#supernatural series


As a Kite


“Right here, kid. Right here,” he yelled from below. His words were steady, but his heart was not. “You able to get down?” He was pacing, though he didn’t stray too far from you.

You shuddered, held tighter to the inclined platform, and shouted down, “No.” Most of your weight was on the backboard of the basketball hoop, which was held up horizontally by pulleys on the ceiling. It was a twenty foot drop from where you sat, which was a fatal fall—or worse, paralyzing. If Bobby was any indication, that wasn’t fun.

“Do you want me to come up there?” He was already gauging the structure, figuring out how to get to you.

“No,” you said miserably, stopping him. Because what would that do? Then you’d both be stuck up here.

“Okay, okay, just—” A loud banging from outside the gymnasium cut him off.

The minotaur was close.

“Dean, you need to get out of here,” you urged.

A minotaur was not something you wanted to tango with unless you had the right weapon. They were bulls on steroids. If your research sessions with Sam had taught you anything, it was that bullets were hardly going to tickle this thing.

Dean edged closer. “No way.” He was both frustrated and scared for you. “How did you even get up there?”

“Do you really not see the person sized hole in the ceiling?!”

“I see it, I just—” another banging rattled against the gym’s doors, which made you both flinch. “I fail to see how you always end up in these kinds of situations!”

“Better this than five feet in any other direction!” Ironically, you were very lucky to land on the basketball hoop, and not straight down onto the polished hardwood floor.

“Right, I forgot. You’re the luckiest unlucky person I’ve ever met, and that’s saying something, considering I’ve met myself.”

You snorted, but it felt forced.

Dean paced, raking a hand through his messy hair and looking desperately around the gym. Then, he abruptly stopped, muscles tensing as an idea came to him. “I got an idea, but you’re not gonna like it,” he said. “At all.” He began walking over to the doors.

“Dean?” No reply. “Dean?!”

For a second, you thought he was going to open the doors for the minotaur, but then he paused right in front of the control panel and picked open the lock. “Do you trust me?!” he shouted across the gym. Even from so far away, the look in his eyes was intense.

“I—yes—but Dean—!”

He flipped a switch.

Without warning, the hoop lurched into motion. You scrambled, clutching onto any handhold for dear life as the backboard slowly got steeper. “DEAN?!”

“Easy, easy, I’m right here.” He was beneath you again, watching your every move.

You were tense, heart beating against your ribs like a bat in a cage. “A little warning would have been nice!”

“Trust me, okay? Just sit tight, I’ll catch you if you fall. You’re going to be okay, you hear me?” His arms were ready just in case you slipped.

The hoop was halfway down when the wooden gym door shattered.

The minotaur had rammed through it, having heard your commotion, and it was huge. It had horns as long as your entire leg; beady, soulless eyes; and clouds of dust stirring from its flared nostrils.

Your blood ran cold. “Run!” You kicked your right leg for emphasis, despite the risk of falling.

Dean hesitated.

The minotaur charged, leaving Dean barely enough time to roll out of the way.

It’s horns drove deep into the hardwood where he missed, tearing up the floor like butter.

Somewhat of a silence overcame the room, only to be filled by your hoop noisily clanking in place.

The minotaur paused, reared its massive head around to look at you, and growled.

For once, you were glad to be high up.

Until it stood, that is. It was at least nine feet tall, horns adding an extra few feet to its height. It could most certainly ram its head into the hoop and kill you.

Dean’s eyes were blown wide as he made the same conclusion. “Hey, you!” he shouted, pulling out his gun. “Pick on someone your own size!” And he shot it point blank.

As predicted, it just made it angry—except, it was too stupidto know who to be angry at. Funny, since it had nested in a freaking public school—because apparently they were the modern day labyrinths. But mostly not funny, considering it attacked you.

It roared, and the entire gym trembled.

Dean booked it for the doors. You couldn’t blame him, but… man, that was cold.

The minotaur stomped toward you until you could feel its furious breath in your face, its grunts sending all your hair flying back. This was it.

Without warning, everyone—including the minotaur—stopped to listen to another obnoxious creaking which overcame the room.

You were like a statue, still staring into the dark eyes of the beast, not even daring to turn your head in the direction of the sound.

The minotaur flared its nostrils once more, pivoting on an angry hoof to look at the basketball hoop that was slowly but surely descending from the other side of the gym.

Your heart lifted, and you spotted Dean beaming at you from the control panel, probably high on relief.

You gestured around you. Excellent work, but don’t get too smug, now. We still gotta get me out of here.

Dean mouthed one word, pointing to his phone: ‘Sam.’

Well, that was good news. If Sam was on his way, then he probably had a weapon to kill it.

You both jolted as the minotaur slammed its monstrous head into the adjacent hoop and ripped it to shreds. Glass and plastic the size of plates dropped and shattered on the surrounding floor. All that was left were the beams that once held the backboard.

That would have been me.

Dean ran to you—having set off the third, fourth, and fifth hoop—and urgently mimed for you to jump into his arms.

You mimed back that, no,that was not something you could do. But you paused, his words from before coming back to you. Do you trust me?

And, yeah, you trusted him. You trusted him with your life.

So you clamped a hand over your mouth to keep from screaming and pushed yourself off of the hoop.

Dean caught you with bent knees, cushioning the impact of your landing. One hand supporting your legs, and the other catching your back. He set you down, and, locking eyes, gave you a proud nod before turning a wary head toward the minotaur.

The hoops still occupied it, as it violently bashed its head into one hoop after another. Glass rained down in sheets, gliding dangerously on the polished ground until there was a small mountain of glass surrounding the minotaur.

You tried to stand—to get away—but your knees were weak.

Dean noticed, slipping your arm over his shoulder, hauling you up, and guiding you to the emergency exit all in one move. His priority was you.

You held your breath as a heavy rumble reverberated from outside the exit. At the moment, you wanted to strangle Sam for the worst timing ever.

You and Dean shared looks, glancing back at the minotaur who was aware of you once more.

Dean scooped you up, not even bothering to deal with your uncooperative legs, and tore his way to the exit. He barreled through the door, tumbling onto the concrete, with you falling out of his arms.

You watched, stunned, as the minotaur rammed at the door. It’s horns were too large, locking in inside the building, for even it, for now, was no match for the sturdy brick that held it in place.

Dean interrupted your daze by breaking into a random fit of laughter. There he was, on the ground of a wet, public school parking lot, throwing his head back and enjoying himself for no obvious goddamn reason.

You weren’t sure whether to be concerned or laugh with him. “What the hell is so funny?”

“S—” he could barely spit it out. He couldn’t breathe. “S-Sam’s got a—ahaha—aha—hehehe’s got a—haha—”

You turned to see what on earth Sam hadand felt your eyebrows rise to your hairline as you watched a freaking wrecking ball crane align itself with the gym.

You had heard of the Winchesters 'borrowing’ equipment, but this was next level. Where had he come across a wrecking ball?

And that bass you had heard from before? As Sam came nearer, it became more distinct.

Your jaw dropped.

Sam was blasting the song ‘Wrecking Ball’.

Dean’s howling laughter only became louder as Sam drove closer.

You could tell Sam was smirking, obviously aware of what he was doing to Dean. As Sam hit the brakes, you could see him grin and chuckle—oh he was patting himself on the back for this one.

The minotaur, dumb as a rock, was still slamming itself at the doorway. If it had any brains, it would know to get out of the way because something much larger was about to come through those doors.

Dean eventually sighed, wiping tears, sitting up to watch the demolition.

“You think the cops’ll show?” you asked.

Dean shook his head. “Nah. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be blasting music at midnight for the entire neighborhood to hear with a wrecking ball crane on school premises.” He stood and offered you a hand.

You took it. “Good point.”

The wrecking ball collided with the doorway. It caught the minotaur by the chest, crushing every bone in its body.

“If it isn’t the Winchesters. And… Winchest-ee.”  


“Did I miss the party?” When you both glared at him, he smiled. “Is Sam enjoying his little gift?”

“You gave it to him?”

Crowley hummed. “I’m letting him borrow it. In exchange for one minotaur.”

“You want the dead minotaur?” you asked. “Why?”

“I’m going to mount it on my wall.” Crowley shrugged.

“That's… it? Taxidermy?” Dean asked skeptically.

“Yes. Do I need a betterreason? It’s cool. Obviously, I want it in Hell. Why, did you expect I’d want his soul or something? Well… of course, I want his soul, but that would never happen. We all know he’s smarter than that, Dean, no need to go full mama bear.”

Once Sam dismounted the wrecking ball crane, it vanished with a dark smoke.

Crowley sighed. “Well, I suggest you skip town—I’m expecting the school won’t be happy about your renovation.” Crowley began walking toward the now destroyed exit, disappearing into the dust and not walking back out.

Sam made his way over, smirking at the ground with his hands in his pockets. “So, how did it go for you guys?”



Sam was glancing between you both. “Well, someone’s lying.”

You shot Dean an odd look. “If you count me getting stuck on a basketball hoop twenty feet in the air with a minotaur trying to kill us, then you have a twisted idea of 'great’.”

“Oh, c'mon, you handled it like a champ.”

Sam’s eyebrows quirked. “You were on the basketball hoop?”

“I fell through the cheap ceiling.”

Dean snorted. “Guess they needed a renovation anyway.”

You socked him in the shoulder. “You’re an idiot.”

“You love me.”


Six Feet Under

You woke up to a deep ache in your shoulders. It was sore all the way down your back. Probably bruised to hell.

You grunted, and your breath fanned back onto your face. You attempted to move, despite your smarting back, and your hands brushed against loose dirt and flaky wood. You tried to adjust your eyes, but there was nothing to see. Just… black. Wherever you were, it was a narrow space. A dirty narrow space.

Was it time to mention you were also slightly claustrophobic?

You were sweating. The air was stuffy. But there was something cold right next to you. Something cold and yielding. You reached for it, blindly patting with your hand flat out, until your fingers curled around something with contour.

You mapped out the dimensions of the object before recoiling in horror. That was no object—that… that was a body. 

Which, with your odds, meant you were in a coffin. An oddly large, though still cramped, coffin. Underground. With no way out but through the suffocating dirt.

Freaking ghouls.

Your first instinct was to scream. To pound up against the wood and holler until your throat was raw. It wasn’t that you wouldn’t, either; it was that you couldn’t. 

You couldn’t breathe.

There was something in your chest right now. There had to be. A void where your lungs had been, like a vacuum that swallowed up all the usable air. Your heart was in your throat.

Were you running out of oxygen? Was it already too late? Your shallow breaths were burning a hole in your chest. You couldn’t breathe.

You reached over to the corpse, this time with urgency. Cold but still flaccid. The body had been fresh for about an hour, then. Rigor mortis hadn’t even begun.

Does it matter? a part of your mind reasoned. It sounded a little like Dean. There’s a cold, dead body next to you, you’re on your last round of air, and you still can’t stop being a nerd?

“It matters,” you muttered to yourself. “Matters ‘cause that means I’ve been stuck down here for about an hour. Takes about five hours total to run short on oxygen. Means at the very least, I’m not dying… yet.”

As hard as a transition was going to be, you needed to breathe deep and slow. But there was still a tightness in your chest.

Relax your shoulders, you could almost hear Sam chiding.

“A little… difficult to do… suffocating in a pine box,” you said, but you relaxed them anyway. You then took in your first, full breath since you woke up. That was progress.

You couldn’t count on the Winchesters finding you in time, or at all. You were going to have to take matters into your own hands and try to climb out of the grave. Dean had done it before, so you could too.

Dean’s also, like, 200 pounds of muscle, Sam cautioned.

If you were going to climb out of your grave, you needed a mask to protect your face from the dirt. Which meant you were going to need to work your shirt off of your head. You brushed your hand over your stomach. Well, you must have put up a fight. Your shirt was shredded, so… that was a no go.

The dead guy had a shirt, Dean said.


You looked over to your left, to the corpse you couldn’t see. You reached over, awkwardly pulling the shirt up. Its cool skin grazed yours as you worked the fabric over its head. 

The neck didn’t jerk about; it was rigid, but the arms weren’t. Rigor mortis was kicking into gear. Which meant you had been down here for roughly two hours. Working as a hunter, you needed to have some level of knowledge on the dead.

Such a nerd, you could see Dean rolling his eyes.

You tied the bottom of the shirt which took a little while with your arms pinned down and the pitch darkness to guide you. Finally, though, you made a tight knot.

You pulled the shirt over your head like a bag and sat there for a moment. You wished the Winchesters could talk you through this.

That’s when you broke at the pine box. The dirt was cold, dry, and thankfully loose. It fell in clumps around your shoulders, and you shoved it down at your feet.

Climbing your way past the dirt was no joke. It was grimy and freaking difficult. It was like those foam pits that gymnasts use that are nearly impossible to work your way out of, except in complete darkness with limited space. In other words, a freaking nightmare.

But you kept working. Kept pushing up while pushing the dirt down. Six feet, Sam reminded you. Just six feet. Once you’re standing, just work upward. Should be about as tall as I am, yeah?

You made a risky move upward, throwing your hand up as far as it could go, and touched air. A light breeze fell over your skin.

To say it was encouragement was an exaggeration. You worked twice as hard, shoving your way to the top. When your hand felt hard dirt, you crunched your abs and pulled until your chest hit the surface. You frantically dug your legs out before collapsing on the ground.

You went into a fit of hysterical laughter, a result of your adrenaline high and the last throes of your panic.You threw the filthy t-shirt off of your head, inhaling the air that you had once taken for granted.

In your brief delirium, you recalled Dean Winchester retelling his old raising-from-perdition story. He had hardly mentioned climbing out of his grave, as if it hadn’t been important. His focus had mainly been on the mystery of the angels and how they turned out to be douches. He had made this part sound like a. Slice. Of. Pie.

And, well, you got a freaking reality check today. Because it was an entire body workout, and it was exactly as terrifying as it sounded—no, worse. Waking up in pitch darkness, in a small space, with a corpse, six feet under the ground? Hell naw. You were lucky you’d had enough trauma to know how to push back your panic. Because two years ago, you probably would have rotted down there, helpless.

It left you to wonder, though. Why the ghouls left you alive, and not the dead guy. All the other grave desecrations had been long dead—but you were the first to live.

First, you were going to have to get back to the motel. You already knew the boys were gonna freak.


When you opened up the hotel door, the Winchesters sprang out of their chairs, barking your name in surprise. “You're—you're…” Sam stammered as he took in your state. You couldn’t blame him; the grave had covered you in dirt from neck to toe.

“Alive. I know,” you said. “I’m also really dirty. You mind if I use your guys’ shower?”

Sam blinked. “No, not at all, but uh, seriously—what happened?”

You let out a halfhearted, breathy laugh. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” You tried to shrug past Dean, but he caught your arm.

“You were gone for three hours,” he said.

“Look, we’re just worried about you. Could you humor us?” Sam added. His eyes were pleading and damn hard to say no to.

You scowled. “You two gotta tell me what happened on your end first. Deal?”

“Deal,” Dean said. “You know most of it. Several grave desecrations of old gravestones, but fresh bodies where bones should be. People in town go missing a few days before that. We split: you went to check on the newest body, while we checked the cemetery. We ganked the ghoul, figured you were coming back from the morgue, but you never showed. After about three hours of looking, we came back here to see if you had maybe come back at all. Actually, we were just about to leave again.” Dean clapped his hands. “Did you ever find anything at the morgue?”

“Yeah, the guy had died from…” …asphyxiation. You trailed off. “Oh crap…”

“What? What is it?”

“Asphyxiation. The guy… he, uh, he had died from asphyxiation. Originally, I mean. The ghoul had been burying his food to eat later. Like… like a squirrel. Must have taken the guy out to snack on, but he was already dead.” It was all coming together. “The ghoul was either stupid or confident because he got sloppy. Probably because he was too hungry to care. That’s why… why I… why I…” Damn it, you let that slip. You peered around them, looking for escape. “Guys, hey, can I just shower? I really just wanna—”

This time, Sam caught your arm. He was gentle, but he had a firm grip. “That’s why you what?”

You clammed up, peeling your eyes away from them. “Why I… uh…” you couldn’t think of an excuse, and the silence was becoming too long to make a convincing one on the spot. You should have walked into this room with a workable lie in mind, but all you had wanted was to shower, scrub all the dirt off your skin, and to lather soap where you had touched that god-awful corpse. You just wanted to be clean and to sleep.

And you seriously were trying to tell them things. Lying sucked, but this? You weren’t sure if you could tell them this and come out of it in one piece.

Sam softly said your name again, trying to bring your eyes back to his. It was too easy. He knew your tells. Your eyes always gave you away if you lied.

We’re never going to let this die, your inner Dean voice sang. And you internally swatted it away. 

I know, you thought sourly. Behind your eyes, a pressure built. Just let me go so I can cry alone. I can’t cry in front of you. I can’t. “He—it… might have…  buried me alive.” It took everything you had in you for your voice to stay steady.

Both of them rocked back a little. Dean looked a little dazed, and Sam looked pale. Sam tilted his head, “Excuse me, buried—?”

“It explains the dirt,” Dean sighed. “No offense, sweetheart, but you smell like a toilet.”

Oh, shove it, Winchester.

“Yeah, I know. That’s why I just want to shower—”

“Hold on,” Sam said. He had his hands combing his hair. “Hold on, hold on, just— am I the only one bothered by this?! She— you could have died!”

“But I didn’t,” “But she didn’t,” you and Dean said in unison. He winked at you and you rolled your eyes back.

“Sam. I have been through a lot. You know it, I know it. I’m not that girl from two years ago. You said it yourself once before: I’m a Winchester now. And I’m not a Winchester without a few near death experiences.”

Sam scowled. “You two are so frustrating. Fine, go. Go take your shower. This conversation isn’t over, though.”

Thank God. You could handle this later. The conversation alone had keyed you up. You were burning with tension, anxiety, and trauma. You waved a hand at him. “Fine. But can we do it in the morning? I am so frickin’ exhausted.” It wasn’t a lie; you had bruises lining your entire back, and your face muscles hurt from all the fake expressions you were sending Sam.

They can’t know that I’m weak. How hard could it be, anyway?

Dean did it once, like a freaking champ. Why couldn’t you just suck it up and be a big girl?

He looked on at you with that sad, thoughtful look of his. Complete with the infamous Winchester puppy eyes. “Yeah, sure.”

You were happy to get out of the conversation—and this hunt—relatively unscathed. Hopefully, you would never have to go through that crap ever again, or you really didn’t think you’d be able to keep yourself together like you just had.

When you shut the bathroom door behind you, you let the silent tears run down your face. You bit your hand, heaving, wishing you had the freedom to scream. But you couldn’t, so you didn’t. All you did was turn on the shower right as you let out a quiet sob into a towel to muffle it out. 

Why did your life suck so bad?


#supernatural #supernatural series #supernatural fanfiction #supernatural gif#SPN#spn gifs#spnfandom#fanfiction#fanfic#Supernatural fanfic#dean winchester#dean#dean fanfiction#sam fanfiction#Sam Winchester#sam#reader#reader insert#x reader#dean x reader#sam x reader#sam x you#sam x y/n#sam x platonic reader#dean x platonic reader#fanfics#fanfictions#spn fanfics#spn fanfictions


Catch You Later

You wanted to scream in frustration.

You and Sam had been wrapping up a wendigo case. The wendigos had been twins, so you had split off. You and Sam taking on the first one, and Dean on the other side of the park taking the second.

Shortly after ganking the first wendigo twin, Dean called Sam for backup… which apparently didn’t include you, because Sam hadn’t even blinked when he abandoned you with the Impala.

It was ten miles up this stretch of road. Course, it wouldn’t take Sam very long. But you? That was at least a two-hour walk, if not three. Running would be faster, but you were wiped after being out in the blistering sun all day.

The sky was dimming, too. Even if you had ganked the wendigo, walking alone in the woods at dark was a big hunter no-no. Your pistol was useless against a wendigo, and Sam had taken the flare gun.

You could take a shortcut through the woods to get to the campground. Less than a half a mile in, and you’d be right next to tents and RV’s. Surely you could hitch a ride from that point, if not, hot-wire a car.

With that, you veered off the trail. The terrain was muddy and covered with old, dead leaves. “Stupid Winchesters,” you said, kicking at the tall grass and brooding. It was like you were a freaking balloon. Appealing, but easily forgotten. Replaceable. Dispensable.

You kicked again at a tree and a rock. And when that wasn’t satisfying, you kicked a patch of grass.

Excruciating. Pain.

Your vision whited out, momentarily going numb, then refocusing entirely on your leg. Your scream echoed back into your ears.

You had fallen. You wheezed, trying and failing to collect yourself before finally sitting up. Carefully, you moved your leg in front of you to look at the injury. Your teeth tore at your lip to hold back a scream when the movement jolted your leg.

It was a bear trap. The muscle and fat had cushioned most of the blow, but it had cut deep enough to let blood seep into your jeans.

You could still wiggle your toes, which was a good sign. It wasn’t like the movies; they designed bear traps to catch the leg of a bear, not cut it off. But holy hell if it didn’t feel like it had.

You need to push down on the springs. Dean’s voice bounced around in your head.

“Springs…” you muttered. “Okay, okay, springs.” You pressed down on each of the springs with all your might and the trap pried open. You pulled your leg out, releasing the trap altogether and letting it snap onto itself.

With your leg free, you rolled your jeans up so you could assess the damage. You had multiple stabs from where the spikes drove into your skin, and each spike had made about a centimeter long incision into your calf. You had dry blood caked along your leg, so it was hard to see how bad it really was.

Wearing layers as a hunter always came in handy. You ripped a large strip of fabric from your shirt, wrapping it around your leg wound; zipped your jacket closed; and pulled your jeans down over the wound, thankful that they were dark enough to hide the blood stain.

Now, to get help. Sam took the flares, so you pulled out your phone. You could probably call emergency numbers. Except… the Winchesters didn’t need ambulances, cops, or authorities snooping around until this Wendigo thing blew over. You would just be putting more people in danger.

You scrolled through your contacts, muscle memory bringing you to Dean’s number first, since it was alphabetical.

It rang for two beats before something clicked.

“Hey, what’s up?”

You fell back with relief. “Dean, hey, could you pick me up? Your stupid brother left me stranded out here.”

You could almost feel the glare Dean was giving his brother in his voice. “Course, where are you?”

It would probably be smarter if you had him pick you up on the trail, rather than search for you. “Sammy knows where it is. Same stretch of road.”

You could walk back. It wasn’t too far.

“Alright. Be there in a few.” And then he hung up.

You wiped the stray tears from your eyes and prepared yourself. You stood with the help of a tree, teetering. Your leg was painfully tender, and your knees rocked under your weight.

It was possible to walk, sure, and it wasn’t far on two good legs, but you had largely underestimated the effort you were going to need to get there.

You were going to take a helluva long nap when this was all over.


When you made it to the road, you took it upon yourself to sit down at a large stump. The day had faded into night, and you could hear the raccoons shrieking.

Finally, the low rumble of the Impala could be heard over the cicadas. You stood, albeit a little wobbly, and somehow walked closer to the road without limping.

Headlights washed over the ground and made long shadows. Dean’s window was rolled down, and his eyes drank you in. Satisfied that you didn’t look too roughed up, he motioned to the back door.

Sam had a tight smile. “Hey, I’m sorry about—”

“It’s cool,” you said. “Seriously. No harm done, I just wanna get back to the motel and shower.” Well, yes harm done, but the shower is the escape. I just need to escape for a little while. The last thing you wanted was the Winchesters getting all freaked.

Dean looked at you a little skeptical. “Forgiven that easy? Dude, if he had done that to me I’d’ve punched him.”

Sam scowled at his brother.

You laughed. “Yeah, well, I’m not one for grudges. I know he didn’t mean it.” Or did he? Then, you went quiet.

Dean was giving you ‘the look’ in the rearview mirror, and you tried not to acknowledge it, but you could tell that he knew something was off. Did you leave blood somewhere?

“You sure you’re okay? You’re kinda pale,” he questioned.

You wanted to retaliate, to shout, Dean, shut up, I’m literally fine. But then he would know. So you shrugged instead. “I’m cool.” You stretched, careful to set your leg somewhere comfortable before resting your head on the window.

The peace didn’t last long. The Impala went over a pothole, jostling your leg and you cursed out loud before you could bite your tongue.

“What is it?” Dean asked.

“I’m trying to nap back here,” you snapped. “You’re shakin’ the whole car.”

“My bad.”

You rolled your eyes.

The rest of the ride went fine. Until you had to get out of the car. You swung your leg around, but when you put pressure on it, you nearly fell on your face. Fortunately, you caught yourself, gingerly shifting your weight onto your other leg.

“I knew it. I knew you were hurt,” Dean growled, coming over to haul you up by the shoulder. “Why do you insist on hiding this stuff from us?”

You let him shoulder most of your weight, leaning on him. “Because you baby me!”

“We don’t baby you, we make sure you’re freaking okay, so we don’t screw your injuries up even more. And you’re not really the reliable type,” Dean said, scowling.

He pulled you into the motel a little roughly. He was irate—the upturn of his lips were not a smile, rather, a sneer. Yeah, he was sick of your crap. You didn’t blame him.

He sat himself on the bed across from you, clapping his hands together. “Let’s see it.”

You didn’t move. You needed to explain first. “Dean, before you—”

“No. I don’t want to hear it.”

“I was—”

He said you name in a low, warning tone.

Welp. You let your shoulders drop, sulking. “You’re not gonna like it.”

“I figured, when you decided not to tell me about it. Show me the damn wound, or so help me—”

“Promise you won’t yell.”

“I’m not making promises I can’t keep.”

That shut you up. You reached down reluctantly. Rolling up your jeans, you brought your eyes to the wall. You didn’t want to see his face. When he was silent for longer than you were comfortable with, you mumbled, “It was a bear trap.”

“Yeah, I’m seeing that,” he snapped.

That’s when Sam walked in with the bags. His expression crumpled. He murmured your name in alarm, tossing the bags on the adjacent desk. He looked so disappointed in you. “What the hell? You said you were—”

“I was fine. Cool. Yeah, I know. I lied, okay?” you admitted uncomfortably. “You two are just a bit overwhelming sometimes. I was going to tell you—”

“When? When were you going to tell us?” Dean barked.

You knew Dean loved you and was protective, but sometimes he was so pushy. “I don’t—I was handling it, okay?”

Sam’s expressions shifted into realization. “Hold up, did you walk back to the road?”

Dean analyzed you, and did not like his findings. “She did,” he announced. “She freaking—” he stood up and disappeared into the bathroom.

You sighed, pulling your head into your hands.

Sam shook his head. “The bear trap would have been in the woods, and we picked you up at the road.”

“I took a brief detour, which never would have happened if you hadn’t ditched me!”

Sam snapped his mouth shut.

Dean came out of the bathroom with a med kit. “Lets see how bad this thing is.”
You stuck your leg out on display, wincing as you placed it on the bed.

Dean dug out the alcohol and cotton balls. Right. He had to sterilize the wound.

Not much missed Dean Winchester. He could read your body language pretty dang well. He watched as you stiffened, and his expression softened. He nodded to Sam, who moved to sit beside you on the bed.

You breathed deep, a slow panic setting in, and it hitched as Sam’s hands fell onto your shoulders. “Relax your shoulders”, he said. “It’s going to sting a little, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.”

Winchesters. In all irony, as much as they left you in the worst freaking moments, they were also there when you needed them afterward.

Or maybe that was just you getting sentimental before Dean agitated a painful wound of yours.

You hissed as he first dabbed the cotton ball onto the lacerations. He wasn’t harsh with it, but he wasn’t gentle, either. His movements had a clinical urgency to them— quick and fluid.

You leaned into Sam’s loose embrace, which tightened a little as you settled yourself.

Dean hummed at his work. “You’re lucky. It worked deep, but it’s nothing that some stitches can’t fix. You’ll have some ugly bruising tomorrow, though.”

That was some good news. You sent them a soft smile. “Thanks, guys. Really. I know I can be a bit… secretive. Sorry for that.”

“We just want you to open up a little more. That’s all we’re asking.”

You huffed a little laugh, then squirmed as Dean drove the needle in for the first stitch. “I wonder who I learned it from.”

Dean drove in the next stitch a little harder.

“Hey! Ow! Okay, okay. I'll… open up.”



Stars in Your Eyes

“Sam, I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

Sam waved his flashlight around the porch of the house. “Neither do I. But this is our only chance to gank this shapeshifter before it moves to the next town.”

“I just have a gut feeling.” You met eyes. In the shadows, they were a deep, compassionate brown. 

“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

Well, that wasn’t happening. “Forget it,” you huffed, nervously stepping into the front yard. 

“I mean it. If you aren’t comfortable, then I can do this myself. I’ll understand.”

“Don’t be stupid. I’m coming with.”

Sam’s eyes lingered on you before nodding slowly and turning away, keeping the flashlight pointed at the door as he approached it. When the door handle didn’t turn, he fished his pockets for his lock pick.

Meanwhile, you stayed on guard, anxiously looking into the dark street like you expected a jump scare. You hugged yourself as the icy breeze bit through your jacket, saying, “I hate this.”

“My offer still stands.”

“Your offer still sucks.”

He shut up, leaving you some time to ponder about the case.

One who was oblivious to the supernatural might believe the MacDonalds—and, yes, Dean had a blast poking fun at their surname—were just an unfortunate family. It was a small home—or were small homes now, you supposed—containing two divorced parents and their only child.

Knowing that the shapeshifter would strike tonight, you had to split between the two households. Dean took to the father, meanwhile, you and Sam took the mother, knowing that the entire family went for a therapy session.

Dean’s little parody, ‘Old McDonald had a therapist’ played into your head. At most annoying, if a little pitchy.

The break-in, you suspected, was exactly where the shapeshifter was getting all his DNA to shift.

Most people didn’t realize the trauma that came with a theft, and you had the misfortune of experiencing it. You once lost trust in the lock of door—lost trust that it would hold or that you could sleep in peace knowing that you were alone. All because a werewolf-witch hybrid decided he wanted your heart, and not in a sexy way. But that was another story. 

Thankfully, now, you felt more at ease with the Winchesters—though that didn’t mean you couldn’t relate with the poor family. Break-ins were terrifying.

And not only had there been one break-in, but two. The shifter had been in both homes, which put an even larger strain on the family’s relationship. They quickly turned against each other, throwing accusations and lawsuits to feel more powerful. When really, they were both victims.

It was really an unfortunate situation for everyone involved.

You shook your head. “I can’t even imagine what that kid went through. I wouldn’t doubt they were trying to get him to take sides. Just imagine your parents doing that to you. I could never.”

Sam gave you a funny look. “Can’t really imagine. Both of my parents are dead.”

Oh, damn. You should have known. “I’m so sorry—”

Sam shrugged. “It’s fine—you didn’t know. Anyway, it was… years ago.” He looked uncomfortable. “Can we focus?”


Sam jiggled the thing in the lock, and when it clicked, he straightened, slowly pushing the door open, slightly wincing as it creaked. He crept forward, entering the home and shining his flashlight on possible hiding spots in the shadows, wary of anyone that could be inside. 

You followed close behind, unwilling to split up like people do in horror movies. Thankfully, Sam didn’t mention it. Perhaps he felt the same.

“This is so creepy.” The house was giving you the heebie-jeebies. There was a narrow staircase which slowly disappeared into the darkness of the upstairs, and none of the lights would turn on with the flipped switch.

“Huh,” Sam said, bouncing the flashlight in his hand. “Guess this will have to do.”

“You got a second one? Not a big fan of the dark.”

You could nearly see the gears turning in his head. It was no secret you were afraid of the dark. Ever since, well, multiple unpleasant experiences. 

You probably needed a therapist more than the MacDonalds—but Dean had rubbed off on you, always talking negatively about those 'shrinks’. 

Anyway, what was the point of a therapist when you always had to lie to them? It wasn’t like you could ever tell them the whole truth—you’d be sent to an insane asylum.

Even PTSD wasn’t worth that.

Sam hummed, patting his pockets. “Nah, Dean took it. We’ll have to share.” Then, to your surprise, he handed you the flashlight.

You blinked. “Thanks.”

He took a lighter from his breast pocket and shrugged. “No problem.”

You stepped further into the house, feeling bolder with the flashlight in your hands. The light fell over a cabinet, and with it, two framed photos alongside a small lamp.

Sam was your shadow, peering over your shoulder at the cabinet. He reached a hand, tracing over the dust of the family photo. The eyes of the child were flashing gold.

You stared. And stared some more. “Well, that’s…” you trailed off.

“…yeah,” Sam agreed.

“His eyes are…”


You both briefly took in that information. “So the kid was…”

Sam’s mind was on the same track. “I’ll call Dean,” he said, walking to the kitchen and using his lighter to see the buttons on his flip phone.

