#admin talks


so who’s gonna take one for the team and request sturges??

if the r*df*ms discover the prettybird post istg i will Scream please just let me post in peace

Ah I see you’ve truely accepted the incorrect ren jinguji side of you.

Now I would hope to see orange and only various shades of orange on my dashboard, mc thank you



I- I have truly accepted it my dear pal. The Incorrect Ren Jinguji side of me,, after all those quotes,, crack roleplays,, and loving bs I put him through, has come out. //Has flashbacks to all of those ren quotes you made out of things I said

You will see orange, and only orange. You are very welcome. I will personally and lovingly, drown you with the Rose man content, your dashboard will be quaking. Orange shall reign supreme. Be afraid.

I have finally decided this blog will become an “Incorrect Ren Jinguji Quotes Page

Huzzah! I’ll start posting a bunch of my Ren quotes (totally not piling up in my closet Dw) within the week, and Redesigning of the blog, so keep an eye out! You’ll see a somewhat dramatic appearance change.

Thank you guys!!

- Nattie

Alright for those peeps who follow me, I’m considering making a desicion here.

If you don’t follow me Why not at least check some of my Utapri quote shenanigans, you might find something you like~

What would you guys think about me Turning this page into an “Incorrect Ren Jinguji Quotes” page? I think it already has at this point, hes usually all of my quotes. But what about making it official? For our wonderful Rose man, of course. I might even let him out of the closet for interaction if y’all have questions…

Van is a normal brown

So is Eiichi and Eiji

Reiji’s eye colour changes depending on the season, what year it is, how klab is feeling and what he ate that morning

So the only one is Mitsuo and god knows I’m not putting him on my list

I fucking hate how there is like not a single trustworthy source of news. Everything is just trying to sell you something or sway your political view or some other bullshit. I feel like all news has an agenda now other than just… posting the facts. 

So if you don’t watch the news you are uninformed but if you DO watch the news you are being fed misinformation and it is so exhausting to wade through it all. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t and I’m so fucking sick of it. I just want to live in a cottage in the woods and never see another person again.

Sometimes I believe that the YGO fandom is dead. But then I see so much activity on my blog all of a sudden and I’m just like: Are we good??? We’re safe and sound??? Back from the Shadow Realm, y’all??? Still into those card game nerds??? Are we good???

The amount of misogyny in the jjba fandom is astounding.

Tfw the jojo diu roleplay server you made is dry and nobody wants to talk jojos with you.

Nobody wants to join. Like im legit the only member.

Honestly if it doesn’t have anyone new in a few months. Im deleting it.

Im just both sad,pissed,and disappointed to all heck.

Still a w.i.p but i made a new server. Been a while since i did one of these so go easy on me.

But i made a roleplay server for jojo’s bizarre adventure:diamond is unbreakable/morioh.

Where you can interact with the characters and places in morioh.


  • 18+ PLZ. NO MINORS. THERE WILL BE NSFW CONTENT AND OR SWEARING AND MAYBE ADULT TOPICS OR QUESTIONS. (All the characters that will be roleplayed as are aged up. This is years after diu but in that setting. If that makes sense)
  • NO CREEPY ASKS OR COMMENTS ABOUT ADMIN. YOU WILL BE KICKED OUT. (This includes invasive questions i.e. where they live,etc)
  • The channels will be named after some of the places in morioh. So the characters you might encounter or rp with will sorta have a designated area. (I.e rohan is at his house. Mikitaka is at the tower or the field. Aya and yukako is at Cinderellas, yukako is also found at koichis house,etc)
  • I will not tolerate certain behaviors. And if i find you being disrespectful to someone. You will be booted. (This includes any bigotry and hateful comments)
  • No slander towards the characters. Even if you don’t like them. Keep it civil.
  • Feel free to ask for link again if it for some reason won’t work.
  • All the characters are alive. Even the ones that “died” in canon. This is for better rp purposes and variety.
  • Most of the gaps for some characters are filled in by my hcs. (Look some characters didn’t have much flavor or seasoning so to speak so im just filling in the holes. So plz go easy of me)
  • Jotaro isn’t a resident so he will only visit his uncle from time to time. Mostly for holidays. So if its a holiday. Joot might make a small brief appearance.
  • I may also make up some places in morioh because i feel i may need to.
  • There also will be non rp channels available to talk in as well outside roleplay sessions
  • I miss roleplaying. So please go easy on me its been too long and I’m just trying to have fun again. And i really hope you do too.
  • Josuke is my main for this server as my self insert (at least this au) is married to him. So i will be maining as him most of the time.

