


Queen’s Thief Appreciation | day 3: King of Attolia

“If I asked you nicely to go away, would you?”

“No, dear. I have become very fond of the lieutenant and hate to see him saddled with an impossible task. I’ll just stay a moment to be sure you aren’t tiring yourself.”

“By putting lethium in my food. You won’t get away with that twice.”

“I know,” said Phresine. “It’s a pity.”

The king eyed her thoughtfully. “This is ridiculous, you know.”

Phresine folded her hands in her lap and looked pleasant and unhelpful.

Aaaaand, bam! My contribution to Queen’s Thief Appreciation Week! It’s pen, watercolor, and colored pencil and was ultra fun to work on.

Last year I did an ominous piece of Gen falling, so this year I pivoted and did happily ever after.

It’s got all your basic moving parts: Gen and Irene heading up to the crenellations,

Phresine loving on baby Hector while baby Eugenia drops a stolen earring that matches her dad’s (with her mountain goat plushie nearby),

Helen and Sophos just being stupid cute with their wee heir, while the Magus still studies his map and Pol’s sword leans on the wall beneath the three countries’ banners,

Your pantheon of deities, with the Great Goddess at the center,

Teleus and Relius enjoying each other’s company while Pheris (now with mobility aid!) ignores them (also there’s a pigeon),

Costis and bespectacled Kamet with a plate of nut cakes, and a familiar author in the background with her stack of six books,

And, finally, our long-awaited elephant, while two of Gen’s attendants search for their king.

Happy Queen’s Thief Appreciation Week!!!
