#personal post do not interact


People mad about interracial relationships and self shippers.


Like get over yourself.


The amount of misogyny in the jjba fandom is astounding.

I hc josuke as bi,because i just do deal with it. But just not for his friends because y'all weird and im sick of seeing people only talk about bi mens attraction to one part of the while point of biness. Because i am bisexual myself. And i get sick of people only talking about my attraction to one part too. Like helllllo. I like many genders?! That’s the whole point?! I also hate people telling me about my sexuality labels. But that’s not about me rn.

And josuke, he’s extremely particular about who he lets into that part of his life considering how he came into this world you know? Like legit. If you were in his shoes wouldn’t you be particular about who you want as your future spouce or significant other? Like you wanna make sure its real love,and make sure its secure right? And im kinda sick of the misogyny in the fandom but that a whole nother vent post. Like josuke fricks for love. He is an all or nothing guy. You either genuinely love him or get the fuck out.

Like fr.

Cuz you know. Not every mspec queer wants to bone everyone and not everyone has to be a romantic or sexual interest. THIS INCLUDES HIS FRIENDS. BECAUSE GUYS CAN HAVE HEALTHY PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER GUYS,YOU GUYS JUST CAN’T SEE BEYOND YOUR SHIP GOGGLES. (I just find it funny how some of you are so allergic to making self ships and ocs to ship him with and let him have healthy friendships and platonic relationships with his friends. Or even making platonic f/os . Like fr)

(Also josuke is kin,comfort character and anime husband all in one so yes i am extremely protective of this guy.)

You can hc josuke as whatever you want. But can we plz actually have positive fics with him not having laces of biphobia n fetishizing bi men from the writers thank you.

Giorno is dios son. I do not take criticism and i stand by this. You can all just leave.

I don’t even care much for dio nor giorno. Fr i kinda like dio but more so as a character and less about “he’s a sexy vamp daddy” like most people.

But i won’t stand for this dio as an unofficial subconscious part of the joestar family erasure.

And giorno looks way more like dio than Johnathan any day. His good heart has nothing to do with Johnathan and more of who mentored him. (Like most joestars and people in general the “good boy/girl/person genes” don’t truly exist outside memes)

And futhermore y'all ignore George the 2nd so bad it’s almost criminal. Y'all ignore Johnathans actually biological child in favor of some weird anime explained by proxy child. (No offense or shade but he kinda was and by that time Johnathan is dead dead so that’s basically dios body by that point and honestly y'alljust hate dio so just be honest and say y'all hate dio. Dont shove some bullbull around that.)

Anyways. Giorno is dios son. Nuff said.
