#pick a photo



acollaboration between @d4rkpluto@mystiicwinterand@fxiryheiize about why people find you attractive.




what makes you attractive is that you’re someone who is cheerful, people see you as someone who is happy and optimistic and it makes them feel comfortable and content around you. you’re someone who is entertaining and sensual, people realise that you pamper yourself and you taking care of yourself makes people want to watch you or they just admire your ways. i can feel that people see that you’re someone who likes to succeed and achieve and due to you being someone who wants to do something with their life makes them adore you. you’re someone who is also comfortable in their skin and you like to get what you desire. i’m seeing people might like your nails?

you’re also someone who is enthusiastic and passionate, you’re someone who likes the adventure and i’m continuously hearing that people really like to watch you do your thing. you might have a stalker? what makes you attractive is that you’re someone who likes to plan and be objective and disciplined, you’re charming and charismatic and it makes people fall for you. people might really like your eyes as well? people find your courage and competitive nature very attractive too.

moving on, with the cards i got along with my intuition, i see that people find it admirable that you’re intuitive, people see that you’re someone who has gone through a lot and seen how much it has changed you into a strong person. i hear that there are people who think meeting you is apart of their destiny, you make others feel like that you’re their soul mate, their other half. what makes you attractive is that you’re unpredictable as well, people might not know what you will say or do which keeps them on their feet. watching you like a hawk, im seeing someone with a balanced feminine and masculine energy who likes to watch every move you do. like a king of cups as a person, but as a stalker.

onto the next paragraph, what makes you engaging is that you’re someone who has new ideas, your clairvoyance, like i noted in the paragraph before you’re someone who is intuitive, you stimulate people’s minds and people see you as a new beginning, like a breath of fresh air. what makes you charming is that you’re someone who is full of great opinions and ideas and you’re clever, people see you as someone who can achieve success, you’re someone who will take risks and you’re very versatile and adaptable. im seeing that people really do like your eyes and how you stare, perhaps the jewellery you wear too.

lastly, what makes you attractive is your smile, and definitely because people dont know what you’re thinking as well. you’re somewhat mysterious and im hearing that you look like you know something others dont know. what makes you attractive is that you’re generous and you’re secure, you give others the feeling of relief, and you’re wealthy in the heart. you’re strong, reliable and people envy you because of your strong and bold aura, people see that you care for others and it makes them gravitate towards you, people adore your patient energy as well.


「 pile two 」

dear pile two, what makes you attractive is actually everything. it seems that every trait you posses can be seen as attractive, depending on the circumstance and the people you encounter throughout your life. it is not a lie that people seem to lean towards the aspects of yourself that are generally deemed as “dark” or unfavourable. i am specifically talking about your attitude, your sassiness. even those who hold grudges against you can’t help but feel shivers down their spines when your sharp tongue attacks. there is something about you and how you hold yourself that makes many just go crazy. talking about your approach in life, your energy screams strong and stable. it’s like no matter what comes your way, you are always ready to welcome it and overcome it. if you were a book character trope, you’d be the “warrior”.

you never give up, not even when the stars don’t show up anymore. you keep going despite the circumstances and end up getting what you wanted, even if it took so long. the people who get to know you somehow realize that you’ve been going through many things and there is more inside than what you choose to show. some perceive you as the “broody” type which is seen as hot most of the times. another quality of yours that is appreciated is how you don’t back down from a challenge. your instinct isn’t backing down but rather confidently approaching the situations you’re given and instantly finding solutions. your work ethic is also liked, how hard-working you are.

moving on, a lot of individuals like seeing you worked up or serious. maybe it’s the way you look tensed or the strong gaze you have. but no matter what it is, it’s making people feel the heat. this message is similar to the first paragraph of the reading, so it is safe to say you look good when you’re having an argument with others. you don’t let other people walk all over you nor do you allow them to disrespect your input. you know how to make yourself be seen, heard and even understood which is something not everyone can do. you know how to leave a mark, make an impressionandyou have the ability to make small accomplishments look like incredible achievements. i guess your energy makes anything you touch seem grand.

you have a high sex appeal, pile two. you leave people drooling left and right and a big number of individuals who chose this can have a lot of secret admirers. you are definitely pleasant to the eye, rather beautiful too. some can fit the beauty standard or be in a league of their own. i can feel envy when it comes to your physical appearance, weather it’s about a specific feature or overall look. it’s your body language too and the way you walk, hold yourself as said before.


Pile 3

Dear Pile, Three, it looks like there are quite a few things that make you attractive! First, let’s talk about your femininity. I feel as though people really like the feminine or “womanly” side of you. There seems to be an ethereal aura about you. You feel unreal to people, even now as I’m reading the energy, it’s like something that can so easily slip through their grasp if they so much as blink. It reminds me of a beach at night, where the tide comes in, yet never quite brushes against the sandcastle. Very controlled, and calming, as if time stood still. Speaking of the tide, I am almost certain those of you who pick this pile have a connection with water in some way.

Just as water can be calm, it can be choppy as well, so I feel as though a lot of you guys are anxious inside, but people find comfort in being around you because you radiate warmth and comfort. No matter what you’re feeling on the insides, whatever you say has the potential to make people feel that much better. Your words are the best type of medicine. You have the gift of being able to express your highest highs and lowest lows, and a lot of people love that shit because believe it or not, they hang onto your every word, you always seem so lost in your own mind, so when you speak, they know that it is coming from the depths of your soul. They love the way you speak. In happiness, in sadness, and in anger.

Pile Three, I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys were often accused of not listening or not paying attention. But I know you are, it’s just that heavy dreamer energy at work here. You know, that energy that the people around you can’t get enough of? That free energy, that just flits around from goal to goal, never stopping to take a rest, always on the go. People wish that they could be as enthusiastic about their passions as you. They admire how your mind can hold so many ideas. Knowing that you’re passionate about these things, and hearing you speak about them ignites a fire in people, you inspire people pile three. You bring back the magic to their inner child!

I sense that you’re like a breath of fresh air to people. For some of you, I have no doubt that people assume you to be a liar and a troublemaker, but they always get proven wrong. Another thing that is so damn attractive about you; your inability to conform. You aren’t part of the mix, and you don’t run with the crowd everyone assumes you to. You don’t abide by the rules, and you certainly don’t conform to the expectations placed on you. And people love that. It’s always something new with you, and people never know what to expect. You always keep them on their toes, and they love it. It’s giving very much “I’m Like a Bird” by Nelly Furtado.


