#pearl for ts


Emma Swan before believing: I’m mad at disney, disney

they tricked me tricked me

got me wishing on a shooting staaaaaaar.




‍♀️(it’s canon for me, bye)

man, the show is over but then comes colin fucking o’donoghue to hit us with ouat feels by saying he’s been doing blacksmith stuff.


(just found out when you block someone from tumblr, the whole chat gets deleted. Fyi.)

Theonly good thing about having a heart broken over something really important (such as someone’s death) is that you become insensitive to things that at another time in the past it could strongly have damaged/affected you emotionally.

You sort of get immune to anything.

Got dumped? *shrugs* idc

People talking bad about you behind your back? u dont give a fuckkkkkkk

Got bad grades? fuck yeah thats okkkkkk fuck grades!

to quote robbie williams: when a heart is broken there’s nothing to break.

me, watching “story of my life” despite not being a directioner: *cries like baby*

Killian: say something nice.

Emma: i think of you when i cast a patronus.

Killian: what’s a patronus?


(Here I am, using internet explorer. Again.)

(whispers: we got another pup. He’s very ugly but he’ll never know that. We are making sure he feels loved).


shit that pisses me the fuck off:

•Emma never finding out that Regina killed Graham.

•Roland Hood and Liam II never showed up in the season finale.

•We never got a third “as you wish”.

Man, i forgot the most important one:

•to this day the Charmings still don’t know that Nealfire sent Emma to jail. THE FUCK?!

shit that pisses me the fuck off:

•Emma never finding out that Regina killed Graham.

•Roland Hood and Liam II never showed up in the season finale.

•We never got a third “as you wish”.

I wonder how would Rogelio react if he knew Michael Cordero was alive.
