sons that violence wasn’t the answer and, usually, she was right.

Y/n was silent, staring out the small kitchen window. She didn’t want to think too deeply into the question. There were many days where she wished Michael would come back, he’d knock on her door and ask her to come back to Birmingham with him, but she wrote those off as dreams. They would never happen. Michael wasn’t the same man he used to be. He had rougher edges, a darker heart, and cold eyes. She knew he wouldn’t look at her the same as he had all those years ago.

“Y/n?” He traced the outline of her face, wishing she would look at him. “Y/n, would it be so bad if I came back?”

“I don’t know, I doubt you ever will,” she admitted. “So, let’s on dwell on ‘what if?’”

“But if I do come back, will you wait for me?” he asked.

She shrugged, running her finger over the rim of the cup. “I don’t know. I want to, but how can I be sure you won’t leave again?”

Michael flashed her a soft smile. “Will you let me prove it to you? That I won’t leave again? Can we try again?”

Y/n let out a sigh as a small smile snuck onto her face. She knew she was giving in far too early, he deserved to work much harder for her answer, but she had always hoped he’d come back to her. “Oh, I suppose we can… But you go and break my heart again, I will put you six feet under. You understand?”

He let out a laugh. “Oh, yes, I do. And I won’t hurt you again, I promise.”

“Alright then,” she nodded. “I look forward to your return.”

Michael couldn’t hold back his bright smile, finally feeling happy for the first time in a long time. And he made good on that promise to her. Every chance he got, he would come visit her and have dinner with his other family. When work kept him away, he’d write to her, informing Y/n of all the things that were going on in his life. Polly wasn’t too thrilled that he had returned to the village, but she saw how happy he’d become and chose not to say anything. And Michael was happy, he was happy to finally be in a place where happiness was allowed to grow. If only he could find the courage to tell Tommy that he was going to leave the company. That would certainly make him a happy man if he didn’t have the burden of that.


Let me know if you would like to be added to any of the tag lists (please be specific on which ones) and feedback is always appreciated.

Permanent:@haphazardhufflepuff@woahitslucyylu@mzcrazy2@lovemissyhoneybee@siriuslyshewrote@tarafaithe@fernweh-fangirl@the-anxious-youth@theshelbyclan@wtfdanness@chloeforde@lucillethings@nemesis729@sirkekselord​ @princesscornbread@theartof-flying​ @iwillboilyourteeth @anyasthoughts@urbankaite2@supermassiveblackhope@marvelschriss@sweatydragoncloudknight@spideylovin@cheekypeakyblinders@ravenmoore14@caelys@peakywitch@nyotamalfoy@thekillingjoke-haha@xxbeckybeexx-blog@armycrazyfangirl@snapesdaughsjm​ 

Peaky Blinders:@thendlessdays@simonsbluee@elia-the-bibliophile@astheworlddturns​ @banana-tree-freddiemercury @saltchloe2017@annabelrose5@jenepleurepasbaby@awkwardretro@elisabethisdead@soleil-dor@maryams-things@writerdream22@brandydel@annshit@shadow-of-wonder@amirahiddleston@imglourious-imagines@beth-winchester21@jellybeanpie@secret-ssociety@justsimplyme93@whiskeypowder @lilymurphy03@peakascum@haileyybird@theflamecrystal@justalonelyslytherin@walkernigh

Michael Gray:@retromafia@peakywitch

Request: Hi could I request Tommy Shelby and prompt 6 from the fluff prompts list please thank you x

Requested by @lauren-raines-x

Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader

Word Count:615

Warnings:Mention of alcohol

A/n: I wasn’t sure I liked this that much when I read it and I nearly deleted it. But I loved the first couple paragraphs so I kept it and just fixed it to my liking. It’s short and sweet, but I would totally do a second part about how Tommy reacts to learning about what he said. I think it would be cute and I love the idea of Tommy having this tough extior but melts for his s/o. That thought just kills me.



With a huff, Y/n helped Tommy down the steps of the Garrison, one of his arms draped over her shoulders while she had an arm snaked around his waist to help prop him up. She wished Arthur or John was the one helping him home, but they were just as drunk, if not more than their brother. When Y/n was woken up by a call from Finn, the poor boy had been left to tend to his older brothers, she didn’t believe her boyfriend to be as drunk as Finn had said. Tommy was usually the most sober, or just could handle his whiskey better. She hadn’t been prepared to haul the man home.

“What am I going to do with you?” Y/n ask softly, doing her best to keep them on a straight path. 

Tommy mumbled something before tripping over his feet. Y/n did her best to steady him, preventing him from falling face first on the pavement. If he did fall, it would be his fault without a doubt, but Y/n knew she would feel guilty about it. Especially if it left a scratch.

