


acollaboration between @d4rkpluto@mystiicwinterand@fxiryheiize about why people find you attractive.




what makes you attractive is that you’re someone who is cheerful, people see you as someone who is happy and optimistic and it makes them feel comfortable and content around you. you’re someone who is entertaining and sensual, people realise that you pamper yourself and you taking care of yourself makes people want to watch you or they just admire your ways. i can feel that people see that you’re someone who likes to succeed and achieve and due to you being someone who wants to do something with their life makes them adore you. you’re someone who is also comfortable in their skin and you like to get what you desire. i’m seeing people might like your nails?

you’re also someone who is enthusiastic and passionate, you’re someone who likes the adventure and i’m continuously hearing that people really like to watch you do your thing. you might have a stalker? what makes you attractive is that you’re someone who likes to plan and be objective and disciplined, you’re charming and charismatic and it makes people fall for you. people might really like your eyes as well? people find your courage and competitive nature very attractive too.

moving on, with the cards i got along with my intuition, i see that people find it admirable that you’re intuitive, people see that you’re someone who has gone through a lot and seen how much it has changed you into a strong person. i hear that there are people who think meeting you is apart of their destiny, you make others feel like that you’re their soul mate, their other half. what makes you attractive is that you’re unpredictable as well, people might not know what you will say or do which keeps them on their feet. watching you like a hawk, im seeing someone with a balanced feminine and masculine energy who likes to watch every move you do. like a king of cups as a person, but as a stalker.

onto the next paragraph, what makes you engaging is that you’re someone who has new ideas, your clairvoyance, like i noted in the paragraph before you’re someone who is intuitive, you stimulate people’s minds and people see you as a new beginning, like a breath of fresh air. what makes you charming is that you’re someone who is full of great opinions and ideas and you’re clever, people see you as someone who can achieve success, you’re someone who will take risks and you’re very versatile and adaptable. im seeing that people really do like your eyes and how you stare, perhaps the jewellery you wear too.

lastly, what makes you attractive is your smile, and definitely because people dont know what you’re thinking as well. you’re somewhat mysterious and im hearing that you look like you know something others dont know. what makes you attractive is that you’re generous and you’re secure, you give others the feeling of relief, and you’re wealthy in the heart. you’re strong, reliable and people envy you because of your strong and bold aura, people see that you care for others and it makes them gravitate towards you, people adore your patient energy as well.


「 pile two 」

dear pile two, what makes you attractive is actually everything. it seems that every trait you posses can be seen as attractive, depending on the circumstance and the people you encounter throughout your life. it is not a lie that people seem to lean towards the aspects of yourself that are generally deemed as “dark” or unfavourable. i am specifically talking about your attitude, your sassiness. even those who hold grudges against you can’t help but feel shivers down their spines when your sharp tongue attacks. there is something about you and how you hold yourself that makes many just go crazy. talking about your approach in life, your energy screams strong and stable. it’s like no matter what comes your way, you are always ready to welcome it and overcome it. if you were a book character trope, you’d be the “warrior”.

you never give up, not even when the stars don’t show up anymore. you keep going despite the circumstances and end up getting what you wanted, even if it took so long. the people who get to know you somehow realize that you’ve been going through many things and there is more inside than what you choose to show. some perceive you as the “broody” type which is seen as hot most of the times. another quality of yours that is appreciated is how you don’t back down from a challenge. your instinct isn’t backing down but rather confidently approaching the situations you’re given and instantly finding solutions. your work ethic is also liked, how hard-working you are.

moving on, a lot of individuals like seeing you worked up or serious. maybe it’s the way you look tensed or the strong gaze you have. but no matter what it is, it’s making people feel the heat. this message is similar to the first paragraph of the reading, so it is safe to say you look good when you’re having an argument with others. you don’t let other people walk all over you nor do you allow them to disrespect your input. you know how to make yourself be seen, heard and even understood which is something not everyone can do. you know how to leave a mark, make an impressionandyou have the ability to make small accomplishments look like incredible achievements. i guess your energy makes anything you touch seem grand.

you have a high sex appeal, pile two. you leave people drooling left and right and a big number of individuals who chose this can have a lot of secret admirers. you are definitely pleasant to the eye, rather beautiful too. some can fit the beauty standard or be in a league of their own. i can feel envy when it comes to your physical appearance, weather it’s about a specific feature or overall look. it’s your body language too and the way you walk, hold yourself as said before.


