#picking colors is always so difficult

“I love you very much, and you know that, right?” Claudine swallows, begging her voice not to crack. “Ma Maya…” “Claudine…” Maya squeezes Claudine’s hands and breaks into a soft smile. “Of course I know, please don’t worry about such things…” A pause, her voice barely above a whisper as she murmurs back, “Et je t'aime aussi, ma Claudine.”ALT
“As you wish.” Maya’s eyes twinkle playfully and she has that infuriating smirk on her lips, but at least she doesn’t put up any further resistance when Claudine pulls her towards the room. The room she’ll be sharing with Tendou Maya. Her Maya. The mere thought pulls at her heartstrings a little and she can’t help but grip Maya’s hand more tightly, receiving back an equally strong squeeze as the two of them step over the threshold together.ALT

Next chapter of my roommate fic is up on ao3

In which a wild Kaoruko appears. Oh no.
