
Facts Try out our best mobile social game, link in bio: @icebreaker_memes . . . . . posted on Instag

Facts Try out our best mobile social game, link in bio: @icebreaker_memes . . . . .
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pewdiepie fans really be like “he apologizes in between every racist thing he does”

If your dumb ass is too blind by what the media shoves up your ass, then you don’t have anyone to blame but yourself.

Saying a “raicst slur” doesn’t make you a racist.

Stop giving the “n-word” this much fucking power.

One of the so called claims he was racist was him wearing a nazi uniform that turned out to be a British Home Gaurd uniform.

I’m not saying people are seeing what they want to but i have glasses and got like a C in History and i could tell it wasnt a nazi uniform

So, in a list;

The Fiverr incident: intend to show how far people would go for $5, as well as mocking keemstar’s racist remarks. Not racist.

Nazi uniform: not even a Nazi uniform, apparently, and used to mock people taking him out of context to make him seem racist, which people subsequently took out of context to make him seem racist. Not racist.

Said the N-Word once on stream: Racist (he immediately apologized, however)

Linked a YouTube channel that, unbeknownst to him, happened to have antisemitic tendencies: Not racist, it was an accident, he immediately removed the link and shout-out

So, one actually racist thing that he immediately apologized for and never did again as far as we know. Totally the same as the wholesale slaughter of Jewish people. Complete Nazi. We need to lock him up and delete his channel immediately.

Seriously, y’all keep acting like he’s constantly dropping the n-bomb and posting links to Stormfront.

Okay… a single racist action doesn’t make you a racist, just like a single abusive action doesn’t make you an abuser.

If it did, everybody would be guilty, because everyone has made at least one off color joke in their life, or hurt someone they loved