Pile 3

Dear Pile, Three, it looks like there are quite a few things that make you attractive! First, let’s talk about your femininity. I feel as though people really like the feminine or “womanly” side of you. There seems to be an ethereal aura about you. You feel unreal to people, even now as I’m reading the energy, it’s like something that can so easily slip through their grasp if they so much as blink. It reminds me of a beach at night, where the tide comes in, yet never quite brushes against the sandcastle. Very controlled, and calming, as if time stood still. Speaking of the tide, I am almost certain those of you who pick this pile have a connection with water in some way.

Just as water can be calm, it can be choppy as well, so I feel as though a lot of you guys are anxious inside, but people find comfort in being around you because you radiate warmth and comfort. No matter what you’re feeling on the insides, whatever you say has the potential to make people feel that much better. Your words are the best type of medicine. You have the gift of being able to express your highest highs and lowest lows, and a lot of people love that shit because believe it or not, they hang onto your every word, you always seem so lost in your own mind, so when you speak, they know that it is coming from the depths of your soul. They love the way you speak. In happiness, in sadness, and in anger.

Pile Three, I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys were often accused of not listening or not paying attention. But I know you are, it’s just that heavy dreamer energy at work here. You know, that energy that the people around you can’t get enough of? That free energy, that just flits around from goal to goal, never stopping to take a rest, always on the go. People wish that they could be as enthusiastic about their passions as you. They admire how your mind can hold so many ideas. Knowing that you’re passionate about these things, and hearing you speak about them ignites a fire in people, you inspire people pile three. You bring back the magic to their inner child!

I sense that you’re like a breath of fresh air to people. For some of you, I have no doubt that people assume you to be a liar and a troublemaker, but they always get proven wrong. Another thing that is so damn attractive about you; your inability to conform. You aren’t part of the mix, and you don’t run with the crowd everyone assumes you to. You don’t abide by the rules, and you certainly don’t conform to the expectations placed on you. And people love that. It’s always something new with you, and people never know what to expect. You always keep them on their toes, and they love it. It’s giving very much “I’m Like a Bird” by Nelly Furtado.



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a collab with @d4rkpluto@vasnecia@fxiryheiizeand@mystiicwinter about your next suitor and how they get jealous


「 pile one 」

╰─➤ your next suitor

╰─➤cards : four of pentacles, the moon, eight of swords, four of cups

pile one, your next suitor is going to be someone with a very reserved and closed-off energy. i sense you won’t know how to perceive them at first, them coming quite close to a mystery. they talk a lot but they say only a little and it leaves you with many questions any time you end a conversation with them. they feel aloof in a very empty kind of way. when i first saw the moon, i thought they would be one to have a dreamy, emotional vibe yet they heavily remind me of the death card. yes, there is a lot of sadness enveloping them. i bet they are a mutable dominant because it is a bit hard for me to exactly pinpoint how they are as a person. something is bittersweet in here, as if they carry pain they’ve given up on healing a long time ago and now they move through life like a phantom. somehow they mask this darkness of theirs and simply let people they are a cold person, one that doesn’t care for the small, irrelevant aspects. they are not bad though. no rudeness nor any behaviour that can hurt you is detected here. i believe they are aware that the consequences of the things that have happened to them shouldn’t be felt by those around them as they don’t deserve it. surprisingly thoughtful. they seem to have an empathy bigger than it’s expected of them and once you pay close attention to their actions, you will find a lot of love. their affection, as rough as it might seem, leaves you doubtless of their intentions towards you and you will always know the truth in their presence. if you bother them, they will say it. but i must say there is a wall around their wounds and it will take timefor them to open up about them.

romantic gestures will be meaningful for your relationship and i’d like to mention that they like to put effort into what they are doing. there will be times where you will as if it’s a bit hard to reach them. just be patient, connections (good ones) haven’t been as many as they usually are for people and things will move slowly in the beginning. they are also understanding and won’t take it personal if you call them out on their actions if you find them bothersome. this relationship will teach them how to properly work with their emotions and despite having strong friendships in their life, you are gonna make them feel loved. you will show them that they are indeed capable of being loved and not because they’ve earned but because you simply hold these affections for them.

