#perfect characterization



After seeing the viscount and viscountess in a rather…intimate moment, Penelope realizes there is more to grown up love than her sweet fantasies. There is something needier, something more passionate. A passion that rivals the love she feels for Colin Bridgerton.

justadashoffantasy: catnippackets: tfw you realize the guy who keeps kidnapping you and using you asjustadashoffantasy: catnippackets: tfw you realize the guy who keeps kidnapping you and using you asjustadashoffantasy: catnippackets: tfw you realize the guy who keeps kidnapping you and using you asjustadashoffantasy: catnippackets: tfw you realize the guy who keeps kidnapping you and using you as



tfw you realize the guy who keeps kidnapping you and using you as bait to catch his arch nemesis is actually just a theater kid who’s really nice

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