You scanned the room, waving the flashlight until it illuminated a thin gooey membrane on the bathroom floor, which trailed out into the hallway. “Oh, god, no,” you said. You inched closer, shining the light down on the mound of slimy shapeshifter skin on the tile.

“Sam!” you called, running back to the main of the house where you nearly crashed into him.

“We need to go,” you both said simultaneously.

Sam pointed to the foggy window where red and blue lights had replaced the black abyss of the night. “Save your I-told-you-so’s. We need to get out of here. Now,” Sam said.

As you made it for the backdoor, he grabbed your arm. “No,” he pointed to the kitchen. “Window." 

The kitchen window was a decent sized opening. He climbed through easily, and you tumbled out after him, terrified to your core.

The lights were almost blinding.

An officer shouted, his silhouette darting out from the shadows. You hauled yourself over the tall wooden fence, just a hair behind Sam, right as the officer caught up.

A gloved hand grabbed your arm. 

Like a deer in a bear trap, you fought as they tried to secure your wrist. "Help me, help, help, help,” was all you could cry as Sam ran back. You struggled to wrench your hand out of the tight grip; punching at it, but it was like iron. You could see more officers were nearing.

Sam set fire to the officer’s hand with his lighter, but it still didn’t let go. Smoke rose and you finally stabbed the hand with your silver knife. 

The officer shouted and released you.

You and Sam sprinted down the grass to the sidewalk, feet rapid, aiming for the line of trees on the horizon. The forest would provide enough cover for the police to lose sight of you. 

It had turned into a footrace.

You tried to match your steps with Sam, but his legs were longer and stronger than yours. You weren’t a poor runner by any means, but he surpassed your endurance by a long shot.

So did the officers, apparently, as they were gaining ground on you.

You were just a step behind Sam (who was hardly breaking a sweat), struggling to keep your distance between you and the advancing officers.

Your breath was hot, your lungs already burned, and you lost your pace. Sam noticed and grunted, glancing at you from his peripheral. It was just a little noise, but it brought the strength and energy back into your step. 

The trees were a few blocks away. Just a little further, and you could catch your breath in the shadows.

You let out a strangled yell as your nervous system completely frizzed, seizing and crumpling to the ground in a breathless heap.

Sam shouted your name.

You blinked up, dazed and confused. What… what was… was I shot? What…

The officer was ordering you to put your hands behind your back, waving a yellow device at your chest. 

A taser. One prong dug into your chest, while the other was deep in your leg. 

And the officer was at liberty to light it up again.

You complied, slowly bringing your stiff arms back, so they could cuff them. And from the scuffling to your right, Sam was doing the same.

You could take on monsters any day, but three officers with loaded guns and tasers? It wasn’t a fair fight.

This officer was seemingly much more pleased with himself in comparison to his partners. He lugged you up beside a planted tree, not to be confused with the woods, which was standing ten feet away. How irritating. 

His eyes flashed golden, and you tensed under his hold. 

“You’re the shapeshifter,” you breathed.

“Must you spoil the surprise?” All at once, he raised his gun and killed the other officers with two resounding bangs.

You screamed.

Sam stumbled in his handcuffs, which had him secured to the chain link fence to your left. His eyes were like saucers as the officer arresting him dropped dead at his feet. “What… why… why did you…” he asked, stunned. “You’re the…”

You bit back another scream as the monster put a knife to your throat. The blade’s edge was cold, just enough to be painful against your skin.

Sam’s hazel eyes were dark. “What do you want?" 

His cuffs were far too low for him to stand, so he had to awkwardly hunker down. It looked uncomfortable.

The maniac had the blade right against your jugular. All it would take is pissing this guy off, and it would be over—you’d be dead. 

"You’re going to give me the demon knife,” the monster demanded. His hand was dripping blood from where you’d stabbed him.

“How entitled,“ you said.

The knife pressed harder. “I don’t care what you have to say, girl. Sam Winchester has the demon knife, and I want it.”

"Well, good luck, chuckles.” You spat, “Because Sam sure ain’t going to listen to you.”

Sam’s brooding, however, didn’t waver.

The shifter trailed the knife along the veins of your neck. “It wouldn’t be hard for me to kill her.”

"He’s bluffing,” you said, and you fell on the wet dirt, choking back a scream as he lit up the taser.

He leaned in, his breath warm on your ear. “Not bluffing,” the shifter said. "I just have better things to do than pick fights with noble Winchesters.” His eyes flashed. “My only exception is the knife. It’s the demon knife, or it’s her. You choose.”

“Sam…” you warned. “ Sam don’t—” The shifter pulled the taser’s trigger, and you keeled over into the dirt, trying not to cry. “Sam—” you tried in vain. You were met with another interval of several long, excruciating seconds.

Getting tased felt like a full-body charley horse. Pitchforks instead of prongs. Portable Hell.

Little tremors still ran through your arms. You wanted to tell Sam that you couldn’t let the knife get into the hands of this psycho, but from the look on his face, you could tell he was thinking the same.

It wasn’t that the knife mattered to you (because it didn’t, you had angel blades that worked just fine against demons) but it was that the knife would matter in the shifter’s hands. This guy was clearly unhinged.

You were all for killing demons, but giving any kind of knife to this guy just put a bad feeling in your gut. If there was anything you’d learned today, it was that your gut had a pretty good intuition.

“This can go on…” he sighed. “Though, I’m not sure how long a human heart can take this." 

“Enough.” Sam finally said, glaring. "We’ll give you the knife.”

“Oh, you’re not giving me anything. You’re going to tell me where it is, and I’m taking it.”

You couldn’t let Sam tell him where it was. “What do you want it for, anyway?” you snarled. “It can’t be of any use to you. You kill people, not demons.”

“Sure, it’s of use to me. Demons are scum on the earth. They kidnapped and tortured my family, and the knife is just what I need to avenge them.”

“So that gives you the right to hurt the MacDonalds? What would you want with them anyway?”

The shifter laughed. “Oh, all that? That was just a case to reel you guys in. I knew you’d follow the little ‘omens’. And then you’d see the skin I left so clumsily by the dumpster, and you’d talk with the parents and find out that… oh, wow, their stories aren’t matching up about each other—how could I have been so messy? Silly, stupid shifter.”

He smiled, resting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing. “You know, it was funny watching you do the whole 'monster test’ on the parents. It was cute. You’d never assume it was the child, would you?”

The photo on the cabinet had been from before the parents had divorced, so this guy must have planted himself for at least four months, doing whatever he pleased until the Winchesters got wind of his ‘mistakes’.

“Honestly,” he said. “I couldn’t care less about the MacDonalds; I was just biding my time until the infamous Winchesters showed.”

Sam’s lips were curled in disgust. “All this for a knife?”

You noticed a shadow twitch from behind Sam and in the line of trees. So small a movement that if you blinked, you would have missed it.

The shifter sneered. “Rather hypocritical, coming from someone who would do anything for their family. Would do anything to get the Colt to kill the devil.”

“That’s a lot different—” Sam argued. 

Again, you saw something move in the woods.

The monster cried, “No! No, it’s not! These demons—they’re slaying my kin. They’ve ruined everything, and so have you! All you’ve ever—”

You intervened before it got out of hand. “You know what? Fine. I’ll tell you where it is,” you said. “After all, just a knife, right Sam?”

Sam’s expression became one of absolute  bewilderment. “What? What are you…”

“Where is it?” The blade dragged down and dug a little harder at your collarbone.

You couldn’t help but smile. “You’ll find it in Hell.”

Dean Winchester took the shot. 

The silver bullet hit its target on point. Right through the shifter’s heart, and the monster crumpled, its skin already peeling.

Dean ran over, shotgun slung over his shoulder. "You guys okay?!”

“Yeah. The crazy shifter wanted the demon knife.” Sam nodded. “Lockpick in my left pocket.”

“Got one already,” Dean said, waving his. “Why didn’t you just give the knife to him? You guys look like he beat the shit out of you.” He worked on picking Sam’s cuffs.

“I had a bad gut feeling,” you grunted. “He would have killed us afterward.” You were in a daze. Your muscles were rigid and they smarted like a bitch. Your skin was tingling. 

Dean glanced your way, and when he saw your condition, left Sam the lockpick to do the rest himself. “Jesus—hey. Kid? Hey, hey, you gotta stay awake.”

“M'fine,” you groaned. “Just really sore.”

“What happened?” His eyes flitted over you.

“Zzch zzch zzch,” you mumbled, imitating the noise. “Taser. Not fun.”

“How many times he get ya?”

“Too many.”

Dean angrily worked the cuffs off your wrists. “That could have killed you.”

You knew he was referring to your time with the werewitch, which left you with a few heart complications. You shrugged. “Didn’t.”

Sighing, Dean hauled you up. “All this for a gut feeling?”

“He would have actually killed us if we let him get his way,” you said, leaning into him. “Could see it in his eyes.”

Dean threw your arm over his shoulder. “You gonna recover?”

“Damn right, I will.”

“That'a girl.”


Chemical Attraction

Dean flashed you a cheesy grin. “You did good out there tonight. Proud of you.” His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, but he still seemed mostly sober.

He was checking out the group of women up at the front of the bar, who wore more revealing clothing than you dared.

You envied their confidence. Sometimes you wished you had the grit to do that stuff.

Dean didn’t fake reluctance to leave you or Sam. He knew what he wanted, and he knew how to get it. When he finished his drink, he made his move, leaving the table, and you and Sam with it.

The younger Winchester smiled at you awkwardly. You could tell he wanted to leave as well—he and some girl at the bar had been making googly eyes at each other since he walked in—but was conflicted on leaving you.

“Sam,” you said impatiently. “That girl has been giving you the eyes since we walked in. And don’t think I don’t see you sending them back. If you don’t get up now, I’ll push you over there.”

You were glad that women weren’t assuming you and Sam—or Dean—were together; it made everything much less complicated. Both of the Winchesters were way out of your league. You were more likely the sister they never had.

He was a little surprised, and a little amused by your attitude. “Oh, really?”

“Don’t test me,” you joked.

He laughed, collecting his jacket and walking away.

Your deluding smile fell from your face once you were alone. Bars were usually their choice of festivity, but they mostly just made you uncomfortable.

You were now alone, as both of the boys hit on some chicks and snuck off to get laid. You were used to it. It wasn’t your ideal celebration, but if it made them happy, you’d bear it. You supposed they just assumed your interests matched theirs. Even if all you wanted to do was go home and sleep.

Anyway, the faster the Winchesters both left with broads, the faster you could leave. It was just that simple.

You sipped your whiskey that Dean had paid for. It was strong, and hard to swallow, but in small portions it was tolerable. You appreciated the gift, even if it wasn’t your preferred drink. Dean had a big heart, and you wouldn’t ruin your sweet moments with him because you were feeling picky.

You let your mind wander to a darker place.

You were still coming to terms with hunter life. And from what you’ve gathered, it was cruel, unfair, and thankless.

The Winchesters didn’t sugarcoat it, either. Everything that society looked down upon—the suspiciously cult-ish tattoos, borderline or over-the-line alcoholism (a line you were uncertain where Dean fell), and cheap clothing with leather jackets—was a signature of a hunter’s life. Not to mention the trigger-happy hands, suspicious glares, and their off-putting, dark looks.

It opened your eyes.

That “gothic” girl you saw in your neighborhood? That might have looked like a satanic tattoo, but it was actually an anti-possession tattoo that she got because she was terrified of the demons that wanted to kill her. And those knives in her pocket and backpack? That was for her safety, and probably yours, too.

Or that shady alcoholic up the street? Werewolves brutally murdered his friends, and he has to live with the survivor’s guilt. He drinks while obsessively researching how to hunt them down. Though he’ll likely die of a failing liver before ever taking on the pack.

The point was…

Looks weren’t always transparent.

And, well, you were everything hunters weren’t.

Your pain tolerance was pathetic, for one. Tattoos? Big nope. You hated all things needles, and despite tattoos looking cool, you liked to avoid pain, thanks.

Second, your wardrobe. As if that wasn’t blatantly obvious.

And, last, you were a hopeless lightweight. A few shots and you were tipsy. Dean thought it was hilarious.

Still, you drank your whiskey, feeling guilty that you hated it.

You were tired. It was dark out, and you could already feel the whiskey in your system. You just wanted to go home.

So the last thing you expected that night was for a guy to hit on you. You, feeling unlike yourself—and very drunk—warily flirted back.

He was charming. Thing was, with your buzzing vision, all you noticed were his eyes and handsome smile. You didn’t notice the more important things, like, say… the roofies dissolving in your drink.

Too bad you hadn’t—because you wouldn’t have let him breathe down your neck like he had been… or breathe at all, for that matter.

Your words slurred, and you leaned into him when he stood. “Hey, hey, h-hey, mister. Wheeere ya’ goin’ off to?”

You were smashed.

You didn’t feel too hot, either. You were practically dangling off his shoulders as he helped you from your chair, and your stomach churned. “I don’ feel so guud…” you slurred, keeling over to vomit on the pavement. Huh. You were outside?

You made out two shapes that looked dubiously like him. Albeit one may have very well been a trash can. “Yeeuur kindouf prr…retty.”

He snickered, though you weren’t sure what was so funny. “Just let it sink in,” he said. “It’s okay, babe.”

What was he talking about? You frowned, troubled. “Doe… don'ttt… calmeh that.”

There was only a muddy sense of direction. You fizzled in and out of consciousness, and your memory escaped you.

You were completely at this man’s mercy.


You woke up feeling like hell. The lights… the sounds…it was all too loud.

Your head felt like a crushed soda can. You turned—inch by inch—trying to get a view of the entire room, tied up—which, yeah, was a big red flag—and leaned awkwardly against the wall. When you finally saw behind you, you met the eyes of multiple other women in your same predicament.

The previous evening was a haze. Your mind was still catching up with the present, much less the past.

Something in the shadows of the room moved, and you watched as two figures loomed over an unconscious woman covered in dark, bloody bites around her neck and chest.

“Vamps,” you spat. But it came more like “vamffptss” through your gag with a few lisp-y expletives.

They spun around, smiling to themselves. A vampire crouched down to your level, taunting you, “Ah, so there is more to her than a pretty face! Who would have known? Are you a hunter, babe?”

A memory clicked as he said that. You might say it rang a bell—an alarm bell, anyway—but you couldn’t place it. His voice was bouncing around in your head and it was hard to focus.

“Sssgrew you.”

He stood, gave you a smirk, and drove his foot into your abdomen. Hard.

“Wow. I mean, you were a little feisty at the bar, but I never would have envisioned you’d have so much kick.” He winked at you, then turned back to his goonies. “Alright. Ship ‘em. Mark the pretty ones. They’ll be worth more.”

You puffed, still recovering from the harsh blow, as a skinny redhead yanked you up by the ropes. He was watching you like one looks in a microwave at their meal.

You thrashed. It was a weak move, hardly knocking him back on his heels, but it was also a minor triumph.

Then said vampire punched your throat, and all smugness disappeared.

The lead vamp turned to see the commotion and erupted, “Are you kidding me? Christ—get the gag off her, will you?!” When the others looked at him in alarm and skepticism, he barked, “She’s no use to us dead! Do you want her suffocating?”

Carrot Top worked the gag from your aching jaw, and you just laid there, winded, like a dead dog.

The Lead Vamp grabbed the shirt collar of your redhead attacker. “Hey, maybe don’t punch 'em in the throat next time. They’re gonna squirm a little—it’s what they do. So ignore it.”


“Good. And, hey, guys—bag the ugly ones. I got a client for them.”

You coughed, propping yourself up by the elbow. You were concerned. Am I ugly?

The redhead vamp kicked you down by your arm, hissing, “Not you. We got a special guy for you. Likes the fighters.”

You were so tired and weak and helpless. Couldn’t do anything but lay there. You could only watch as the other vamps manhandled poor, terrified women.

“Leeches,” you said, earning you a foot to the face.

“Do yourself a favor and shut up.”

It was hard to not comply. As your head lolled, you spat blood at his feet. You would not go down easy.

He hauled you up, and his punch cracked like a whip.

You stared at his bloody knuckles, feeling your own arms twitch. The ropes were loose. You wondered briefly if you could even run—

Another strike had your vision swimming with stars.

“Hey. I got a question—huff—” You said, taking the punches like a champ and distracting him. “Has anyone ever told you—uff—that you look like—guh—Strawberry Shortcake?”

The ropes worked off your wrists and when he swung, you ducked—or fell, more like—away from his swing. Breathless, you pulled yourself to your feet to run.

The adrenaline was really the only thing keeping you going. Thing was, adrenaline didn’t give you accuracy, it just gave you strength. And little that strength was.

And, woah, was the ground spinning. You gagged as you watched the hallway sway. You were not in any shape to run, but you sure as hell tried to. You stumbled down the hallway, your knees giving out multiple times before you couldn’t pick yourself up again.

The vamp’s yell echoed down the hallway. “You’re not a hunter anymore, little lamb! You’re the hunted!” It probably wouldn’t take much for him to follow the sound of your hummingbird heart.

That was enough encouragement to get anyone on their toes. Even someone who was shaking like a leaf.

Whatever roofie they’d given you, it was enhanced. Everything was so hot and bright and loud. You wished the world could just be quiet. Your heart was beating so loud you could feel it in your teeth.

You clambered to the exit, reaching for the doors to push them open.

Just then, a hand pitched you backward, pulling down on your shoulder. You yelled out, petrified.

“It’s me, it’s just me,” Dean whispered quickly, easing you through the door, around the corner, and to where Baby was parked.

Your heart was still jack hammering in your chest as he pulled you in for a hug. You were high as a kite on adrenaline.

“Been looking all over for you.” The pitch in his voice was more stressed than usual. You were like a little sister to him.

You leaned into his embrace. It was warm and solid and safe. And it was exactly what you needed to ground yourself.

“He drugged me,” you blurted. “He drugged me. I couldn’t—he just—”

He paled. “Did he touch you?” When you paused, his expression darkened. “I’ll rip his lungs out. I’ll kill every single one of them. I'll—”

“He didn’t touch me,” you interrupted. “Not like that.” You rested your forehead against his chest.

“Thank god.”

“But I think they would’ve.” You practically melted as he smoothed your hair down. “They’re human trafficking. Selling women as blood bags.”

Dean turned to Sam, who was leaned up against the Impala, and nodded at him. Sam took that as his cue to go ahead without Dean. “I got Sammy on it right now. You sure you’re alright?”

His arms around you were the only thing keeping you standing. “Just tired. And my head really hurts.” Gunshots went off behind you, and you flinched. Your ears were still sensitive.

“Sounds like nothing a little sleep can’t fix.” Dean patted your back and opened the back of the Impala.

You crawled in and fell asleep before Dean could even pull out of the parking lot.

“Let’s get you home,” he breathed.


Follow Your Heart

You tried following your heart, once, as a senior in college with straight A’s, a bright future, a career so close you could almost touch it. You were so close to satisfaction. So close to that diploma.

And all at once, that dream ceased to be. And all you could think was my heart must be very very lost.

It all began on a cloudy Friday evening, you were just about to end your shift with the dogs. It was a tangled mess of leashes when you made it back to the animal shelter. Sweat and dog hair covered you, and after a good shower of puppy kisses, you finally untangled yourself from the mass of dogs and return them to their rightful cages.

You refused to meet their sad eyes. You made that mistake, once, and had spent half an hour reassuring each heartbroken dog that they were, indeed, a good boy.

“I’ll see you guys in the morning!” you promised with a wave and a jangle of your dog whistle, and after a reply of barks, you left the building at dusk.

The road was silent, the street lamps weren’t on yet, and the clouds had become heavier in the sky. You had read in the forecast it was going to rain, but hadn’t expected this.

The tightness in your chest only continued to build as you made it to the campus. The sun was just barely visible behind the storm clouds that had rolled in. The wind had become cool, and the wind had picked up, sending chills up and down your spine.

Perhaps it was just a combination of paranoia and reasonable worry for a woman walking alone at night to her college dorm, except your blood chilled the moment you unlocked your room and entered.

The hair on your arms and the back of your neck were on end. Your eyes adjusted to the dim light, and you realized that the window was open, and the harsh breeze was whipping past you.

You laughed it off, feeling silly. Though that night you slept with your cover tight against your chest, back against the wall, and your little silver paring knife under your pillow.

The next day, you experienced the same fear. Except, this time, it was sunny out.

What was triggering these feelings of dread? It was like you couldn’t focus anymore. Everything just felt… itchy. That was the only way you could describe it.

With each day that passed, the source of your terror was slowly revealing itself. Little, weird things that wouldn’t be so noticeable to an outsider, but as someone who valued cleanliness and order, it might as well have been an elephant in the room.

Things were never as you left them. On Sunday morning you couldn’t find your hairbrush. Monday evening, your bed was mysteriously unkempt, even though you’d recalled making it that morning. Tuesday, the caps of your perfume bottles were all off and littered on the floor of your bathroom. Someone had been in your dorm.

You didn’t have a roommate.

You called the police at midnight on Wednesday, and they showed up to your dorm to find you locked in the bathroom.  They chalked it up to a wild imagination. You were three floors up, after all. Nobody was breaking in. You were just a stupid, homesick college student.


Pah, it wasn’t like you were a senior, or anything. Or that you’d ever even cried wolf in the last three years of living alone. But yeah, sure, call it paranoia.

Three weeks later, there was a knock on your front door.

It startled you enough to send you on your ass. You stared at the door from the floor, and it loomed over you like a bad dream.

Your stalker had been your shadow for almost a month at that point. A gaze that burned into the back of your skull, even when there was no one around. You wanted them to keep their distance.

You stood like a whisper, careful not to make any noise as you tiptoed to the peephole of your door. This was it. There would finally be a face to your terror. Someone you could blame.

A weird combination of disappointment and relief washed over you when you saw two FBI agents instead. Your fear of it being your stalker morphed into a fear of the justice system. Had they come to laugh at you just as the police had?

When they knocked a second time, you opened the door.

They showed you their badges and introduced themselves. “Mind if we come in?” Agent Young asked. He had longer, brown hair and kind eyes. You couldn’t hold a gaze with him worth your life.

Strangers in your home, even authorities, made your hackles raise. What the helllllll was all you could think as you welcomed them into your tiny dorm as your legs shook.

A million questions raced around your head at once.

“Could we ask you about the death of your professor? Mr.Cleveland?”

Your heart plummeted and all hope died within you. Oh. This was about that whole freak-show. “What about it?” you said. Your feet shifted.

“Well, it’s said that you were there at the time of his death. Is that true?” Agent Scott asked. He was more intimidating—more rough around the edges—but you supposed he was just professional.

“Um. Uh, yeah. It…” the agents were watching you with intrigue, and you looked to the carpet. “It was horrible.” And it was. It was bloody and scary, and all your fault because you had just stood there—watched as the professor died right in front of you.

Upon seeing your haunted look, Agent Scott spoke a little gentler. “Did you see what happened?”

“I—yeah… I saw it all. He—he had been helping me with something. An essay. I was flunking and he suggested a one on one.” That had only been a week ago. Your grades had suffered as you juggled your classes.
When Mr.Cleveland died… you abandoned college altogether and let the dog whistle collect dust.

“I don’t know… he just…” started dying at your feet. You hadn’t even tried to pick up a phone. You just stood there, and you watched. Your breath picked up. “…he just—”

Agent Young’s voice was sympathetic. “He started coughing up blood?”

“Yeah. I didn’t—I didn’t know what to do. I kept thinking about…” the stalker, you thought. I couldn’t stop thinking about the stalker. “I froze and, a-and I just watched—”

“Easy, easy. It’s okay. We just need to know the details,” Agent Scott said.

You paused, then. Something didn’t add up. “Wait… why is the FBI interested in a guy that died of a lung disease?” When the agents exchanged glances, you squinted at them, your anxiety briefly replaced with confusion.

“We don’t think it was, erm, lung disease,” Agent Scott said. “We think he might have been…” He searched for the word a little too long for your liking. “…uh, poisoned.”

“Poisoned?” you yelped. “Who could have… oh god, that makes me a suspect, doesn’t it?”


Your stomach sank, and that anxiety returned. “You guys have to know I wouldn't—I would never—”

“If we thought it was you, you would be in custody,” Agent Scott informed you curtly.

Agent Young frowned at his partner as if to say not helping and then turned back to you. “We just want to know what you saw that day. Anything weird? Strange noises? Smells?” He narrowed his eyes. “Is there anyone you know who would want to kill Mr.Cleveland?”

This was your chance to tell them about your stalker. If there was anyone who could help you, it was the FBI.

Yet you clammed up.  "No, not really,“ you blurted. "Nobody I can think of, honest. Not to be rude, but I have finals tomorrow. Could you… leave?”

Who were you kidding, your grades had dropped so low lately that even finals wouldn’t save you. But they didn’t know that.


They offered you a trained smile that didn’t reach the eyes. “Of course. We’ll get out of your hair. If you think of anything else, here’s our card.” And with that they left the room.

The tightness in your chest did not ease.


That night, you had dreams of monsters and of evil people that could poison someone and smile. You dreamed of your stalker, and them laughing as you choked on your own blood.

You woke up in a cold sweat, eyes snapping open to the glow of an agape window. It was shut when you fell asleep, but it was open now, blowing in a breeze that chilled your blood.

Your dog whistle was gone.

It was a fear like no other. Your gut was screaming at you to launch for the phone. You did, automatically dialling the number on the business card that laid discarded on the other end of the room. You had memorized it after hours of staring at the numbers, debating whether or not to call them, then ultimately deciding not to with anxiety gnawing away at you.

They answered it on the second ring.

“Hello?” said a gruff voice. Agent Scott.

“I remembered something,” you blurted. “You-you said to call… if I thought of something…” You trailed off when you saw the clock. “Oh god, it’s three in the morning. Maybe this can… this can… this can wait…” It couldn’t wait.

“No, wait. What is it? Might be important if it’s got you up at three in the morning. Unless it’s just finals?”

You shook your head and then realized he couldn’t hear that. “Not finals. Someone’s been stalking me for the past week. I thought… maybe, I was paranoid. I was… constantly told that I was paranoid. But someone was in here while I was asleep. And might… might still be close.”

“Okay, you got a knife?”

“A knife?” You squeaked.

“Yeah. A knife. To defend yourself.”

“Oh. Right. Right, okay. Uh. Well, uh, I have a paring knife?”

“You have… a paring knife,” he repeated.

“Um, yeah? Is that okay? The dorms have rules against big knives. For safety reasons. It’s a silver p—”

“Silver? Okay, you know what? That’s fine. That’s good. Use that. Is it sharp?”

“Sharp enough, I hope.” You ran over to your cabinet, pulling out the knife and holding it to your chest. Your ragged breaths were loud in your ears. “Now what?”

“Well,” he said, and you could hear an engine starting in the background. “We should be there in a few minutes. Stay on the phone, you hear me?”

“I—should I have called 911? This has never happened to me—”

“You’re doing fine. Now, what made you so sure that someone had been in your room?”

“Well, the open window. I live up a few floors. There is no way they could have opened it unless—”

“Unless someone had been in your room. Alright. Just sit tight, okay? Don’t hang up.”

“O-okay.” The agents will be here soon. They will help me. You had the knife and phone held so close to your chest and tight in your fist that your knuckles were white.

I will not die.

Without warning, you choked. It was wet, coppery, and lukewarm on your tongue. You clawed at your neck for air. You fell to your knees. The phone clattered on the wooden floor’; it buzzed with muffled shouting, but you couldn’t pick it up, nor could you answer.

Just then, a massive shadow crawled in from your window, and it grunted like an animal. You barely had enough strength to look at him as trails of red spit hung from your face.

The man had claws. The man had claws. The man—the thing, had—for the love of God, inch long claws.

Down the hallway, there was a muffling of running feet. They would be too late. You realized then: you were probably going to die. You were no fair match.

You could feel the monster’s breath on your neck when the beast abruptly fell down like a sack of potatoes, howling and twisting.

Blindly, you stabbed it in the chest with all your strength, twisting the blade and then collapsing once again into a fit of retching.

The agents burst into the room.

But instead of moving to help you, they tore the room apart in search of something. You couldn’t help but sob in despair. Why weren’t they helping you?

But when Agent Scott whipped out a little bag from your drawer and lit it on fire, the choking miraculously ceased.

You melted into the floor to catch your breath again. For a minute everyone just breathed. You really appreciated the minor break.

Agent Young helped you up, closely inspecting your heavy, slightly bloody, zoned-out face, and decided you were okay.

You licked your lips, still not processing any part of the last hour. “What,” you said, “just happened.”

The agents exchanged looks.

You looked at them. Really looked at them. “You’re not FBI, are you?”

Agent Scott shrugged at his partner. “You gonna give her the talk, Sammy, or should I?”


“Were-witches,” you deadpanned. Monsters, hunters, hex bags, and were-witches.

“Yep,” Agent Scott—or Dean Winchester, you were now learning—said. “He probably got a whiff of you covered in dog hair or something. You’re lucky we got here in time. The pervert was, I kid you not, jellifying human hearts with dark magic. Like, alive. And then he’d make you regurgitate—” He caught the hard look from Agent Young—Sam—and shut up. “But, yeah. Were-witches.”

You frowned. “I can accept witches and werewolves, but… were-witches? For real?”

“Trust me, we didn’t know they existed either,” Sam informed you.

Dean laughed to himself. “Hey Sammy, should we call him a son of a witch or a son of a bi—” His smile faltered with both Sam and your glaring. “Get it? Witch jokes? Dog jokes? Sheesh, okay, you guys are seriously no fun.”

Sam sighed. “We should probably take the, um, dead werewitch, out of here.”

You followed his eyes to the heap of fur on your floor. Seeing your stalker dead was a major weight off your shoulders. It was such a relief that you felt high.

Sam was still talking. “—and you have finals?”

You sobered. “Right. Those.” Like you would do anything except bomb them.

Sam must have known the look. “You haven’t studied, have you? At all.”

Shaking your head, you slumped into the mattress. “Nope. This stalker thing screwed me up big time. There’s just no way.” You sighed. Sam’s dark look made you squint at him. “What?”

“I just, uh, know the feeling,” Sam said.


“Yeah,” he said thoughtfully. “I got a free ride to law school before the hunting life took me away. I was already a hunter, I didn’t have a choice. But you still do. You can still have that life you want.” He tapped the card, still on the desk from his last visit. “Stay out of trouble and call us whenever. Especially if it’s three in the morning.”

Right then, you noticed the dog whistle was back, as if it had never left.
Realization hit you like a brick to the head. “You did that! You blew the whistle.”

“Yeah, well, I knew it was a werewolf. So I took a gamble and… borrowed it. Guess I didn’t think you’d miss it—it was pretty dusty.”

“You stole my whistle!”

“Hey, no, I borrowed it—”

“You gave me a heart attack! I thought the werewitch had stolen it! That’s what set me off and made me call you—not the window!”

Dean cracked a smile. “Hey, it saved you, though, yeah? If I hadn’t taken it, who’s to say I could have saved your damsel ass?”


“Bitch,” Dean said automatically.

You blinked in surprise at the speed of his reply.

His eyes widened. “Sorry. That's… uh, Sam usually says that and I respond with…”

You laughed. Really laughed. You doubled over, struggling to breathe for the second time today, but this time it was welcome. The Winchesters inevitably joined in as you howled. You wiped away your tears of laughter, occasionally breaking into a smaller fit.

“You good?” Dean asked, grinning,

You sighed, the hysteria wearing off. “God, it wasn’t even that funny! You just caught me by surprise. Thanks, though. For saving me, and all.”

Dean smiled, patting you on the back. “No problem, kid.”

You settled into a comfortable silence. You were still trying to calm down as they watched you with looks of fondness.

“Are you going to be able to sleep?” Sam asked.

You knew what he meant: were you going to be able to sleep alone? And honestly, you had a feeling you would sleep like a baby tonight. However, you had no purpose staying here anymore. “Would I be stepping too far if I asked to come with you? Just for the night.”

“Of course.”

Read Part 10HERE!

Summary: Y/N has another encounter with Azazel and starts to see what his plans are for the future. 

Word Count: 3,151

A/N: Damn, sorry this one is so long, I just didn’t want to drag along all this with a bunch of different parts so I just crammed it all into one part for this series. Hope y’all like it!

Y/N slowly opened her eyes, noticing the dim light that lit the room. She noticed she was sitting down in a chair and her head was throbbing with pain. She tried to move her arm to hoist herself out of the chair, but she was being held back by ropes that tied her wrists to the arms of the chair. Y/N opened her eyes a little more and saw she was somewhere she did not recognize, that’s when she realized she was in trouble. 