╰─➤ how do they get jealous

╰─➤ cards : the lovers, the star, nine of swords, six of cups

your person has had a tough childhood, my love. this resulted in a wounded, sensitive and insecure inner child that doesn’t look healed by looking at my spread. when they get jealous, it is not in a malicious, possessive way that makes you feel bad for talking to other people. it just strikes a cord within them, one that brings up paranoid and irrational thoughts of being abandoned by you. they won’t mention all of the times it happens because it will be quite often and they are aware that these are nothing but foundationless fears that won’t become a reality, in spite of their heart saying the opposite. they will care more about you, giving you space to build other relationships without worrying about them in the process. there will be times when the anxiety will be too unbearable though. by using reassuring words and speaking in a loving, caring manner you will help ease these emotions.

you know how kicked puppy look, right? imagine now a human embodying that exact energy and boom. while they are cold like a rock most of the times, this jealousy will put them in a vulnerable state in which all of the walls around their heart will crumble down. expect some tears (never in public and rarely).





heavy earth energy for the people who picked pile three, your next suitor is someone who is heavily guarded, im hearing they give off prestige energy and they could be quite boujee. they’re someone who is driven by money and can be tight fisted about their success and assets. they might be closed-off when you meet them, you might see them as someone who is stuck up, they might be, but they’re just picky about the people they allow in their circle.

they’re someone who is successful for sure, heavy prestige energy, it might annoy you, because im feeling annoyed right now. arrogant energy from this person, they think highly of themselves, well, with the status of finance, career and life they give off, it makes sense on why they’re so proud. though, they could be in a family business that is going very well. the money they have helps their family on the long run, this person might date to marry though. as i tried to imply in the first paragraph, they’re someone who is careful with their money. they wont just give it to anyone.

however, since they give off business-man/woman vibes, they’re someone who is professional and they know when to be over-confident and they know when to humble themselves. so when they sense you being overwhelmed by their heavy and confident energy they will try and calm down and be sensitive along with tranquil. this is definitely someone who had two sides of themselves, one side being obnoxious the other side being likeable. even though i have commented that they are tight-fisted with their money, them spending money on you is their love language. this person will see you as wifey-material or you will see them as husband material, you will be easily swayed by them.

your next suitor is an elegant person, their prestige energy returning again. they live a very classy life and is perceived to be someone as very attractive/handsome. they’re confident and independent, i sense that throughout their life they had to do a lot of things themselves. so doing stuff individually is what they’re used to; evidently, they’re successful and they’re abundant and you’ll see it with the way they dress and the things they spent their money on. this person might want to financially support you as well? i see them spoiling you a lot.

they’re a patient person, they’re someone who works a lot and they’re a hard-worker, they’re someone who plans a lot so they would probably plan how they’re going to move to you. that’ll probably be the reason why they’re quiet when they first meet you, they’ll be observing you before their loud energy commences. aside from the heavy earth energy, this person gives off fire placements as well. depending on both parties, the romance between the two of you might be slow in the beginning, it depends how ready the other feels.



how they get jealous…they’re someone who would want to respond logically, they would want to get control over the situation, control over themselves or whoever they’re competing against with, they would try and out-masculine them and show them who is the “boss”, specifically with the past paragraphs this is someone who has a high ego, if they’re not careful enough they might give off bullying energy when they’re trying to prove who is the better.

this is someone who might get lost into trying to out better their competition, they have stages of jealousy. stage one is of them trying to use common sense and logic, until they get paranoid with over-thinking. creating delusions that’ll send them into deluded thinking and outcomes. they will try and do what is right, doesnt matter if it is the wrong decisions (or the right), they’ll do anything to make themselves feel better and to become the “top-dog” [ that’s what im hearing ].

thus, they would be quite stubborn if someone tries to talk them out of their deluded and adamant state. they will view anything how they want to see it even if you tell them clearly that what they’re thinking is totally wrong. they would probably let go of the situation but sulk in the corner, they’re quite the brat and they’re possessive so even if they will let the situation go they won’t be over it just yet. they would see how you react to their jealousy as a test. [ but the deluded thoughts will take time to get out of their mind, there’ll be a lot of ‘what if?’ situations happening in their mind ].


˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Pile 3

➳ Your Next Suitor

Cards → 7 of Swords, The Moon, 5 of Wands, The Empress Rx, Ace of Cups

Hello Pile 3! I just wanna say that this is SO enemies to friends to lovers. Kind of a slow-burn to be honest. So! Right away I am getting that this person is a loner. They prefer to be and do things by themselves. Not with negative intent or anything, they just feel as though they do their best work when they are alone. They prefer to have control over a situation and they cannot do that if there are other people involved. This also makes it easier for them to deal with certain problems. Heavy Water energy here, so emotions may play a big part in this relationship. Fire energy here as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had their Sun or Moon square their Venus.

They like to feel as though no one is counting on them or waiting on them for anything because they have a habit of ignoring issues and running away from them, but they don’t want anyone else to be subject to the repercussions of this flaw. It is highly likely that your next person will be a pessimist. They are definitely a glass half empty kind of person because they consider themselves to be unlucky or as always receiving the shorter end of the stick. They have some confidence issues; they pay too much attention to their masculine side and are not tending to their feminine side. Because of this they lack resolve and tend to fall into despair quite often. This leads to constant lying and deceit due to them being unable to express positive and truthful emotions. 

They tend to look on the bad side of every situation which corresponds with the insecure and childish energy I am getting both now and in the second half of the reading with how they get jealous.They are aware of how they come off to people and how hard it may be to be around them but despite this, they long to be love and be loved by you. They just don’t see it happening anytime soon. This relationship is the definition of it gets worse before it gets better. I sense that a fight will be the turning point in your relationship.

This may be someone from your past with the Ace of Cups here, someone who has done you wrong and wishes to have another chance. Someone who has come to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Perhaps a bully or torment? Y’know how when boys like girls they tease them and annoy them in their adolescent years, but as they get older the teasing gets to be too much and hurtful? This is what this energy feels like.

➳ How They Get Jealous

Cards → 4 of Cups Rx, Page of Swords, Ace of Wands, 8 of Swords

When this person gets jealous, they will not play fair at all. They are extremely petty and often find the smallest things to argue over. I see these types of situations going two ways. With the 4 of cups in reverse here, I believe that if they feel wronged by you, they will try to make you feel the same way by doing what they believe you to be doing. Like an eye for an eye. They will go out looking for something “bigger and better” to flaunt it in your face and hurt you like you hurt them. They could possibly be a Libra Mars.

This person doesn’t see this as “cheating” per se (even if they did they won’t admit that to you) They see it as a lesson for you to learn.They won’t feel like they did anything wrong in trying to hurt you and it will take a lot of convincing on your behalf to get them to see your point of view. 

The second way I see this going is through a fight. With all of the sword energy here I would not be surprised if this person resorted to getting physical when they are jealous. This person is very stubborn and insecure and as I said before, has a lying problem. Getting past jealousy and insecurities will take a lot of poking and prodding on your part and it will require them to be honest and reasonable. 

This is good for them though, especially since having the 8 of Swords here means that they want you to fix them. They depend on you for a lot of reasons. To them you are the pillar that keeps them grounded. There is a lot of air energy here so communication will be big here in getting past it. I’m not talking about soft and calm communication. I’m talking about cut and dry communication. Stating the problem and figuring out how to fix it without any beating around the bush. 


;–;Pile four;–;

What is your future suitor like?

Cards I got: queen of wands, 2 of pentacles, page of , justice, wheel of fortune, 7 of wands, from wisdoms Oracle; thinker and blessed. From work your light deck; council of light and unbound.