Hopefully this covers the basics. As i stated this is a w.i.p so hopefully this server will be more fleshed out soon. In the meantime enjoy and welcome.

Tfw you wanna roleplay jjba characters (mainly josuke) but have nobody to roleplay with.

No we stan all the nijimuras,yes even mr.nijimura (and especially keicho because good lord y'all sleep on him!) . Because fuck your feelings.

It’s too many grey areas,with them for y'all to be hatin on them. And y'all will never understand my love for these bois.

Maybe someday when my brain actually wants to cooperate with me. I will write an analysis and thesis for them. But until then enjoy me gushing over them. More so keicho nijimura.

I kinda hate how people forget people can be born with a stand.

And I’m kinda tired of people making x readers with boring “normal”/non stand user people reader. Since when is jojos normal?

(Plus who wouldn’t wanna tiny baby version of their stand? Lol)

But like the stand arrows or awakening of stands in general is cool but it is severely limited in storytelling potential.

While born with stand. Is more versatile. And you don’t have to worry bout fucking up canon too much whilst with arrows or “awakening” or whatever the frick that is (because you can awaken a stand even when you’re young and technically can be born with one but it never activates until way later or with an arrow. So thr whole born vs awaken is pointless but that’s besides the point).

Again the arrows should be left out unless its is done really well and really researched good otherwise it messes up with lore too much and loses immersion to me.

Its only really best in part 4/diu imho. After that arrows become pointless and a non issue.

Again being born with a stand but never manifesting or even manifesting really later in your life is a more common thing in jojos I’d believe than you getting hit with an arrow off the bat or outright manifestation.

But sometimes you never get one. Like an amazing talents ,you can have them. You can own them. But you never reach your potential. Its more common than you think.

Anyways. People just i feel arent as creative in the stand department as they can be.

But then again like stands. Maybe they never will reach that potential.


But it is kinda annoying they ignore the “maybe they are born with it, maybe its maybelline” stand users.

But it’s not anyone’s fault. It’s just kinda sad there isn’t anything or anyone to really talk bout this stuff with. :(

Now these pride flags are my personal pride flags. I’m not making any specific ones. As these are mostly for myself and for fun.

But again you can use them if you want. I prefer credit but it’s not necessary as I’m not getting anything out of making these.

Other than honing my skills in editing. Lol

Just a reminder that this blog is an inactive blog. It is for an archive of my posts.

Any post on here is irrelevant and not active.

Haven’t posted here in a while. But I’m only posting to share a cute thing i made.

Still love Eddie brock aka venom.

But i just hate the fans. Can’t stand these people.

But anyways here is some cute art i made.

Used a base. Enjoy.

Admin notice

Heeeey guys!

I just wanted to say i apologize for not posting much.

I have been watching jojos bizarre adventure and have moved away a bit from the marvel fandom due to the toxicity of fans.

But i want you guys to know i do plan on doing something for the blog. Dunno what. But I’ll think of something.

Still love that big boy Eddie brock aka venom.

:3 luv ya eddiebear.

But if you still wanna look around the blog. Feel free.

Just don’t be rude. We don’t have to agree. And we don’t have to understand each other. But please for the love of all that is holy. Please be a good and respectful person.

Admin out.

Luv u guys. And hope you have a happy holiday season.

Regardless of how people feel about the whole spiderman thing.

You knew it was gonna happen.

Also monopolies like disney and corporations like sony dont care bout fans.

They care bout money.

You should know this by now.

You fell for the trap. I have been saying this shit for years. Years!

Its cool if you like something. Even if i personally may not like the same thing or someone else doesn’t like what you like.

But dont blindly worship shit. And people have given valid criticism on both sony and Disneys crap.

Marvel’s soul lays in its comics and they haven’t been good since the 90s. Cuz nobody is reading. Period. They are all on their phones with memes n other shit.

I love memes but i also love to read and immerse myself in a rich story.