Y/N looked around at the dilapidated room she was in. It was humid and damp inside, giving off the smell of mold. It scared her that she couldn’t remember when or how she got there. She heard some creaking from the pipes above her, when she heard the sound of floorboards creaking from what sounded like footsteps above her, that’s when she started to feel scared.

“Dad?” Y/N called out in a small voice. Learning nothing. “Daddy?” She yelled a little louder. The sound of footsteps started to approach the door that was across the room, her breaths became faster as the panic set in, having no idea what was behind that door. She kicked herself, hoping it was all a dream, and then the door flew open…


“We could just take a shortcut through the woods.” Sam suggested from the passenger seat.

“I’m not scratching baby up by driving her through a bunch of trees, and if we walked, we wouldn’t get there fast enough.” Dean sighed.

Sam continued to look at the map, barely taking his eyes off of it. Sam had located an old building that was down some old back roads. He was able to track Y/N’s phone before the signal was lost, and that was the only thing within miles going in that direction. 

“Don’t worry, we’ll find her.” Dean said as he pressed the gas down, revving the engine up and accelerating the car. 


The door across the room creaked open slowly. Y/N looked up to see Azazel walking in and smiling. 

“What do you want? Where am I?” Y/N questioned in a worried voice. 

“Don’t worry about a thing my dear, I just had to get you away from those two. We need some time, just the two of us. 

“No we don’t, get me out of here!” Y/N shouted. 

“I see you know what controls those powers now. Isn’t it great?”

“It’s not, I don’t want them.” Y/N huffed.

Azazel walked closer to her and kneeled down. Raising his arm, he slapped his hand across her face, leaving a stinging red mark.

“Why are you doing this?” Y/N cried.

“I want you to want them. I want you to use them! It’s a gift.” Azazel smiled.

“It’s not a gift, it’s a curse.” Y/N breathed out. Looking down at her ropes, she knew what Azazel wanted her to do. He wanted to see his spell come to life, meaning Y/N had to get angry and fired up. 

She didn’t want to give in, but it was a chance to see if she could get out of a situation like this. Y/N closed her eyes and breathed in, trying to focus. She tried thinking about thinks that upset, but nothing seemed to work. Opening up her eyes, she looked up at Azazel who was waiting for her to perform.

“I can’t do anything anyway.” Y/N shrugged, not wanting to try any harder to do anything. She knew it would be best to leave it alone, and not let Azazel get what he wanted.

“I know you can. I know you have a few tricks up your sleeve that you can show me.” Azazel laughed.

“No.” Y/N turned her head away. Azazel’s expression changed as he became impatient. 

“Well, I gave you the easy option.” Was all he said before raising his hand and twisting it. Y/N began to feel a sharp pain in her stomach, hunching over in agony. 

“Stop!” Was all she could yell out.

“Just let it out, Y/N. It’ll be easy. I don’t think you want to upset me any further.” 

Y/N tried to stick it out for as long as she could, but the pain was too much. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and the ropes around her wrists snapped clean in half. She let out a loud gasp as the pain stopped. 

Azazel stood up with a look of satisfaction on his face. “Now, that’s what I’m talking about.” He sneered.

Y/N looked up at him in anger. A million thoughts were going through her head right now, how he was the reason she was in this mess. He was the reason she had to leave her home and her school, he was the reason she had these abilities that she didn’t ask for. Y/N didn’t know where Sam was or if he knew where she was. Standing up abruptly, she walked with a fast pace towards Azazel. Reaching her hand out, Y/N grabbed Azazel around the neck, raising him up above her and throwing him across the room.

Y/N wasn’t finished, and walked over to where Azazel’s body had fallen, after smashing into the wall behind him. She hovered over him, and kicked her boot into his ribs. She kneeled down and punched him across the face, stepping back and wincing as she held her knuckle. Y/N tried to act tough, even though she had never punched someone before. Azazel started laughing which made Y/N pulse with more anger. She got down to his level and punched him again.

“LEAVE. ME. ALONE! I never want to see you again!” She yelled through punches and tears of anger. 

She stopped and looked down at Azazel to see if she did any damage or not. “I’ll be back, Y/N. And next time… you’d best be ready.” He smiled before vanishing into thin air.

Y/N stood up and almost passed out from hyperventilating. She collected herself and looked around before rushing out of the room. She navigated around the building, trying to find a door that would get her out of there. Running down a hallway, she spotted an old rusted exit sign above one of the doors. She ran faster and pushed the door open, practically falling outside.


Dean drove as fast as he could, until Sam spotted the building creeping out from behind the trees. “There! Stop!” He yelled. 

Dean pulled the impala into the grass, the two of them hopping out of the car and rushed over to the building. 

Sam slowed down as he spotted a figure running at a fast pace towards them, he focused more and realized it was Y/N.

“Y/N!!” Sam yelled as he ran as fast as he could over to his daughter. Tears ran down Y/N’s face as she saw her dad running towards her, with Dean following behind. 

Sam stopped in front of Y/N as she jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. “Are you okay? What happened?” Sam demanded to know. 

“It was him, it was Azazel.” Y/N cried through her words into Sam’s shoulder.

“Where is he!” Dean asked.

“He’s gone.” Y/N said as she stood up from holding onto Sam.

“What happened?” Both men asked, looking over Y/N with worry.

“Can we just get out of here.” Y/N cried.

“Sure, sweetheart.” Sam said with sympathy as he guided Y/N back to the car.


Dean drove everyone back to the motel. Sam immediately noticed Y/N’s bloodied and bruised knuckles and fussed over it. He took out the first aid kit and cleaned off Y/N’s fists as she explained everything that happened. 

“So you punched him? Azazel, the demon? Just got his ass kicked by you….” Dean asked in disbelief. 

“Dean, you’ve seen what she can do.” Sam reminded him.

“I know, but he didn’t fight back or anything? I mean, that’s like something else.” Dean said in shock, but was also proud in some sort of way. 

“Dean, this is bad. She said he’s gonna come back, and it’s not gonna be fun and games. This is serious, and we need to be prepared.” Sam said sternly.

“I’m sorry, I tried not to do anything to him.” Y/N spoke up.

“Y/N/N… you don’t have to apologize for anything. You did the right thing, I’d be afraid of what would happen if you did nothing. Look, I know this seems like it’s a curse, but try not to look at it like a bad curse. You have some cool abilities, and you were able to use them to your advantage. It’s your choice whether you want to use them or not, this does not control you. And, I’m sorry this had to end up this way. You know how much I wanted to keep you away from this life and protect you, but no matter what happens or how crappy things get, just know I will do whatever I can to be here for you.” Sam explained. 

A small smile formed across Y/N’s face. “Thanks.” 

“Anytime. Remember, you’re stronger than you think.” 


Y/N started to use her powers more often than usual after her encounter with Azazel. At first, she didn’t want to show that she had them at all, but after her talk with Sam she felt a little bit more comfortable. After all, it was a part of her now and Sam was right, it wasn’t all bad. He wouldn’t force her to use them at all though, and made it completely up to her if she wanted to make something happen or not. 

Y/N would still keep to herself and was a little self conscious about using her powers. When Sam and Dean would leave the motel for interviews or hunts, Y/N would sneak out to the woods behind the building and practice moving things. Deep down, when she was by herself, she felt pretty cool being able to use her mind to do certain things. It was when Sam or Dean would bring it up was when she wouldn’t want to release any feelings of anger in fear that she would go too far and upset them. 

The only thing that had Y/N on edge was the dreams that she would have at night. 

At first, it was just a few weird coincidences here and there, seeing images of Azazel and other people along with him. Then it started to become consistent, Y/N got to the point where she was scared to go to sleep. Most nights, she would see fire, and hear screams, and the worst was when she saw pools of blood on the ground. She didn’t know what any of these dreams meant, but every time, it terrified her even more. 

Sam had started to notice she was having more nightmares than usual. He and Dean would be awoken almost every other night with Y/N tossing and turning violently or shouting in her sleep. 

Sam had tried to bring it up a few times, but Y/N didn’t want them to fuss over it. 

“Hey, about last night… Have you been having nightmares?”


“Well, it seems like somethings been disturbing your sleep, do you want to talk about it.”

“Not really much to talk about, I’m fine.”

But Sam saw past it, he knew something was up. 

Sam and Dean had a hunt in Richmond, Virginia. From what they had been seeing in the news reports, they guessed that it had to be a djinn. After a 6 hour drive in the impala, Dean pulled the car into another motel.

Y/N got her bag and pillow out of the backseat and trudged up to the building. It wasn’t easy trying to get comfortable on the hard bench seat in the back of the car, and it was clear to both men that Y/N needed sleep. 

“Hey, uh maybe you should go to bed earlier tonight. It’s been a long drive for all of us.” Sam played it off, suggesting Y/N should go to bed.

“Since when do I have a bedtime?” Y/N sassed, obviously not in the mood to joke around.

“Not saying you do, but you look exhausted and I don’t want to see you get sick.” Sam said.

“Ok, sure.” Y/N shrugged as she turned to Dean who had finally come back with the room keys.

Y/N set her stuff down on one of the beds and pulled her volleyball out of her duffel. She tossed it around for a few seconds and turned to Sam.

“I’m gonna go practice some hits outside.” She said, walking slowly towards the door to see if Sam would say yes or no. 

Sam flashed a sad smile, knowing how much Y/N missed her friends and her sports team. It had been almost a year being on the road with them, and she hadn’t opened up much about anything. Sam noticed that she would try and be in a good mood most of the time and would go along with anything that they needed to do. It almost bothered him that she didn’t want to talk to him about anything, since they used to be so close just the two of them and that they would talk all the time. 

“Okay, don’t be out too long.” Sam said, bringing himself out of his thoughts.

Y/N walked around the building to find a spot where she could throw her ball around. There was a large open space of grass on the side of the parking lot. Y/N started doing some passes and sets on the field, envisioning that she was back on the gymnasium floor. In her head, she remembered the sounds of her coach shouting at her from across the room, her teammates cheering for her on the sidelines, and the squeaking of her sneakers against the wood. She snapped out of her daydream when she heard someone whisper in her ear. Whipping her head around, she looked around and didn’t see anyone nearby. 

Y/N slowly started bumping the ball on her arms, still scanning the grounds around her for anyone. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a person standing in the road, it was a woman who was looking over in her direction. Y/N looked over at her, confused as to why she was in the road. Before she knew it, a large truck came rushing down the road, impacting the woman instantly. Y/N gasped at the sudden impact and took a few steps to see if she could see anything. A gust of wind rushed behind her, looking over her shoulder, her eyes widened when she saw the same woman that was standing in the street. Except, her eyes turned black as she flashed a devious smile. 

Y/N stumbled back in shock and looked around. Everything was normal, like nothing had happened. She rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath, guessing she was just seeing things from lack of sleep. Y/N decided to walk back to the room, as she was doing so, she started to hear crackling behind her, turning around to reveal the small town in front of her on fire, like it was the end of the world. Y/N turned around and started running back to the motel, as she was running, she felt something weird on her hands. Looking down, there was bloody hand prints on the volleyball. Y/N threw it in the other direction and kept running, she slowed down when she was approaching the door and looked back, the fire was gone and everything was back to normal. 

Y/N took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair, not knowing if any of what she saw was real or not. She stood there frozen for a few minutes, trying to collect herself.

She finally came back into the motel room and walked swiftly to the bathroom, locking herself in until Sam made dinner. Sam was worried that she was acting different, but he hoped she was finally showing her emotions and that maybe she would talk to him. But instead, Y/N went to bed right after eating, even though she didn’t really want to let sleep consume her, she was way too exhausted.

Later that night, Y/N started tossing and turning again, but this time it was worse. Sam took his turn on the couch, Y/N and Dean had a bed to themselves. Dean was the lightest sleeper ever and stirred in bed once he heard the sheets being tossed back and forth. He sat up and blinked his eyes to try and focus in the dark, finally seeing Y/N’s sleeping figure moving around.

“Y/N?” Dean whispered, getting no response.

“Y/N?” He called out again when he heard her mumble something.

Y/N started thrashing around even more and let out a small worried cry. Dean turned to his side and sat up more. “Sam?” He whispered from across the room, trying to alert his brother awake.

Sam stirred and barely opened his eyes, wanting to go back to sleep. Y/N suddenly was dragged out of bed and slammed onto the floor, sounding a loud thud. Y/N started screaming, making Dean jump out of bed with Sam following close behind. Dean grabbed her shoulders, trying to shake her awake.

“Y/N!? C’mon, wake up!” Dean yelled, trying to wake the screaming girl. 

Sam reached out and turned the lights on, making Y/N spring awake. Sam rushed over in shock as he saw the frightened look on his daughters face. She fell into Sam’s arms, letting out a few shaky breaths. 

“Are you okay?” He asked.

Y/N said nothing and held her arms tight around Sam. Once she calmed down, Sam stayed up all night looking after the girl, this was one of the worst nightmares he had ever seen her have. 


Y/N woke up fairly early the next morning, not being able to sleep that much. Sam ended up making everyone breakfast, and ended up trying to talk to Y/N.

“Hon, I know you had a rough night last night. I’d really appreciate it if you gave me an insight as to what is going on, maybe I can help.” Sam offered. 

Y/N paused and looked up. “I don’t know if there’s anything you can do. I don’t know if it’s real or if it’s in my head. I just keep having weird dreams and I think I’m hallucinating…”

“Wait, you’re having hallucinations now? What are you seeing?” Dean asked.

“I don’t even know, I saw someone with black eyes… fire, and blood. I saw….” Y/N stopped.


“There was a large hole in the ground. And I was being pulled into it…. with Azazel.” She paused.

“Dean… he wants to pull her down there with him.”

“That can’t be…” Dean didn’t want to believe that anything like that would be possible.

“He wants her on his side…… In hell.”

Requests Are Closed
Part 12 Coming Soon!


@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang@samsgirl93 @stressedoutkitten

anon asked: Hey! I love your work! Do you think you could do a sister!reader fic where Dean, Sam and Cas are away on a long hunt, and the reader (younger, maybe between 11-14) has a panic attack? Since her brothers nor Cas can help, Crowley shows up… Thank you!

Word Count: 1,762

A/N: I know panic attacks can be different for a lot of people, so I kind of just made the panic attack in this story how mine usually are. I also set this before the boys found the bunker since Crowley is still around. 
*Also not my gif*


“Hey, wake up…. Y/N c’mon wake up.” Sam said as he shook your sleeping form. 

You rolled over to your side and blinked your eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light shining in from the hallway.

“M’what?” You mumbled.

“Y/N, Cas called us. Dean and I have to leave to go help him, it’s important.”

“What’s going on?” You wondered, looking over at the clock on the nightstand to see that it was 2:30 in the morning. 

“We’ll call you and explain everything later, but we have to leave. We might be gone for a few days but I wanted to let you know.” Sam said frantically.

“Okay, call me in the morning.” You said, still half asleep and not really understanding what was going on. 

Sam nodded and shut the lights off as he and Dean gathered their things before leaving the motel room. You rolled to your other side and fell back asleep within minutes.


You woke up the next morning and sat up in bed, looking around, you were confused as to why Sam and Dean weren’t there. It took you a minute but you remembered Sam waking you up. Just as you were thinking about where the hell they went, your phone rang.


“Hey, how’re you doing?”

“Uh, where are you guys and when are you coming back?” 

“Sorry for leaving in such a rush. Cas called us about some other angels that are going around taking people out. Normally he’d be able to handle this himself but they’re moving pretty fast.” Sam explained.

“When will you be back?”

“Not sure, but this one might take a few days. Maybe a week at worst, but we’ll keep you updated.”

“What about food?” You asked, glancing at the small motel kitchen. 

“Dean went on a supply run after you fell asleep last night, the fridge should be stocked. We wouldn’t leave you alone if we thought you couldn’t handle it.” Sam said.

“Okay, well, hurry back.” 

“We will. Gotta go, we’ll talk to you later.”
“Stay safe, Y/N/N.” You heard Dean say in the background.


It had been 4 days since the boys left and you were bored out of your mind. You had opened snack after snack, watched way too much tv, and even snuck two of Dean’s beers. You knew he would notice and be pissed off but you didn’t even care at the time. 

Just when you thought you would be fine by yourself, you weren’t. 

The paranoia started to set in, which happened often when the boys would leave on longer hunts and not take you with them. Sometimes, you were able to brush it off and be patient until they got back. Other times like this, it was like a nagging feeling of terrible thoughts that would set off a panic attack.

There was a string of bad thoughts that kept rushing through your head. Wondering if Sam and Dean would be okay, if they were going to make it back safely, or if they were already dead and you just didn’t know it yet. 

These thoughts sent you pacing back and forth around the motel room. You chewed your lip as you imagined Sam and Dean walking through the door with their bags, trying your best to calm yourself down. 

You sat down on the edge of the bed as you felt your breathing picking up, feeling so panicked and uncomfortable, being alone for longer than you were okay with. You wanted to call Sam and Dean to check in but you didn’t want to be a bother. Your brothers knew that you had occasional panic attacks, but they didn’t know the extent of them. It was also a little embarrassing, so you decided to keep it on the low. 

That’s when your phone rang, seeing it was Sam, you answered almost right away.

“Sammy?” You breathed out.

“Hey kiddo. What’s up?” Dean answered instead.

“Uh, hey…. nothing much…. Is Sam there?”

“Yeah, he just fell asleep in the passenger seat. Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine, just um…. when will you be back?”

“We just finished up actually. We were able to track down the last string of dickhead angels so were on our way back right now.”

“How long?” You asked a little too eagerly. 

“Should be there in about 4 hours, could be less…. You know how I drive.” Dean let out a chuckle. 

“Ok great, hurry back.” Was all you could think of saying before hanging up the phone. 


Sam stirred in his seat, waking up and turning to Dean to see his phone in his hand. “What are you doing with my phone?”

“Y/N called, she was just asking where we were.”

“Oh. How is she?”

“Good… sounded a little weird though.”

“What do you mean weird?”

“I dunno. She’s probably just getting impatient.”

Sam took a moment to think about how Dean worded that, realizing you might’ve been having an episode.

“No more stops tonight, let’s get back as soon as possible.”


“She might be panicking a little bit, we’ve been gone for almost a week.”

“She’ll be fine, she just needs to get used to being on her own.” Dean started being insensitive. 

“Dean, I don’t think you know how panic attacks work.”

“She doesn’t still have those, does she?”

“Yes, as far as I know she does, and depending on the person, they can get pretty bad.”

Dean didn’t say anything after that and continued to drive faster. 


You sat on the floor up against the motel bed and talked to yourself in your head, praying to Cas since your brothers were still a long ways away. You repeated the same message over and over, expecting to see Cas pop up in front of you, but it never happened.

You started to panic even more that you started to repeat your cry for help out loud, not to anyone directly, but in hopes of feeling like someone was listening. 

You weren’t expecting it but someone was listening. 

And that someone was Crowley.

Crowley appeared after minutes of you talking, it scared the shit out of you, making you spring up from where you were sitting. 

“What the hell are you doing here?” You questioned.

“Well, someone is a little uneasy from what I heard.” He glanced back at you.

“Why are you even listening to me?”

“You clearly wanted someone to, and I was in the area.” Crowley said jokingly.

“Sam and Dean aren’t gonna like it when they see that you’re here.” You said as you backed up out of habit.

“Sam and Dean aren’t going to be here for a while now are they love? I might as well give you some sort of company.” He smirked, as he pulled out one of the kitchen chairs to sit down.

“Why are you acting nice?”

“Who said I was acting? The king of hell can’t do little Winchester a favor?”

“Why would you want to though, it’s pretty unlike you.”

“Let’s say I owe you and your brothers one, I can’t always be ruining things can I? That would just be bad for my reputation.” Crowley sassed.

You scoffed at his sarcastic remarks, then realizing that he did a good job of distracting you from how you were feeling.

“Thanks” you gave a small smile, accepting the nice gesture Crowley gave. 

“No need… Well, I guess my work here is done.” Crowley sighed. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend.”

Before you could turn around to hear what Crowley was talking about, he was gone. Moments later, you heard a familiar car engine pull up in front of the motel room. 

Perfect timing.

You drew the curtains to reveal your brothers emerging from the car, with Cas already walking up to the door.

You let out a sigh of relief as you welcomed all three of them inside.

“Hello Y/N…..” Cas paused and looked around with suspicion growing on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“I had a sense that one from the opposite side was lingering in this vicinity.”

“Okay, I literally understood none of that.”

“There was a demon here at some point. I’m sure of it.”

“Y/N, what’s he rambling about?” Dean asked as he hauled in the last of the things from the impala.

“Uh, I don’t know.” You lied.

Sam could see right through you face and knew something had happened. You didn’t look okay.

“Y/N, was there someone here? Did something try to hurt you?” Sam asked, grabbing Dean’s attention, stopping him from what he was doing.

“Well, Crowley…”

“Crowley!? Was he here?” Dean’s voice boomed.

“Dean, can you please not make a big deal…”

“Big deal!!?”

“Dean, dude seriously chill out. Just tell us what happened, Y/N.” Sam interrupted.

You told the three boys everything that happened. Sam immediately felt bad that he wasn’t there. Dean was worried that his little sister dealt with panic attacks this bad, but he still wasn’t happy that the king of hell just decided to pop in without warning. 

“Y/N/N, why didn’t you tell me over the phone?” Sam asked.

“I didn’t want you to worry. Plus, you were too far anyways.”

“Well next time that happens, you call us, no matter where we are. I promise, you mean more to us than our work, we’d drop everything, even if we were miles away just to get to you.” Sam explained.

“Yeah, what he said.” Dean chimed in.

“Wow, I love how much you care.” You joked.

“You know I love you Y/N/N….. but I’m gonna have to lay down some rules with Crowley, and one of them is no dropping in when I’m not here. I don’t trust that shady punk.”

Sam rolled his eyes and shrugged his arms, motioning for a hug which you gladly accepted.

“Nothing but chick flick moments over here. Get a room.” Dean scoffed.

“Shut up!”

“So, where is Crowley now?” Cas asked innocently.

“Were you even listening the whole time?” Sam asked confused.

“No, there is many things being said over angel radio.” 

“God dammit, Cas.” Dean said as he got up to grab a beer out of the fridge. “Who drank my beers?”

“Wasn’t me…” Sam shrugged. 

You knew you were in big trouble, forgetting about the choices you made earlier. So you slipped out the front door to let Dean cool down, but he had other plans. Sam quietly ratted you out as he motioned to the door that had just shut.

“Y/N! Get back here!” 

Requests are open again!



Part 10 omg!!

Read Part 9HERE!

Summary: Sam makes the difficult decision to start hunting with Dean again, but this time he has his daughter to bring with him.

Word Count: 1,998

A/N: I can’t believe I have a part 10. This is the longest series I’ve ever written on this blog/in general. Thanks for the support with my fics and this series. I appreciate y’all so much!!


It had been at least two months since the altercation with Azazel showing up. Sam and Dean still weren’t able to find anything on what his “plan” was. Y/N had been getting used to the spell that she had, Sam tried his best to work with her on getting it under control. It was hard for him to try and mentor her with this, he didn’t want to encourage her to use it all the time but he also wanted her to know it was okay if something happened. Y/N started to get used to having Dean around, having him and Sam always talk about hunts and leads started to sound almost normal to her. Granted it was still a strange thing in her life but she grew to be okay with what it was. 

Over those two months, Sam’s fear started to come true. Dean was a finding more and more hunts across the map from articles and news reports, it was starting to become more than he could handle by himself and asked Sam to help out. Sam was all he had, after hearing about John Winchester’s death. Dean went through a really hard time after that which kind of pulled him and Sam apart, which was the last thing he wanted. Sam knew it was going to come down to this at some point so he agreed to help out with a few here and there, specifically choosing hunts that weren’t far so he could be close to Y/N. He also felt Dean’s hurt and wanted to be there for him. After a few weeks, it started to get worse. More cases popping up everywhere, it became a bit of a hassle for Dean to stay on top of, he knew he was going to have to ask Sam the most difficult question at the time. 

“Would you consider coming with me? Not just on hunts around here, I mean like old times.”

Sam wanted to decline, but after lots of time thinking it over, it seemed like there was no other option. This was the world that was in trouble and they were the guys to fix it. If Sam were to try and stick it out with Y/N like normal, he would end up going down with everyone else, and Y/N would be going down with him. 

“What about Y/N? What about all of this?” 

“Give her a chance. Give yourself a chance, Sammy. She’s apart of this anyway, and I need you both. I know its not what you want to hear…. but did you think you were gonna just be able to go on with life, without any trouble?” Dean explained.

Sam’s first reaction was offended and upset at Dean for even bringing that up, but he knew it was true. Even though all that was in him did not want to believe it was true, it was. And he wasn’t going to go through life without fighting. Sam made the biggest decision he had to make in a long time and pulled Y/N out of school.

“What do you mean I won’t be going to school anymore?” Y/N asked with confusion.

“Things are getting bad. There’s an abundance of hunts around the states, your uncle and I have to do our jobs and we can’t leave you here alone.”

“So we’re moving?”

Sam explained to Y/N that they would be moving from state to state, wherever the next hunt took them. He promised himself and Y/N that he would do his best to home school her, since one of his priorities from the day she was born was to make sure she finished school. 

“What about my friends? My volleyball team? What do I tell them?” Y/N sulked.

“I’m sorry, Y/N. This is never what I wanted for you-.”

“But you knew that this would happen at some point, didn’t you? No matter what choices you made in the past, it was always going to come down to you having to go back to hunting.” Y/N blurted out.

“You’re right. And there is nothing I can say to make it better. But hunting or not, I want us to stick together. You and Dean are all I have. And as much as it sucks, this is what we have to do.” Sam said.

Y/N spent the next few days locked in her room after school. Sam and Dean understood she was upset, but they were still worried about her. 

“MaybeI should go talk to her….”

“No, Dean. I know how she is, just give her some space, she’ll come around. This is all really hard on her.”

It was the week before the big move. Y/N was still pretty distant and only came out of her room for food or to move boxes of her things downstairs so that Sam could take them to the storage unit. Sam decided to leave most of their things in the unit since they weren’t going to be able to bring everything with them. Y/N had finally told all of her friends the news, and said her heartbreaking goodbyes to them. It broke Sam’s heart when she came home crying from saying goodbye to all of her friends. Sam wanted to scoop her up in a hug and let her know it was going to be okay, but she resorted to her room again, remaining distant. 

The day finally came where the three Winchesters were headed out to go save the world. Y/N took one final look at her room and shut her door for the last time. She walked out to the car and tossed her last duffel bag in the trunk, she turned back around when she heard a loud clink from the impact. She leaned over the trunk and saw an opening on the floor. Moving the bags around, Y/N lifted up the opening to reveal a whole armory of guns, knives, holy water, chains, everything. Y/N had never seen anything like it and found it kind of cool. She shut the trunk, keeping what she saw to herself and came around the car to see Sam and Dean locking up the house. 

Sam approached the car and took a deep breath, glancing at Y/N. “You ready?”

“I’m a Winchester, I was born ready.” Y/N smiled.

Sam’s expression changed as Y/N seemed less upset about the whole situation. 

The three Winchester’s packed up the impala and shut the doors as Sam and Y/N looked at the house for the last time. It was bittersweet.

All that Sam had worked for, every risk he took to get to where he was in his life with Y/N, all gone- just like that. Y/N was also leaving the only life she had known. Sam hoped she would at least be able to graduate high school before something like this came into his life, but Azazel had other plans that couldn’t wait. 


Arriving at the motel, Y/N set her duffel down on one of the beds. “Guess it’s gonna be a living out of my bag thing now?” She tried to joke.

Sam gave a half smile as he continued un packing a few things. Dean entered the room and gave Sam a ‘look’ to come outside. “Hey, I’m gonna go grab a few more things, keep putting stuff away.” Sam asked as he snuck out the door.

“How’s she doing?” Dean asked as Sam shut the door behind him.

“Honestly, I don’t know what else to say to her at this point. Her life was just ripped away from her, I can’t really do much else.” Sam said, feeling hopeless.

“Sammy, you’ve given her so much, more than we had growing up. But this is what our life is, and she’s just a part of it now. I know she’s a strong kid, she’ll adapt.” Dean said.

“You think?” 

“I know she will. It’s in her blood, that strength and that fight.” Dean reassured.

A few weeks had passed, Sam and Dean had finished two hunts. Sam was worried about Y/N being by herself at the motel at first, which led to her asking. 

“Why don’t I just come with you guys?” 

“No way, kiddo.”

“Why not, I know what you guys do now.” 

“Absolutely not. You are still very new to this.”

Y/N ended up doing just fine by herself, but she did get bored. On the other hand, Sam was on edge since nothing had happened regarding Azazel since that night at the house. He was getting suspicious as to where he was and was afraid that something would happen out of nowhere if he and Dean were gone on a hunt. 

Sam and Dean pulled up to the motel parking lot, coming back from a supply run. Sam opened the motel door and looked around to find no signs of Y/N. 

“Y/N? Y/N!” Sam called out as he looked under both beds and frantically looked around. Dean followed in behind him. “What’s going on?”

“Y/N is gone!” Sam yelled in panic. Dean’s face turned angry and worried as he double checked around the room for anything. 

The bathroom door creaked open and out came Y/N, looking at both men like they were insane. “Why are we yelling, gentlemen?” Y/N asked, looking confused.

“Oh there you are.” Dean said, feeling like an idiot. Sam let out a big sigh of relief once he saw that Y/N was fine. 

“Can I go get something from the vending machine?” She asked.

“Sure, kid.” Dean answered as he pulled out his wallet, handing Y/N a few singles. “Thanks!” She smiled as she skipped over to the door.

“You need to take it easy.” Dean pointed at Sam. He shook his head, walking over to the couch and exhaling as he hopped off his feet.

“I’m probably gonna go get something myself.” Dean chuckled as he grabbed his wallet. 

“We just went and got snacks.” Sam pointed out.

“Vending machine snacks are different.” Dean said in a serious voice before leaving the room. 

Dean walked down the sidewalk along the other rooms and turned the corner expecting to see Y/N, but she was no where to be seen. He turned the corner to look the other way towards the room but saw nothing. “Y/N?” He called out, but got nothing in response. The panic set in as Dean walked the whole perimeter of the motel and asked the woman at the front desk if she had been seen. Nothing.

Dean rushed back the the motel, dreading that he had to tell Sam that his worst fear just came true. The motel door flew open, catching Sam’s attention.

“Y/N is missing.” 

Sam sprung out of his seat. “What!” He didn’t hesitate and ran outside to look around. “Y/N!” Sam yelled as loud as he could.

“I already tried Sam, she’s not anywhere near here.” Dean hated to say it. 

Tears welled up in Sam’s eyes as he ran his hands over his head. “I don’t get it… weeks, no months that nothing has happened with this whole plan, and now he takes her from me!” Sam was livid.

“We don’t even know if it was him…”

“I DON’T CARE WHO TOOK HER! I promised myself I would protect her, so she wouldn’t have to be scared for her life and I’ve failed. I can’t even be a responsible father.” 

“You can’t go blaming yourself Sam, that’s gonna get you nowhere. Let’s focus and find Y/N.

The two walked back to the room to collect themselves. Sam started looking around. “Hold up. Do you smell that?” He walked around and followed the smell  to the bathroom. Sam looked up at the window and found sulfur sitting on the ledge.

“I know which way they went. Can’t be far from here.” Sam pulled out his phone and started looking at a map. Dean hopped in the impala and pulled up so Sam could get in.

“Let’s go.”

Requests are finally open! I am coming close to finishing this series and would like to have some requests to write in my free time. Feel free to send  any ideas that you have to my inbox! I write pretty much everything supernatural related except for smut. 

Read Part 11 HERE!



Read Part 8HERE!

Summary: The Winchester’s run into Azazel again. Sam and Y/N find out what controls Y/N’s powers.

Word Count: 1,974

“It’s been a while.” Azazel spoke.

Everyone looked over at him in shock. The spell Rowena casted must have alerted him in some way. 

“What the hell do you want.” Dean snapped.

“What do you think?” Azazel lit up with a devilish smirk.

“No. You are not taking her.” Sam made it clear as he pushed Y/N behind him.

“Oh Sammy, It’s not your choice now, isn’t it. Let me just talk to my girl, it’s about time we meet.”

Y/N poked her head out from behind Sam. Although she was scared, she was also curious as to who this Azazel was.

“My, you’ve grown so much. You feel those powers, I know you do.”

“Don’t even think about laying a finger on her-” Dean threatened. Azazel didn’t hesitate and flung Dean across the room, making him hit a wall and falling to the ground. Y/N looked up in shock, not even aware that what he did was possible. Azazel proceeded to do the same to Sam, which made Y/N really upset. 