  • This person seems very Fiery which is surprising because at first glance you might think that they’re very balanced and they wouldn’t Show their true nature on the first meeting to anyone not to you only this person also hates having debt or being indebted to somebody they like to be balanced about things. they like to keep the scales balanced this person with the justice card
  • They also have a very heightened sense of justice they are the type of people that is stand against the detrimental beliefs and speak for justice in general could have active positions in social riots they also have a good grasp on their nature and other people’s natures They are generally very lucky in whatever they pursue and they seem to land on the good side of the land no matter how troubled the situation could be they also have this very young energy to them they are also impulsive and sometimes take the wrong decisions because of how hastened they make the situation out to be even though it’s not. They also could be well endowed so you wouldn’t have to worry about that.
  • They overthink a lot I got the thinker card twice which means that these are the type of people that will ponder upon the creation of the universe and where they come in ,what their purpose is concerning it and how they could be stimulant for the change or how they could be a catalyst for the process and speed things up as I mentioned with impulsive quality. They’re the type of person that believe in building something up and somehow their purpose in life matters a lot to them even though at first glance people wouldn’t think of them as such but they consider purpose the creation of all things and to them it’s very very important and I feel like as a person you’d have to respect that about them and they take expect you to have a purpose as well so it could be grounds for similarities or connection for them.
  • They could also be very fond of pets and animals in general so it’s possible for them to have pets or it’s possible that you could get a pet together this person is also a very good manifestors, they manifest things and they work on them people might be surprised at how they do it but it’s just one of the things that they do the that people admire about them. This person also doesn’t like routine they feel like it hinders their creativity and this person also believes in divine timing after they’ve been manifesting things into existence they’re firm believer of whatever happens, happens for a reason and in the grand scheme of things it’s actually beneficial. They have a very transformative energy about them. they’re the kind that lures people in and sometimes it plays to their charms and they could be the type of people that could keep changing their looks up which is also interesting.

What is their jealousy like?

Cards I got: The moon, 8 of wands, queen of swords, 4 of pentacles. WYL Deck; answer the call and transformation.

  • OK so this is where things get interesting this is kind of all over the place so I hope. It resonates but if it doesn’t it’s also alright.
  • This person internalizes their jealousy, They could detach mentally from you and leave you wondering if something went wrong if you did something wrong and is the type to contemplate on what they’re feeling because it’ll be very difficult for them to identify their emotions but Once they do figure it out I feel like they’d be very upfront about it they tell you exactly to not hang out with a certain person or they would make it obvious that their child is that you’re spending your time with your friends more instead of being with them also gives very territorial and possessive vibes could also be a tad bit controlling with the answer the call card and again I feel like this person could be the most sweet gentle person you know and then they turn into this possessive and territorial person that you would find to be very disturbing.
  • this person type person that changes from day to night and this is where you should heed caution and communicate whenever you feel uncomfortable so you can figure out the differences and adjust according to them.

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a collaboration between @d4rkpluto@mystiicwinter@fxiryheiize@etherealjaehyuns and our new member @vasnecia ! about who is talking behind your back (and with some messages about what they’re talking about).




Alright so this seems to be intense and might trigger some of you. As the first card turns up I get the sense that you’re not a easy going person in general and because of that you’ve upset many people, by the way in no way I am saying that you’re obliged to please people but this is what the cards say, you’re a very headstrong individual that needs to have the last say in anything. I would say in being yourself you’ve hurt some people and they might keep gossiping about it instead of moving on, they might have trouble with it because you might’ve stepped on a painful nerve relating to their self esteem, they might even have trouble falling asleep because of that. The general message is of bad blood and ickyness. You might even regret saying some of the things and wish you could take them back.

Now onto the other part, the second factor which could make people talk about you is jealousy, I know ‘cliché’. But you have the fool representing you. It represents that you’re a free soul and never afraid to do what you want to do. People might go 'did you see what she/he did/said? That’s totally crazy! I could never’ you can shock people or have the tendency to be unpredictable so people could also talk about that behind your back. People also talk about how you pack a punch and you might’ve impressed/scared them haha. People could also talk about your pessimistic view on the world, they might think that you have paranoia and you’re letting it control you in a way. (There could be people who are genuinely concerned about your life quality with these obstructions in your happiness)

They might also say that you’re always running after something, chasing something. TW:  people might say you trying to escape problematic emotional situations instead of sitting down and working on it. They might say you’re avoiding major psychological issues and traumas. You might pretend they don’t exist, refusing to deal with them. This also goes to say that you’re avoidance when it comes to dealing with heartbreak and painful truths. Being avoidance might lead you to be a loner so people can’t get a hold of you and they might say act all haughty and superior. But in truth you’re just running away from making the same mistakes and might not have found a healthy way to maintain friendships/relationships.

