#performative femininity



it’s tough as hell to be the only woman in your friend group to not wear makeup, not wear heels, or not shave. it’s so isolating when you’re getting ready to go out with your girls and you’re the only one with your natural face, with body hair, in comfortable shoes and clothes - knowing that no matter how sweet they are you’re always going to be seen as the ‘ugly’ one, if not by them then by strangers. it’s important to stick to your convictions, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. i always remind myself that there’s nothing wrong with the way i look naturally, and there’s nothing wrong with dressing comfortably. and at least my shoes don’t get uncomfortable, and i can touch my face without worrying about smudging my makeup!



i need some of these women to realize that “strong and feminine” “smart and feminine” characters aren’t some radical counterculture vessels that “destigmatize femininity” lol they just reinforce the idea that there’s no excuse for women to be unfeminine. no matter what you do, do it in make up.

people don’t realize that films like legally blonde were a backlash to the women’s movement, not a part of it. The gender roles forced on girls in the 80’s and 90’s did not require as stringent a dedication to feminity. But here comes all this media that tells you “you can be pretty AND smart” which subtly implies that feminists are saying pretty girls aren’t smart. When actually feminists say that your looks shouldn’t matter, and that there should be no social payout for conforming to feminity.
