#personally i am not leaning into cooking


If you find yourself getting into cooking/baking these interior days, you can practice chinese while you do it too!

This video has english subs so you won’t totally mangle your cake, but the audio is also nice and clear and at a native speed. it might feel too fast at first but try to sit through a chunk and let your brain adjust 

Recipes have a lot of formulaic speech and specific vocabulary—try translating a favorite recipe and you’ll notice you need some of these from the video~

分蛋,蛋黃蛋清分開 fēn dàn, dànhuáng dànqīng fēnkāi : Separate the eggs, separate the yolk from the whites

往裡頭到 wǎng lǐtou dào : incorporate, pour in 

攪拌 jiǎobàn : stir, mix

過篩 guò shāi : to sift

打發 dǎfā : to whip (as in egg whites 打发至软性: whip until fluffy. you’ll notice she says it doesn’t need to be whipped “too high 高,” not “too hard 硬” like we use in English)

翻拌均勻 fān bàn jūnyún : fold in evenly

泡 pào : soak, steep (this is also the verb for making instant noodles)

There’s also a lot of subtle detail, try to pick out how verbs are modified; beaten slowly(adv), poured into(directional complement)…

if you’d rather tackle something a bit simpler, stir-fried tomato and egg is a personal favorite. or the latest instagram coffee. or just watching the pretty pastry videos and not making anything.  
