#anti makeup

girlsmoonsandstars: fuckyeah-radicalfeminism:quoilecanard:my-oddly-drawn-circus:Think about how





Think about how early this shit is ingrained into us. 

That’s intended for girls how old? 5/6? 

How old are they when we first tell them, “this will make you pretty!”?

Almost all of the other toys made for girls are either cleaning or kitchen/food prep-related “toys” (ovens, kitchen sets, brooms, vacuums, etc.), doll houses, or baby dolls. So we start learning from around age 4-5 that our place in the world as a woman is at home — cleaning for, cooking for, and serving others (specifically men!!!), reproducing, and most importantly making sure that we look “pretty” all the while doing it. It’s fucking sickening.

Good commentary!

having a boy child and girl child close in age raised in the same house highlights this so starkly tbh

Can wearing makeup really be considered a “choice” when we are literally forcefed makeup propaganda from the time we are toddlers?

Post link




I know microplastics are just the latest funny meme and that we won’t know for years the full extent of how they impact our health, but given the high percentage of makeup that contains microplastics, I think it’s time we move past the “is makeup feminist” discourse and just straight up destroy the cosmetic industry ☺️

do you mean face washes? i wonder how many companies have stopped using those plastic beads.

yes I’m glad you realize we also need to end fast fashion and more strictly regulate plastic production and scale down economies in favor of more self-sufficient local markets that rely less on packaging, but in the meantime, it’s way easier to stop wearing a face full of foundation than it is to not eat or wear clothes



Things even ppl who claim to be anti capitalists will tell you to never ever criticize:
- makeup industry
- porn industry

I wonder what they have in common

(spoiler: they’re a tool to oppress women and benefit men)




what do anti-makeup radfems think about eye makeup?

not makeup with the goal of making yourself look more conventionally attractive like this:

i’m talking about this type of makeup:

i know there’s no correct answer but idk, i talked about this in an essay i wrote for my women’s studies class last semester. this type of makeup in the images above obviously serve the same purpose as influencer/baddie/catfish/whatever makeup imo. plus there’s traditional goth makeup and looks that are actually just using the face as an art medium.

but then again, the CEOs of makeup companies are profiting regardless of what the makeup is being used for. it doesn’t really make a difference to them whether it’s being used to fit in/eliminate insecurity or express yourself/express that you’re part of some alternative subculture as long as money is flowing into their bank account. not the biggest issue but i’m curious to know if any other radical feminists have opinions on this topic.

It’s still all women! “””artistic””” makeup is still near exclusive to women. Men might wear some nail polish or eye liner or whatever but they aren’t the ones watching hours of videos to figure out how to create these effects and wearing them out in public or posting them on Instagram.

Not to mention this heavy duty makeup is worse for your health, requires more product (yay more child mining for mica!), and is more expensive (that male ceo says thank you very much). And it also distorts the natural female face.

Makeup defenders just can’t be separated from makeup and always look for more justifications or exceptions. There aren’t any!

the cherubs one I could maybe tolerate. it does sorta look like a painting. but then why not do a painting? putting it on a woman’s face doesn’t even add anything to it, so the implication is just still that women are objects to be looked at.

all the others are just like, niche makeup. like @agrarianradfem​ said, it’s women into “counterculture movements” wearing it, not men. slightly different standards, same shit.



You can’t fully relax when you’re wearing makeup. You can’t just rest your face in your hand or rub your eyes or scratch your chin or wipe your mouth. You can’t eat without worrying about messing up your makeup. You can’t get sweaty without worrying about messing up your makeup. You can’t blow your nose / wipe your nose without worrying about messing up your makeup. You can’t swim without worrying about messing up your makeup. You can’t cry without worrying about messing up your makeup. You can’t indulge in the simple joys of going out in the rain or nuzzling your face in your cat’s fur without worrying about messing up your makeup. You can’t just casually get into bed and roll over to rest your face on the pillow without worrying about messing up your makeup. 

By wearing makeup, you force yourself to be hyperaware of your face at all times. You have to learn to suppress the urge to rub your eyes or rest your chin in your hand. It’s tiring.

I’m so glad I never got into makeup.

Wearing makeup entails constant body monitoring, which is a concept I wish we talked more about:

(link to the article)

Tik Tok makeup or allergic reaction? The answer may surprise you!




The super anti makeup crowd are as bad as the ones who try to push makeup on you 

no they’re not

I go into everyone’s home at night and eat their MAC products. Whatever I don’t eat, I flush down the toilet. Then I snake their shower drains and carefully glue their leg hairs back on before disappearing into the night.

#macdonalds?#her tag tho ->#if you shave your pubes I reattach them and then add a merkin made out of human hair. double pubes.#<- amazing

MAC is a high end cosmetic line that’s sold in the USA (and probably other countries, idk). It also tickles me that MAC cosmetics is not well known but a merkin (a pubic hair wig) is universal.




it’s tough as hell to be the only woman in your friend group to not wear makeup, not wear heels, or not shave. it’s so isolating when you’re getting ready to go out with your girls and you’re the only one with your natural face, with body hair, in comfortable shoes and clothes - knowing that no matter how sweet they are you’re always going to be seen as the ‘ugly’ one, if not by them then by strangers. it’s important to stick to your convictions, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. i always remind myself that there’s nothing wrong with the way i look naturally, and there’s nothing wrong with dressing comfortably. and at least my shoes don’t get uncomfortable, and i can touch my face without worrying about smudging my makeup!



I’ll never wear makeup again. not to any fancy event not even to a wedding nothing. this is what I look like. don’t invite me if you don’t want to see my face

I love that people are still reblogging this. it gives me motivation on days where I’m feeling extra unattractive. thanks girls ♥️♥️♥️