“You’d be smart not to touch me.” Rowena spoke. Azazel didn’t listen as he snapped his fingers, vanishing Rowena from the house.

“Now, finally I can have some one on one time with my muse.”

“What did you do to her?” Y/N spoke, puffing out her chest and trying to appear tough. The last thing she wanted was for some demon to think she was scared of him. Even though, deep down she was terrified.

“Oh don’t worry. She’s not dead, just away somewhere. Now where were we?”

“I’m not your muse.” Y/N said with disgust. “Just get rid of the spell that you gave me!”

“Why would you want me to take a gift like that away from you, ungrateful if you ask me.”

“It’s not a gift, it’s a curse.” Y/N snapped.

“Well, either way, it’s permanent.” Azazel smiled.

“What do you mean? You’re the one who did this to me, why can’t you take it back!”

“Because, I can already see it. You have so much potential and you don’t even know it. If you learn to control your powers, maybe it won’t be such a bad thing. Think about it, you’re special Y/N, use what you have to your advantage.” Azazel paced around the room.

“I don’t need to use anything.”

“Sooner or later, you’re going to have to. We have big plans for Earth you know, and once you get a hang of what you have, you’ll be able to help us win.” Azazel smiled.

“I’ll never help you do anything.” Y/N spat.

“Maybe this will change your mind.” Azazel paused. Y/N looked around, confused as to what he was referring to. Azazel raised his hand and clenched his fist. All of a sudden, Sam and Dean clenched their sides in pain.

“What are you doing to them!” Y/N yelled.

“Killing them.” He said like it was nothing. Y/N rushed to her father’s side and looked at him with concern. 

“Daddy, what do I do!” Y/N cried. Sam looked like he was trying to say something but groaned as the pain got worse. Y/N stood up and turned to Azazel with a fiery look of anger on her face.

The house started to shake, a few photos ended up falling off the wall. Y/N became the most angry she had probably ever felt in her life at that point. The shaking stopped and everything was quiet for a second.

“Leave. Them. Alone.” Y/N spoke. The house went from quiet, to chaos in a split second. Y/N sent Azazel flying across the house and smashed him through a window. Sam and Dean were finally able to stand up, now that the pain was gone.

Azazel appeared once more in front of Y/N. “That’s what I’m talking about!” He laughed as he clapped his hands together. “Now you know what to do. I’ll be seeing you very soon, my dear.” He spoke before vanishing.

“Well, for someone who has never experienced anything like that, I’d say you handled yourself pretty well.” Dean smirked as he hoisted himself off the floor.

“This isn’t funny, what does he mean by all of that?” Y/N turned around.

“I think we have a case on our hands.” Sam said.


The three Winchester’s sat at Sam’s kitchen table. Dean had brought out files, notes, and books. Sam had his laptop open, Dean joked about how it was like the old days when they used to hunt together. Sam wasn’t in a joking mood, he was way too worried about Azazel and his evolvement with his daughter, who for sure had powers of some sort.

“Dean, I don’t think all of that is necessary. He made it pretty clear what’ll go down.” Sam said.

“Fine, Mr. know it all, you tell me what’s gonna happen.” Dean said. 

Sam rolled his eyes. “He said he had plans for Earth, well, he said we. I don’t know who else is siding with him, but it sounded like he put that spell on Y/N because he wants her to be on his side, so she can help him with whatever he’s planning.”

“Like he wants to turn her against us.” Dean chimed in.

“Exactly. He wants us dead. He wants to finish what he started. Which means if he got the chance to kill us, he would end up saving Y/N for last…..” Sam explained.

“So what do we do?” Y/N asked.

“Maybe he’s right… about one thing. I mean, Y/N you were able to go against a demons powers with your own, you saw what you did to him… You could use them to your advantage, but instead of using them with him, you could use them against him. So whenever the time comes where he plans on doing his thing, you’ll be ready and he might not expect it.” Sam said.

“You really think that could work?” Dean questioned.

“You got anything better in mind?” 

“Well, Y/N? You up for the challenge?” Dean asked.

“I don’t really have much of a choice, do I?”

Hearing Y/N say that made Sam’s heart break into a million pieces. In this life, you never had a choice. Even if you try and make an escape, to be normal, it will always come back to bite you. Sam had it working for this long, but their time was up. They had no choice but to return to the hunting life. 

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Sam announced as he got up and went upstairs.

“Why is my dad look so upset?” Y/N asked once he left the room.

“There’s a lot of reasons. You know once you were born, your dad wanted to do everything to protect you from this. It was a hard decision for him. He knew the risks of having a kid in this life, but he couldn’t see you be raised by someone other than him. I know he would never confess his feelings about this stuff but I can tell. I know he wondered if he made the right decision, but deep down he did the right thing.” Dean explained.

“He wanted to protect me from all of this? Didn’t he?” 

“Yup. But, its not exactly easy when you’re born a Winchester. I guess it’s not a terrible thing sometimes, we are pretty damn cool.” Dean smiled. 

Y/N laughed. “I guess so.”

“I think your dad is just scared this is too much for you. It all just, kind of came up all of a sudden, no warning or anything. He probably blames himself for not being able to keep you away from this.”

“Well he doesn’t need to. I don’t want him to feel like that.” Y/N frowned.

“Then, make him proud. I know you’re strong Y/N, you’re a Winchester. You have that fight in you, you may just not know it yet.”

“Thanks Uncle Dean. I’m gonna go check on him.” Y/N said as she got up from the table.

“Anytime kid.”

Y/N walked up the stairs and hovered outside Sam’s bedroom door. She knocked a few times on his door, but heard nothing. Until she heard some sniffling, it wasn’t coming from the bedroom.

Y/N walked down the hallway and heard the sniffling near the bathroom door. “Dad?” She knocked on the door. Sam heard the knocks, turning on the sink and splashing water on his face.

She leaned on the door and accidentally pushed it open, to see Sam hunched over the sink. He was clearly upset about the whole situation.

“Y/N, I’m fine, I’ll be downstairs in a sec, okay.” Sam choked out. She didn’t listen and went up to Sam.

“It’s okay dad.” Y/N said softly as she wrapped her arms around his large frame. Sam didn’t resist and accepted the hug, bringing his daughter in closer, scared that she would be taken away from him. 

“We can do this. We’re Winchesters right?” 

Sam laughed softly and hugged her tighter.


A few days later, Sam tried to help Y/N learn the extent of her powers. He didn’t want to have to do something like this, but she was stuck with it for now and he knew there weren’t many options. 

“So, can you just…. uh do you just make whatever you want to happen, happen?” Sam hesitantly asked.

“The last few times things have happened, I don’t really feel like I’m controlling anything.”

“Well it can’t be him that’s controlling them.” Sam thought. “He obviously wanted you to use them yourself…. Do you feel anything when that stuff happens?”

“Actually, yeah. It’s like, uh I don’t know. Can we do this later?” Y/N sighed.

“I’d like to understand this. Who knows, we might not have all the time in the world to figure out this ‘plan’.” Sam sympathized with her, knowing it was becoming a lot of stress.

“It’s like I’m really angry on the inside. And instead of releasing anger in some way, whatever spell I have creates chaos. I feel like I don’t have much control over it so it’s kind of hard to explain.” Y/N brushed her hair behind her ear.

Sam suddenly got an idea. “What if it’s controlled by anger? Maybe you have to be really mad in order to expel any kind of power.” 

“Okay, how does that help?”

“Trust me with this, think about all of those times that girl at school picked on you.” Sam suggested.

“Why would I want to think about that?” Y/N’s expression changed.

Sam sighed. “I’m trying to anger you, c’mon take this seriously. Anything you can think about that has made you upset to your core. Dwell on that for a second.”

“Dad, I don’t think that’ll work….”

“Trust me, just close your eyes and think.”

Y/N sat at the kitchen table and slouched down onto the surface. She rested her chin on her arms and zoned in on a particular spot, thinking about the things that made her most angry. She started to focus in more once she felt that same feeling. Sam watched intently as he hoped for something to happen. Y/N shut her eyes tightly as the anger grew, until she snapped.

As she opened her eyes, the kitchen lights made a popping sound as the electricity went out within a second. A few of the chairs at the table slid out of position, making Sam jump. Y/N looked up at her father in shock, part of her being startled, the other part being impressed with herself.

“Sorry, I didn’t chose what would happen.” Y/N apologized.

“I think we found what fuels the power.” Sam said in a relieved voice.

Y/N let out a relieved laugh of hope as she sat in the dark kitchen. 

But deep down, she was terrified of what’s to come.

And so was Sam. 

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Part 10 Coming Soon!



Read Part 7HERE!

Summary: Y/N is about to figure out the source of what has been causing the incidents she’s been having, giving everyone a scare.

Word Count: 1,919


Sam sat down the next morning to tell Y/N his theories.

“So, you know the dream you explained to me, the one you keep having?”

Y/N nodded.

“I’m pretty sure I had the exact same dream last night.” Y/N looked at Sam with a weirded out expression.

“Uh, when you saw the girl and the baby, were they in an apartment? The walls, were they a beige color with dark green curtains?” Sam tried to get Y/N to remember.

“Yeah…. how’d you know?”

“Because I saw what you saw, and I know what it means.” Sam breathed.

“You mean, you know what can stop this?”

“No, not necessarily. But I know what happened to you.”

“What did happen to me?” Y/N wasn’t aware something happened to her to make her like this. She thought she was born like this.

“That baby in your dream, that was you. And the blonde, that was Uh, that was Jessica.” Sam sighed.

“Wait, Jessica your girlfriend that we used to live with?”

“Yes.” Sam clarified.

“So that thing in my dream did something to me as a baby? So I was fine before?” Y/N got upset.

“That’s what it looked like, I think whatever it did when it touched you, made you have some sort of ability that you didn’t know you had. Maybe that’s why you can’t control it right now, because you haven’t acknowledged it or something.” Sam thought.

“I don’t want to deal with this. How do I get rid of it?” Y/N worried.

“Sweetheart, you have to understand something. From the things that have been happening to you, they look like something that is a little out of my control. I don’t want you to worry about this, I’ll see if I can find something to help. But until we know what this is I just need you to be calm and act as if nothing is happening.”

“So there is something after me, isn’t there…..”

Sam remained silent. He didn’t want to face the truth.

“Is it something that involves your hunting job?”

Sam looked at Y/N with surprise. “Dad, it’s okay. I kind of understand what’s going on. And yeah, it is a little scary but I’ll do my best to keep it on the low. Just please help me get rid of it.” Y/N said.

Sam brought Y/N into a hug and held her tight. Y/N’s face was smushed against Sam’s chest. “When did you become so smart?” Sam let out a stressful but relieved sigh.


Sam had talked to Dean about what he had discovered. Dean thought it was crazy, but he was ready to help.

“Okay, Dean is on the way over here with someone who might be able to help. Now, whatever weird stuff happens, just go with it. Unless I say something.”

Y/N looked surprised when Sam said that. About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Sam opened it to reveal Dean and a woman standing next to him. She was short, had bright red hair, and wore a long lacey dress.

“Sam, this is Rowena.” Dean said before being abruptly cut off.

“Oh, this is your wee little brother you were telling me about? He’s a much taller fella than I imagined.” Rowena cheered in her Scottish accent.

“Oh and is this your sweet niece? It’s a pleasure to meet you deary.”

Y/N showed a small smile. “So yeah, uh she knows about the whole thing, so uh let’s get to work.” Dean was ready. Sam pulled Dean aside.

“Who is this woman and what does she do?” Sam asked eagerly.

“I know she’s a little out there, but she’s a witch.”

“A witch?!” Sam yelled in a whisper.

“Yes, but she’s a very well known witch and she’s very powerful. She’s done some good work and I think she’ll be able to help us.” Dean explained.

“Okay. But if she pulls anything-“

“She’ll be fine, I told her Y/N is still new to all this stuff so she’ll take it easy.” Dean reassured.

“Shall we get started?” Rowena announced. Sam and Dean looked at each other, Sam and Y/N gave each other looks. 

“So, she’s going to help me get rid of this thing?” Y/N asked Sam. 

“Well, we I don’t know what I’m working with yet.” Rowena interrupted. “Come sit here my dear. I’m going to stir up a few things for you, once the potion flows through your veins, I’ll be able to connect to you and see what we’re dealing with.” Rowena explained.

“Potion? What am I gonna turn into something?”

Rowena laughed as she gathered her supplies to create her mixture. While she was busy explaining to Y/N what she was going to do, Sam and Dean discussed the situation. “You think this is, what a demon? What if it’s Azazel?” Sam breathed. 

“The same one that went after mom?” Dean confirmed.

“Well, yeah maybe. I mean first mom, then Jess. Now this whole thing with her, I’m just worried he’s trying to finish what he started.” Sam fretted.

“Don’t talk like that. Whatever this is, we’re gonna fix it. That’s what we do, and I won’t stand by and watch your kid suffer because of some son of a bitch demon.” Dean emotions and anger started to get the best of him.

“Here, drink!” Rowena handed a cup to Y/N. She held it and hesitantly drank the liquid, she made a face of disgust after swallowing it. 

“It should be affective now, let’s see what’s going on.” Rowena placed her hands on Y/N’s head and closed her eyes. “Try to remember the dream you had that Dean told me about.” 

Y/N closed her eyes and tried to think of the shadow man, and the feeling she felt whenever she saw him. Rowena’s eyebrows furrowed as she leaned her head closer in. 

The two sat like that for a few minutes, Rowena started swaying and humming. Sam looked at Dean with a questionable look. Rowena jumped all of a sudden with a loud gasp, Y/N opened her eyes and leaned back on her chair. 

“What did you see?” Dean asked.

Rowena paced as the three Winchesters sat down in front of her. “Please explain to us what you saw.” Sam asked.

“There was a banshee.” Rowena spoke.

“A damn banshee? Wouldn’t she be dead by now?” Dean asked.

“Did you hear any screaming in your Dream?” Sam asked Y/N.

“What? No. What the heck is a banshee?” 

“The banshee wasn’t after her. It’s what she was seeing in her dream, but it was trying to warn her.” Rowena explained.

“Why would a banshee try to warn someone, that’s really unusual.” Sam thought. 

“Well, Dean my dear, you were right.” Rowena said.

“Right about what?”

“It was him…. The banshee was trying to warn her about him.”

“It was Azazel.” Rowena said softly as she looked at the three of them.

“What’s Azazel? What’s a banshee? Can someone tell me what’s going on!” Y/N started to worry.

Sam took a deep breath and readied himself to explain. “A banshee is a creature, usually they appear to warn people when they are about to die-”

“I’m gonna die?!” Y/N gulped.

“No, Y/N you’re fine. That’s what banshee’s usually do. But from the look of your dream, the one that I was able to see, it was trying to warn you about Azazel. He is a demon.” Sam paused to let Y/N understand.

“So there’s a monster trying to warn me about another monster? And Azazel is a demon? Why are they after me?”

“Remember the story I told you about your grandmother, Mary?”

“Yeah, the whole thing with the house fire….”

“The fire wasn’t an accident. I was going to tell you about that eventually, once I told you about hunting and everything. Azazel is a demon that killed your grandfather, John. Your grandmother made a deal with Azazel. He would bring John back, but that meant he would have to come after Mary. He’s the one that started the fire.” 

“So why is he after me? I didn’t make a deal with him…..”

“Yes but, he is the one that visited you when you were a wee baby. He is the reason that you’ve been experiencing these abilities.” Rowena added.

“So all of this is happening because some demon came after me as an infant. Why is he doing this?” 

“I think if Azazel did this to her when she was that young, and she’s been fine up until this point….. I don’t think he’s trying to kill her. I think he’s been planning something.” Dean explained.

“Are you able to find out why?” Sam motioned to Rowena.

“I wish I could. All I can do is see who or what it is. There is one thing I can sense….. Y/N has some sort of spell that she is under.” Rowena said.

“What kind of spell?” Y/N asked.

“I’m not so sure. If I got a little bit of blood and put it together with a few things, I could try and extract the spell from her.”

“How dangerous is that?” Sam’s parent instincts kicked in.

“Not harmful at all! Aside from the fact that we would need to take some of her blood.” Rowena added.

“Can we try it dad?” Y/N asked, sounding hopeful.

Sam sighed. “We can try one time, but I’m not gonna have her be a test subject or anything.”

“You think I’m that unexperienced of a witch where I’d need a second try? Please, step aside.” Rowena snarked.

Sam raised his hands as he let Rowena gather her supplies. She mixed a few herbs into a bowl and added some vials of liquid. “Give me your hands.” Rowena said as she and Y/N grasped hands over the bowl. She said a brief part of the spell and pulled out a small knife. Before Y/N could blink, Rowena sliced the skin across her palm.

“Ow!” Y/N cried out.

“Rowena, what the hell!” Sam yelled.

“Relax, where else do you want me to take it from? I’m not going to go cut up her arms.” Rowena breathed.

Y/N winced as Rowena squeezed her hand above the bowl, letting blood drip into it. As she was done cleaning and wrapping gauze around her bloodied hand, she grasped them again and said the rest of the spell. The bowl started to emit some light, the light started to ascend into the air above and hovered towards Y/N. 

She looked up at Rowena with a questionable look. “I feel something.”

“That means the spell is working.” 

The light grew brighter, as it got closer to Y/N she started to feel a pain in her chest. It grew stronger and stronger and led her to toppling over. “What’s happening?!” Sam grew worried as he rushed to Y/N’s side.

“The spell is too powerful, I don’t think it can be taken from her….” Rowena sensed.

“Cut it out!” Dean yelled as Y/N fell into more pain. Rowena grabbed a mallet and smashed the bowl into pieces, stopping the light from shining. Y/N gasped as the pain was finally relieved and sat up, falling into Sam’s arms. “It’s okay, I gotcha.” 

“What’s the deal?” Dean asked.

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out…” Rowena answered.

“Winchesters!” A voice sounded from the room. The four of them all looked around the room and spotted a man standing in the doorway.

“It’s been a while…..” Azazel spoke.

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Read Part 9


@mersuperwholocked-lowlife​ @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang@samsgirl93

Read Part 6Here!

Summary: Y/N starts to experience something coming after her, and Sam finally figures out what happened to Y/N when she was an infant. What will Sam do to help Y/N?

Word Count: 1,433


4 years later

Y/N went to bed that night exhausted from volleyball practice. As soon as she walked in the door she told her dad she’d be heading straight to bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out.

As she was falling into a deeper sleep, she started to see a scene come into her vision. Y/N saw a girl, who had blonde curly hair. The girl was walking around what had looked like an apartment.

Y/N started to see a baby in a different setting. The baby was playing and moving around in something. It’s focus drew to the nearby window in the room, which flew open by itself. Then emerged a dark figure, Y/N couldn’t see a face or anything that helped her recognized who or what it was. The curtains moved with the wind as the man walked up to the baby. She started to feel tense, like whatever was there wasn’t supposed to be.

The figure walked up to the baby and placed a hand on its forehead, causing the baby’s eyes to light up. The man slowly backed away, sending the baby into a fuss. The figure disappeared and then came in the blonde girl, who picked up the baby and held it to comfort it.

Y/N then saw nothing, until the same figure appeared in her vision. It was looking straight at her. It kept coming closer with its hands reaching out as if it wanted to strangle her. Y/N squirmed around, trying to get away for it and wake up.

Y/N then woke up with a scream, sitting up in her dark room. She looked around for the thing that she saw in her dream. Sam heard her abrupt scream and ran in, switching the light on.

“You okay?” He asked as he came closer to her.

“Yeah, it’s fine. Just a dream.” Y/N shrugged it off.

“Okay.” Sam believed her as he retorted back to his room. He left the light on as he left, leaving it up to Y/N wether she wanted it on or not.

Y/N sunk back into bed slowly, remembering the figure from her dream. She knew it was just a dream, but they way that thing made her feel sent shivers down her spine. 


A few days later

Walking through the halls of school, Y/N had the hall pass dangling from her wrist as she was walking back from the restroom. The hallway started to feel cold, like the temperature had changed in a split second. Y/N felt ringing in her right ear, that then spread to her other ear. The ringing started to get stronger and stronger, soon spreading to her whole head. It was too strong to handle, making Y/N fall to the floor in pain. She brought her hands up to her head to try and minimize the terrible feeling, but had no luck. 

She looked up when she saw a shadow of someone walking towards her. Her eyes widened when she recognized the same figure from her dream, the dream she had been having every night in a row this week. Fighting against the agonizing pain, she hoisted herself off the floor and ran in the other direction. Looking back a few times, the figure was still following, but at a quicker pace. Y/N turned a few corners and went in a circle to try and get back to her class. In the process, as she turned a corner, she found herself running into a teacher.

“Woah there, you alright Y/N?” Mrs. Miller asked. 

Y/N turned around quickly and noticed the figure was gone, the pain in her head had also vanished. “Uh, yeah. I was just getting back to class.” Y/N lied, breathing like she had just ran a mile.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pale.” Mrs. Miller informed. 

“Yeah, just a little head ache. Gotta go!” Y/N called out behind her as she walked swiftly back to her class. 


Y/N had volleyball practice after school, but she went and told her coach she wasn’t feeling well and was going to head home.

She walked through the front door and set her backpack down. Sam was sitting on the couch with the remote in his hands and his feet kicked up on the coffee table. “Hey, I thought you had practice today.”

Y/N just stood there and looked at Sam. “What’s wrong?” was all Sam said before Y/N burst into tears. Sam’s expression turned worried as he stood up and ran to Y/N. She almost never cried or showed she was upset, but this time, Sam knew there was something wrong.

“Y/N/N, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Sam asked as he guided Y/N over to the couch. 

“I don’t know wha-what’s w-wrong with me.” Y/N choked out.

“What do you mean?” Sam was worried, he hadn’t seen Y/N this upset in a long time. He then thought about what she had just said, and had a feeling he knew what it was about. 

“I think something is after me, I don’t know why though.” Y/N sobbed.

“Is this about, uh, your powers?” Sam didn’t know how to phrase it. Y/N gave him an upset glare.

“Powers? Dad, I do not have powers, I can’t even control anything that happens.” Y/N cried.

“I’m sorry, I just didn’t know how to refer to it. Did something else happen?” Sam asked.

“I was just in the hall, and I saw it. It tried to follow me.” Y/N said.

“What’s it? What is following you?” 

“I don’t know what it is. I think it’s a man, but he looks like a shadow, I can’t see him all the way. I kept seeing him in my dream and today I saw him for real.” Y/N explained.

“This dream that you said you had, was it the same one that you woke me up with that one night?”

Y/N nodded. “Ever since that night, I keep having the same dream. Each night it gets more vivid. I don’t know what it is or what it means.” She wiped her tears.

“Can you tell me about this dream?” Sam asked as he brushed Y/N’s hair out of her face.

“It’s just this girl and this baby. The man or thing I keep seeing always appears, and he always goes over to the baby and makes it light up or something. Then he disappears.” 

Sam’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do the girl and the baby look like? What does this thing look like?” 

“The girl has curly blonde hair, she looks nice. The baby, I don’t know looks like a baby. And the shadow, he’s just very dark, I can hardly see his face.”

Sam took in what Y/N was saying, but had no clue of what it might be. He wanted to tell her it would all be okay, but he couldn’t. This was something in her head that he couldn’t stop. Sam couldn’t protect her from her own mind.

Y/N went to bed that night without any answers, Sam sat in bed for a while, thinking of things to do. The last thing he wanted to do was reach out to something paranormal, there was already something paranormal involved and he didn’t want to add anything else to the problem.

After falling asleep, he started to dream. Sam started to see Jessica, she appeared to be in their old apartment back at Stanford. Sam’s eyes watered at the sight of his girlfriend. He then saw Y/N as a baby in her playpen, the sight made him feel happy for a second. As he walked over to Y/N in his dream, he felt a gust of wind and looked over to see a dark shadow figure.

Sam tried to push it away but he fell right through it. He watched as it went over to Y/N and put it’s hand on her forehead. Sam tried to stop it from what it was doing, when Y/N’s eyes and face lit up like a bright light. Sam shielded his eyes until the light went away. Y/N started to cry, he watched the figure disappear. Just as Jess walked in to grab Y/N, Sam woke up.

He sat up in shock as he thought about what he had dreamt. 

He had seen Y/N’s dream.

She was seeing what happened to her. Sam thought, it must have happened when he left for the weekend.

There was something out there that did something to make Y/N have these experiences. And it was back, it was trying to get her back.

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Read Part 8 HERE



Dark Power Pt. 6

Read Part 5 Here!

Summary: Sam’s daughter and Jody get captured by vamps. Sam and Dean try to find where they are. Y/N loses control of something and makes a big scene. 

Word Count: 2,253

A/N: I tried to make this part more spicy. I hope y’all like it :)


Y/N and Jody arrived at the vamps nest which was an old abandoned church. The two men dragged them both into the back and tied them up in chairs. Y/N’s heart was pounding out of her chest the entire time. It may not have looked like she was scared from her face, but she was freaking out a little bit.

The men started talking about their plans and the left the room. “Okay, go ahead and see if you can get out of those” Jody turned to Y/N as she heard the men’s footsteps depart.

Y/N tried to wiggle her wrists from the ropes. One of her hands almost slipped out but they were too close together. She started to get frustrated. “I can’t. They’re too tight” Y/N whispered as her face grew red.

“It’s okay, try moving your chair towards me.” Jody instructed.

Y/N and Jody shuffled their chairs towards each other. Unfortunately, the wood moving against the floor made noise which led the men to pop in and check on them.

“Trying to escape, I see. Well then, I’ll just have to move you two into different rooms.” The man said as he untied Jody to move her.

In the process, Jody tried to look over at Y/N to mouth something. One of the men punched her in her stomach, making her topple over into their arms in pain. The sight of that really upset Y/N. Even though she had just met Jody, she was really nice to her. She was also terrified that the men would do the same to her. As soon as they left, she could hear Jody groan in pain as they threw another set of punches at her.

Y/N grew angrier and angrier. She soon felt a bunch of anger and pressure that kept building up. Soon enough, her ropes snapped clean in half, freeing her hands. She continued to untie her ankles.

Standing up from the chair, she didn’t know what else she could do. She had never been in this kind of situation before, it was her against two big and strong men. Y/N all of a sudden heard the two men’s footsteps coming back her way, she panicked and went to go hide. She found a corner behind a bookshelf that hid her. In that area, she found a stack of bricks that looked like they had been leftover from building the church years ago.

The two men stormed through the door and were shocked to see the empty chair and snapped ropes.

“What the hell? Where’d she go?”

“She couldn’t have gotten out of the building, we locked the front doors.”

“Where are you! You little shit!” One of the men screamed.

Y/N stayed crouched down as she held a brick in her hand, hoping they wouldn’t walk towards her.

One of the men went out of the room to search for Y/N while the other looked around the room. He started coming closer to where she was hidden. When the time felt right, Y/N stood up and swung at him with the brick. He fell to the floor and curled up in pain. Y/N looked down in shock at what she had just done, she dropped the brick and ran to the door.

Looking in both directions, it looked clear enough to walk around. Y/N checked each door cautiously in the back hall. She opened one door to find Jody tied up and ran to her side.

“Y/N? How did you get out?” Jody questioned.

“Uh, I got the ropes to loosen.” Y/N lied

“I thought you said-“

“I’ll explain later. Let’s get out of here.” Y/N said as she untied Jody.


Sam and Dean pulled up to the broken down church. It was pitch black outside. They parked further away so they wouldn’t be seen. “This has got to be it. It’s the only place close by.” Dean said as he looked at the map once more.

Sam grabbed a handful of weapons from the trunk and hid them on his person. Dean did the same as he led the way.

The two saw that the front doors were chained with a padlock. Sam crouched down to pick the lock while Dean watched their surroundings.

“This seems a little too easy…. after the trouble I went through trying to find these guys.” Dean whispered as Sam broke the lock open.

“Let’s just stay close.” Sam said.

The two walked through the church, staying on the perimeter. They heard two voices and quickly took cover behind a church pew. They saw the two men walk towards the back, they followed them from a distance, trying not to alert them yet.

The vampires stopped in their tracks in the middle of the hall. Sam and Dean hid around the corner and listened.

“You two thought we wouldn’t notice you were here?” One of their voices echoed. Jody and Y/N heard the voices from the hall and thought they were directed towards them at first.

Sam and Dean came out from their spot. “Oh, we figured you’d know at some point. But taking those two girls with you….. not a smart move.” Dean grew angry.

“You’re lucky to be here. You’ll be able to see them, just before they become dinner. We’ll be nice enough to save you two for dessert.” The other vamp smiled.

“Yeah, I don’t see that happening today. Cause I’ll be knocking your teeth down your throat.” Dean said as he launched at the vamp. Sam followed and went after the other.

Jody heard the commotion and peeked out the hall to see Sam and Dean.

“Is that my dad out there?” Y/N asked eagerly.

Before Jody could answer, one of the vamps knocked Sam into the door, pushing him into the room. Y/N’s eyes widened when she saw her dad on the floor. She tried to run to his side when the vamp shoved her to the floor and went to grab Sam.

He pushed Sam up against the wall and started to choke him. Jody went after the vamp to try and stop him but he turned around, picked up Jody by the jacket and threw her across the room. She slammed into the wall and fell. Y/N looked back at her dad being pinned to the wall, his face was turning more and more red.

She felt the same feeling that she did earlier when she broke the ropes. Except this time, it was much stronger. She couldn’t hold the anger in anymore and let it expel. The man flew off of Sam and slammed clean into the floor. Sam fell to the ground and gasped for air. Y/N was still focused on the vamp that tried to kill her dad. He continued to be dragged across the room with an invisible force.

“Hey! What are you doing!” The man shouted out. Y/N’s focus on the man grew stronger. He soon stopped being dragged and his neck snapped out of nowhere, causing him to fall unconscious.

Dean came in from the hall and looked over at the vamp on the floor. He walked over with his machete and beheaded him. “Just in case.” Dean shrugged as he looked up at Sam.

“What happened?” Dean asked oblivious to what had went down while he fought the other vamp. Y/N stood there frozen, Sam stood up and walked over to her.


She looked up at her dad with frightened eyes and fell into his arms, hugging him as tight as she could.

“You okay?” Dean asked as he walked over to Jody.

“Yeah, I’ve been better.” She groaned as Dean helped her off the ground.

Sam carried Y/N back to the car, Dean helped Jody walk back. Jody explained what had happened, leaving out the part about Y/N. She knew that was a discussion that needed to be saved for later.

Y/N was silent the whole ride back to the motel. Sam was really worried about her, and what had happened back at the church. This was definitely something that needed to be addressed.


Once everyone was back at the motel, they took turns showering and cleaning up from the hunt. While Y/N was showering, Sam pulled everyone aside to discuss what had happened.

“So this isn’t the first time she’s done this?” Jody questioned.

“No. Dean and I saw some signs when she was only three. She even mentioned that something happened at school, it sounded like the same thing.” Sam explained.

“What do you think it is? Does she know how to control it?” Jody asked.

“I don’t know. I’d like to talk to her about it but I don’t know if she’ll want to…” Sam sighed.

Y/N came out of the bathroom with her pajamas on. Everyone that was sitting at the table looked up at her.

“You guys are talking about me, aren’t you?” Y/N said as she dried her wet hair with a towel.

The three said nothing, not knowing how she felt about the situation.

“I’ll talk about it, if that’s what you guys want.” She offered. Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Sam pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit down. “So, what did you do to that vamp?” Sam asked in the most calm voice he had.

“I don’t know. I just started to feel really angry, when I saw him trying to hurt dad. It was like a force built up inside me that I had to let go. Then, as he was being dragged, it slowly started to fade away. I didn’t plan for that to happen……. Am I in trouble?” Y/N asked innocently.

“No. You’re not in trouble, we’re just trying to understand what happened.” Dean said.

“Did you see anything while you felt that way? Was something making you do that?” Sam asked.

“Nothing made me do anything. That’s what makes me confused. I felt the same thing at school when Hannah was teasing me. I didn’t expect it to happen, I didn’t know it was coming. It just happened.” Y/N explained.

Sam let out a breath. “Well, for now let’s just keep an eye on whatever this thing is until we can figure it out.” Y/N nodded.

“Well, it was nice seeing you guys, but I gotta get back to the girls.” Jody announced.

“Right. Thanks for coming out here Jody, it means a lot.” Dean thanked her.

Jody went over and hugged Y/N. “Thank you.” Y/N whispered to her. Jody smiled.

“Now what?” Sam asked. Dean stood there for a minute to think.

“Well, I guess I’m back to doing my thing.” Dean shrugged. Sam let out a small smile.