“I fucking love you,” Tommy confessed, slurring his words. His eyes were tracing the outline of her jaw. She’d felt his intense eye on her as she guided them to his flat, but thought it would be far too distracting if she met his eye.

A warm laugh vibrated her chest, “Shut up and tell me this when you’re sober.” She shook her head with a smile. Though she was happy to hear such words from him, she hated that it took liquor to get him to say it.

There was no doubt Tommy loved her. You’d have to be blind to not see the love that coursed through him even just thinking about his girlfriend. As nice as that was, Y/n wished she could get verbal confirmation from time to time.

“No, I mean it,” he said sternly, his business voice coming out. “I fucking love ya. Your smile, your kindness, your warmth. I love everything about ya.”

Y/n nodded, attempting to hide her smile. She would have to remind him of his confession in the morning. She was sure he’d do his best to brush it off as a blush would creep across his cheeks. That’s what she loved the most about him, how easy it was for her to make him blush.

“I love you so fucking much I can’t live without you. Yeah, I can’t do that. No, I won’t. I’m gonna make you my wife, yeah. That’s what I’m going to do. I’m gonna marry you!” he declared with a nod.

His girlfriend raised a brow as she listened to his little rant. She could tell Tommy was no longer talking to her and she had a feeling he’d forgotten she was the only thing holding him up. As Tommy went on and on about marriage and a wedding, Y/n couldn’t contain the bright smile that crept onto her face. She had no idea Tommy had thought so much about marrying her. Or that he wanted to have lilies in the flower arrangements. Weird.

“Tommy,” Y/n said, capturing his attention as they neared his flat. “How about you tell me all about this in the morning?” As much as she wanted him to continue, his excitement about it couldn’t be contained and Y/n was starting to struggle under his weight. 

“Oh, yeah,” he breathed. “Maybe we can get married in the morning!”

“Yeah, maybe if you don’t have a killer hangover.”


Let me know if you would like to be added to any of the tag lists (please be specific on which ones) and feedback is always appreciated.

Permanent:@haphazardhufflepuff@woahitslucyylu@mzcrazy2@lovemissyhoneybee@siriuslyshewrote@tarafaithe@fernweh-fangirl@the-anxious-youth@theshelbyclan@wtfdanness@chloeforde@lucillethings@nemesis729@sirkekselord@princesscornbread@theartof-flying​ @iwillboilyourteeth @anyasthoughts@urbankaite2@supermassiveblackhope@marvelschriss@sweatydragoncloudknight@spideylovin@cheekypeakyblinders@ravenmoore14@caelys@peakywitch@nyotamalfoy@thekillingjoke-haha@xxbeckybeexx-blog@armycrazyfangirl@snapesdaughsjm​ 

Peaky Blinders:@thendlessdays@simonsbluee@elia-the-bibliophile@astheworlddturns​ @banana-tree-freddiemercury @saltchloe2017@annabelrose5@jenepleurepasbaby@elisabethisdead@soleil-dor@maryams-things@writerdream22@brandydel@annshit@shadow-of-wonder@amirahiddleston​  @beth-winchester21@jellybeanpie@secret-ssociety@justsimplyme93​ @whiskeypowder​ @lilymurphy03@peakascum@haileyybird@theflamecrystal@justalonelyslytherin@walkernigh

Thomas Shelby:@captivatedbycillianmurphy@creativemayhems@magnificentzombiebasement@terrainhead@everyartistwas-firstanamateur@spurra@savannah-elliott@kathryn-jane@annshit​ @hanster1998@irishbish@lettersofwrittencollective@albeeox@justsimplyme93@snugleo@in-some-fandoms@multifandomfix@irelanddesires@retromafia@lilymurphy03@infinitelycharmed23@honeyofthegods@itscheybaby@angelusk@janelongxox@would-die-for-bucky-barnes@slytherinicequeen@elenavampire21@nikkixostan

Request: Ok so this might sound weird but can you do preferences for the younger three Shelby brothers for how they would react to having an S/O having to help the with a bigger sunburn? Because I know just all of them would probably get ✨crispy✨ If there was more sun in the show except for maybe Arthur (idk why I just feel like he would burn for some reason, like he’d tab but the rest would just ) but you don’t have too if you’re not feeling it

Requested by Anonymous

Characters: Arthur Shelby, Thomas Shelby, John Shelby, & Finn Shelby

Warnings: Sunburns (they are the worst)

A/n: I added Arthur in here because you can’t tell me that man wouldn’t burn. Idk why, maybe because I get horrible sunburns, but I enjoyed writing this. Maybe because I’d like someone to take care of me when I’m all burnt. Someone that isn’t my mother who I swear does her best to make it worse. But one thing she had taught me is that vinegar will take the sting out of it. It hurts to put it on tho, so I’m not sure how willing I would be to do that.



