#phoenix recs




tags: afab reader, childhood sweethearts to exes / exes to lovers, lost connections, returning home, single dad!osamu, original child character (miya mamoru), minor character death (oc), mention of pregnancy complications (preeclampsia; cerebral haemorrhaging), dealing with grief and guilt, falling in love, alcohol (but no one is drunk), food to communicate love (reader does eat fish; osamu watches you eat), angst and fluff, family feels, eventual smut, no power dynamics, emotional + protected sex, oral (f! receiving), multiple orgasms, shower sex, hand jobs

wc: 15.5k (WHAT???)

Despite being the capital city of the Hyōgo prefecture, Kōbe was like a black hole slowly pulling your body apart. You feel a growing, malignant dissonance as you stand silent in the centre of your new apartment, the disturbing sensation that time had passed and yet nothing had changed. Nothing but you.

There wasn’t anything particularly wrong with Kōbe. The city held all your childhood memories, your first steps and first friends, your first words and your first love, but through your adolescence you’d slowly begun to fear that you’d unwittingly shackled yourself to one place. You wanted something more, something bigger. There was grief, too. The loss of what, of who, you’d left behind had followed you all over the country. Even though you’d left, this place held onto a part of your soul with a white-knuckle grip that you never did shake.

Now you are back where it all started, your home so familiar yet so foreign. The apartment is a little bigger than your last, surprisingly seen as the rent was the same, and the walls housed full length windows that allowed light to flood into the space. An ache spreads along your arms, tissue deep, strained from a long weekend of moving heavy furniture and placating neighbours. Your stomach twists with hunger, and you grimace at the thought of your empty fridge.

Food it is.

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Reblogging this again because I finally read it. This was SUCH a good fic, probably one of my favorite Osamu fics I’ve ever read! Wonderful job ❤️❤️


It’s Not A Date


Satoru Gojou x reader

Summary: it’s not a date, at least that is what he tells himself. It’s not a date, but Gojou has something he really needs to confess.
Warnings: Gojou, cursing, unedited bc this is a ramble, some light making out at the end, other than that though? Nothing but a pining (probs ooc) Gojo. I also most probably slandered Satoru in here but I love him so.


It’s not a date.

At least that is what Satoru tells himself as he glances in the mirror for the nth time that day.

He only changed outfits three times because he wanted to — and definitely not because he’s worried you wouldn’t like the blue button down as much as the black one or in case you thought he was too dressed down and casual. The impulse to make sure his hair was impeccable and in place was because he had a reputation to uphold, with possible people to woo, and not because he didn’t want you to know he constantly ran his fingers through the silky, white tresses out of sheer nerves. And the shaky hands? Oh, that was simply because of the excessive sugar and caffeine consumption, nothing more.

Because, no, this isn’t a date. Satoru Gojou doesn’t do dates, or anything remotely romantic for that matter. He’s an unloyal bastard, a whore, commitment issues central. That’s what everyone says, not that they’re completely wrong.

A relationship would only weigh him down.

So, no dates, none, absolutely zero. Just a friendly outing with a friend.

And you are just a friend. A pretty friend, who makes his heart thunder, head woozy, hands fuzzy, and cheeks fiery hot, but nothing else. You’re a good, beautiful friend who he thinks about living with, side by side, until you both have wrinkles; who he wishes to take out on teenage late night adventures until both your ribs hurt from laughing too much; and who he craves to share deep, intimate kisses with all day and night.

But that’s what all friends do, right? They think about doing that stuff together all the time. After all, who doesn’t want to kiss Nanami? With those sharp, defined cheekbones the man was a walking daydream.

Wait… but does that also mean you want to kiss Nanamin too? Do you think about his dreamy cheekbones and do you… like them? Was that even allowed? No, you couldn’t possibly like Nanami or want to kiss him, Gojou refused to believe it. You had taste, and grumpy, moody, salty, stingy, blond, handsome salary men were not it.

Satoru knew you would, of course, much rather prefer someone strong, playful, rich, handsome, gorgeous, dashing, funny, blue-eyed, rich, and preferably around 191cm — which was far above international height average for men might he add. Who wouldn’t prefer someone like that? Whoever met those standards sounded like a real catch.

“Are you going to continue scowling into the mirror or are we going to go?”

The sound of your voice startles him from his thoughts, a slight pout being the only thing remaining from the deep rabbit hole of jealousy his mind was diving head first into.

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─── ⠀ * ⠀ IT’S WHAT RIVALS DO.


featuring:jean kirschtein from attack on titan

content warnings:nsfw content, fem! reader, partial enemies to lovers, slight angsty ending, unestablished relationship, making out, vulgar language, exhibitionism, fingering, degradation, praise, copious amounts of teasing, eren makes a cameo, both reader and jean are of legal age

word count :   4.1K words

tallulah talks:me refusing to give any of my works happy endings. also it’s been a long while since I’ve written anything over 1K words pls be nice to me. perhaps a part two? @myarlert@pocks-waifu@sweetsbysatori@tetsukentona@cirigiri@sugusshi


 “Why does he have to be so good at everything?” 

You sit across from Mikasa and Armin in the mess hall with a sour expression, glaring at the brown haired man in question, gritting your teeth when he laughs a little too loudly at a joke Connie made. 

“Maybe you focus on him too much,” Armin tries to soothe your irritation, but it only ends up adding more fuel to the fire and you can see the moment he regrets his words when you send daggers his way. He quietly sinks into his seat, throwing a glance towards the man you were currently scowling at a few tables away. 

You and Jean had shared an unspoken rivalry ever since the two of you joined the Scouts regiment, it had become a silent challenge of who could do better, who could kill more titans, etcetera. Neither of you had truly spoken to each other apart from the snarky comebacks and replies you would exchange during training sessions and expeditions. You despised Jean, everything about him down to his cocky smile and hotshot attitude had you bristling all the way down to the bone. 

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Officially dipping my toes into Fire Emblem fics. Dimitri has replaced V as the traumatized sad boy I can project onto lmaooooo. Expect PTSD recovery fics in the nearish future. Yall know I’m weak for those.

Fire Emblem Three Houses | M (for violence, not smut) | Dimileth


Dimitri used to dream of battlefields.

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