The hunt was over. It ended up being a regular hunt that wasn’t too complicated. That meant Sam and Y/N were going back to their life, and Dean back to his. Sam thought about hunting for a little bit, he and Dean did make a pretty good team. Sam didn’t miss hunting, but it didn’t feel right for his brother to leave.

“You know, if you wanted to, you could stay in town for a while…. I mean, it would be nice to have you around.” Sam offered.

Dean thought about it, but hunting was apart of him whether he liked it or not. He didn’t feel right without it. And with John still around somewhere, he wanted to go meet up with him. It did feel weird to just leave Sam again, but that was his life now.

“I gotta tell you, that would be nice, but I got a job to do.” Dean said.

“Right, of course. Couldn’t just have no one stopping those things.” The two laughed.

“Are you gonna come visit?” Y/N asked.

“Damn right I am!” Dean smiled.

“Cool.” Y/N smiled in a soft voice.

Dean checked out of the motel, Sam and Y/N gathered their things and went back home.

“So is that what hunting is like?” Y/N asked as Sam tucked her into bed.

“Pretty much. Depends on what the monster is and how many of them, but it can be intense. I’m really sorry you got dragged into all of this, sweetheart. I never wanted you to experience this, you’re too young and I never want you to feel like you have to be scared all the time.” Sam apologized.

“It’s okay dad. I know it was a spur of the moment type thing. I think it’s kind of cool that our family is secretly hunters.” Y/N said with optimism.

“Im glad you’re okay with it, but I don’t want you to get used to that. You should focus on school, sports, your friends. Just being a kid, that’s all I want you to worry about. Think of that as a one time thing, okay? Oh and, do not tell anyone about this. No one can know what we do or what you saw. Is that clear?” Sam explained.

“Clear….. Night daddy.” Y/N said as she slipped further under the covers.

Sam kissed her on the forehead and walked out. He was relieved to be home, but he was still worried about the future. Wondering if anything was going to change, now that Y/N knew the truth. Although he was glad she was handling it so well, it wasn’t a normal thing for a kid to experience. There was still one more mission Sam had to tackle. Figuring out what Y/N had that made her able to do things….

Requests Are Open!
Part 7 Coming Soon



Read Part 4 Here!

Summary: Sam goes off to help Dean with the hunt. In the process, Y/N and Jody run into some trouble. 

Word Count: 1,857

A/N: I really hope you guys somewhat like this series so far. I might have this one be longer than the other ones I’ve written before, which is why it’s going by slower. My requests are still closed but I will let y’all know when I am opening them again. It will be soon!

“This is Jody, she’s going to be staying with you while we’re gone.” Dean introduced Jody as she came through the motel door.

“Hi, Y/N! It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Jody stuck out her hand for Y/N to shake.

“Nice to meet you.” Y/N shook Jody’s hand with a small smile. Dean gave Jody a run down of what hunt they were doing, then told her about Y/N a little bit. Sam walked over to his daughter to say goodbye.

“Promise you’ll be back soon?” Y/N asked innocently. 

“Promise. The sooner we get to work on this thing, the sooner we can be done with this, and I can get back here.

“Okay…” Y/N lowered her head.

“It’ll be okay. Jody is pretty cool from what I’ve heard. I’ll call you guys later tonight.” Sam said as he placed a kiss on Y/N’s forehead. The two men grabbed their things and walked out.

Y/N sat down on one of the beds, staying quiet. All of this was so new to her. It was a little scary and stressful, she also worried about her dad going up against monsters. Although, she didn’t know much about the actual monsters yet, she still worried about her dad and wanted him to come home safe so they could both go back home.

“So? Is there anything you want to do to pass the time?” Jody asked, breaking the silence.

“I don’t know.” Y/N mumbled and shrugged.

“I know this stuff, your dad and uncle are going through is a little weird. Hard to believe even…..” Jody said.

“Are they actually serious? Or is this just one big joke?” Y/N asked.

“It is real all right. I know it seems crazy since we’re all told as kids that monsters aren’t real and neither are ghosts. As much as I’d like to think they aren’t, unfortunately that’s not the case. Your dad and uncle are hunters and there is a whole community of people out there that do the same thing as them. Not a lot of people know about hunting, which is for the best.” Jody explained.

“Why don’t most people know about what they do?”

“Because, there’s a lot of bad things out there that are very dangerous. They can be smart and fast. Most of the time, these monsters are inhuman, so they can do things that we can’t. If everyone knew these things were real, they would most likely be going after everyone. So it’s just better for a few people to go after them in silence.” Jody said.

“Is that why we haven’t seen Dean in so long? Because he was out hunting?” Y/N wondered.

“It’s really not my place to talk about these things….” Jody trailed off.

“That’s the reason though, isn’t it?” Y/N knew the answer already.

“See, your dad didn’t want to hunt the rest of his life, so he wanted to live a normal life with you. That made Dean a little upset, since he thought they would be hunting together for a long time. They just disagreed on things they wanted to do in life, that’s all.” Jody said, hoping Sam wouldn’t be mad for explaining these things.

“Is my dad going to start hunting again?” Y/N asked.

“Well, his plan was to just help your uncle out with this one and then get back to reality.”

That was Sam’s plan all along. But plans like that for hunters usually don’t get to play out so smoothly. Sam knew there was going to be more trouble after this hunt, but he wanted to try his best to keep it from affecting his life with Y/N


The next three days for Sam and Dean consisted of going back and forth, talking to the police, victims, families, witnesses. Collecting information on everything and everyone. Dean started to have a little bit more luck with Sam around, the two of them were really a team.

“Y’know, I think I know what I’ve been missing from these hunts.” Dean thought.

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Sam asked.

“Your dorkiness…..” Dean stated. Sam rolled his eyes. “I guess your smarts count too.” Dean added.

Sam gave a small smile and looked back at his laptop. “It would be great to have you back, doing this again.” Dean brought up.

“You know I can’t Dean, this is a one time thing. Just like that weekend trip to look for dad was a one time thing.” Sam sighed. 

“It’s in your blood, Sam. You’re good at this, you’re meant to do this…..” Dean said.

“I’m meant to keep my daughter safe. Which means no hunting. I gotta do what I gotta do.” Sam said. He then sat up a little straighter, a worried and confused expression formed on his face.

“Something doesn’t feel right about this…..” Sam said

“What, what do you mean?” Dean asked.

“The weekend trip I took to hunt with you. After that, Jess died. This is another short hunt, it’s meant to be just a few days….. What if this is the same thing that killed Jess? What if it’s after Y/N too?” Sam’s expression started to grow more worried and angry. 

“Uh, I don’t know.” Dean thought about it. He didn’t know what to say. Sam pulled out his phone as quickly as he could and dialed Jody’s number. “What?” Dean asked, not knowing what Sam was trying to do.

“I promised I’d call.” Sam said as the line rang.

“Hello?” Jody answered.

“Hey! How are you guys doing?” Sam asked.

“We’re uh, we’re doing fine…” Jody said. 

“How’s Y/N? Can you put her on the phone? I promised I would call.” Sam asked.

“Sure.” Jody said. The line was silent for a while until he heard some small breaths. 

“Hi dad.” Said a small voice.

“Hey sweetie. Sorry it’s a little late, but just wanted to see how you were doing.” Sam said.

“I’m fine, are you almost done with the hunt?” Y/N asked eagerly.

“Kind of, we found some more leads these past few days. We’re getting there.”  

“Okay. Please hurry back!” Y/N said in a shaky voice.

“Don’t worry, we’re working on it!” Sam said in a hopeful voice. Before Y/N said goodbye to him, the phone call ended from the other line. Sam set his phone down with a confused look on his face.

“See, they’re doing good….” Dean said.

“No….. Something doesn’t seem right.” Sam furrowed his eyebrows. “She didn’t sound like her normal self. She sounded scared.” 

“Maybe she was just worried about you?” Dean implied.

“We need to go check on them.” Sam said as he got up abruptly.

“Sam, we’re not driving all the way back out there, you just got off the phone with them.” Dean argued.

“Dean, we’re going back there wether you like it or not. I have a bad feeling about this.” Sam urged as he grabbed his things in a hurry.


Jody’s phone rang in her pocket. “Well what do we have here?” The man in front of her said as he reached into her pocket to pull out her phone. A smile spread across the mans face as he looked at the caller ID.

“Listen here. I’m going to answer this, you’re going to talk as if everything is just fine. If you say one wrong word, I’m killing you both.” He talked slow. He answered the call and put the phone on speaker next to Jody.

“Okay. Please hurry back!” Y/N said a little too scared sounding. The mans face grew sour as he hung up the call. “What did I say!?” He yelled as he punched Y/N across her cheek. Her head fell down as she winced in pain.

“Fuck. Now they’re probably on their way.” He said to the other man. They both glanced around and whispered to each other.

“Bring them in.”

“To the nest?” He whispered. “Isn’t it too soon for that?”

“We’ve waited long enough. Lets just finish these two so that we can go grab the WInchester’s”

It was apparent to Jody that these were definitely vamps. She needed to keep a close eye on Y/N as she was already scared enough. 

The two men broke into the motel earlier with force after looking for Sam and Dean. They found Jody and Y/N instead and panicked, grabbing them instead. The two grabbed them and walked them out to a truck where they were driven away to some vamps nest. 

Y/N and Jody sat on the floor in the back of a truck. It was very dark, with some dim light coming from the windows.

“Are they going to kill us?” Y/N asked fearfully.

“I don’t know what their plans are, but I just need you to stay as calm as possible, okay? Can you do that for me?” Jody soothed. Y/N nodded.

“When we get there and we’re not in the truck anymore, see if you can wiggle out of those ropes, you’re hands are probably small enough, then if there is a point where they aren’t looking, grab the knife in my back pocket.” Jody whispered as quiet as she could.

“I thought I said no talking!” The guy shouted from the front seat.

Y/N sat there terrified for her life. But she knew she had to be strong for Jody and for her dad. She sat up straight and sniffled her watery eyes away, determined to get out of here alive.


Sam and Dean busted through the motel door to find nothing but two chairs on the ground with a roll of rope. 

“Damnit!” Dean yelled, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

“Look around, for anything!” Sam demanded.

Sam looked around as well as Dean. “Nothing.” Dean breathed out. Sam walked out into the parking lot in frustration. Dean followed. “What now? We have NOTHING on them.” Sam yelled.

Dean just happened to look down and saw a folded up piece of paper. He picked it up, unfolded it to see it was a map. It had markings and places circled on it. Studying it more in depth, he looked at the locations, realizing they were the places that he had visited through out town to get information.

“Sam, look. I’ve gone to all of these places while on this hunt. This must be their map if they’ve been tracking me…” Dean scanned the piece of paper. “I’ve been everywhere except here, I don’t remember going anywhere over here.” Dean pointed out one spot on the map that was further away from everything else. 

“That must be their nest.” Sam guessed.

“I hope you’re right.” Dean jingled his keys as they took a chance on the one location from the map.

Sam sat in the passenger seat and looked at the map, letting out a sigh, he knew how scared his little girl must have been. In his heart, she knew she was strong, but he was still worried as hell. Dean said not to worry, and that Jody is with her. Regardless, they knew they didn’t have much time and needed to get there fast.

Requests Are Closed
Read Part 6


@mersuperwholocked-lowlife @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang

Read Part 3 Here! If you missed it.

Summary: Dean is working on a hunt in town where Sam lives. He stops by in hopes of gaining Sam’s help. How is Sam going to explain the family business to his kid daughter?

Word Count: 1,806


“What do you mean?” Sam asked.

“Are monsters real….” Y/N asked.

“Why would you ask that, you know they’re not.” Sam lied.

“Don’t lie to me, dad! I heard everything you guys were talking about. I want to know!” Y/N confessed.

Sam put his head down for a moment. He should’ve know she’d be curious and listen in. But, there was no going back now. He had to tell her, everything.

“Okay. You have to listen, Y/N.” Sam talked slowly, making sure she understood every word he was saying.

Sam explained everything to his daughter. About how Henry Winchester was a hunter, then John, and then it was taught to him and Dean. It was the family business, that’s what the Winchester’s were known for. He also told her the story about how his mother, Mary Winchester had passed away. Sam explained to her how he didn’t want to keep hunting which is how they moved here.

“So, you gave up hunting for this? Why? Hunting sounds like such a cool job!” Y/N exclaimed, getting very interested in what Sam had been explaining.

“That’s also what I wanted to explain to you. Remember how I said that your grandmother died because of a hunting deal?” Sam asked.


“That’s why hunting is also very dangerous. Us Winchester’s are known in the hunting community. We’re also known by a lot of other beings, the beings that we go after, they obviously do not like us. So there are a lot of things out there that want to go after us. Hunting is dangerous, and the things is, we can’t go back and change everything. Dean and I are stuck with that name on our backs, that was our life. Which is why I tried to get out of it to go to school, then you were born and I wanted to keep you safe.” Sam said.

“So, is that why uncle Dean is here? Is there something after us?” Y/N asked with a little worry in her voice.

“We’re not sure yet, but yes. Dean has been working on a hunting job around here and he wants me to help.”

“You’re going to do it, right?” Y/N asked.

“Yes.” Sam breathed. “That is why I need to figure out where you’re going to stay while I’m gone.”

“I don’t want to go anywhere. I can be okay here by myself.” Y/N said.

“Sweetheart, you know I can’t take that risk. I need you safe. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.” Both were silent for a few moments. Y/N was just taking it all in.

“What kind of monster is it?” Y/N asked warily.

“It might be a vampire, or a werewolf. I know it sounds crazy but, that’s the truth. And I’m trusting you to be mature about this. I wasn’t planning on telling you until you were a little older. So we both need to be careful these next few days.” Sam said. 

Sam sat there with Y/N for about an hour explaining everything to her. He just wanted to make sure that she felt okay about the situation, knowing it was a lot to take in and understand. She was only a kid, she hadn’t known anything except normal life. So to tell her all of these things was hard for Sam. 

Y/N went to bed that night on edge. Sam had said goodnight to her, turned her light off and closed the door. Once Sam was gone, Y/N turned on her bedside table lamp. She sat up in bed for a while and hugged her blankets as she looked around her room. Sam had a hard time falling asleep that night too, thinking about everything that he had done to get to this point with his daughter. Something just had to waltz into town and cause trouble. 

Y/N was getting a little tired, when she heard a thud that came from downstairs. She immediately sat up and looked towards the door. She heard another noise and something that sounded like someone talking. Y/N slowly walked over to her door and opened it a crack. Looking around the hall, she didn’t see anything and decided to walk into the hall. Y/N tried to act confident, her dad told her she needed to be mature about the whole situation and the last thing she wanted to do was show him she was scared.

Y/N rounded the corner and peeked down the stairs. It was pretty dark in the house which sent a shiver down here spine. Turning on the light at the top of the stairs, she slowly took one step at a time going down the stairs. Making it downstairs, she walked slow and tried not to make any noise. When she made it to the living room, the lights that illuminated the stairs switched off. She turned back quickly and ran to hide behind the couch. She heard a noise coming from the kitchen which was really close. Quietly, she crept over to the stair case and looked up.

“Dad?” She whispered. Hoping it was her dad that was walking around the house. 

There was the sound of footsteps that rapidly walked in Y/N’s direction. She froze.

Sam was on the verge of falling asleep when he heard his daughter scream. He sprung up out of bed and grabbed his gun that was in the nightstand drawer. Running out of his room, he looked down and saw his daughter running up the stairs with something chasing her. 

“Y/N, GET DOWN!” Sam shouted. Y/N ducked down and covered her head with her arms as Sam shot twice at the man. It threw him off and knocked him back a few steps, giving Sam an advantage with time. 

Sam ran down the stairs and punched the man, pinning him down to the ground. “Y/N! Grab the keys and go to the car, I’ll meet you there!” Sam told Y/N in a panic.

“But, dad-” 

“Go! Now!”

Y/N ran to the table next to the front door to grab the keys and rushed out the front door, not grabbing shoes or a coat. Sam fought the man at the bottom of the stairs. Another man came out of no where and grabbed Sam off the other guy, slamming him on the floor. That did not slow him down. Sam fought off the two guys until they were weak enough. The guys laid on the ground for a few moments, allowing Sam to rush outside to the car. 

Y/N handed the keys to Sam from the back seat, he started the car and swerved out of his parking spot. As he sped away, Y/N looked out the back window to see the two men run outside and came to a halt when they saw that they had gotten away. 

“Who were they!?” Y/N asked in fear.

“I don’t know, but they know who we are. Guessing they were the ones Dean was going after.” Sam breathed heavily. 

“Where are we going?” Y/N asked.

“Anywhere but there.”


Sam had called Dean that night and drove to the motel he was staying at. He explained what had happened to Dean. Y/N fell asleep shortly after they got there as she was exhausted.

The next morning, Dean drove back to the house to grab some things for Sam and Y/N. He came back with clothes, shoes, things Sam had asked him to grab.

Dean set down the duffel bags on the table and opened them. He pulled out Y/N’s stuffed bunny that Sam had asked him to get. He walked over to Y/N and handed it to her. She took it and set it in her lap as she looked down at the ground. Dean kneeled down to her level.

“Hey, I know this is all really scary-”

“I’m not scared.” Y/N interrupted.

“Well, okay. But, this is all a lot for you and I know you barely remember me and everything. I don’t even know where I’m going with this….. Just know that, you’re dad and I are gonna do everything we can to stop this.” Dean said awkwardly.

“When are we gonna be able to go back home?” Y/N asked, looking up at both of them. Sam and Dean looked at each other and sighed.

“I don’t know, kid. But, we’re gonna try and find these guys, and make sure they never bother you again.” Dean reassured.

“Are you gonna kill them?” Y/N asked in a serious tone. Dean turned to Sam, not knowing how to answer her question. Sam nodded at Dean, letting him know it was okay to tell her the truth. 

“Uh, yeah. We’re gonna kick their asses.” Dean huffed. Y/N smiled at Dean and walked over to the duffel bags to grab some of her things. Dean smiled to himself. 

“So, how are we gonna go about this?” Sam asked.

“Well, I should have been more careful. They might have followed me when I stopped by yesterday. I say we go back to the house again and look for anything and go from there.” Dean said.

“That doesn’t sound like much of a plan, and what are we going to do about Y/N? I do not want her coming with.” Sam explained.

“We can check the nearby security cameras. Something had to have picked up something on these guys. And, I have a friend that might be able to stay here with her.” Dean thought.

“As soon as you can get a hold of her, if she can come, we’ll head out.” Sam planned.

“Uncle Dean, no offense but I don’t need a babysitter.” Y/N sassed.

“Look, I know you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself but it’s a safety thing, and Jody is really nice.” Dean cheered.

“Dad…..” Y/N crossed her arms.

“He’s right. I would feel more comfortable if you had someone here with you. I know it sucks but this is temporary. Just until we came make sure we’re all safe.” Sam assured.

Y/N sighed and nodded. Sam knew this was difficult but he needed to help stop these guys. They were after him and his daughter. This is not how he wanted things to go. His stress level was through the roof, he was not going to let some son of a bitch monster hurt his little girl. He was also worried that this was the start of something that he did not want to happen. Sam wondered if he and Y/N would even be able to go back home after this and live as if nothing happened. It usually didn’t work that way, he was worried that this was the start of these hunts dragging him back into the family business. It couldn’t happen, and he was going to make sure of that. 

Requests Are Closed
Read Part 5 HERE!



If you haven’t already, read Part 2 Here!

Summary: Y/N is starting to notice her abilities more often and so is Sam. How is she going to learn how to control them?

Word Count: 2,656

Song requested for this fic: In Control by Nemesea
Listen to it

Another four years passed, Sam and Y/N were still living in the same place. Y/N went to school and Sam had gotten a job as a sales representative at a tech company. Over time he got more and more surprised that he was able to lead a normal life, but he didn’t want to get too comfortable. Sam wired the house with a pretty good security system that he got from work, and he always had a gun kept hidden. Even though he wasn’t a hunter anymore, he still knew how to protect himself and his daughter. 

It was Y/N’s last class of the day and the bell finally rang. She opened her locker and started putting her books in her backpack. “Hey, are we still hanging out this Saturday?” Her friend Emma asked and she leaned against her locker door.

“Yes, definitely. I got my dad to grab the second part of the movie for us!” Y/N exclaimed.

“Awesome! I’m so excited. Well, my mom’s here, see you tomorrow!” Emma waved.

Y/N went through some folders in her locker before someone pushed the door open, hitting the other lockers with a bang, startling her.

“Oops, did I scare you?” Hannah smirked.

Hannah was one of the few people that would occasionally pick on Y/N. For some reason, ever since second grade, she didn’t like her. Y/N didn’t really let it bother her too much, she just did what her dad told her.

“Just remember, you’re better than she is. She’s just trying to make herself feel better. If you let it bother you, she’ll see that and use that weakness to knock you down even more. Kill her with kindness. But, if anyone crosses the line, maybe you can give them a little taste of their own medicine.” 

Sam did teach Y/N how to defend herself when she was old enough. His reason was if she was ever pushed around at school, or walking alone. But he secretly wanted his daughter to know basic self defense in case anything ever tried to hurt her.

“What do you want, Hannah.” Y/N sighed.

“Just wanted to bring it to your attention that tomorrow, Ms. Eller is letting us pick new seats, so you better let me have the seat next to Ashley by the window.” Hannah spat.

“I’ll sit wherever I want.” Y/N simply said.

“Look, we don’t need your smell lingering around where we sit, so I suggest you reconsider.”

“I’m perfectly fine with choosing where I wanna sit, I don’t know why that’s such a big deal to you.” Y/N shrugged.

“Those are going to be our seats for the rest of the year, so I want to be comfortable in class. If I were you, sit as far away as possible, preferably by the door.” Hannah laughed.

Y/N was normally unbothered by little comments like this, but Hannah kept going on and on, making dig after dig. Y/N finally had enough and shut her locker door, in the process, all the other locker doors in her row shut like dominoes with a blunt force. Making a loud bang echo through out the hallway. Hannah and her friends stopped and stared at Y/N in shock. The few people in the hallway that were lingering around after school turned towards her as well. Y/N stood there in shock, not knowing what to do or say. She looked at Hannah, knowing she was about to say something to embarrass her. 

“Did you guys see that? Y/N is such a freak!” Hannah shouted.

“I-I didn’t do anything.” Y/N stuttered.

“You hear that? Y/N Winchester is a freak!” She called out, as she was also backing up slowly out of fear. 

Y/N adjusted her backpack over her shoulder and ran out of the school.


Sam got home from work and noticed Y/N wasn’t home. Usually she was in the living room on the couch when Sam got home if she didn’t have any sports practice or was with friends. She said she didn’t have anything planned for today, so as Sam pulled out his phone to text her, he got a call. 

Looking at the caller ID, it was Dean. He had kept his number in his phone for all these years, just in case. Sam wanted to call Dean a few different times, but he was afraid he would still disagree with his choices. Dean felt the same way. He wanted to call to see how Sam and Y/N were doing, but he thought Sam would still be upset. But now, Dean needed to talk to Sam, something was going on. 

After staring at the caller ID name for a few moments, he pushed the button and answered the call.



“Hey, it’s uh, good to hear you’re voice again, man.” Dean sounded relieved.

“You too, uh what’s going on?” Sam figured it had to be important.

“Well, I’m in town, relatively near you’re place. I’m uh, doing a job out here and I wanted to maybe stop by. See how you and Y/N are doing.” Dean said.

Sam didn’t ever think he would hear Dean say he wanted to come stop by. “Dean, I don’t know, today isn’t good… I-”

“Sam, I know it’s been a while. Last time we talked, we weren’t on good terms. But, that was years ago. I wanna drop all of that and start fresh. It doesn’t feel right not talking to you. I also have something I want to talk to you about.” Dean said.

“Okay. Talk to me.” Sam said hopefully.

“Not here, I’d rather talk about this one in person. Does tonight work?” Dean asked.

Sam started to panic a little. What was Y/N going to think? She doesn’t know what Dean does and what Sam used to do. “Uh, yeah, that’s fine.” Sam said automatically without thought.

“Cool, I’ll be there around 6.” Dean said before he hung up the phone.

Just as Sam got off the phone with Dean, an angry Y/N barged through the front door. Throwing her backpack down. 

“Hey! I thought you didn’t have practice or anything today?” Sam said.

“Sorry, I got caught up at school.” Y/N said as she grabbed a snack. Sam saw through her front, she looked upset about something.

“Did something happen? Y/N you know you can tell me.” Sam asked in a calm tone.

“Kind of.” She shrugged. “It was that girl again.”

“What did she do?” Sam asked.

“She was just concerned about something stupid and she kept making fun of me, and…” She stopped.


“I did something. Something that everyone saw. I didn’t know that I was doing it though. I didn’t mean to…..” Y/N said, sounding choked up.

“Hey, it’s okay. Maybe I can help…..”

“I don’t think you can, dad…. It’s not something normal that happened. I don’t even know what it is.” Y/N explained.

“Can you at least explain exactly what happened, so I can understand?” Sam asked gently.

“So, I was ignoring her words, but then she kept talking. I started to feel really angry, and there was some kind of force, it was like it was inside me and when I got really angry, it just broke free. All of the locker doors in the hallway slammed shut on their own. I didn’t touch anything! They just, moved by themselves. And it happened when I was super mad at her. It happened so fast.” Y/N explained. 

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Y/N/N, nothing is wrong with you.” It broke Sam’s heart to think that his daughter felt this way about herself.

“Clearly somethingis wrong with me. I’ve always felt different and the other kids can see it too. They know I’m a freak.”

“You’re not a freak, Y/N. You know you’re not. Maybe you are a little different, but who ever said different was a bad thing?” Sam said.

“Maybe, but… why do these things happen? I want to know what makes me different.” Y/N stated.

“Well, we might just have to figure that out. For now, don’t worry about it. As long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters.” Sam didn’t know what else to say. He knew about as much as Y/N did. Of course, he had seen her do similar things in the past but he knew nothing about how she was able to do these things. Y/N let out a small smile and went to grab her backpack.

“I’m gonna go do my homework.”

“Oh, uh Y/N. There’s something I need to tell you.” Sam remembered.

“What is it?”

“Um, you’re uncle is coming over later tonight….”

“Uncle Dean? I thought you guys didn’t talk to each other anymore.”

“Yes, you’re uncle Dean and, we just got in an argument a long time ago and didn’t talk for a while. But, he wanted to come visit for a bit.” Sam lied. He still had to talk to Dean about whatever it was he had to say. If it was about what he thought it was, Sam was gonna have to break the news to Y/N about hunting sooner or later. As much as he didn’t want to, he knew it was going to come up at some point.

“That’s weird. Haven’t I not seen him since I was like three?” 

“Yeah, just about. Just uh, go do your homework and I’ll call you when he’s here.”


There was a knock at the door around 6, Sam opened the door to see his brother Dean that he hadn’t seen in years. 

“Hey, Sammy.”

“Dean, hey! C’mon in.” Sam motioned.

The two hugged it out. “How’ve you been?” Sam asked.

“Fine. Just hunt after hunt for me. How bout you?” Dean asked.

“I uh, got a job. Y/N goes to school. Pretty much just normal stuff I guess.” Sam laughed.

“Wow, you actually pulled it off. How is Y/N by the way?” Dean wondered.

“She’s good! Been playing middle school volleyball, pretty decent grades, she’s uh doing good.” Sam smiled. 

The two sat down and talked for a while, catching up about Sam’s life and Dean’s hunting jobs.

“Did you find dad?” Sam finally asked.

“Yeah. He got himself into a little trouble back then, but nothing serious. I was able to help him out. He’s off doing his own thing now.” Dean said.

“Good. Has he uh, ever said anything about us?” Sam questioned. Dean paused.

“He said he misses you. He uh, hoped that you guys are doing well, and that you’re happy.” Dean said.

“Really? Our dad, said that about me…..” Sam was skeptical.

“Yeah, that was a while ago obviously, the last time I saw him.” Dean said. 

Y/N walked down the stairs and stopped when she saw the two sitting down. “Y/N! I was just about to come get you, this is your uncle Dean.”

Dean stood up and looked at his niece. She had grown so much since the last time he saw her. Sam sounded proud of her, she had obviously grown up to be a good kid. It saddened Dean that he hadn’t been around the two of them for so long.

“Hey, Y/N. Uh, you’ve grown up so much!” Dean smiled awkwardly. 

“Hi, it’s nice to see you.” Y/N said politely.

“I know you probably don’t remember me that well.” Dean said.

“Not really.” Y/N said a little bit shy.

“Hey, I still wanted to talk to you about something.” Dean whispered.

“Yeah, uh. Y/N why don’t you go upstairs for a while and I’ll call you down when dinner is ready.” Sam said. Y/N nodded and went back upstairs. She knew something had to be going on. Her uncle that she hasn’t seen in seven years shows up out of nowhere and wants to talk to her dad? She knew it had to be something important. When she got to the top of the stairs she stopped and kneeled down on the floor to listen.

“So, you know I’ve been hunting still, and I caught a case around town here, but it’s not just one case. There’s a lot of leads…. I’ve been tracking it for a few weeks now, talking to the locals, the police, it’s all very consistent but whatever this thing is, it’s fast. I haven’t been able to catch it.” Dean explained.

“What do you think it is?”

“Looks like it might be a vamp, or a werewolf. I don’t know if it’s one working alone, or a group of them. I might need some help….” Dean hinted.

“No, no, Dean, you know I quit hunting years ago. Solely for the reason that I have a kid now.” Sam said.

“You think I don’t know that, Sam?! Listen, this thing is fast and dangerous. It’s been after almost everything and everyone, and it looks like it’s coming closer to town. I wanted to do this one by myself initially, but I don’t want to have anything happen to you or Y/N.” Dean said sternly.

“Why can’t you have someone else help you with this. I don’t want to get back into this and risk everything.” Sam said.

“I’ve tried, no one else is available and we don’t have much time.” Dean stated.

“Look, Y/N doesn’t even know what we used to do…. We have a pretty set routine. What am I gonna tell her, that I’m just going off to fight a monster for a few days and that I’ll be back?” Sam whispered.

“You haven’t told her yet?” Dean questioned.

“Of course not. Speaking of hunting and weird things, there’s something else I need to talk to you about.” Sam said.

Hunting? Werewolf? Monsters? Y/N heard it all. Not only was she confused, she was worried. Whatever they were talking about sounded ridiculous but they were dead serious. She didn’t know if she should speak up and ask about it or to just keep quiet. She didn’t know if it would upset her dad. But she wanted to know more about this.

Sam explained to Dean what had been going on with Y/N and the weird things she had been able to do over time.

“I remember that night, that was strange…. So she has some sort of telekinesis or something?” Dean asked.

“No, well, I’m not so sure. But, it sounds like she’s able to move or control things with her mind. The weird thing is, it’s only when she gets angry at something. I want to help her but I don’t know what this thing is in the first place.” Sam sounded concerned.

“I can look into it if you want…. but are you in or out? I need to know now.” Dean insisted. Sam sighed, this was a big deal. A big deal in which he had to explain to his ten year old daughter that monsters were real.

“I’m in. How am I gonna tell Y/N?” Sam let out a breath of stress.

“Do you want me to tell her?” Dean suggested.

“No, it has to come from me. I’ll figure it out.”

“Alright, I’ll see you first thing tomorrow, man.” Dean patted Sam on the shoulder and walked out.

Sam sat there for a moment with his thoughts. This was a big deal. Not only did he have to tell his daughter the news, but she could also be in danger. 

“Y/N, dinner!” Sam called out. Y/N reluctantly came downstairs and took a seat at the table. 

“Did uncle Dean leave?” She asked.

“Yeah, it’s getting late, but he’s going to be in town for a while. He’s stopping by again tomorrow.” Sam said. Y/N knew though what they had been talking about and why he was there.

Sam placed down Y/N’s plate in front of her as he sat down with his. She stared at her food with a blank stare, zoning out into nothing.

“Everything okay, Y/N?” Sam asked.

“Dad….. Are monsters real?”

Requests Are Closed
Read Part 4


@mersuperwholocked-lowlife @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang

Characters:Reader, Dean, Sam, Ranger



Word Count: 1,506

Summary:With nothing to show from their week’s stay in Stanford after Jessica’s death, the Winchesters move on to Black Water Ridge in search of their father.

A/N: y’all the fact that they changed the name of the town from Blackbottle Ridge to Black Water Ridge has been so frustrating. The “‘Blackwater?’ “No, Blackbottle” dialogue I put in the last part of the pilot was a joke for myself because I could not keep the name straight and now they’re just going to change it on me?? Insane. Also, as always, all dialogue taken from the show will be in italics.

~ ~ ~ ~

Sam woke up with a start, bolting upright in the passenger seat. Dean looked to him a few times, watching his movements as Sam tried to shake off whatever had scared him so.

You okay?” Dean asked.

