#penny robinson



hello! i’m currently accepting prompts for the following ships/brotps:

lost in space

pennjay - penny robinson and vijay dhar.

penny robinson and don west (brotp only).

any dynamic inside the robinson family (obviously not shipping).

anne with an e

millis - ruby gillis and moody spurgeon.

josie pye and jerrybaynard.

dianne - diana barry and anne shirley-cuthbert.

high school musical: the musical: the series.

gini — gina porter and nini salazar-roberts.

rina— ricky bowen and gina porter.

seblos — seb and carlos rodriguez.

redky — big red and ricky bowen.

these are the ones i feel the most comfortable with when writing but feel free to request any other and i’ll see what i can do! thanks!

can someone please make gifs of the dumpster scene on episode 5? i just really love penny and vijay so much.

Thoughts on Lost in Space season 2:

The episode about Judy saving her dad was WONDERFUL. I love how John is no less her father just because he’s not biologically related to her.

Penny RULES the season. Her character growth is *chef kiss*.

And her relationship with Don is so cute! I love how he’s like an older brother/young uncle to her now. And that scene where he takes her out of the box…. wow. That got me.

Don’s growth was great this season too. Especially him turning himself in to save the Robinsons.

The Robot is wonderful. He is babey but also starting to act on his own volition and I’m just proud of him.

I HATE Hastings. Kill him.

Ben was a wonderful character. I really loved him in the end.

This season, especially the last two episodes, was so stressful! That scene where Maureen and John are crashing in their escape pods almost made me feel physically ill. And this cliffhanger is KILLING ME

Dr. Smith/Jessica/June was so despicable at the start but her growth this season was really something to see. It reminded me of MCU!Loki’s growth from actual murderer to chaotic neutral who is unpredictable to someone who sacrifices themself to save the only real family they have. Also I totally predicted her death there at the end, but I was not happy to be right. She wasn’t perfect, but she was a good character and added a lot to the show. I wish she could’ve had more time as an antihero helping the Robinsons.

Also they found the Fortuna and Judy’s birth dad is probably ALIVE somehow???

And HOW is anyone gonna get to Alpha Centauri now????

Season 3 cannot come soon enough
