#picu rn


A cry pierces the sterile air

A cry so forlorn it tears into hearts

A cry so full of loss it hurts to hear

A mother crying for her daughter

A daughter who was

A daughter that could have been

A daughter that should have been

So as part of our clinical ladder in the PICU we have to get Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) Certification to take care of level one trauma patients. I went to the class this week and I was super nervous because the information was mostly adult ER and not my expertise at all. I read the book and studied but I was freaked at the end of the second day when I took the 50 question written exam and then performed a clinical simulation.

At the end of the simulation I went to give the instructors my simulation scoring packet and see if I passed (you had to pass both sections with fairly high marks to be certified) and the ladies picked up my test and started whispering to each other and looking at it. I immediately thought I had failed!! The other woman motioned me closer and I prepared for the worst. Then she said, “based on your performance in the simulation check off and the exam you have been marked as someone who could become an instructor of a TNCC class. Does that interest you?” I was shocked but I never say no to new chances and experiences! Here’s to new things, followers!
