#peter maximoff


Nothing has made me happier than finding out people have added stuff to the Peter Maximoff Truther tag I feel like I’ve started a revolution.

Here’s my pitch for WandaVision season 2: Wanda and Peter going on wacky adventures and becoming weird alternate universe siblings and helping each other through their trauma and just genuinely loving and caring for each other and building a relationship. Here’s the catch neither of them are allowed to die or experience any more trauma then they already have.

Okay but it’s the way Peter was only in the episode for like 2 seconds in the post credit scene and yet 7/10 of my posts about the episode are either about him or mention him in some capacity. It’s fan behavior on my part.

Okay but like… If Agatha Harkness villain why she give us sexy Evan Peters Quicksilver huh? If Agatha Harkness villain why she do god’s work of pulling Peter Maximoff straight out of the X-Men universe into ours huh huh?? If Agatha Harkness villain why she bless us all like that??? Answer me that.

Since the new WandaVision ep is dropping in a little over 48 hours I just want to make it clear one last time that if it is revealed in any capacity that “Pietro” is not Peter Maximoff from the X-Men universe I will singlehandedly hunt down every Disney exec and make them regret all of their life choices.

It’s the way there is not a single adult member of WandaVision (besides Hayward) that I would not let absolutely rail me. Wanda’s having a psychotic break and trapping a bunch of people in a town? Cool still hot. Vision is a walking toaster that may only be alive within the parameters of Westview? Still hot. Peter is… smoking hot. Agnes might be evil and controlling Wanda to make all of this happen? Still hot. Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy? Hot.

I thinks it’s really funny that Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy not only mirror the audience in the way they theorize about the show but also in the way that they’re like “Yeah I know that Wanda took an entire town hostage and has thousands of people under her mind control but give her a break she’s traumatized ”. I guess being a Wanda simp is universal.

I feel like this appropriately sums up what the last 20 soemthing posts on this acc are about

I just rewatched the episode and I noticed that Peter calls himself Uncle P and never refers to himself as Pietro. Not to put my tinhat on but… I am perceiving.

No but seriously I don’t think that some of y’all realize that the show is actively and purposely characterizing Quicksilver as Peter Maximoff from the X-Men. 90% of the theories as to why the character is actually Mephisto or some SWORD agent is rooted in either “Pietro wouldn’t say/do that!” or “that totally in character action/dialogue for Peter is highly suspicious to me only becuase I don’t realize that it’s totally in character for Peter”. Like I saw someone say that Pietro would never steal candy from kids and I just-

Or how it was so weird for him to mock “himself” for getting shot and dying but like-

Like i’m not saying that the Quicksilver were seeing is defintley Peter from the X-Men universe but some of y’all are lacking critical context.

From this point on I will not be accepting Peter/Pietro theories or slander of Evan’s Quicksilver from anyone who hasn’t seen the X-Men movies if for nothing other then my own sanity and mental health.

The only ways that I can walk away from the eventual WandaVision finale with my will to live still intact:

1.) Wanda is revealed to not be the villain of the story or the villain of phase 4. The key roles she will be playing in future movies like Multiverse of Madness will be as a hero and not a villain.

2.) Vision is fully revived in a capacity that he can exist outside of Westview. Him and Wanda are dealing with the trauma of everything that happened but are doing it together and are happy.

3.) Quicksilver is in fact Quicksilver, specifically Peter from the X-Men universe. He is intergrated into the MCU and he and Wanda, despite not technically being siblings, start building a real relationship with each other. (Also opens the door for Dadneto )

And since the probability of just one of those things happening much less all three of them is extremely low I’ll just start preparing my funeral now.

Some random reddit user: “Ralph” actually is Peter Maximoff he’s Jimmy’s witness protection guy

Me, exhausted at 4 am, having just barley processed that I was wrong about Peter being Peter and still crying slightly from the emotional rollercoaster I just experienced:

Peter Maximoff truthers we’re back. I know we were only gone for like 15 minutes but we’re back regardless.

I’ll be the first Peter Maximoff truther to say it… I’m a fucking clown goodnight

So what you’re saying is… no Peter… no Vision… no minimoffs… and once again a completely alone, traumatized, and depressed Wanda…

Yeah I am literally miserable in every sense of the word, I am going to go wallow in a puddle of tears and then when the sun rises I’ll call my therapist.


Do you think Evan Peters knows he singlehandedly revived the entire x-men fandom by taking this role? We’re the ancestors and Evan is Mulan. We’re back baby! And let’s hope marvel doesn’t bury us again lol


The only ways that I can walk away from the eventual WandaVision finale with my will to live still intact:

1.) Wanda is revealed to not be the villain of the story or the villain of phase 4. The key roles she will be playing in future movies like Multiverse of Madness will be as a hero and not a villain.

2.) Vision is fully revived in a capacity that he can exist outside of Westview. Him and Wanda are dealing with the trauma of everything that happened but are doing it together and are happy.

3.) Quicksilver is in fact Quicksilver, specifically Peter from the X-Men universe. He is intergrated into the MCU and he and Wanda, despite not technically being siblings, start building a real relationship with each other. (Also opens the door for Dadneto )

And since the probability of just one of those things happening much less all three of them is extremely low I’ll just start preparing my funeral now.


It’s the way there is not a single adult member of WandaVision (besides Hayward) that I would not let absolutely rail me. Wanda’s having a psychotic break and trapping a bunch of people in a town? Cool still hot. Vision is a walking toaster that may only be alive within the parameters of Westview? Still hot. Peter is… smoking hot. Agnes might be evil and controlling Wanda to make all of this happen? Still hot. Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy? Hot.