Yeah, I’m fine,” Sam replied, brow furrowed as he played off his sudden waking. You looked to him from your spot in the back.

“Was it another nightmare?” you asked. Sam cleared his throat but, unsurprisingly, didn’t answer. They’d been happening so frequently since that night, but Sam refused to talk about them.

Wanna drive for a while?” Dean looked to his younger brother. Sam chuckled in response, shocked.

Dean, in your whole life, you’ve never once asked me that.”

“Yeah, me neither,” you agreed, leaning forward and resting your arms on the seat in front of you.

Just thought you might want to. Never mind,” Dean replied to Sam. “And, Y/N, you’re never driving Baby again after what happened.”

God, you crash a car into a house onetime,” you replied, sitting back in your seat. This seemed to lighten the mood enough to take Sam out of his head.

Look, guys, you’re worried about me. I get it and thank you, but I’m perfectly okay.” Dean only hummed in response. Quick to change the subject, Sam spoke again, grabbing the map as he did: “Alright, where are we?”

We are just outside of Grand Junction,” Dean replied. Sam looked over the map for a few minutes before taking a deep breath.

You know what? Maybe we shouldn’t have left Stanford so soon,” he mused. Dean shut his eyes for a moment, and you leaned forward again to look at Sam.

“Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you want to find the thing that killed Jessica-”

Gotta find Dad first,” he interrupted, finishing your thought.

Dad disappearing, and this thing showing up again after twenty years? It’s no coincidence. Dad’ll have answers. He’ll know what to do,” Dean reminded Sam. The same words he’d used to convince Sam to leave Stanford in the first place. Sam tried to change the subject again.

It’s weird, man. These coordinates he left us, this Black Water Ridge…” Sam trailed off, looking at the map again.

What about it?” Dean asked, glancing over at the map.

There’s nothing there. It’s just woods.” Sam lowered the map and looked out the windshield, confusion clear on his face. “Why’s he sending us to the middle of nowhere?”


You looked around the ranger station with Dean while the three of you waited for the ranger. Sam was at the terrain model of the woods, looking at the entirety of the area.

So, Black Water Ridge is pretty remote. It’s cut off by these canyons here—rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place,” he explained to you and Dean. His words fell on deaf ears, however, as you and Dean were too preoccupied with looking at the pictures on the wall.

Dude, check out the size of this friggin’ bear,” Dean called the two of you over. You walked over with Sam and shrugged when you saw the bear.

“…and a dozen or more grizzlies in the area,” Sam concluded his summary of the area.

“I’ve seen bigger than that. I fought a werewolf twice that size a few months ago before I met back up with you and Dad in Des Moines. I could take that thing on no problem,” you scoffed. Dean smiled proudly, but Sam furrowed his brow. He knew how invested you were in this life, how much you’d always been, but he couldn’t help feeling a bit overprotective of his kid sister. You’d been out facing monstrous werewolves three times your size without any help during his absence?

It’s no nature hike, that’s for sure,” he said, shaking his head. The three of you were interrupted by the ranger’s entrance.

You three aren’t planning to go out near Black Water Ridge, by any chance?” he asked. The three of you turned to face him.

Oh, no, sir. We’re environmental-study majors from U.C. Boulder. Just working on a paper,” Sam answered. Dean fist-bumped the air.

Recycle, man,” he added.

Bull. You’re friends with that Hailey girl, right?” The Ranger moved to stand behind his desk. You stepped out from behind Sam and Dean, nodding.

Yes. Yes, we are, Ranger…Wilkinson,” you answered, leaning in slightly to make out the name on his badge. He set his coffee mug down.

Well, I will tell you exactly what I told her. Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying he wouldn’t be back from Black Water until the 24th. So, it’s not exactly a missing persons now, is it?” Dean shook his head. “Tell that girl to quit worrying. I’m sure her brother’s just fine,” Ranger Wilkinson finished, stepping away from his desk again.

We will,” Dean stated with a nod. “Well, that Hailey girl’s quite a pistol, huh?” He chuckled.

That is putting it lightly,” the ranger replied with a shake of his head.

Actually, you know what would help is if I could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know, so she could see her brother’s return date,” Dean suggested. Ranger Wilkinson looked down for a moment then nodded.


Yeah!”Dean laughed victoriously as he led you and Sam to the back of the car.

What? Are you cruising to hookup or something?” you asked. Dean looked to you.

What do you mean?”

“The coordinates point to Black Water Ridge. So, what are we waiting for?”

She’s right, Dean,” Sam agreed. “Let’s just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we should know what we’re walking into before we actually walk into it,” Dean shot back defensively. He looked between you and Sam and shook his head.

What?”Sam asked, clearly annoyed at this point.

Since when are you two all ‘shoot first, ask questions later?’ anyway?”

“Since now,” Sam quipped, getting into the car with a slam of the door. Dean turned to you before you could follow suit.

“You know, you’re the one who said we were friends with this girl. Now you’re mad it got us some information?”

“Yeah, the wrong information. How was I supposed to know that girl wasn’t a victim going in?” you sighed. “If Dad’s here in those woods, he could fill us in on what we need to know. Making all these other stops, interviewing people Dad probably already got to…it’s just more time spent not looking for him.” With that, you slid into the backseat before Dean could answer.


You opted out of going to the girl’s house, choosing instead to stay back and do some more research of your own. If you weren’t going right into the woods, you might as well look further into all this while you could. Besides, Hailey didn’t need two strangers at her door during all this, let alone three. However, this left you up to analyzing the video Dean and Sam collected while at her house. You met back up with Dean and Sam at a local dive-bar to share your findings.

So, Black Water Ridge doesn’t get a lot of traffic. Local campers mostly, but, still, this past April, two hikers went missing out there. They were never found,” you recanted, searching through the papers on the table before you.

Any before that?” Dean asked.

Yeah.”You finally found the old newspaper you’d printed and laid it on the table in front of your brothers. While they read, you got the laptop from the bag and turned it on. “In 1982, eight different people all vanished in the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack. And, again, in 1959, and before that in 1936. Every 23 years, just like clockwork.

“Okay, watch this. Here’s the cincher. I downloaded the video Sam sent over. Watch this.” You spun the laptop to face them. “Here’s the clincher.  I downloaded the video Sam sent me. Watch this.” You pressed a key, playing a few frames of the footage. Sam and Dean leaned in closer to the laptop.

Do it again,” Dean said. You complied, rewinding the tape then playing those three frames again.

That’s three frames. It’s a fraction of a second. Whatever that thing is, it can move.” Sam’s eyes stayed locked on the screen as he spoke, reaching forward to play the clips once more. Dean hit Sam’s arm triumphantly.

“I told you something weird was going on here,” he said. You shook your head, shutting the laptop.

Yeah, I got one more thing. In’59, one camper survived the supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid—barely crawled out of the woods alive.” You passed your last paper across the table for them to look over. Dean grabbed it first, and Sam looked on over his shoulder.

Is there a name?” Dean asked.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306@marvelous-glims

forever taglist: @griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter@vicmc624@idksupernatural


part 1 -Dean and Y/N are off to find John in Jericho, but Dean has a stop to make and another passenger to pick up on the way.

part 2 - With Sam finally on board, the three Winchesters begin their search for their father and the hunt in Jericho.

part 3 - You’ve stumbled upon a major break with John’s motel room, or so you’d thought. When he’s found to be long gone, you, Sam, and Dean must pick up where he’s left off. An unforeseen run-in with the local law enforcement leaves you and Sam stuck working without Dean. Will it lead to more disaster or push you both in the direction you need to go to fix your relationship?

part 4 - With Constance taken care of and John’s next location deciphered, the three Winchesters leave Jericho behind. Y/N and Dean are ready to keep moving, but Sam’s new, normal life pulls him back.

*final part*

Characters: Dean, Sam, Reader

Age: 20

Warnings: Fire, Burning building

Word Count:

Summary: With Constance taken care of and John’s next location deciphered, the three Winchesters leave Jericho behind. Y/N and Dean are ready to keep moving, but Sam’s new, normal life pulls him back.

A/N: All dialogue taken from the show will be in italics.

~ ~ ~ ~

Dean drove down the highway in the darkness, one headlight out. The journal was open on the seat between him and Sam, and Sam had a map open in front of him. You were sat in the back, holding a flashlight up to help Sam see.

Okay, here’s where Dad went. It’s called Blackbottle Ridge, Colorado,” Sam spoke, finally finding the coordinates.

Sounds charming. How far?” Dean asked, glancing over at the map.

About 600 miles,” Sam replied almost immediately, barely looking at the map. He’d always been so good at that. You leaned forward, looking between your two brothers.

If we shag ass, we can make it by morning,” you suggested. Sam looked to you and Dean, unsure of how to phrase his next statement.

Guys, i, uh-“ he stuttered.

You’re not going,” you finished his thought for him.

The interview’s in, like, ten hours. I got to be there,” Sam continued. Dean was silent for a moment before nodding.

Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I’ll take you home.” He tried to mask his hurt, but you could still hear it. In his feigned nonchalance, in the softness of his voice. You sighed and sat back, turning the flashlight and letting the darkness fully take over the space.


Dean pulled up to the front of Sam’s apartment and parked. Sam quickly got out, bag over his shoulder, then turned to look back at the two of you.

You’ll call me if you find him? Maybe I can meet up with you, huh?

Yeah, alright,” Dean replied. Sam hit the car before turning away and walking towards the door.  Dean paused for a moment then leaned over and called after Sam. “Sam! You know, we made a hell of a team back there.”

Yeah,” Sam replied with a smile. You swung your legs over the seat and crawled into the front, flipping the radio on and changing the station—carelessly breaking both the “no shoes on the seats” and cardinal “driver picks the music” rules in a few swift movements. Dean only shook his head before driving away, leaving Sam in the dust.


An uncomfortable silence had fallen over you and Dean. Neither of you had wanted to talk about what had happened. Or, at least, neither of you wanted to be the first. But, it had to be addressed. Dean felt terrible. He’d truly thought Sam would stick with them, especially after seeing how he and Y/N had started to get along towards the end of the case. Now he had to face the reality that he’d been wrong, and he’d hurt the only one who’d stayed with him.

“Y/N, I-” Dean started. You cut him off with a sigh.

“Don’t. I know I was mad at you for a while there, but…I think we all needed that. I mean, he offered to meet up with us. He never would have done that before. So…” you paused, pursing your lips momentarily. “Thank you.” One corner of Dean’s lips pulled up into a smile, but his eyes remained on the road.

You went into the glove box and pulled out the map Sam had been looking over, desperate to change the subject. “Blackwater Ridge?”

“Bottle. Blackbottle Ridge,” Dean corrected.

“Right.” You nodded and looked over the map, trying to find the best route. The faster you got there, the less of a chance your father had taken off. Suddenly, a pit formed in the bottom of your stomach. Something was wrong. “We need to turn around.”

“What? Y/N-“

“Turn around!” Hearing the panic in your voice, Dean swung the car around and floored it, the car whipping down the road. You made it back to the apartment in record time. Dean parked across the street and looked up at the building before looking back at you. Before he could ask anything, you jumped out of the car and ran inside. Dean cursed, shut the car off and ran after you. You made it up to Sam’s floor in time to hear him scream. Dean pushed past you and kicked the door in.

Sam!” You felt the heat radiating from the apartment as the flames began to spread across the ceiling. While Dean ran inside to help Sam, you began running to each apartment, pounding on the doors and yelling out to alert the other residents. The more people you could save, the better.


Sam dug through the trunk, looking over the weapons inside. You stood beside him, watching him carefully. The fire department had been called shortly after Dean had gotten Sam outside. You’d made quick work of getting the residents out, making your exit as the firefighters entered the building. Dean stood with the crowd, watching the building, but soon made his way back to the Impala. He looked to you before turning his gaze to Sam. Sam only sighed at first, then dropped the rifle into the trunk.

We got work to do,” he said, with a slam of the trunk.

SPN rewrite taglist:@mrsfortune1306@marvelous-glims

forever taglist:@griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter@vicmc624@idksupernatural

Characters:Dean, Sam, Reader, Joseph and Constance Welch


Warnings:Gun Use, Car Crash

Word Count: 2,730

Summary:You’ve stumbled upon a major break with John’s motel room, or so you’d thought. When he’s found to be long gone, you, Sam, and Dean must pick up where he’s left off. An unforeseen run-in with the local law enforcement leaves you and Sam stuck working without Dean. Will it lead to more disaster or push you both in the direction you need to go to fix your relationship?

A/N:All dialogue taken from the show will be in italics. Part 4 will be the final part!

~ ~ ~ ~

You were frozen in the doorway, staring at the covered walls of the motel room before you. Sam and Dean stepped into the room, Dean turning on the lamp placed the end table while Sam went to get a closer look at some of the papers. Dean grabbed the half-eaten burger on the end table and sniffed it, recoiling at the smell.

I don’t think he’s been here for a couple days at least,” he sighed, dropping the food back in its spot. Finally, you were able to walk into the space, looking down at the floor as you stepped through.

Salt, cat’s-eyes shells. He was worried, trying to keep something from coming in,” you mused, making your way over to Dean, who was now reading over some of the papers on the wall by the lamp. Sam looked over at the two of you then quickly crossed the space.

What do you got here?” he asked.

Centennial Highway victims,” Dean replied. Sam began walking around the space again, this time really looking over each and every paper and surface he passed. Dean spoke again: “I don’t get it. I mean, different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities. There’s always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?”

It was silent for a few minutes as the three of you continued reading over everything John had compiled. You heard a light behind you click as Sam turned the second lamp on but continued reading from the paper before you, only turning when you heard Sam scoff.

Dad figured it out.” The words fell from his lips, sounding more like he was annoyed rather than relieved at the idea.

What do you mean?” Dean questioned. The two of you turned around to look at Sam but remained where you were.

He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She’s a Woman in White,” Sam revealed. Dean looked back at the victims on the wall.

“You sly dogs. Alright, so, if we’re dealing with a Woman in White, Dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it.”

“She might have another weakness,” you spoke up. Dean shook his head.

No, Dad would want to make sure. He’d dig her up,” Dean countered. He walked over to Sam, looking at the papers. “Does it say where she’s buried?”

No, not that I can tell. If I were Dad, though, I’d go ask her husband…if he’s still alive.” Sam pointed to a picture of the grieving man from the article.

Alright, why don’t you see if you can find an address. Y/N and I’ll go clean up.” Dean dug your room key out of his pocket and tossed it to you before heading towards the bathroom. Thankfully, the owner’d made you pay for a room before giving you any more information about your father’s room. No fighting over who’d get to shower first and a space all to yourself—even for ten minutes—sounded like heaven. As you turned toward the door, Sam cleared his throat.

Hey. What I said earlier about Mom and Dad— I’m sorry.”

“No chick-flick moments,” Dean quickly replied, putting his hand up to stop Sam from continuing further.

Alright, jerk.”

“Bitch,”Dean shot back. You shook your head, offering up one word before walking out of the room: Freaks.”


Three hard raps on the front door shook you out of your thoughts as you finished drying your hair with the scratchy motel towel. You remained silent. That wasn’t Dean’s knock, and you were certain it wouldn’t be Sam. You slowly dropped the towel and went to the toilet, quickly climbing onto the seat to get a full view out of the window. The coast was clear, but you could see the back end of the police cruiser parked in front of the building. Shit.

Another three raps on the front door. You stepped off the toilet and grabbed all of your belongings before climbing back up and sliding out the window. The fall was short and easy, nothing compared to your swan dive off the bridge. You slipped into the sparse woods behind the building and pulled your cell phone out of your pocket. Sam’s number flashed across your screen the moment you were about to call Dean. You ducked behind a tree and answered the call.

“Five-o, dude. You guys gotta get out of there,” you spoke before Sam could.

“I know, I know. They grabbed Dean—“

“Son of a bitch.”

“Where are you?” Sam asked.

“There’s a bit of woods behind the rooms. I’m about ten feet in. I should be out of sight, but I still have a view of the lot.” You glanced back at the cruiser, ducking back behind the tree when you saw two officers throw Dean in the back. “They’re going to be coming after us, you know.”

“The two of ‘em at least are gonna take Dean back first.” Sam emerged in the woods and you hung up your phone.

“Yeah, well, finding him in a room covered in information on all those missing person cases isn’t going to bode well.” Sure, Dean had gotten himself out of stickier situations before, but it only took things going wrong once to get him hauled away for god knows how long.

“Let’s just focus on finding Dad. Dean can take care of himself,” Sam reminded. You nodded and looked back at the parking lot. The cruiser had driven off shortly after Sam had reached you, and so the two of you snuck your way back to the parking lot and over to the Impala in record time. Sam slid in the driver’s seat and you the passenger’s seat, and the two of you were off on the road before anyone could catch sight of you.


Yeah, he was older, but that’s him,” Joseph Welch spoke, walking back to the Impala with you and Sam. He handed the picture of a younger John, Sam, Dean, and you back to Sam. “He came by three or four days ago, said he was a reporter.”

That’s right. We’re working on a story together,” Sam replied, sliding the picture back into his pocket.

Well, I don’t know the hell kind of story you’re working on—the questions he asked me.”

“About your late wife, Constance,” you mused, fiddling with the strap on the camera around your neck. Honestly, the places you got into with a fake press badge and the old, broken camera were baffling to you.

He asked me where she was buried.”

“And where is that again?” Sam pressed.

What, I got to go through these twice?” Joseph questioned.

It’s fact-checking,” you reassured him. “If you don’t mind.”

In a plot behind my old place over on Breckenridge,” Joseph answered after taking a deep breath.

Why did you move?” Sam asked. Joseph looked up at him incredulously before replying, his voice shaking.

I’m not gonna live in the house where my children died.” The three of you stopped once you’d reached the Impala, and Sam turned to face Joseph.

Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?”

“No way. Constance—she was the love of my life. Prettiest woman I ever known.”

“So you had a happy marriage.” Sam pretended to summarize. Of course, the two of you knew that was false, or else you wouldn’t have the Woman in White on your hands. Joseph was quiet, staring up at Sam. A quick shake of his head, however, pulled him out of his thoughts.

Definitely,”he answered. Sam nodded.

Well, that should do it. Thanks for your time.” He walked over to the car with you and unlocked it. But, neither of you reached for the door handles. Instead, you looked at each other, having a silent conversation with your eyes. The two of you used to be so good at reading each other, which worked in your favor in moments like these. Joseph turned to go back to the house, but you called after him.

Mr. Welch, have you ever heard of a Woman in White?” you asked. Joseph looked back at you, eyes narrowed in confusion.

A what?”

“A Woman in White, or sometimes a Weeping Woman. It’s a ghost story. Well, it’s more of a phenomenon, really.” You started walking towards him, Sam following close behind. “They’re spirits. They’ve been sighted for hundreds of years, dozens of places in Hawaii and Mexico. Lately in Arizona, Indiana. All these are different women, you understand, but all share the same story.”

“Girl, I don’t care much for nonsense,” Joseph spat. He spun on his heel and began walking back towards his house. You and Sam followed him

You see, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them, and these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children,” Sam continued your thought. At this, Joseph stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at you two.

Then, once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking backroads, waterways,” you picked up where Sam had left off.

“And if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him. And that man is never seen again,” Sam finished. Joseph looked between the two of you

You think…you think that has something to do with Constance, you smartasses?” He took a few steps towards Sam.

You tell me,” Sam spoke calmly.

I mean, maybe—maybe I made some mistakes. But no matter what I did, Constance never would have killed her own children,” Joseph’s voice was shaking again, this time seemingly from a mixture of his anger and sadness. “Now, you two get the hell out of here, and you don’t come back.” He looked between the two of you, jaw clenched and lip quivering, before turning his back on you. You looked up at Sam for a moment before walking to the car.


Sam grabbed his phone as you sped down the road and, after a quick glance at the caller ID, flipped it open and put it on speaker. Dean’s voice immediately came through.

“Nice call on the fake 911 call.

Get this. It was all Sam’s idea,” you informed Dean, smiling over at Sam before turning your attention back to the road.

I don’t know, Sammy. That’s pretty illegal,” Dean said. Sam chuckled.

You’re welcome.”

“Listen, we gotta talk,” Dean started.

Tell me about it,” you held your hand out for the phone, taking it when Sam handed it over. “So, the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a Woman in White. She’s buried behind her old house, so that should be Dad’s next stop—“

“Y/N, would you shut up for a second?” Dean interjected, but you were talking a mile a minute, trying to relay all in information to your brother, think and keep a steady hand on the wheel at the same time.

We just can’t figure out why he hasn’t destroyed the corpse yet,” you mused.

Well, that’s what I’m trying to tell you,” Dean interrupted again. “He’s gone. Dad left Jericho.”

What? How do you know?” Sam asked.

I’ve got his journal.”

“He doesn’t go anywhere without that thing.”

“Yeah, well, he did this time.”

“What’s it say?” you asked, grip tightening on the wheel.

Same old ex-marine crap when he wants to let us know where he’s going.”

“Coordinates,”you breathed out, shaking your head.

Where to?” Sam asked.

I’m not sure yet,” Dean replied.

Dean, what the hell is going on?” Sam was exasperated. You sighed, then jumped half out of your seat when a woman appeared on the road in front of you. Constance.

Whoa!”You jumped, slamming on the brakes. Your grip on the wheel tightened even more, your knuckles turning a ghostly white. The car went right through her. Once you were fully stopped, you slowly sat back, letting out a long, shaky breath. You shot a quick look at Sam to make sure he was alright, then turned your attention to the rear-view. As soon as your eyes met Constance’s ghostly figure, she spoke.

Take me home.” Her eyes were locked on Sam’s figure. You looked over to him, pursing your lips. Constance spoke again, her voice angrier. “Take me home.”

“No,”Sam stated firmly. Immediately, all the locks went down into the doors. You reached for your lock while Sam reached for his. While you were turned away from the wheel, the car began driving down the road. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t stop it, and neither of you could leave.

Shortly, you arrived at the old, dilapidated house. The car rolled to a stop then shut off. You stared out the windshield, trying to devise a plan.

Don’t do this,” Sam spoke up.

I can never go home,” Constance spoke.

You’re scared to go home,” Sam corrected. He turned to look at her, but she’d vanished. You both looked around the space, and she quickly appeared on top of Sam, pinning him down on the seat.

Hold me. I’m so cold.”

“You can’t kill me,” Sam struggled against her. “I’m not unfaithful. I’ve never been.” Constance leaned in close to him.

You will be.” With that, she pressed her lips to his.

“Oh, that’s sick,” you couldn’t help but comment. Reflexively, you searched your pockets for your gun, but it must have gone flying when you’d slammed on the brakes. Your hands found it under the seat just as you heard Sam begin groaning in pain.

“Y/N!” He was able to get out. You looked over to see her hand in his chest, face morphed into something truly evil. Without another thought, you began shooting at her form. She disappeared just long enough for you to finally get a grip on the situation—now that she wasn’t holding your brother’s life in her hand. Finally, it clicked. You dropped your gun and started the car.

I’m taking you home, bitch.” You slammed your foot onto the gas pedal and launched the car forward, crashing through the front of the house.

“Sam! Y/N!” Dean called, running inside. He ran to the passenger side and looked in. “You okay?”

“Fine,” you replied, crawling out of the car through the window after you were unable to get the door open through all the debris.

Yeah, help me,” Sam answered. Dean helped him out through his door.

There you go,” he stated as he got Sam up in his feet. You eyed Constance carefully, unsure of her next move, as you walked over to them. Constance threw the picture she had been holding down on the ground before looking to the three of you. She stepped out of the way and sent a large dresser across the room, pinning the three of you against the car. You groaned and tried to push it away, unsuccessfully.

Suddenly, the electricity began to crackle, lights flickering all around the space. Even Constance looked around, unsure of the cause. Water began to trickle down the stairs, and Constance looked to the top.

You’ve come home to us, Mommy,” two young voices called out. You watched on as the two children appeared at the bottom of the stairs. They hugged Constance, and the three of them disappeared into the ground beneath them, Constance screaming and changing shape the whole way down. Finally, the three of you could push the dresser away and move away from the car. Dean led you and Sam over to the spot where the ghosts had vanished.

So, this is where she drowned her kids,” Dean said, staring down at the wet spot.

That’s why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them,” Sam added.

You found her weak spot.”

“Nice work, Y/N.” Sam smiled weakly down at you.

“Thanks, Sammy. Couldn’t have done it without you, though.” You hit his chest, smiling, before following Dean over to the Impala.

Ah!”Sam laughed through the pain then looked over at you. “But, what were you thinking, shooting Casper in the face, you freak?”

“Hey, saved your ass,” you shot back, still grinning. Dean looked up from inspecting the car.

I’ll tell you another thing, Y/N. If you screwed up my car, I’ll kill you,” he threatened. You rolled your eyes, laughing softly.

“Oh, come on. I crash a car through a house one time…”


SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306@marvelous-glims

forever taglist: @griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter@vicmc624@idksupernatural

Characters:Dean, Sam, Reader, townspeople



Word Count: 2,820

Summary:With Sam finally on board, the three Winchesters begin their search for their father and the hunt in Jericho.

A/N:All dialogue taken from the show will be in italics.

~ ~ ~ ~

You left the gas station with Dean, your drink and bag of chips in hand. Sam was still in the passenger seat, looking through another one of the boxes in the car. You slid in the back and kicked your boots off, leaning back against the door and putting your feet up on the seat. One of Dean’s many, manyrules of the car: no shoes on the seats. You grabbed the book you’d been reading during the drive and flipped through until you found the page you’d been on while Dean took the gas pump out of the car.

So, how’d you pay for that stuff? You guys still running credit card scams?” Sam asked after Dean offered him some of his food. You rolled your eyes. Who was he to judge what had been done your entire life? Sure it was illegal, but—

Hunting ain’t exactly a pro-ball career,” Dean replied, vocalizing your thoughts.

Besides, all we do is apply. Not our fault they send us cards,” you added. Sam scoffed, shaking his head.

Yeah, and what names did you write on the application this time?” Sam continued his line of questioning while Dean walked around and got back in the car.

Uh…Bert Aframian and his kids Hector and Bertha. Scored three cards out of the deal,” Dean smirked. Sam shook his head again.

Sounds about right.” He dropped the tapes he was holding into the box. “I swear, man. You gotta update your cassette tape collection.”

Why?”Dean asked, furrowing his brow.

Well, for one, their cassette-tapes. And two—“ Sam began going through the tapes again while you and Dean looked on. “Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica? It’s the greatest hits of mullet rock.” Dean grabbed the third tape from Sam’s hand and took it out of the case.

House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.” With that, Dean slid the tape into the car’s radio and turned the car on.

You know, Sammy is a chubby 12-year-old. It’s Sam, okay?”

“Sorry, I can’t hear you. The music’s too loud.” Dean revved the engine before pulling out of the parking lot, speeding down the road towards Jericho.


Apart from the music playing the speakers and Sam’s phone calls, the three of you rode in silence. You’d finished your book a few miles back and were trying to catch up on some last-minute sleep before you entered the town and began your work.

“Alright, so, there’s no one matching Dad at the hospital or morgue. So that’s something, I guess.” Sam informed you and Dean after hanging up the phone. Dean slowed as he approached the bridge riddled with police cars.

Check it out,” he said, forcing you to open your eyes and sit up to see out the windshield. You went into your bag, grabbing your fake badge while Dean pulled the car over and parked it. He went into the glove box and got his own then turned back to you, holding his hand out.

“What?” You narrowed your eyes at him.

“Sam’s coming with on this one. Let him use yours.” Dean waved his fingers in a “hand it over” motion. Was he serious? Less than a day in, and he was already letting Sam take over your spot. The way things were done for four years now were being thrown out the window.

“No way, dude. Besides, how’s he supposed to get past ‘em when it’s got my picture on it?” Sam looked between the two of you, unsure if speaking up would do him any good with either of you.

“You know they never look that close at those things. Come on.” You narrowed your eyes but relinquished the badge to Dean.

“We’ll let you know what we find out,” Dean assured, handing Sam the badge. “Let’s go.”

“You better,” you warned, sitting back in your seat and crossing your arms as Sam and Dean got out of the car and made their way over to the officers. Of course, you knew that having Sam along meant you’d be sitting out a few interrogations. Hell, you’d be fine with sitting back and letting the two of them go ahead if you were given the option. But, that was the problem. There was no option this time around, no asking your opinion. You were used to Dean calling the shots, but he at least talked to you beforehand. And he’d never kept anything like thisfrom you. You let out a long sigh and grabbed the case papers and notes. Might as well give them another read while you were stuck waiting.


I’ll bet you that’s her.” Dean pointed ahead at the girl with a stack of flyers in her bag while walking down the street, you and Sam in tow. You put your hand out to stop them and moved in front of them. They’d told you all about the cop’s daughter dating the latest vic on your way into town, and you’d be damned if they conned you out of another questioning.

ThisI can do.” You spun on your heel and walked over to Amy. “Hey, Amy, right?” The girl looked at you suspiciously but nodded.


“Troy told me about you. I’m his cousin. I’m Y/N.” Your response didn’t seem to lower her suspicion much.

He never mentioned you to me,” she replied, continuing to walk forward. You chuckled, matching her pace.

Well, that’s Troy, I guess. I’m not really around much. I live up in Modesto. But, uh, we’re looking for him, too.” You gestured back at Sam and Dean. “The guys back there are my brothers, Dean and Sam, and we’re asking around.” You were interrupted by another girl running up to Amy.

Hey, you alright?” She asked Amy, looking you up and down once before turning back to her friend.

Yeah,”Amy nodded, looking down. You cleared your throat and waved your brothers over.

You mind if we ask you a couple questions?”


You were, uncomfortably, squeezed in the booth between Sam and the wall, Dean on Sam’s other side. Amy and Rachel were sat across from you, Amy relaying everything she knew from the last time she’d heard from Troy.

I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and he never did.”

“He didn’t say anything strange or out of the ordinary?” Sam asked. Amy shook her head.

No, nothing I can remember.” Dean leaned forward and looked between the two of them, and you took the opportunity to nudge Sam with your elbow, finally getting a little more space on the cramped seat.

Alright, here’s the deal, ladies. The way Troy disappeared—something’s not right. So, if you’ve heard anything…” He trailed off.The girls shifted in their seats, turning to look at each other.

What is it?” you asked. Rachel spoke up.

Well, it’s just…I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk.”

“What do they talk about?” You, Sam, and Dean asked in unison. Rachel took a minute to answer, seemingly unsure of how to explain herself. She played with her hands nervously, fidgeting through the tale.

It’s kind of this local legend. This one girl, she got murdered out on Centennial, like, decades ago. Well, supposedly, she’s still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up…well, they disappear forever.” Dean looked to you and Sam knowingly, earning a nod back from both of you.


Dean began searching on the library’s computer, you seated on his left and Sam looking on from behind. He typed “Female Murder Hitchhiking” before searching, yielding zero results. He removed “Hitchhiking”and typed “Centennial Highway” before searching again. And again, he was met with zero results.

Let me try,” you said, reaching for the mouse. Dean slapped your hand away.

I got it.” He started typing again, but you pushed his chair away from the computer and moved yours in front of it. “Dude.”Dean hit your arm then moved his chair next to yours. “You’re such a control freak.”

So, angry spirits are born out of violent deaths, right?” You started, ignoring his complaint. Sam leaned forward with a “yeah,”signaling for you to continue.

Well, maybe it’s not murder.” You deleted the “murder” from Dean’s search and replaced it with “suicide.”The page took a minute to load, but you were met with a single result.

“Alright,” you said, clicking on the article. “This was 1981.”

“Constance Welch, 24 years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river,” Sam read over your shoulder.

Does it say why she did it?” Dean asked.

Yeah. An hour before they found her, she calls 911. Her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren’t breathing. Both die,” you summarized as you scrolled through the article.

“‘‘Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn’t bear it,’ said husband, Joseph Welch,’” Sam read as you went the next page. Dean moved closer, looking at the large picture taking up the screen.

That bridge look familiar to you?”


“So this is where Constance took the swan dive,” Dean commented once you’d reached the spot on the bridge. He looked over the railing at the water below.

So, you think Dad would have been here?” Sam asked, looking first at the rushing. water then at Dean.

He’s chasing the same story, and we’re chasing him,” you replied, moving away from the railing and walking further down the bridge. Dean followed suit, matching your pace easily.

Okay,so now what?” He asked again, trailing behind the two of you.

Now we keep digging ’til we find him. It might take a while.” Exasperation was clear in Dean’s voice. Sam was getting impatient, all too eager to leave you and Dean in the dust once again in order to go back to his life. He wasn’t afraid to let it be known, either.