Arthur Shelby: Arthur would come home after being outside all day, burnt to a crisp. He hated sunburns, having got them all the time as a child, and he wouldn’t fuss at you trying to help him. He just wanted the pain to go away. He’d let you help him out of his clothes and sit quietly while you rubbed his burns with aloe. He hated that you had to take care of him, but every time he winced, you would too. It was hard to see him in so much pain. He hated to admit it, but he loved it when you would take care of him, except when you’d scold him afterwards. “You know better Arthur Shelby. How many times do you have to burn before you’ll learn?” Even then, he did adore it when you’re get a little angry at him over it, it just showed how much you cared.


Finn Shelby: Finn would try and tough it out, mainly because he wouldn’t want to hear anything from you or Polly. But he is a ginger and you knew right away once you saw his once pale skin was as red as a tomato. Finn would do his best to shrug it off, but you would drag him into the kitchen, making him take his shirt off so you could have a proper look. He was crisp for sure and winced even with your fingers floating over the burnt skin. You’d click your tongue and set off to get the cream Polly had stashed away just for something like this. Finn would insist the whole time that you didn’t need to help him as you rubbed the cream into his back, but someone had to take care of him.


John Shelby: I have a feeling John would be whiney about sunburns. No matter how bad they were, he would always be dramatic about it. He did it mainly because he liked it when you’d take care of him. But the one time he came home with a really bad sunburn, he didn’t enjoy it at all. You were gentle with him as you helped him out of his clothes and rubbed aloe into it. He didn’t complain too much, which told you it must have hurt a lot to shut him up. But he was all smiles, loving how you were so willing to help him. That smile dropped, though, once all his kids came home and wanted to be all over their father. Maybe that would help him learn to stay out of the sun.


Thomas Shelby: Now, Tommy wouldn’t let on about it. He would only come to you when he needed someone to rub cream on his back. You glared at him when he handed you the container, but your eyes quickly softened when you saw how red he was everywhere. You didn’t know what he’d done to get all burnt, but you wished he’d mentioned it sooner. You were gentle with him as you rubbed the cream over his back and encouraged him to tell you next time. Tommy said nothing as you did it, but he appreciated how much you cared and knew he should have said something to begin with. He would next time, that’s for sure.


Let me know if you would like to be added to any of the tag lists (please be specific on which ones) and feedback is always appreciated.

Permanent:@haphazardhufflepuff@woahitslucyylu@mzcrazy2@lovemissyhoneybee@siriuslyshewrote@tarafaithe@fernweh-fangirl@the-anxious-youth@theshelbyclan@wtfdanness@chloeforde@lucillethings@nemesis729@sirkekselord@princesscornbread@theartof-flying​ @iwillboilyourteeth @anyasthoughts@urbankaite2@supermassiveblackhope@marvelschriss@sweatydragoncloudknight@spideylovin@cheekypeakyblinders@ravenmoore14@caelys@peakywitch@nyotamalfoy@thekillingjoke-haha@xxbeckybeexx-blog@armycrazyfangirl@snapesdaughsjm​ 

Peaky Blinders:@thendlessdays@simonsbluee@elia-the-bibliophile@astheworlddturns​ @banana-tree-freddiemercury @saltchloe2017@annabelrose5@jenepleurepasbaby​ @awkwardretro @elisabethisdead@soleil-dor@maryams-things@writerdream22@brandydel@annshit@shadow-of-wonder@amirahiddleston​ @imglourious-imagines @beth-winchester21@jellybeanpie@secret-ssociety​ @justsimplyme93@whiskeypowder​ @lilymurphy03@peakascum@haileyybird@theflamecrystal@justalonelyslytherin@walkernigh

Thomas Shelby:@captivatedbycillianmurphy@creativemayhems@magnificentzombiebasement@terrainhead@everyartistwas-firstanamateur@spurra@savannah-elliott@kathryn-jane@annshit​ @hanster1998@irishbish@lettersofwrittencollective@albeeox@justsimplyme93@snugleo@in-some-fandoms@multifandomfix@irelanddesires@retromafia@lilymurphy03@infinitelycharmed23@honeyofthegods@itscheybaby@angelusk@janelongxox@would-die-for-bucky-barnes@slytherinicequeen@elenavampire21@nikkixostan​ @buckyswillows

Arthur Shelby:@albeeox@multifandomfix
