#philippine election




i’m so fucking tired of international media reporting on the philippine election with the undertone of “poor uncivilized savage uneducated little brown asian country is so so sooooo stupid for electing a dictator’s son” as if there aren’t thousands on the streets protesting it, as if there isn’t electoral fraud, as if there aren’t people staying at voting precincts for over 24 hours just to be denied their right to vote, as if this isn’t a product of decades of US-backed imperialism and as if foreign powers don’t have a hand in this decades-long project of historical revisionism. if you aren’t reporting about the philippine election with these contexts in mind then don’t report at all because fuck you we do not need your pity nor your “help”

exactly this. it’s what i was going for when i mentioned how foreign powers have their hands dirty in meddling with our elections. before cambridge analytica and facebook fucked over the US 2016 elections they fucked with ours here in the same year. and now facebook, youtube, and tiktok are willing accomplices to a massive disinformation and historical revisionist campaign because it makes them a quick buck.

Truly a disappointing era in the Philippines rn.