And the art of storytelling is lost. Especially in comics.

My point is. Don’t shit on others who point out vaild reasons why sony and disney is stupid. And the way they handled spiderman over the years was bad on both ends.

Bottom line is Disney is greedy and sony is stupid and reckless. (Because disney wanted almost all the profits and money sony made from spiderman over the years. Even before their joint share contract with the mcu. Sony wasnt having it. Which id be pissed too)

But if it means spiderman being on his own and in his own damn story and getting his origins told like it supposed to be. And maybe even miles taking the reigns. Its fine by me.

But sony gets no love from me for fucking up venom twice.

Into the spiderverse was the only good thing sony made in a long time. And that was animated.

And peter parker/spiderman wasn’t even truly the main star. Miles was.

Again this is my two cents.

Im tired of people coming at me or others for this vaild criticism in the comicbook nerds/spiderman fans circle.

Im also tired of seeing and hearing people whine n bitch.

Crazy mcu fans and stans. These people swear that the only thing valid is the mcu movies. Nothing else exists to them and they dont even read the comics,watch the cartoons,or any other things outside starkverse(because lets face it thats what it was)

I didnt care for sonys spiderman movies either. They were either rushed or had terrible writing. The mcu had both. And made the character have to rely on others instead of standing on their own two feet. They can’t write solo stories. And everyone is like its a disney musical,happy get along pals. Thats not how it works. Thats not how they are. Most heroes and even villains were nasty af to each other in the comics. If y'all was comicbook fans you would know this.

This is just my two cents.

My personal opinions and thoughts.

Again i wont ever care for nor give a damn bout either company. Spiderman movies are dead to me cept for into the spiderverse.

Into the spiderverse is literally the only thing i enjoy and am like forward to.

Other than that. Nope.

Gonna stick with my og comics. And the amazing spiderman with the venom archs up till the end of lethal protector series. Because after the lethal protector series i completely cut off venoms comics and stuff.

Minus the chocolate eating thing. That was silly and innocent enough to keep. But everything else can die in a garbage fire.

Spiderman however. Sadly. Will never be done right. And same goes for venom.

Other characters maybe. But those two babe. Never will be done justice.




Please. You will not be disappointed. This is the character i fell for. This is the venom i miss.

Please read. Its good for you.

Hell just read. Even if its online books. Not even comics.

I just want people to understand the importance of reading. Especially reading and having those critical thinking skills.

The brainstorming processes.

Its important as a content creator,artist,and or writer.

Please never stop reading. Never stop creating.

Sad in order for venom to have a solo series they had to make him a “heroic” character because they still have this mindset that villains dont sell or cant be interesting protagonists of their own story.

Venom was never ment to be nice. A good man deep down as brock truly is,as he truly does care bout people. But eddie brock aka venom was never ment to be a hero. Ever.

Sad marvel lost the faith in the character and trashed him for many years after lethal protector.

Lethal protector was the last good comics for venom for me. I gave up after that.

I just still for many years for the life of me. Dont understand how they can fuck up such a complex but easy to understand character.

Less is more when it comes to venom. And i think that mostly peoples issues.

Part of venoms appeal to me personally was his sinister nature and the fact he does care but in his own twisted way.

He was sympathetic enough. They didn’t need to go any further than he had a crappy childhood,he has a split personality disorder and other mental issues,and he was crucified for getting one story wrong and pressured by the press even tho he wasn’t sure bout his story. It was raw,and real and didn’t need any other drama n crap than that.

They tried to make venom too much. And thats where it turns me off. And also many others. Venom is best handled when its subtle and in small doses. Like well….venom. lol.

Im just saying it pains me to see one of most beloved characters still being played as a mockery of himself.

He’s cant ever be a good guy. But he’s not a true villain. Not to me at least.

He’s not quite a true antihero or antivillain

He’s more of a byronic character. He knows what he does is wrong but he finds it as a necessary evil to stop spiderman or at very least one up spiderman by “lethally protecting” those he personally deems “innocent”.

Eddie brock aka venom. When you do this character you need to do him like a dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde type deal.

None of this pointless,fetishizing ship crap with his living,parasitic,alien,suit that became his second personality. Literally a part of him. His shadow.

This is not hard to understand. It really isn’t.

