#peter kalmus


Hey guys! I don’t usually talk about very serious subjects happening around the world at the current moment, but all this news about climate change permanently affecting the planet is creating alot of anxiety around the world at the moment. I’m sure alot of you guys have given up and don’t care anymore, which I do not blame you as I feel the same way. But, with a little bit of motivation I’m sure we can help aid the climate change problem by adding little changes to our everyday schedule.

Below are some recommendations to help slow down climate change:

  • Unplug electrical devices when not used
  • Grow trees/oxygen releasing plants (heavily recommend this website for plant recommendations:


  • Turn off mobile devices when not in use
  • Use less gas releasing transport (use bicycle, walk, ext.)
  • Eat more naturally grown foods - vegetables, fruit, ext. (You can grow your own, which I can assure you is very interesting as well as money saving. By doing this you spend less money on food miles and less electricity is used on factories.)
  • Shop locally if you are able to. This can help cut carbon emissions and air pollution as well as cut food miles. By making cleaner air we can also make fresher crops.
  • Throw away less food. Use the food that you buy when you can and compost it. This can help stop methane gas from entering the air.

If you are interested in learning more ways to help aid climate change then you can use the website below:

Thank you for reading and please spread information to those who are interested. Please take care of yourself during these times!
