#personal independence payment


So the DWP have found the cure for MS…

Well, at least that’s what the letter I received suggested as apparently there is absolutely nothing wrong with me accept from a small amount of fatigue. Who knew?!

Not qualifying for PIP (I was awarded 0 points in both sections) was something I was expecting, maybe not to that level, but I imagined they’d turn me down. However, writing a letter which basically calls me a liar (”You said you have difficulties…I have decided [insert phrase here saying I’m wrong”) made me angry and sad, so I did something about it. I sent them a letter asking for the evidence they used to come to this decision and asked them to reconsider (the next step before appeal), so we’ll see where that gets me.

I recently applied to the Department for Working Pensions (DWP) for Personal Independence Paymetns (PIP) and quite honestly regret the whole thing!

I haven’t yet been told the decision on whether or not I will in fact be awarded these payments, but my gut feeling is that I won’t. As my assessor left she said: “I hope things stay as well as they are now for you”. To me, this indicates she thinks I’m fine…?

The whole process has been taxing and has meant that I feel as though I’m a lazy, unhelpful person that lets my mother do everything for me. I don’t actually believe this, but I’ve been made to feel this way several times. Having to relive my slow loss of personal dignity and every embarrassing moment has been horrible too! You’re also made to feel like you’re lying, even though you know you aren’t; I would much rather be able to work full time and support myself, but that doesn’t matter to them.

Don’t even get me started on the form filling out, there were so many pages and they ask you the exact same things in the meeting anyway… 

Anyway, cross your fingers for me!