So thats why i took it upon myself to write about venom. THE REAL VENOM. How he should be.

Edward charles-allan brock. Eddie brock. Venom. Is a character that is deeply resonating in my childhood and near and dear to my heart.

I want him to be done justice. And since nobody else is doing it. I am.

Psa warning

Again if you ship and or like this symbrock crap.



Its gross and fetishizing and toxic.

If you support symbrock. Dont follow me or reblog my stuff. Thank you.

Soo here’s the face reveal for the 1,000 followers, low key forgot to post it haha. Hopefully more content will be out tomorrow, I keep getting distracted by the Sims and actual life duties.


I just barely realized I reached 1,013 followers while I was gone??? Holy shit?? Well, Um, As promised, I could do a face reveal if you guys want?

I’m back!

Hi everyone! I’m so sorry I’ve been so absent, I went to Italy for about two weeks and graduated, so I got a little busy! I’m going to be posting the stories for the giveaway winners soon! And I’ll be responding to the asks and such asap!


I’ve never made a comic or fan art in my life, but I watched Aquamarine and I just HAD to.


Lucio doesn’t deserve love…he needs it.

Before you grab the torches and pitchforks, hear me out!

Lucio has done many bad things in his life. He was cruel and self-centered to the point the other Mains couldn’t really stand him. True, the people adored him for his generosity and his parties, but what happens when you set off his temper? No doubt everyone knows a number of his past crimes!

He doesn’t deserve love, but he does needit.

Yes, he did all those things but only because he knows nothing else! He grew up in a warring tribe that seemed to heavily practice some serious Darwinism (“Survival of the Fittest”). There is even evidence of this in a memory he has in Dawn of the Grub.

Lutz made sure Montag understood that and it appears to have stuck verywell.

Naturally, this is no excuse for everything he has done, but we all have to understand this is his culture! This was the world he was born into. It is true that you can take a “savage” out of the tribe, but you can’t take the tribe out of the “savage”. It’s instilled in him! He had to breathe, eat, and drink that reality for eighteen years and then even more so when he became a mercenary on his own!

No. His actions do not make him deserving of love, but his constant seeking of approval and attention is a desperate cry for help whether he admits it or not! Someone has to show him compassion and sympathy for him to understand what it even is, only then can he grasp the full depth of what all he’s done. When that hits him, he’s going to need someone there to help him through the transition.

Someone he can trust to be honest and patient with him as he tries to grow. He needs someone there for him to teach him and show him how to go about the world in a different way than what he knows.

Even we can see that he’s not a completely heartless person when you pay attention to Heart Hunter.

He just needs a firm loving hand to show him a better path to the things he desires in life. All honesty, I think once he has that attention and unconditional love, things like wealth and status are going to seem very empty to him. They are just things he thought to surround himself with in hopes of others liking him and making himself feel like somebody! If he can be a spirit with nothing to his existence except his own being, and someone accepts him as just him…then what was the point of all that crap?

That’s not to say he’d happily give up the life of luxury easily. Who knows though? The Devs have surprised me before.

Though yes, he doesn’t deserve it…he needs it. I, for one, am willing to give him a shot because everyone deserves that chance to be shown another road to happiness.

I’m ready, Goatman!!

Dark Bonus: Holy crap, the Devs did a foreshadowing and we never noticed. Oh, my poor Count. That’s not right.

I 100% feel the same way. Honestly at times, I wonder if lucio even realizes that he’s in the wrong; since he was raised this way, his sense of right and wrong is more likely than not super fucked up.

Also, something I just wanted to add that I’ve been thinking about;

During Juliens route, we find out that Lucio force fed him a plague beetle. Now, I for one was so upset and angry with this, and almost wrote off lucio entirely in my book. But then I started thinking about it more. Most plague victims died within a day or two right? And it supposedly is horridly painful and the worst experience ever. Lucio had the plague for months, and if they hadn’t done the ritual, it’s likely that the wyrm never would have let the plague kill him, he would have had to suffer through it for the rest of his life. All of the pain, and suffering he had been going through for months was probably like torture; which I imagine made lucio begin to go a little a lot insane. Insane enough to give the plague to the doctor that was trying to cure it. (Not to mention that they were going to perform the ritual like the next day)

But yeah, that’s just my little contribution to this post.
