


So hi there. I just wanted to make a post about this. Being a really big Dan and Phil fan the news that was dropped today hit me pretty hard. And I can tell it hit lots of people really hard aswell. And I just wanted to say that I’m not mad. I’m not angry. I’m just..sad.

I love Dan and Phil a lot and they’ve helped me though so much. They give me a reason to draw! They fuel my inspiration. (I need to post more art I’m sorry) so I respect all the decisions they are making. I want them to be happy with what they do and how they do it. There feelings are very important. Like Dan said they are doing it because they want to move on. They want to mentally, physically, and emotionally grow! And I respect that. But the way that thy just DROPPED it like that. Sure a lot of us were expecting it…but shit. I wasn’t. They literally had a skit in TATINOF doing PINOF 64. How was I supposed to know 10 was the final one? It was like a “HEY ITS ENDING!” Type of announcement. Not even a warning.

Pinof ending saddens me so much because to a LARGE majority of us was something we all looked forward too. It was like a holiday! To me it was the only thing I looked forward to during this time of year. (Christmas is rough that’s all imma say) Pinof was that ONE thing that reminded all of us of where it all started. With all the changes happening Pinof was there to show us where this amazing yet scary phandom came from. It slowly turned into a tradition! A beautiful WEIRD tradition. One that made me laugh. Cat whiskers! Questions! RANDOMNESS! All that meant something.

Dan said “when something goes on for a long ass time no one cares about it anymore.” But that’s wrong! We will love it no matter how many there are! Every single minute.

Things are changing. And I’m okay with that (let’s be real not really) but why change something so beautiful. So dear to millions of people’s hearts. So..Dan and Phil. I’m heart broken I won’t be seeing that anymore. I started watching Dan and Phil a LONG time ago and watching Pinof end makes me so unbelievably sad….you can take everything else but why Pinof.

I mean it when I say Thank you @danielhowelland@amazingphil for giving us the most fun we’ve ever had with Pinof. I respect everything you guys are doing. Honestly I’m extremely excited to see what things you guys have for the future! It’s going to be hard. Like you said “change isn’t easy” but I’m ready. Thank you for 10 amazing years of Pinof and videos general.

Thats the end of my rant/emotional spil. Thank you for reading love you all

okay but he is soO ATTRACTIVE

what is this-

#phil lester    #amazingphil    #lester    #danisnotonfire    #dan howell    #howell    #dan and phil    #phil and dan    #danandphil    #phandom    #phan trash    #phan edit    #video edit    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #dil howlter    #youtube    #youtubers    #tabitha casper    #tabinof    #tatinof    #pinof 8    

look at those two cowboys

#dan and phil    #phil and dan    #phandom    #phan trash    #phan edit    #dan howell    #phil lester    #howell    #lester    #danandphil    #danhowell    #phillester    #danandphilgames    #danansphilcrafts    #japhan    #tatinof    #tabinof    


#dan howell    #danisnotonfire    #danisnotinteresting    #howell    #phil lester    #amazingphil    #lessamazingphil    #danhowell    #dan and phil    #phil and dan    #phandom    #phan edit    #video edit    #danandphil    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #dil howlter    #dab howlter    #pinof 8    #tabinof    #tatinof    

he’s so hot without even trying

#dan howell    #danisnotonfire    #amazingphil    #phil lester    #lessamazingphil    #danisnotinteresting    #dan and phil    #phil and dan    #phandom    #phan trash    #phan edit    #video edit    #youtube    #youtubers    #pinof 8    #tabinof    #tatinof    #danandphil    #dil howlter    #dab howlter    #danandphilcrafts    #danandphilgames    

happy 30th birthday to the wonderful and beautiful phil lester. a true blessing to this world.

young phil laughing is lifting my spirits

#amazingphil    #phil lester    #lessamazingphil    #youtube    #youtubers    #phandom    #phan edit    #danisnotonfire    #danisnotinteresting    #dan howell    #dan and phil    #phil and dan    #dil howlter    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #pinof 8    #tabinof    #tatinof    #danandphil    #video edit    

they look so happy and proud and that is just so heart warming to me. the pure faces of accomplishment. bless.

#dan and phil    #dan howell    #phil lester    #amazingphil    #danisnotonfire    #phil and dan    #phandom    #phan edit    #phan trash    #danisnotinteresting    #lessamazingphil    #tatinof    #tabinof    #pinof 8    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #youtube    #youtubers    #video edit    

this makes me so happy

#dan and phil    #phil and dan    #dan howell    #phil lester    #amazingphil    #danisnotonfire    #danisnotinteresting    #lessamazingphil    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #phandom    #phan edit    #phan trash    #video edit    #dil howlter    #dab howlter    #tabinof    #tatinof    #pinof 8    #youtube    #youtubers    

i love how phil saves the child like a sweetheart while dan stands there and tries to make the situation ‘relatable’ as he always does



honestly, phil lester is my favourite human on the fucking planet you’re not fighting me on that

#phil lester    #dan howell    #amazingphil    #danisnotonfire    #phan edit    #video edit    #phandom    #phan trash    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #dan and phil    #phil and dan    #tabinof    #pinof 8    #dil howlter    #tatinof    #dab howlter    #lessamazingphil    #danisnotinteresting    #youtube    #youtubers    


#dan and phil    #danandphil    #dan howell    #phil lester    #amazingphil    #danisnotonfire    #lessamazingphil    #danisnotinteresting    #phandom    #phan trash    #phantastic    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #pinof 8    #tabinof    #tatinof    #video edit    #youtubers    #youtube    


#dan and phil    #dan howell    #phil lester    #amazingphil    #lessamazingphil    #danisnotonfire    #danisnotinteresting    #danandphilgames    #danandphilcrafts    #phandom    #phan trash    #phan edit    #youtube    #video edit    #youtubers    #pinof 8    #dil howlter    #tabinof    #tatinof    #danandphil    #danhowell    #phillester    


damn philly