People might also be jealous about how radiant and confident you are! So there’s a high possibility of jealous gossiping about that as well



DISCLAIMER: The messages that I have gotten are from intuition and intuition only, so it may not resonate with everyone.

Hello, pile two! Welcome to your reading!


I see several people initiating the talk and some that are just going along with it. This person could be in your friend group or they could be within your friend group in school. I see you leaving the group to do something academic-related (for example studying) and then after you leave, I see a bunch of people together on some sort of a brick (this could be used for plants or many your resting area has flowers and plants and there could be a bunch of bricks shaped together in a sort of a half-circle). I see a person who could have a light complexion. Their forehead stands out. They could wear light-colored clothes with tennis shoes. Yeah, they also could be the kind of a two-faced person. They’re nice to somebody, then they talk stuff behind their back. I don’t think you’re close to this person. I sense that you guys could be the kind where you don’t really care or you care about people’s opinions, but not much at the same time. Another thing about you, if I’m right is that you could be the type where you could have sort of a dreamworld or you could be in your head often, so you’re not really connected or aware of what is happening around you. This is good. They don’t have too much info on you, so you don’t have to worry. It’s just that they share their opinions of you, then create a string of gossip with things that you have actually experienced within the classroom. So, it’s a bit of truth and false, here. They could be the sort of serious or cold type and they could frown in the sun. I sense that they have a lot of family troubles (not that this should be excused for badmouthing somebody behind their back). Something related to their parents or direct family. I believe that they are somebody who talks crap about you because there is something about you that bothers them. Even though there is something that you have that they don’t, they could also look down upon you. It’s quite an interesting mix. They talk down on you so they can feel superior.


They could make certain comments about your lifestyle or habits.

“Who are they? What do they think they are?”

“I heard that they’re lazy. They should be removed.”




looking at the cards i got, this shows that whoever is talking behind your back is someone who is definitely an air sign/dominant, this person definitely speaks about you along by thinking about you a lot. i’m hearing this might be someone older than you, or someone who can be logical or wise. this person likes to win, likes to be competitive or likes to get everything their eyes set upon; you might’ve seen this person as someone who knows how to make the correct decision or they’re very calm when doing something.

this could be a feminine figure that was speaking about you, or someone who can be both masculine and feminine. they might be someone who is seen as truthful, so when they’re speaking about you like this, they think they’re being factual and unbiased. i’m hearing that they’re critiquing your behaviour to other people. they definitely speak about you a lot, it feels like this person might be obsessed, and they might have other people agree with them or try and push them into agreeing with them. also, they might be asking questions about you to other people as well.

there’s much bitter energy from this pile, not from you of course, but from the person who is conversing about you. i’m hearing that they might joke about you, others have noticed how much they always bring you up; or when they have the opportunity, they will bring you up. specifically when something reminds them of you, like for example, they see a funny looking character and they’ll be like, “that looks like [your name]!”. they’re hyper-fixated on you, but for a reason, is what i am sensing. even though, no one should have reason to be like this, they probably think their reason is justifiable. they seem very self-righteous about their behaviour.

however, the truth will come out! someone will feel guilty about with-holding the information that this so-on person has been speaking about you. you will get justice and people will understand more that this person has been speaking about you due to sourness. there could be moments when you get intuitive thoughts that someone has been speaking about you, and you were right! it is specifically one person, but there is one person they mainly speak about you to. i feel like when you find out who this person is, it is best to speak to them and speak about boundaries, they’re someone who definitely needs to be called out and will most likely stop when you notice and point out their behaviour.

ultimately, i see this person has heavy libra qualities, or something is very venusian about them. you might’ve rejected this person before, thus the bitter and sour energy coming from their end. this person might be on denial about something, something between the two of you could’ve happened and they’re having struggle reaching a balanced ground thus them being so headstrong about having this one-sided hate campaign against you. this person might’ve also thought that you have spoken ill about them but it is all misheard information or miscommunication, though, this person is choosing to speak ill behind your back instead of just coming up to you. i can tell whoever this person is, they cannot handle accountability, good luck pile three.