Dean,I told you I’ve got to get back by—“

“Monday,”Dean interrupted him, turning around to face him. “Right. The interview. Yeah, I forgot… You’re really serious about this, aren’t you? You think you’re just gonna become some lawyer, marry your girl?”

“Maybe. Why not?” Sam was annoyed. You crossed your arms and stepped closer to him.

Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you’ve done?”

“No, and she’s not ever going to know,” Sam answered, mimicking your actions and taking a step closer.

Well, that’s healthy,” you shot back. Dean stepped between you two but kept his eyes locked with Sam’s.

You can pretend all you want, Sammy, but sooner or later, you’re going to have to face up to who you really are.” Dean turned away and started walking down the bridge again, you right behind him. Sam paused for a moment then followed.

And who is that?”

“One of us.” Dean continued walking, not turning back to face the younger Winchester. Sam sped up and stood in front of the two of you, blocking your path.

No, I’m not like you. This is not going to be my life.”

No, you’re absolutely right, Sam. You’re not like us. Walking away is one thing. but wenever would have turned our backs on the family as quickly and as easily as you did,” you were seething. “Regardless, you have a responsibility. We all do.”

To Dad and his crusade? If it weren’t for pictures, I wouldn’t even know what my Mom looked like.”

At least you had pictures! You get to know what she looked like and know what she was like. You think I don’t know how shitty it is to lose your Mom and not remember a thing about her? The only thing I know about my mom is how she died.  Finding the thing that took her away…you really can’t see how importantthat is? You’re really just going to throw away all the work that’s been done because we haven’t found that thing?” Tears began to fill your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away. You weren’t about to cry in front of him.

What difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, she’s gone, and she’s not coming back.” At Sam’s words, Dean grabbed the collar of his jacket and shoved him up against the side of the bridge. He was silent for a minute—eyes boring into Sam’s—before he spoke.

Don’t talk about her like that.” Dean’s voice was quiet but intense. You’d only heard him use that tone a handful of times. He lowered his hands, but he and Sam continued to glare at each other. You looked down the bridge, body tensing when you saw the figure.

Dean, Sam.” The two followed your gaze down the bridge and watched as Constance turned to look at you before jumping. You all ran to the spot and looked down.

Where’d she go?” Sam asked.

I don’t know,” you responded, continuing to look around until you heard the Impala’s engine roar to life. You all turned to look at the car, her headlights illuminating the dark bridge.

What the—“ Dean was cut off.

“Who’s driving your car?” Sam questioned. None of your eyes left the Impala. Dean grabbed the keys from his pocket and held them up. A second later, the tires squealed as the car launched forward, heading towards you. You ran down the bridge on Sam and Dean’s tails. As the car got closer, the three of you turned toward the side of the bridge and jumped, sending yourself flying over the side and into the water below.

Sam pulled himself up to a sitting position on the bridge and looked down at the water.

Dean!”He called out, looking around. Dean crawled out of the water, laying on his back. “Dean, are you alright?”

“I’m super,” Dean called back, weakly raising his arm to give a thumbs-up. Sam let out a sigh of relief but was soon hit with another wave of panic.

“Dean. where’s Y/N?Sam asked. He didn’t see her in the water or on the shore.

“She’s up there with you.”Dean’s eyes were shut. He hadn’t seen you hit the water as he had, so surely you were safe, right?

“No, she isn’t.At that, Dean shot up and looked around, calling your name. He was about to jump back into the water to find you when you finally crawled onto the shore and laid down, groaning. You’d hit the water hard, and every inch of you was muddy and sore. You finally opened your eyes to see Sam looking down from above.

“Aw, man. What the hell?” Why’d he get to walk out of this mud-free? Sam started laughing and climbed the rest of the way up onto the bridge while Dean helped you to your feet.


Car alright?” Sam asked as Dean looked around under the hood. You finished wiping your face with a spare towel from the trunk and walked to the front of the car. Dean shut the hood and sat down.

Yeah, whatever she did to it, it seems alright now. That Constance chick—what a bitch!” He yelled. You offered him a second towel and leaned on the car beside him.

Well, she doesn’t want us digging around, that’s for sure,” you said, wringing the towel in your hands. Sam sat on the other side of Dean.

So, where’s the trail go from here, geniuses?” Dean threw his hands up in the air in response to Sam’s question.

“Ditto,” you sighed. The three of you sat in the silence of the night before Sam turned to the two of you.

You guys smell like a toilet.” You narrowed your eyes and threw the soiled towel at him, hitting him in the side of the face. Dean chuckled and finally started using his towel to clean his face off.


Dean put the card on the book of the motel clerk standing before him. “One room, please.”

The clerk looked back and forth between Dean and the card a few times before speaking up.

You guys having a reunion or something?” You furrowed your brow and looked at the clerk.

What do you mean?

“Another guy, Bert Aframian. He came in and bought out a room for the whole month.” You looked at Sam and Dean then got the room number from the clerk. Dean hastily led the three of you down the row of rooms until he found the right one. Dean and you stood watch for Sam as he got to work picking the lock. He was in the room in just under a minute. He stepped inside then turned, reaching out and pulling you and Dean inside behind him.

SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306@marvelous-glims

forever taglist: @griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter@vicmc624@idksupernatural

Characters:Reader, Dean, Sam, Jess



Word Count: 2,261

Summary:Dean and Y/N are off to find John in Jericho, but Dean has a stop to make and another passenger to pick up on the way.

A/N:All dialogue taken from the show will be in italics.

Dean looked to his co-pilot with a soft smile. The maps she’d been endlessly perusing—uselessly, for he’d given her a false destination—were now covering her torso like a much-to-small blanket. He felt terrible for lying to her, but this wasn’t a time for an argument, and he’d known that’s all he would’ve been in store for had he let her know they were making a stop before Jericho.

He’d spent his life protecting her, but he couldn’t protect her from everything. He couldn’t protect her from the pain of their brother leaving. And now, with their father missing, he couldn’t protect her from whatever feelings may arise when she laid eyes on the middle Winchester. So, instead of continuing to dwell on his shortcomings, he turned his gaze back to the road, tightened his grip on the steering wheel, and pressed harder on the gas. A cloud of dust was all that followed the old car, which was just the way Dean liked it.


Dean shook your arm, not violently by any means, but harder than you would’ve liked. You mumbled an incoherent complaint before rubbing your eyes and sitting up in the seat.

“We in Jericho yet?” You looked around outside, trying to make sense of the buildings in the darkness.

“Come on,” Dean replied as he stepped out of the car and shut his door. You grumbled but obeyed, following him over to one of the buildings. You narrowed your eyes as he surveyed the fire escape on the side.

“Dean, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Dad wouldn’t be in a place like this. I’m not breaking in without cause,” you whispered, crossing your arms over your chest.

“We have cause. It’s because I said we are. Just trust me.” With that, he grabbed onto the rungs of the bottom balcony and hoisted himself up. You rolled your eyes but followed suit, silently trailing after your brother up four flights of stairs before he stopped at one of the windows.

“What are you doing leaving this open? Didn’t you learn anything?” You heard him mutter as he slid his hands into the opening and slowly raised the window. Once he had it open, he swung one leg inside, then the other, poking his head out to look at you once he was in. “Coming?”

“If you tell me where the hell we are once I’m in,” you replied, mimicking your brother’s actions and entering the apartment. Rather than answer you, Dean began walking through the space, looking around at all that adorned the shelves and walls. You followed suit, eager for an answer. Just as you’d stopped to get a better look at one of the photos on the wall, a hand came at you from behind, grabbing your arm and flipping you onto the ground. The action knocked the wind out of you. As you stood and tried to catch your breath, the stranger began to fight with Dean. Within seconds, however, Dean had him pinned to the ground.

Whoa. Easy, tiger.” Dean flashed a smile down at the man.

Dean? You scared the crap outta me,” Sam scoffed incredulously. You narrowed your eyes. What the hell were you doing here?

That’s ‘cause you’re out of practice.” Dean was still grinning. That is, he was until Sam flipped the duo seemingly effortlessly and had Dean pinned to the ground. Dean chuckled in response. “Or not.

After the initial shock of being in the same room as your older brother for the first time in four years began to wear off and you’d found your voice, you crossed the room and stood over the two of them, arms crossed.

“You two finished?”

Get off me.” Dean pushed Sam off of him. As Dean fixed his jacket, Sam took a few steps back, eyes never leaving you and Dean.

Dean, Y/N. What the hell are you doing here?” You looked to Dean, eager to hear his response.

Well, I was looking for a beer,” Dean answered with a smirk. Sam opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the light flicked on. The three of you looked over to the doorway to find a blonde woman watching you.

Jess. Dean, Y/N. This is my girlfriend, Jessica.” Sam looked at both groups—his two worlds colliding—nervous after making the introductions.

Jess looked at him, eyes wide in surprise. “Wait, your brother and sister?” Dean smiled and gestured to her shirt.

“I love the Smurfs.” He began to walk over to her. “You know, I gotta tell you, you are completely out of my brother’s league.” You rolled your eyes.

“Just let me put something on.” Jess started to turn away, but Dean piped up almost immediately.

No, no. No, I wouldn’t dream of it, seriously.” You grabbed your brother’s arm and pulled him away from the girl, hitting the back of his head when he was close enough. He cast a quick glare at you before turning back to Jess.

Anyway, we got to borrow your boyfriend here, talk about some private family business. But nice meeting you.” Sam looked to Jess as Dean spoke, then quickly crossed the room to stand at her side.

No. Whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her.”

“Okay. Dad hasn’t been home in a few days,” Dean replied.Sam rolled his eyes at his brother’s words.

So he’s working overtime on a “Miller Time” shift. He’ll stumble back in sooner or later.”

Dean looked down at the ground for a moment before turning back to Sam.

Dad’s on a hunting trip. And he hasn’t been home in a few days.”


You and Dean stood in the living room while Sam was in the bedroom changing. Dean continued to peruse the pictures on the walls, avoiding your glare. Finally, you spoke up.

“What the hellare we doing here, Dean? He left, and we don’t need his help finding Dad.”

“If that thing has Dad, we’re going to need all the help we can get. Like it or not, we need Sam.”

“Yeah, the old Sam. But college boy? Who’s to say he’s not going to walk us out to the car just to tell us not to come back? We don’t need him. Dean, Dad could be in danger. Every minute we’re here trying to convince someone who won’t be convinced is time we’re not helping him,” you said, eyes darting over towards the closed bedroom door in case Sam walked out.

“You don’t think I know that? Y/N, we’ve got our best chance at finding Dad if we’re together. I’m not fighting about this.” You crossed your arms but remained silent. Sam emerged from the bedroom shortly after.

“Let’s go outside,” he stated, looking between you and Dean. Dean nodded and walked to the front door, leading the two of you out of the apartment.

You know, you guys can’t just break in in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the road with you,” Sam chastised as he followed Dean down the stairs.

You’re not hearing me, Sammy. Dad’s missing. We need you to help us find him.”

“You remember the poltergeist in Amherst or the devil’s gates in Clifton? He was missing then, too. He’s always missing, and he’s always fine.” Sam stopped at the bottom of the stairs as Dean turned back to look at him, leaving you stuck behind him.

“Not for this long. Now, are you gonna come with us or not?”

“I’m not.”

“Why not?”

“I swore I was done hunting for good,” Sam stated.At this, you pushed past Sam to stand beside Dean.

Come on,” Dean scoffed. ”It wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t that bad.” He started walking toward the building’s exit, you and Sam on his trail.

Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45.” You looked up at your older brother.

What was he supposed to do?” you questioned.

I was nine years old. He was supposed to say, ‘don’t be afraid of the dark.’”

Don’t be afraid of the dark?’” Dean was incredulous. “What, are you kidding me? Of course you should be afraid. You know what’s out there.”

“Yeah, I know. Still—the way we grew up after Mom was killed, and Dad’s obsession to find the thing that killed her, but we still haven’t found the damn thing. So we kill everything we canfind.”

“Save a lot of people doing it, too. What, are we supposed to sit back and knowingly let innocent people die just because we haven’t found that one thing?” You couldn’t keep from lashing out, anger clear in your voice. Did he really think every life they saved and every monster they destroyed was negated because you’d yet to find Yellow Eyes?

“No. I just…” Sam sighed and looked at Dean. “You think Mom would have wanted this for us?” You stormed outside and over to the car, Dean close behind you. Sam followed you both, continuing his questions. “The weapon training and melting the silver into bullets? Man, we were raised like warriors.”

So, what are you gonna do? Are you just gonna live some normal, apple-pie life? Is that it?” Dean looked back at his younger brother.

No, not normal,” Sam replied. “Safe.”

“And that’s why you ran away. That’s why you abandoned your family,” you shot back.

I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone. And that’s what I’m doing.”

That didn’t mean you had to leave Dean and me in the dust.” Your voice was softer with this, less angry and more sorrowful. Almost as if you didn’t want that heard. Sam opened his mouth to reply, but Dean spoke first.

Dad’s in real trouble right now, if he’s not dead already. I can feel it. We can’t do this alone.”

“Yes, you can,” Sam countered before you could.

Yeah. Well, I don’t want to.” Dean broke eye contact with Sam and looked down at the ground. Sam was silent for a minute before letting out a long sigh.

What was he hunting?” Dean looked to you and you begrudgingly went into the backseat of the car, grabbing your backpack.

“It’s going to take me a minute to find everything,”you warned, mentally chastising yourself for throwing the papers in your bag so haphazardly before you left. The details of the demon you’d been pursuing and the information you’d helped John find before he left were intermingled in your bag. You made quick work of unshuffling the two cases.

So when Dad left, why didn’t you guys go with him?” Sam asked Dean. Dean shrugged.

“The kid and I were working our own gigs down in New Orleans,” he replied, leaning back against the trunk of the car.

Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?” Sam chuckled.

I’m 26, dude.”

Finally,” you tossed your bag back into the car and stepped closer to your brothers. “Alright, so, Dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy—“ you handed one of the papers to Sam. “—they found his car, but he’d vanished. Completely M.I.A.”

“So maybe he was kidnapped,” Sam theorized, looking down at the paper. You scoffed and began handing him the rest of the papers one by one while Dean opened the trunk and began rooting around.

Yeah, well, here’s another one in April. Another one in December ’04, ’03, ’98, ’92—10 of ‘em over the past 20 years—all men, all same 5-mile stretch of road,” you finished your explanation and looked to Dean. He finally found what he was looking for and continued the run-through.

“It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. We hadn’t heard from him since, which is bad enough, and then I got this voicemail yesterday.” Dean hit play on the tape player and held it out for Sam to hear.

You know there’s EVP on that?” Sam asked once the recording had stopped.

Not bad, Sammy. Kind of like riding a bike, isn’t it?” You rolled your eyes and took the tape player from Dean.

I slowed it down and ran it through a GoldWave, took out the hiss, and this is what I got.” You hit play and let the EVP play through.

Never go home,” Sam repeated once the recording had finished. You handed Dean the player, and he stuck it back in the trunk before closing it up and turning back to Sam.

You know, in almost two years, I’ve never bothered you, never asked you for a thing.” Sam sighed and looked at the apartment building before looking back at you and Dean.

Alright, I’ll go. I’ll help you find him, but I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here.” He turned away and started to head back into the apartment building. You furrowed your brow.

What’s first thing Monday?” you called after him. Sam stopped and turned back to look at you.

I have an interview.” He seemed uneasy telling you even that.

What, a job interview?” Dean asked. “Skip it.”

“It’s a law school interview, and it’s my whole future on a plate.” Sam straightened up a bit at this reveal, proud of his plans.

Law school?” Dean questioned.

So, we got a deal or not?”


forever taglist: @griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter@vicmc624@idksupernatural


Characters: Reader, Bobby, John, Sam, Dean

Age: Spans from 2-20

Warnings: Death (of Y/N’s mother)

Word Count: 1,414

Summary: Snippets of life from when Y/N joins the Winchesters up to John’s disappearance.

Bobby was on the phone with another hunter, reading from one of his countless lore books, when there was a knock at his door. He shook his head and continued reading. The hunter on the other end needed this information fast. Whoever was on the other side of the door could wait. They didn’t seem to agree with that. Another knock—three hard, fast raps on the wood— and then his visitor called out.

“Bobby, please! I don’t have much time,” she called out, fear and desperation lacing each panicked word. It was one of his neighbors, Julia. Karen had befriended her long before that night, and since, Julia would often come by to check up on Bobby. Aside from Julia’s 2-year-old daughter, neither of them had any family. They looked out for each other.

Keep reading

Characters: Reader, Bobby, John, Sam, Dean

Age: Spans from 2-20

Warnings: Death (of Y/N’s mother)

Word Count: 1,414

Summary: Snippets of life from when Y/N joins the Winchesters up to John’s disappearance.

Bobby was on the phone with another hunter, reading from one of his countless lore books, when there was a knock at his door. He shook his head and continued reading. The hunter on the other end needed this information fast. Whoever was on the other side of the door could wait. They didn’t seem to agree with that. Another knock—three hard, fast raps on the wood— and then his visitor called out.

“Bobby, please! I don’t have much time,” she called out, fear and desperation lacing each panicked word. It was one of his neighbors, Julia. Karen had befriended her long before that night, and since, Julia would often come by to check up on Bobby. Aside from Julia’s 2-year-old daughter, neither of them had any family. They looked out for each other.

Bobby let out a sharp breath, told the hunter he’d call him back, and ran to the door. Instinctively, he grabbed one of his knives on the way. He pulled the door open in enough time to catch a sleeping Y/N as Julia fell to the ground. She was dragged back by an invisible force, almost inhuman screams coming from her as the hound tore into her. Bobby ran Y/N into the living room and set her on the couch before running to his gun collection. He grabbed one loaded with iron bullets and went back to the front door, but the hound was gone. Julia’s lifeless body was sprawled out on the ground. Bobby quietly shut the door and made his way over to her, always looking around to ensure he was alone. He knelt down beside Julia and looked down at her, sighing. What had she gotten herself into?


“Oh, damn it,” Bobby cursed, shaking his hand to relieve some of the pain on his now burnt finger. He turned the stove off and quickly poured the eggs onto a plate. Y/N was content in the living room, watching cartoons. When she’d woken up, Bobby had slipped some holy water into her drink, just to make sure. Bobby didn’t think there’d be any adverse reaction. He’d never heard of a crossroad demon going after anyone except the one they’d made their deal with. But, demons were tricky, and he had to be safe.

Y/N hadn’t asked about her mother’s whereabouts, to Bobby’s relief. He didn’t know how he could explain it to her. He didn’t know what he was going to do; he couldn’t take care of this girl. Julia’d asked him and Karen long before Y/N to be the guardians in her will when she was pregnant for her first child. Julia miscarried during that pregnancy, and Karen had died before Julia was pregnant with Y/N, but Bobby still agreed to be named guardian. He’d never thought it would come to this. She was young and healthy, so he’d always thought Julia was over-preparing. After last night, he’d come to realize it wasn’t a “just-in-case.” She was planning for the inevitable. Truthfully, the only experience he’d had with kids Y/N’s age were the few times John Winchester brought his sons along. As he carried the plate into the living room and set it down in front of the little one, he had the idea.


“Bobby, I’ve got my hands full with the two I already got.” John shook his head, looking over at four-year-old Sam and 8-year-old Dean playing with the girl.

“Even out on the road, you and those boys would be givin’ her a better life than I could. Keep her away from whatever killed her mama if it’s decided to stick around the area.” Bobby sighed before continuing, dropping his voice low. “Look, I…I don’t know the first thing about raising a kid.” John hadn’t looked away from the kids. Of course, he could sympathize with the situation, but could he really take in another mouth to feed?

“I’ll send ya money each month,” Bobby added after a silent moment. John ran his hand down his face, letting out a long sigh.

“Alright. Where’s her stuff?”


John thought he’d regret the decision to take Y/N in as soon as he’d pulled off Bobby’s lot. But, she just happily babbled as she tried to keep up with Sam and Dean’s conversation before falling asleep in her seat. She almost never whined and went along with every move and every new school with a smile. She loved the adventure this life gave her. If anything, she felt bad for the kids they met in each town. They were sentenced to living normal, mundane lives. She got to be a hero.

Y/N learned about the supernatural when she was six, the same time Sam did. She wasn’t supposed to, but she’d always been good at faking sleep. She handled it well enough, aside from the occasional nightmare. When she was eight, she learned the truth about her lineage and her mother. That was when she decided to immerse herself in the hunting world as much as she could. She’d ask John all about the hunts he’d been on and read every book she could get her hands on. Bobby often gifted her books when they’d stop at his house. She researched every creature ever hunted, whether they were thought to have been hunted to extinction or not. By the time she was 12, she was John and Dean’s first call when on a hunt. It was around that time that she learned how to drive, just in case they needed her. She learned how to hunt, but didn’t actually go on her first hunt until Sam left for Stanford. Y/N always saw herself taking on a role like Bobby when she left for school. When Sam left, she dropped out of school and earned her GED like Dean had. She didn’t want to stick everyone with searching for a school to enroll her in for another two years.

She resented Sam for leaving. While she respected his desire for a normal life, she just couldn’t get over how he left. His abandonment of his family hurt Y/N most. Yes, he and John had really had it out, but he left her and Dean in the dust, too, refusing to acknowledge them. She’d written him letters in the beginning, but they all went unanswered. She’d even left her phone numbers in every letter, but he never called. After a year, she finally gave up. If he didn’t want anything to do with her, she wouldn’t waste her energy any further.

At that point, she dived even further into the hunting world. She even snuck off on a few occasions for some quick and easy hunts on her own. She started looking closer into her mom’s death, too. Of course, she knew her mom was responsible for making the deal in the first place, but Y/N needed to know why. She needed to know who, too. If she could find out who, she could exorcise them and keep them from taking a loved one away from someone else.


Four years after Sam left, a 20-year-old Y/N and Dean were in New Orleans working two different hunts. Dean thought she was working another simple case while he worked his own. No one knew she was going after demons on her own while they looked for Yellow Eyes. She was about to leave for the crossroad when Dean burst into the motel room. He had his phone to his ear but quickly lowered it, ending the call with a swear.

“What’s up?” Y/N asked, covering the papers on the table in front of her before Dean could see.

“Dad still isn’t answering,” he answered. Y/N’s stomach dropped. John had been gone this long before—hell, this wasn’t even his longest hunt to date—but he’d always answer his phone or get back to his kids. For him to go this long…something was wrong.

Y/N packed her belongings into her backpack side-by-side with Dean.

“He was in Jericho, right?” Y/N asked, trying to estimate how long it would take the duo to reach the town. Dean grunted “mmhmm” in response and led her out to the Impala. Y/N got in the front after throwing her bag in the backseat and grabbed the map from the glovebox. Dean started the car and sped out of the parking lot into the night.

forever taglist:@griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter

Characters:Reader, Dean, Sam


Warnings:Drowning mention

Word Count: 2,993

Summary:The investigation brings on new connections, revelations and deaths around every corner as you and your brothers get closer to finding the real monster of Lake Manitoc.

A/N:Thank you to everyone who sent messages while I was away. I appreciate every one of you so, so much. Thankfully (and miraculously) both of my grandparents have made full recoveries. (Still positive for COVID but symptom-free.) As usual, all dialogue taken directly from the episode will be in italics.

~ ~ ~ ~

So, there’s the three drowning victims from this year,” Sam said, his eyes never leaving the computer screen in front of him. You were going through the clothes with Dean, silently planning a trip to the local laundromat as the “too used to wear again” pile grew larger and larger by the second.

And before that?” Dean asked, lifting a shirt to his nose before setting it down on the bed beside him—the first of few wearable clothes.

“Uh, yeah. Six more, spread out over the past 35 years. Those bodies were never recovered, either. If there is something out there, it’s picking up its pace,” Sam replied.

“So, what? We got a lake monster on a binge?” Dean threw a pair of jeans to the large pile behind you.

“This whole lake monster theory—it just bugs me,” you cut in, mimicking your eldest brother’s actions. At this rate, you’d spend more time at the laundromat than working on the case.

Why?”Dean asked. Sam continued to click through the articles on his screen.

“Loch Ness, Lake Champlain—there are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts, but here, there’s almost nothing. Whatever is out there, no one’s living to talk about it,” you explained. Dean walked over to Sam, standing behind him and reading over his shoulder. He pointed at one of the articles.

“Bar. Christopher Bar. Where have I heard that name before?” he asked.

“Christopher Bar, the victim in May,” Sam mused, clicking around a bit to find the article he was looking for.

Isn’t that Andrea’s last name?you asked as he searched, making your way over to the table and leaning over Sam’s right shoulder. He pulled up the article he was looking for, and the three of you were met with a picture of Lucas. He was wrapped in a towel, and you could only assume it was his grandfather standing beside him.

“Huh. Christopher Bar was Andrea’s husband. Lucas’s father. Apparently, he took Lucas out swimming. Lucas was on a floating wooden platform when Chris drowned. Two hours before the kid got rescued,” Sam summarized. He clicked on the picture so it filled the screen, Lucas’s terrified face staring back at you.

“Maybe we have an eyewitness after all,” you said, moving away from the table and looking anywhere but the picture. Dean did the same, though his eyes were locked on the computer screen.

“No wonder that kid was so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn’t something you just get over.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Dean pulled up to the playground, and parked. He didn’t shut the car off, however, until he’d surveyed the area and spotted Andrea.

“Let’s go” was all he said before getting out of the car. He waited for you and Sam to get out before starting the walk over to where Andrea sat.

“Can we join you?” Sam asked once the three of you were in close proximity to her. Andrea looked up at the three of you and smiled.

“I’m here with my son,” she replied, glancing over at Lucas before turning back to you.

“Oh. Mind if I say ‘hi’?” Dean asked. Without waiting for a response, he turned away and walked towards Lucas. Andrea scoffed, smiling, and looked back at you and Sam.

“Tell your friend this whole “Jerry McGuire” thing’s not going to work on me,” she said.

“I don’t think that’s what this is about,” you answered, giving her a small, reassuring smile before looking back at Dean. Andrea mimicked your smile before turning her attention to Dean and her son. She rose from her seat and stood beside you on your left, Sam to your right. The three of you watched in an awkward silence for a moment, like parents only congregated to ensure their children’s safety. You decided to break the tense stillness.

“So, has Lucas always been so…reserved?” You asked, watching as Lucas almost refused to acknowledge Dean’s presence. A humorless laugh escaped Andrea’s lips, and she turned to face you.

“No, no. He used to be so talkative when he was younger. He shut down when his dad passed.”

“We’re sorry to hear that,” Sam interjected when Andrea paused. She sighed, crossing her arms. “I’ve taken him to therapists…done everything under the sun that I could, but still, Lucas hasn’t said a word. Not even to me. Not since his dad’s accident.”

“Yeah, we heard. Sorry,” said Dean as he went to stand beside her.

“What are the doctors saying?” Sam asked. Andrea sighed again, a sort of exasperated sigh that usually accompanied information relayed countless times.

“Oh, that it’s a kind of post-traumatic stress,” she replied. Something about her tone led you to believe she didn’t believe that herself.

“That can’t be easy for either of you,” you sympathized.

“We moved in with my dad. That helps a lot. It’s just…when I think about what Lucas went through—what he saw…” Andrea trailed off, focusing her gaze back on her son.

“Kids are strong. You’d be surprised what they can deal with,” Dean assured her.

“You know, he used to have such life. He was so hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth.” Her nostalgic smile was short-lived as her thoughts settled back in the present. “Now, he just sits there. Drawing those pictures, playing with those army men. I just wish—” She cut herself off when Lucas approached, bending slightly to greet the boy. “Hey, sweetie.” Lucas kept his eyes on the ground in front of him, but went to Dean’s side and held out a picture.

“Thanks.”Dean took the picture and looked down at it. “Thanks, Lucas.” He turned his head to look back at the younger boy, but he’d already set back toward the bench. Andrea watched him for a moment then looked back at Dean, mouth slightly agape.

~ ~ ~ ~

The door of your motel room swung open and Sam walked in, letting it shut itself.

“So, I think it’s safe to say we can rule out Nessie,” he announced. He looked to Dean, who sat at the end of the bed currently covered in clothes—cleanclothes you’d just brought back from the laundromat.

“What do you mean?” Dean asked as Sam sat at the edge of the second bed.

“I just drove by the Carlton’s house,” he explained. “There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead.”

“He drowned?” Dean asked in disbelief.

“Yep, in the sink.”

“What the hell? So, Y/N is right; this isn’t a creature. We’re dealing with something else,” said Dean.

“Yeah, but what?” you asked, dropping the shirt in your hands. Sam shook his head.

“I don’t know. A water wraith maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean, something that controls water…” Dean trailed off, and the three of you looked at each other, eyes widening with the revelation you seemed to come to simultaneously. “Water that comes from the same source.”

“The lake,” you continued your brother’s thoughts. “Which would explain why it’s upping the body count. The lake is draining. It’ll be dry in a few months. Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants, it’s running out of time.”

“And if it can get through the pipes, it can get to anyone almost anywhere,” Sam added.

“This is going to happen again soon.” Dean moved to sit at the table and began putting his shoes back on, ready to go after this thing. You grabbed your boots from their spot beside the bed.

“And we do know one other thing for sure,” Sam continued. “We know that this has got something to do with Bill Carlton.”

“Yeah. It took both his kids,” you said, pointing out the obvious in Sam’s statement as you tied your laces.

“And I’ve been asking around. Lucas’s dad, Chris—Bill Carlton’s godson,” Sam revealed.

“Let’s go pay Mr. Carlton a visit,” Dean decided, rising from his seat.

~ ~ ~ ~

As if he’d never moved from the last time the three of you visited his home, Bill Carlton sat on his dock, looking out at the water. His back was to the house, and he made no move to acknowledge your arrival at any point as the three of you walked over. His grief was obvious in his movements—or lack of, that is—but it was a whole other thing to see the despair on his face, the sorrow in his eyes when you approached the man.

“Mr. Carlton?” Sam asked. “We’d like to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind.”

“We’re from the Department of-”

“I don’t care who you’re with,” Bill cut Dean off. “I’ve answered enough questions today.” His voice quivered as he spoke, always on the verge of tears. You stepped forward to speak with him.

“Your son said he saw something in that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there?” Your voice was empathetic, but professional—you’d found it was enough to give you an air of authority, but comforting enough to allow you to gain the trust of your witness. Bill, however, remained silent, refusing to meet your gaze. “Mr. Carlton, Sophie’s drowning and Will’s death—we think there might be a connection. To you or your family.”

“My children are gone. It’s…it’s worse than dying.” Bill blinked away tears and finally turned to look up at you. The air fell still for a moment, punctuating his words. He turned away before he spoke again. “Go away…please.” Dean nudged you before nodding his head in the direction of the car. You wouldn’t get anywhere badgering him any further. Sam and Dean left the dock, but you stayed planted in your spot, pursing your lips.

“I’m sorry,” you said softly. Bill only looked down at the ground and shut his eyes. With that, you finally turned and followed your brothers back to the car.

“What do you think?” Sam asked once you were back at the car and out of Bill’s earshot.

“I think the poor guy’s been through hell. I also think he’s not telling us something.” Dean answered.

“So now what?” Sam asked, resting his arms on the hood of the car. You went to stand beside him, ready to get in, but Dean had stopped and was now looking up at the house.

What is it?” you asked.

“Huh. Maybe Bill’s not the only one who knows something.” He pulled Lucas’s picture out of his jacket pocket and held it out in front of him. The drawing was identical to the house standing before you.

~ ~ ~ ~

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Andrea said, putting her hands on her hips.

“I just need to talk to him, just for a few minutes,” Dean pleaded.

“He won’t say anything. What good’s it gonna do?” Andrea asked him. Sam was the one to answer her.

“Andrea, we think more people might get hurt. We think something’s happening out there.”

“My husband, the others—they just drowned. That’s all.” Andrea shook her head, adamant in her beliefs. You sighed.

“If that’s what you really believe, then we’ll go,” you said. “But if you think there’s even a possibility that something else could be going on here, please let Dean talk to your son.” Andrea didn’t reply, and she cast her gaze downward. You could practically see the gears turning as she weighed the pros and cons of letting the three of you upstairs. Moments later, she looked back at the three of you and nodded.

“Alright.” She moved past you and walked up the stairs, motioning for the three of you to follow.  You stood against the wall once you’d all reached Lucas’s room, standing close enough to see what was going on, but far enough back to give Dean space to do his thing without an audience. He stepped into the room and knelt down on the floor beside Lucas.

