#pilot masterlist


part 1 -Dean and Y/N are off to find John in Jericho, but Dean has a stop to make and another passenger to pick up on the way.

part 2 - With Sam finally on board, the three Winchesters begin their search for their father and the hunt in Jericho.

part 3 - You’ve stumbled upon a major break with John’s motel room, or so you’d thought. When he’s found to be long gone, you, Sam, and Dean must pick up where he’s left off. An unforeseen run-in with the local law enforcement leaves you and Sam stuck working without Dean. Will it lead to more disaster or push you both in the direction you need to go to fix your relationship?

part 4 - With Constance taken care of and John’s next location deciphered, the three Winchesters leave Jericho behind. Y/N and Dean are ready to keep moving, but Sam’s new, normal life pulls him back.