「 pile four 」

Hello, pile four! Sadly, it looks like many people talk about you behind your back and most of them happen to be friends or individuals you keep close to you. I can see they come from several areas, such as childhood groups (?), school or even work. Jesus, you might need a serious cleansing in your life because I pick up on too many toxic energies from all kind of places. Moving on, I see a feminine energy that you’ve already anticipated to appear in this reading. They have such an ugly energy and oh god, the things they say about you! It’s almost like they gain pleasure and satisfaction from slandering your name. They give off the vibes of someone very immature, childish, one that starts drama just for the sake of it. Whenevet I look back at the card that represents them I feel your tiredness. Maybe you’ve already dealt with them in the past but, for some reason, you keep them in your life despite being bothered by their actions.

Next is someone unexpected. A person you wouldn’t think spends their time talking trash about others and that’s because they aren’t actually a bad individual. I can tell they do it solely because you awaken jealousy in them with your qualities and they want to have your life. Also people pleaser vibes? Like the comments are being made only so that they can entertain other people and stand out with the jokes they make about you. Deep down they dislike doing so but that doesn’t excuse their actions. You shouldn’t be suffering the consequences of their own problems. If there is someone sweet, kind yet has an off energy…one that resembles the nine of swords then it’s them.

There is a group where at least three people talk trash about you. You don’t like them either is what I see but you’d be baffled by how much space you take up in their conversations. One of them could be a cancer. I am pretty sure you know them from a place where you are required to go to such as such or job. I can see them looking you up and down as you walk and making fun of small details about yourself such as your looks, personality or things they perceive as “weird”. Honestly, just screw them. Their energy is disgusting and not worth thinking about.


Pile Five

Cards: 9 of Wands Rx, 8 of Swords, 4 of Cups, The Hermit Rx

Hello Pile Five. From what I understand, the person who is talking behind your back is someone who is insecure within themselves. These insecurities have led them to be very stubborn, stand-offish, stuck-up, and paranoid. They are likely a loner or may not have very many friends due to coming across as “weird” or “different” This is the type of person who feels like everyone is out to get them and would do harm to someone else before that person can do harm to them, even if the person’s intention is not to hurt them, they automatically assume that it is.

This causes them to jump to conclusions about people, especially you, Pile Five. I’m getting that you seem to be a very social person, and float around many friend groups. Some of you may have your Moon in a Masculine House in your Natal Chart. For others I am getting strong Libra energy, Venus in 1st, and some Virgo here as well.

Whether this person identifies as a woman or not doesn’t matter but I am getting feminine energy. This person is likely someone who feels wronged by you in the past and cannot seem to let go. I am sensing a strong victim mentality and a refusal to better oneself due to a childish grudge being held. This is someone who is constantly speaking negative things into existence and causing bad things to happen to themselves, and instead of taking responsibility for it, they are blaming you. Think about a hypochondriac; someone who constantly insists on being sick until they actually become sick. With this person it’s like a “woe is me” attitude until woe is them.

Oh yeah, so this is definitely a person who feels as though they have gotten the short end of the stick here, with the 4 of Cups present. They are so content in dwelling on the past and getting “revenge” that they refuse to acknowledge the good opportunities that they have been presented with. They are jealous of you, Pile Five, because you are being kept around and they feel discarded. With the Hermit in reverse here, they feel as though they have been hung out to dry. Like they are missing out.

I feel like this person may be someone you’ve forgotten about, or don’t hang around with anymore, so with that being said I feel as though it has become easy for them to silently lurk on your socials keeping up to date with your life. The best thing for you to do would be to ignore anyone who tries to come back into your life tryna be all “buddy-buddy” ESPECIALLY if this is a person you have a huge falling out with previously.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ @fxiryheiize
