#fox x-men


Okay but with all the theorizing about Magento being the cameo and him coming to rescue Peter you have to remember that Erik doesn’t actually know that Peter is his son because Peter never told him. Which means that we would need some sort of absolutely hilarious conversation between Erik and Charles like

Charles: So Peter accidentally got pulled into a different universe by his alternate self’s twin sister whos having a slight psychotic break…

Erik: …What the fuck…

Charles: Yeah it’s a bit of a complicated situation.

Erik: I mean yeah clearly but why the fuck are you telling me this? Go send one of your little X-men to rescue him or something.

Charles: Well the thing is his alternate self’s sister is incredibley strong like, close to Phoenix Force strong, so you’re probably our best bet. Also uhm… *mumbles* hesmaybekindofpossiblyyourson.

Erik: Sorry I didn’t quite catch that last bit.

Charles: … he’s… your son…

Erik: … … … WHAT?!

Charles: Yeah… also becuase he’s your son that means that in a way his alternate self’s twin sister, the one that’s having a psychotic break and accidentally pulling people through the multiverse, is kind of your daughter too so… have fun.

Erik: I hate you.

Charles: Love you too.

Nothing has made me happier than finding out people have added stuff to the Peter Maximoff Truther tag I feel like I’ve started a revolution.

Here’s my pitch for WandaVision season 2: Wanda and Peter going on wacky adventures and becoming weird alternate universe siblings and helping each other through their trauma and just genuinely loving and caring for each other and building a relationship. Here’s the catch neither of them are allowed to die or experience any more trauma then they already have.

Since the new WandaVision ep is dropping in a little over 48 hours I just want to make it clear one last time that if it is revealed in any capacity that “Pietro” is not Peter Maximoff from the X-Men universe I will singlehandedly hunt down every Disney exec and make them regret all of their life choices.

I feel like this appropriately sums up what the last 20 soemthing posts on this acc are about

I just rewatched the episode and I noticed that Peter calls himself Uncle P and never refers to himself as Pietro. Not to put my tinhat on but… I am perceiving.

Hi I’m Ivory but most people call me Vivi, Ivy, or Viv. I’m 19, bisexual, and my pronouns are she/her. I moved here from my old blog which had the same name (now @petermaxximof-moved). I have ADHD so I tend to post a lot about my hyperfixations (whatever they happen to be at the time) but I will mostly be posting about Marvel on this blog (the mcu, xmcu, and comics). Definitely follow if you like any of the following becuase I’ll post about them a lot:

-Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver (xmcu + wandavision version)

-The Avengers (mcu and comics)

-The Young Avengers

-The X-Men (xmcu and comics)

-Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (mcu and comics)


*If you post about any of these things feel free to give this a like so I can check out your blog
