#people are the worst


What about it about guys that they just don’t understand the point of venting?

You want to help, thanks. You know what I need? YOU ON MY SIDE!

Listing ways to get revenge is fine, turning a situation into how I should always be striving to be a perfect person NO!

Really, just agree that everyone involved is horrible and that my life sucks for having to deal with it. 

Later when I’m calm and feeling secure in our friendship/relationship cool, talk to me about ways to prevent it in the future. When I am an emotional mess about what is going on don’t start suggesting I go back in time and suddenly be a literally perfect person. 

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk about why you need girlfriends. (Could I just suggest in the nicest way also not boomers? At least if you are not one. They also stand by the thought of having all the answers.)


A relevant sentiment on my mind tonight.



I don’t know what I missed, but apparently people are sharing Joe’s address? I haven’t seen it yet nor do I want to, but I’m curious as to how people think that is any way, shape or form okay. I understand people are excited and curious about him. But that doesn’t give anyone the right to invade his personal life and space. He’s human. He puts his pants on one leg at a time like you and I. The man’s already a ball of anxiety as it is. Don’t make his life any more stressful than it already is. Respect him, and his boundaries like you would want other people to do for you.


