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pas·tel paˈstel/ noun a soft and delicate shade of colorpas·tel paˈstel/ noun a soft and delicate shade of colorpas·tel paˈstel/ noun a soft and delicate shade of colorpas·tel paˈstel/ noun a soft and delicate shade of color

a soft and delicate shade of color

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If you want to learn what someone fears losing, look at what they photograph If you want to learn what someone fears losing, look at what they photograph If you want to learn what someone fears losing, look at what they photograph If you want to learn what someone fears losing, look at what they photograph

If you want to learn what someone fears losing, look at what they photograph

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It was at this moment that Daniel knew, he fucked upIt was at this moment that Daniel knew, he fucked up

It was at this moment that Daniel knew, he fucked up

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Dan and Phil have made it to the theater screen ❤️Dan and Phil have made it to the theater screen ❤️Dan and Phil have made it to the theater screen ❤️Dan and Phil have made it to the theater screen ❤️Dan and Phil have made it to the theater screen ❤️Dan and Phil have made it to the theater screen ❤️

Dan and Phil have made it to the theater screen ❤️

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look at those two cowboys

#dan and phil    #phil and dan    #phandom    #phan trash    #phan edit    #dan howell    #phil lester    #howell    #lester    #danandphil    #danhowell    #phillester    #danandphilgames    #danansphilcrafts    #japhan    #tatinof    #tabinof    


#dan and phil    #dan howell    #phil lester    #amazingphil    #lessamazingphil    #danisnotonfire    #danisnotinteresting    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #phandom    #phan trash    #phan edit    #youtube    #video edit    #youtubers    #pinof 8    #dil howlter    #tabinof    #tatinof    #danandphil    #danhowell    #phillester    