“Hey, Lucas. Remember me?” It was silent for a moment as he looked down at two of Lucas’s pictures. “You know, I, uh…I wanted to thank you for that last drawing. But the thing is, I need your help again.” Dean pulled the picture of the Carlton house out of his pocket and set it down in front of Lucas. “How did you know to draw this? Did you know something bad was gonna happen? Maybe you could nod yes or no for me. You’re scared.” Dean nodded. “It’s okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn’t feel like talking, just like you. But, see, my mom, I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that everyday. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe your dad wants you to be brave, too.” You quickly wiped a tear from your eye. The three of you had always had a bond, having lost your mothers to demons at such young ages, but Dean was the only one with real, concrete memories of Mary. Having been two when your own mother passed, you had a vague recollection of her, but nothing as real as what Dean had.

Suddenly, Angela’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open again. You looked back into the room to see what you had missed. Lucas was looking up at Dean, meeting his eyes. He grabbed another picture and held it out to your brother.Dean looked down at it then smiled at the boy. “Thanks, Lucas.”

~ ~ ~ ~

You sat in the back of the car, leaning forward and looking over Sam’s shoulder at the picture he held in his hands. Dean sped down the street, headed back towards the motel.

“Andrea said the kid never drew like that ’til his dad died,” Dean said.

“There are cases. Going through a traumatic experience could make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies—” Sam relayed some Supernatural Psychology 101, but was cut off by Dean.

“Whatever’s out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?” He asked. Sam started to respond, but Dean continued his thought. “I mean, it’s only a matter of time before somebody else drowns. So if you got a better lead, please.”

“Alright,”Sam relented. “We got another house to find.”

“The only problem is, there’s about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone,” Dean complained. You reached forward and took the picture from Sam, moving it so Dean could better see it.

“See this church?” You asked, pointing to the building in the foreground. “Bet there’s less than a thousand of those around here.”

“Oh, kid thinks she’s so smart,” Dean mocked. You smirked.

Only ‘cause I am,” you responded triumphantly, sitting back in your seat and setting the picture down next to you. Sam chuckled at the two of you before looking at Dean, shifting the mood of the car when he began to speak.

“You know, uh, what you said about mom—you never told me that before.” Dean kept his eyes on the road ahead.

“It’s no big deal,” he replied, voice monotone. He looked over at Sam when the younger brother refused to look away and grimaced. “Oh, god, we’re not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?” Sam smiled but shook his head, finally turning away from Dean. The two of them remained silent, though, and you decided to break the tension.

Aw, look at college boy, all in touch with his feelings,” you teased, reaching forward to push on Sam’s shoulder. “You’re turning it into a real chick-flick in here.” You sat back and smiled when your brothers started laughing; your job was done.

~ ~ ~ ~

It had taken a little over half an hour to find the location from Lucas’s drawing, but your assertion had been correct and the three of you had found the white church and, subsequently, the yellow house with relative ease. You had opted to stay in the car this time, letting Sam and Dean go investigate this part of the puzzle. You didn’t have a good feeling about what they were going to find, and after your encounter with Bill, you thought it best to stay back, lest you start getting emotional. Sam and Dean were back in the car within twenty minutes and as always, were quick to fill you in on their discoveries.

“Okay, this little boy, Peter Sweeney, vanishes, and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow,” you summarized, looking between the two of them.

“Yeah, Bill sure as hell seems to be hiding something, huh?” Dean nodded, eyes on the road in front of him as he drove down the street, on his way back to the Carlton house.

“And Bill—the people he loves—they’re all getting punished,” Sam continued.

“So what if Bill did something to Peter?” Dean asked, connecting the dots in front of you.

“What if Bill killedhim?”Sam specified.

“Peter’s spirit would be furious,” you said. “It’d want revenge. I mean, it’s possible.”

You were back at Bill’s house minutes later. The three of you got out and looked to the dock, only to find it empty.

Mr. Carlton!” Sam called, looking around. Dean looked back to the water and spotted Bill in the boat, going out into the water.

Hey, check it out,” he said, getting you and Sam to follow his gaze. The three of you ran down the beach and onto the dock, calling after Bill.

Turn the boat around! Come back here!” you yelled, your brothers calling out similarly. Bill only looked back at you before turning his head and speeding up. Seconds later the boat shot out of the water, flying back towards the dock. You jumped back at the sudden explosion of water. The boat landed upside down on top of Bill and, almost instantly, both disappeared under the water.

~ ~ ~ ~

SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306@marvelous-glims@headsup-i-am-very-bad-at-writing

forever taglist: @griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding @vicmc624@idksupernatural

Characters:Reader, Dean, Sam


Warnings:drowning, death mention

Word Count: 1,794

Summary:After another disagreement with Sam about how the trio is handling John’s disappearance, the Winchesters set out to Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin to investigate the drownings.

A/N:just so i don’t disappear for a while without a word, i’m going to try to remain consistent-ish with my posts, but my grandparents both have COVID and i’m not super motivated right now. if things get worse, i probably won’t be on for a bit. please bear with me through it. as always, dialogue taken directly from the episode is in italics.

~ ~ ~ ~

You sat beside Dean at the counter of the small diner, looking through a newspaper while he read another. Your waitress walked over and stopped in front of Dean, smiling at him. She leaned in close to him and smiled.

Can I get you anything else?” she asked. You circled an obituary a few times, shaking your head.

Just the check, please,” you replied without looking up at her. Sam walked over and took his seat on the other side of Dean while the waitress walked away. Dean hung his head then looked over at you.

You know, Y/N, we are allowed to have fun once in a while.” He pointed over at the waitress. “That’s fun.” You only rolled your eyes in response.

Here. Take a look at this. I think I got one.” you pushed the paper towards him. He took it and placed it between him and Sam. “Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. Last week, Sophie Carlton, 18, walks into the lake, doesn’t walk out. Authorities dragged the water—nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were found, either. They had a funeral two days ago.”

“A funeral?” Sam asked, looking up from the paper. His disbelief was clear.

Yeah. They buried an empty coffin for closure or whatever,” you replied with a shrug.

Closure? What closure? People don’t just disappear. Other people just stop looking for them.” Dean looked over at you then turned the stool to fully face Sam.

Something you want to say to us?”

“The trail for Dad—it’s getting closer every day.”

“Exactly. So, what are we supposed to do?”

“I don’t know. Something. Anything.”

“You know what? I’m sick of this attitude. You don’t think me and Y/N want to find Dad as much as you do?”

“Yeah, I know you do. It’s just-” Dean continued to talk over him.

“Me and Y/N are the ones that have been with him every single day for the past two years while you’ve been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we’re going to kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?” Sam didn’t reply. Instead, the two of them stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. You rolled your eyes and stood up.

“I’ll be in the car when you two are finished,” you said.

“Y/N-” Sam started, but you cut him off.

“No. I’m sick and tired of this. Dean’s right, you haven’t been here. This is how we do things. Even you just said you don’t know what we should do. God, if you want to do things your own way, just shut up and go. As soon as this is over, you’re going to leave anyway.” You turned to look at Dean. “This is exactlywhat I warned you about.” You looked between the two of them once more, shook your head, and walked out. Dean sighed and straightened up in his seat, piling the papers together. Sam cleared his throat.

Alright. Lake Manitoc. Hey, how far?”

~ ~ ~ ~

You followed Sam and Dean up to the door, standing behind them. You smoothed out your jacket and readied your badge while Dean knocked on the door. A man opened the door almost immediately.

Will Carlton?” Dean asked. Will nodded.

Yeah. That’s right.” You held up your badge at the same time Sam and Dean lifted theirs.

I’m Agent Ford. These are Agents Hamill and…Fisher.We’re with the U.S. Wildlife Service.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Will led the three of you outside. His father sat out on a bench on their dock, and Will watched him for a few seconds before turning back to the three of you.“She was about a hundred yards out. That’s where she got dragged down.”

And you’re sure she didn’t just drown?” Dean asked.

Yeah. She was a varsity swimmer. She practically grew up in that lake. She’s as safe out there as in her own bathtub.”

“So, no splashing, no signs of distress?” Sam asked.

No. That’s what I’m telling you.” Will replied.

“Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe some dark shape breach the surface?” You were the one to speak this time.

“No. Again, she was really far out there.”

“You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?” you followed up.

“No, never. Why? Why? What do you think is out there?” Will’s eyes met each of yours, begging for an answer.

“We’ll let you know as soon as we do,” Dean answered. With that, he turned around and walked back to the car. You began to follow but stopped and looked back when Sam remained planted in his position.

“What about your father? Can we talk to him?” Sam asked. His eyes never left the older man’s shape. Will sighed and glanced back at his father.

“Look, if you don’t mind, I mean, he didn’t see anything, and he’s kind of been through a lot.”

“We understand.” Sam nodded. He finally turned away and followed you back to the car.

~ ~ ~ ~

“Now, I’m sorry, but why does the wildlife service care about an accidental drowning?” Jake asked, opening the gate on the side of the desk to let the three of you in.

“You sure it’s accidental? Will Carlton saw something grab his sister.” Sam spoke, the three of you following Jake into his office.

“Like what?” His annoyance was already made clear in his tone. He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk as he walked further into the room.“Here. Sit, please.” You pulled a chair over and sat beside Sam.“There are no indigenous carnivores in that lake. There’s nothing even big enough to pull down a person unless it was the Loch Ness Monster.”

“Yeah, right,” Dean said. You leaned forward in your chair slightly to exchange a look with him before sitting back and turning your attention back to Jake.

“Will Carlton was traumatized, and sometimes the mind plays tricks,” Jake continued, finally sitting down. “Still, we dragged the entire lake. We even ran a sonar sweep just to be sure, and there was nothing down there.”

“That’s weird, though. I mean, that’s the third missing body this year,” you said, narrowing your eyes slightly.

“I know.” Jake’s voice was softer now, sorrowful. “These are people from my town. These are people I care about.”

“I know” Dean replied.

“Anyway…”Jake sighed, throwing his hands up as he leaned back in his chair..“All this, it won’t be a problem much longer.”

“What do you mean?” Dean asked. Jake looked at him quizzically.

“Well, the dam, of course.”

“Of course.” Dean looked over at you and Sam with widened eyes before continuing. “The dam. It’s, uh, it sprung a leak.”

“It’s falling apart. And the Feds won’t give us the grant to repair it. So they’ve opened the spillway.” Jake moved in his seat, resting his arms on the desk while he eyed Dean. “In another six months, there won’t be much of a lake. There won’t be much of a town, either. But as Federal Wildlife, you already knew that.” He looked at the three of you, suspicion lighting up his eyes.

“Exactly,”you nodded, trying to save face any way you could. Before anything more could be said, a woman entered the room.

“Sorry, am I interrupting? I can come back later,” she said, looking at Jake.

“Agents, this is my daughter,” Jake introduced as the four of you stood. Dean walked over and held out his hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Dean,” he smirked.

“Angela Bar. Hi,” she replied, shaking his hand.

“Hi.”Dean’s eyes never left hers, that is until Jake spoke up.

“They’re from the Wildlife Service about the lake,” Jake explained, interrupting your brother’s flirting.

“Oh,”Angela said. Her voice was barely audible. A young boy stepped out from behind Angela.

“Oh, hey there. What’s your name?” Dean asked him. The boy kept his gaze on the floor, then turned and walked out of the room. Angela looked at the four of you apologetically before following the boy.

“His name is Lucas,” said Jake. Through the doorway, you watched Angela help Lucas pick some crayons out of the box.

“Is he okay?” you asked, glancing back at Jake.

“My grandson’s been through a lot. We all have,” he sighed. With that, he walked around his desk and over to the door.“Well, if there’s anything else I can do for you, please let me know.”

“Thanks,”Sam said as you all filed out of the office.

“Hey, you know, now that you mentioned it, could you point us in the direction of a reasonably priced motel?” Dean looked to Angela.

“Lakefront Motel. Go around the corner. It’s two blocks up,” she replied with a smile.You and Sam turned to leave but stopped when Dean spoke again.

“Two…would you mind showing us?” he asked. You looked at Sam and rolled your eyes.

“You want me to walk you two blocks?” Angela scoffed.

“Not if it’s any trouble,” Dean replied.

“I’m headed that way anyway,” she said before looking over at Jake. “I’ll be back to pick up Lucas at three.” She leaned down and hugged Lucas from behind. “We’ll go to the park, okay, sweetie?” After kissing the side of his head, she stood and went to the front door.

“Thanks again,” Sam nodded at Jake before following you and Dean out of the building and after Angela.  

“So, cute kid,” Dean said as soon as you made your way down the street.

“Thanks,”Angela smiled, crossing the street.

“Kids are the best, huh?” You and Sam started laughing softly and Dean shot a look at you both, a silent “shut up.”

“There it is.” Angela gestured to the motel across the street. “Like I said, two blocks.”

“Thanks,”you said, ready to head in. She nodded then looked at Dean, sighing.

“Must be hard with your sense of direction. Never being able to find your way to a decent pick-up line.” You turned around to try and hold back a laugh while Angela crossed the street again. “Enjoy your stay,” she called over her shoulder. You contained yourself and looked to Dean.

I like her,” you smiled.

‘Kids are the best?’ You don’t even like kids.” Sam criticized.

“I love kids,” Dean shot back.

“Name three children that you even know,” Sam challenged. Dean went silent; you could practically see the gears in his head trying to form an answer. Sam shook his head and walked into the motel, you at his heels.

“I’m thinking!” Dean called out, following the two of you in.

~ ~ ~ ~

SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306@marvelous-glims@i-didnt-do-it-i-promise

forever taglist: @griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter@vicmc624 

wendigo, pt. 3

Characters:Reader, Dean, Sam, Hailey, Ben, Roy, Tommy


Warnings:character death, dead body, (flare) gun use/mention.

Word Count: 2,446

Summary:The wendigo closes in and makes an attack. After going on a search for the creature, the Winchesters are separated. Sam, Ben, and Y/N have to work quickly to save Dean and Hailey and take down the creature once and for all.

A/N:check that out; got this one finished in 3 parts instead of 4! (i was originally aiming to have them all be 3, but the pilot had me thinking they’d all be super long lmao)now i’m going to go cry for about 6 years bc of jennamarbles’s latest video! as always, dialogue taken directly from the show is in italics.

~ ~ ~ ~

Help me! Help!”

You, Sam, and Dean shot up and cautiously but quickly walked back to the campsite. Roy cocked his gun uselessly as the three of you approached. You aimed your flashlight into the woods, trying to catch a glimpse of the screaming creature.

It’s trying to draw us out. Just stay cool. Stay put,” Dean directed.

Inside the magic circle?” Roy mocked. You glared at him but were quickly vindicated when the wendigo’s growl seemed to send a shiver down his spine. “Okay. That’s no grizzly.”

Hailey took Ben’s hand and the two sat back on the log they’d been occupying earlier, comforting him as they did: “It’s okay. We’ll be alright. I promise.” The wendigo ran past the circle and she screamed. You jumped back, and Roy stepped closer, gun drawn.

It’s here.” He took a shot at the brush, then turned and shot at another spot. The wendigo howled. “I hit it!” Roy jumped over the symbols and ran into the woods.

Roy, no! Roy!” Dean called after him, trying to stop him. He looked back at Hailey and Ben. “Don’t move!” With that, he led you and Sam after Roy.

It’s over here! It’s in the tree!” A voice called out. Suddenly, everything was silent. The two of you stopped and looked around, but Roy was gone.

~ ~ ~ ~

The woods were silent for the rest of the night. Sam found a spot against a tree stump to keep watch hours ago, and he’d yet to move. You and Dean were up at the campsite with Hailey and Ben, ensuring their safety.

I don’t…I mean, these types of things aren’t supposed to be real,” Hailey said. Dean moved from his place beside one of the tents and sat beside her.

I wish I could tell you different,” he sighed.

How do we know it’s not out there watching us?” She asked, looking to Dean.

We don’t,” you replied, keeping your eyes out on the woods. You glanced over in time to see Dean shoot you a look before he turned back to Hailey.

But,we’re safe for now,” Dean reassured her. You rolled your eyes and went back to being the lookout. Hailey nodded then spoke again, her voice a bit softer.

“How do you know about this stuff?” Dean looked away for a moment before answering.

It kind of runs in the family.” Before Hailey could ask another question, Dean stood up and Sam walked over, breathing heavily..

Hey. So, we’ve got half a chance in the daylight. And I, for one, want to kill this evil son of a bitch,” Sam said. You turned around to look at him.

You know I’m in,” you replied, stepping away from your post and closer to the group.

~ ~ ~ ~

As Dean readied the supplies you needed, you and Sam stood with Haley and Ben, getting them prepared for what they were about to face. You held out the journal, open to the page on wendigos, and gave them the basic summary.

Wendigo is a Cree Native American word. It means ‘evil that devours,’” you shut the journal. “They’re hundreds of years old. Each one was once a man, sometimes a Native American, or other times a frontiersman or a miner or hunter.”

How’s a man turn into one of these things?” Hailey asked.

It’s always the same. During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. He becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe or camp,” you answered.

Like the Donner party,” Ben spoke up. Sam nodded.

That’s right. Cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities—speed, strength, immortality,” he explained. Dean, finished with the weapons, stood and walked over.

If you eat enough of it, over the years, you become this less-than-human thing. You’re always hungry,” Dean continued Sam’s thought.

So, if that’s true, how can Tommy still be alive?” Hailey asked. You shook your head.

You’re not gonna like it,” you warned her. She pressed on, demanding an answer. You sighed but spoke again. “More than anything, a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. When it’s awake, it,uh…you trailed off and looked to your brothers, silently asking them to give her the news. Dean continued for you.

It keeps its victims alive. It stores them so it can feed whenever it wants. If your brother’s alive, it’s keeping him somewhere dark, quiet, and safe. And we gotta track it back there.” You went to the bag of supplies as Hailey asked her next question.

And then how do we stop it?”

“Well, guns are useless. So are knives,” Dean replied.

Basically,”you cut in, holding up a rag, lighter, and some lighter fuel. “We gotta torch the sucker.

~ ~ ~ ~

The five of you made your way through the woods. Claw marks were spotted on the trees awhile back, and you used them as your guide to the wendigo’s lair. Suddenly, Sam stopped and called you and Dean over, looking up at all the claw marks in the trees. He pointed upwards, and you looked around to see the claw marks on every single tree, circling where the five of you stood.

You know, I was thinking. Those claw marks, so clear and distinct,” Sam chuckled humorlessly.

They were almost too easy to follow,” you finished his thought, voice barely audible. As if on cue, the wendigo ran past, back and forth around the area. You looked around, trying to get an idea of where it could be when Hailey screamed. You turned around in time to see Roy’s body fall on the ground. Hailey fell to the ground when she jumped out the way. Sam ran to her aid, and you went to Roy, putting your hand to his neck to feel for a pulse. You looked up at Dean immediately after, shaking your head. “His neck’s broken.”

“Okay, run, run!” Dean grabbed your arm and pulled you up while Sam helped Hailey. “Go, go, go, go, go!” The five of you rushed out of the area. Dean and Hailey ran ahead, but Ben tripped and fell to the ground. You and Sam stayed back to help him up. The three of you chased after Dean and Hailey, trying to cover the lost ground. Hailey screamed. You ran faster. Sam stopped at the bottom of a small hill when Ben called out for Hailey. You watched Sam bend down and pick something up off the ground; The top of Dean’s Molotov Cocktail. Your eyes widened and you looked around the area.


~ ~ ~ ~

“If it keeps its victims alive, why would it kill Roy?” Ben asked, walking through the woods at Sam’s side. You led them a few feet ahead, searching for a clue.

Honestly? I think because Roy shot at it, he pissed it off,” Sam replied. You stopped and nervously fixed your hair before closing your eyes and throwing your head back. Sam pursed his lips then walked over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

“Hey, Y/N, we’re going to find him,” he assured. You quickly turned away from him and wiped your eyes, shaking your head.

“I know, I know. I just…” you sighed. “We can’t lose him, Sam. He’s all I got.”

“I’m right here, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere.” You scoffed at Sam’s words.

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Sam, what’s keeping you here if Dean’s gone. He’sthe one who convinced you to come. He’sthe one that’s been able to talk you down. Besides, as soon as we find Dad and we get whatever killed Jess, you’re leaving, right? Right?” You shook your head again. “We have to find Dean.” Sam opened his mouth to reply, but Ben spoke up first.

Hey, they went this way!” He called out, holding up an M&M. You went over to him, Sam right behind you. He took the M&M from Ben and chuckled.

It’s better than breadcrumbs.” He chuckled again. You quickly began following the trail of candies, Ben and Sam on your trail again.

~ ~ ~ ~

Sam silently moved through the brush. Ben followed behind him, and you made up the rear, watching out for anything on your trail. Sam stopped at the entrance to the mine and looked through the opening in the old wooden fence. He looked back at you and shrugged before ducking under the top of the fence and slipping inside. You let Ben go in before you, made one last visual sweep of the woods, and went inside. Sam led both of you through the tunnels. He signaled for you to get against the wall then reached out and pushed Ben against the wall, covering his mouth when the wendigo walked out of the mine. One the coast was clear, Sam moved away from the wall and down to where the wendigo had emerged from.

You continued down the path for a few minutes, suddenly stopping when the wood began to creak. You looked back at Sam just as the wood cracked and the ground gave out beneath you. It was a short fall, but it still took you a minute to recover. Ben jumped away from a skull an inch in front of him, and Sam was soon at his side to calm him. While he did, you sat up and looked around. You turned your head to the right and gasped at the sight of Dean and Hailey hanging from the ceiling by their arms. You ran over to Dean.

Dean, come on,” you softly pleaded, shaking your brother. Ben ran to Hailey and tried to wake her up. Dean’s eyes shot open and you let out a sigh of relief. “Hey, you okay.” He grunted in response. Sam went to Ben and helped him get Hailey down while you helped Dean. Once the pair were seated on the ground, Dean began groaning in pain. You looked at him, eyes slightly widened with fear.

You sure you’re alright?” He brushed you off with a wave of his hand.

Yeah, yeah. Where is it?” His voice was strained, but he was doing everything in his power to fake his well-being.

It’s gone for now,” Sam answered him. With Ben’s help, Hailey stood up and walked over to Tommy.

Tommy.”She grabbed his face, but gasped and jumped back when Tommy’s eyes opened and he took a breath in. She turned back to Sam. “Get him down.” While Sam helped her, you and Dean began digging through the backpacks beside you. Dean looked to you and smiled after a minute of digging, pulling out a gun. You smiled and pulled out one of your own.

Hey, check it out,” Dean called over to Sam, standing up and holding his gun up.

Flare guns,” Sam smiled. “Those’ll work.”

~ ~ ~ ~

Armed with a flare gun each, Sam and Dean led your group towards the entrance of the mine. Like before, you took up the rear, ensuring there were no attacks from behind. You kept your flare gun ready, finger centimeters from the trigger. Dean and Sam stopped when the wendigo began growling. Sam held his gun out in front of him.

Looks like someone’s home for supper,” Dean commented.

We’ll never outrun it,” Hailey said, looking at Dean as she struggled to keep Tommy up, even with Ben’s help. Dean glanced back at her then looked between you and Sam.

You thinking what I’m thinking?”

Yeah.” You nodded. Sam looked back at him.

Yeah, I think so.”

“Alright, listen to me,” Dean instructed the three siblings. “Stay with Sam. He’s gonna get you out of here.”

“What are you going to do?” Hailey asked. Dean only winked in response before walking down the tunnel.

It’s chow time, you freakin’ bastard!” He called out. You looked at Sam, nodded, then followed after Dean.

Yeah, that’s right! Bring it on, baby!” You yelled once you were a few feet away from everyone else. Dean waited until you were behind him before he began running.

We taste good!” Dean yelled. You were hot on his trail, stopping once to look around when you didn’t hear any sign of the wendigo.

You want some white meat, bitch? We’re right here!” You looked around once more then ran after Dean. The two of you continued through the tunnels, yelling out for the creature. You kept an eye on Dean as you ran, watching as he held his arm against his stomach, almost refusing to move it.

Sam screamed and shot his gun towards the entrance of the tunnel. You turned and ran towards the area, willing your legs to move faster than they ever had. You and Dean reached the area as the wendigo closed in on Sam and the three siblings. It threw its head back and roared, giving you and Dean enough time to aim your guns.

“Hey!”Dean called out. The wendigo turned and the two of you shot your guns, hitting it in two separate spots. It lit up from the inside out and fell to the ground. Once it was dead, Dean looked over at Sam and smiled. “Not bad, huh?”

~ ~ ~ ~

You and Sam led Ben over to where Hailey and Dean stood once Ben finished giving his statement to the officer. Hailey turned to look at Ben.

Let’s go,” she said. She turned back to Dean then leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I hope you find your father. Thanks, Sam. You, too, Y/N.” Hailey smiled at you and Sam before putting her arm around Ben and leading him over to the ambulance Tommy was in. You leaned against the car on one side of Dean, Sam mimicking your actions on the other side.

Man, I hate camping,” you said, shaking your head.

Me, too,” Dean and Sam agreed simultaneously. Dean pursed his lips and looked down at the ground for a moment before looking over at Sam.

You know we’re gonna find Dad, right?” He asked. Sam sighed.

Yeah, I know. But in the meantime…I’m driving.” Sam held his hands out for the keys, but Dean stayed silent. Finally, he tossed him the set and walked around the car to the passenger’s side.

“Oh, that is sonot fair!” you complained as Sam got in the car.

“Youcrashed her into a house,” Dean replied, sliding into the passenger seat. You groaned and got in the backseat.

“It was one time!”you shot back. Sam smiled and revved the engine before speeding off out of the parking lot.


SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306@marvelous-glims

forever taglist: @griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter@vicmc624@idksupernatural

Characters:Reader, Sam, Dean, Hailey, Ben, Roy


Warnings:Gun Mention.

Word Count: 2,783

Summary:The Winchesters crash Hailey’s search and rescue team, hoping to find John and the creature before it finds them. But, a close encounter with the creature leaves Sam adamant to get every non-Winchester out of the woods and his siblings worried for their brother.

A/N:All dialogue taken from the episode is in italics.

~ ~ ~ ~

Again, you decided to stay back and let Dean and Sam do the interrogation. They filled you in on all the details as soon as they got back from Shaw’s house, and you had to admit you were glad you didn’t go. As much as you loved hunting, sometimes the stories of those involved with these creatures…they got to you; you felt their sorrow. Shaw’s tale was heartbreaking, and you didn’t know if you’d have been able to hold it together were you to have accompanied your brothers.

You double-checked the weapons in the duffel Dean had packed up the night before as the three of you drove into the woods. There was enough of an assortment that you felt comfortable going up against anything that could be thrown at you, and you were sure your father would have even more ammo to add to your supply. You’d be set. Dean pulled up behind the guide’s truck and parked. Hailey, Ben, and the guide watched as you all got out of the car.

You guys got room for three more?” Dean asked, shutting the door and leading you and Sam over to Hailey.

Wait, you want to come with us?” Hailey asked, raising an eyebrow.

Who are these guys?” the guide asked, eyeing the three of you suspiciously.

“Apparently this is all the park service could muster up,” Hailey replied, glancing back over her shoulder to look at him.

You’re rangers?” Disbelief was clear in the guide’s voice.

That’s right,” Dean shot back. Sam began to head into the woods, ignoring the conversation. You glanced up at Dean then followed Sam. It didn’t matter whether they believed your cover or not, you just needed to get into the woods and find John.

And you’re hiking out in biker boots and jeans?” Hailey questioned, looking Dean up and down.

Well, sweetheart, I don’t do shorts,” Dean smirked, following your lead. The guide stopped him.

Oh, you think this is funny? It’s dangerous backcountry out there. Her brother might be hurt.” You rolled your eyes and turned back to look at him. If only he knew everything the three of you had seen. Sam stopped and followed suit as Dean spoke up.

Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be. We just want to help them find their brother. That’s all.” Dean began walking up the trail with you and Sam and, finally, Hailey, Ben, and the guide followed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So, Roy, you said you did a little hunting,” Dean said as the six of you walked further into the woods. You looked around the area, trying to find anythingthat would give you a clue as to where John was.

Yeah, more than a little,” was all Roy gave in response, a hint of irritation lacing the words.

Uh-huh. What kind of furry critters do you hunt?”

“Mostly buck. Sometimes bear.”

“Tell me, uh, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?” Dean asked, stepping ahead of Roy. You chuckled lightly at Dean’s words, but the mood quickly shifted as Roy grabbed the back of Dean’s jacket and pulled him back. You balled your hands into fists, ready to fight. Dean looked to Roy. “Whatcha doing, Roy?”

Roy let go of Dean’s jacket then reached down and grabbed a stick off the ground. You and Hailey jumped when he reached the stick out and set off the bear trap directly in front of Dean. Roy dropped the stick and looked back to Dean.

You should watch where you’re going stepping…Ranger.” With that, he pressed on, walking further down the trail. Dean chuckled and turned back to you, Sam, Hailey, and Ben.

It’s a bear trap.” He continued on after Roy, the four of you following. Hailey rushed forward to match his pace.

You didn’t pack any provisions. You guys are carrying a duffel bag. You’re not rangers, so who the hell are you?” Hailey grabbed Dean’s arm, forcing him to turn back and face her. Dean looked to you and Sam as Ben walked ahead. You looked up to Sam then back at Dean and nodded. She should know the truth now before things turned ugly. Sam nodded as well then nudged you.

“C’mon, Y/N,” he prodded, gesturing for you to go ahead. You shook your head and mimicked his gesture.

“No way am I almost breaking an ankle againbecause of you. You first.” Sam shook his head but stepped forward and began following after Ben, you on his trail. Dean began talking with Hailey.

“Y’know, it’s not my fault you didn’t watch where you were going,” Sam teased as the two of you walked together. You rolled your eyes and looked up at him, unable to keep the smile off your face.

“It’s kind of hard to watch where you’re going when you’re fiveand your brother is chasing after you with a handful of worms,” you retorted, shuddering as you thought back to that day. John was having Dean do some target practice, which left you and Sam to occupy yourselves. The then seven-year-old Sam had dug up about fifteen worms and tried to stick one down the back of your shirt when you weren’t paying attention. You caught him at the last second and ran, starting a chase through the trees, screams and giggles filling the air. You turned back to see how close Sam was, missing the hole in the ground in front of you. Your foot slipped in and you were on the ground before you even knew what happened.

“Munchkin! You want some M&M’s?” Dean called out from behind you, pulling you out of your thoughts with the nickname he’d saddled you with since childhood. You turned around to face him. He and Hailey had begun walking again, and he was holding up the bag of candy.

“Call me that again and I’ll make sure you end up in the next bear trap,” you replied, arms crossed. “But, yes, please!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This is it—Black Water Ridge,” Roy said, stopping when he reached the small clearing.

What coordinates are we at?” Sam asked, moving past him and looking around. Roy got his GPS out of his jacket.

35 and minus 111,” he read off the screen. Dean walked over to Sam, putting his hand on your shoulder and pulling you with him.

You hear that?” he asked, voice lowered.

Yeah,”Sam replied, staring straight ahead into the next group of trees.

Not even crickets,” you added, looking around the area. Roy put his GPS back in his jacket.

I’m gonna go take a look around.” Sam quickly looked at him.

You shouldn’t go off by yourself,” he warned, turning back to look at that same spot he’d been staring at before. Roy chuckled mockingly.

That’s sweet. Don’t worry about me.” He readied his gun and pushed past the three of you to walk deeper into the woods. Dean watched him for a moment then looked to the rest of the group.

Alright. Everyone stays together. Let’s go,” he instructed, following Roy’s trail.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hailey! Over here!” Roy called out, sending all five of you running to his location. He’d found the campsite. The tent was torn to shreds and belongings were thrown all over the site; blood was everywhere.

Oh my god,” said Hailey.

Looks like a grizzly,” Roy commented. You began walking the scene, taking in each rip in the tent, and track on the ground. Hailey began calling Tommy’s name, and Sam was quick to run over and quiet her. You noticed Dean walk away from the site, following something but continued looking for some kind of clues where you were. You were inspecting the tears in the tent when Dean called for you and Sam.

The bodies were dragged from the campsite. But here, the tracks just vanish. It’s weird,” Dean informed the two of you once you’d reached him and knelt down beside him to see the tracks’ end.

I’ll tell you what. It’s no skinwalker or black dog,” Dean said, standing. He looked around for a moment before walking back to the campground. You looked to Sam momentarily before following Dean. He was beside Hailey, comforting her as she held Tommy’s broken phone in her hands. Suddenly, a voice screamed for help. The five of you ran towards the sounds, Dean and Roy with their weapons drawn. You stopped at a ledge and spread out.

It seemed like it was coming from around here, didn’t it?” Hailey asked. You continued looking out into the woods, narrowing your eyes.

Everyone back to camp,” you said suddenly, turning and leading the group back.

Our packs!” Hailey threw her hands up in the air upon seeing everything was gone.

So much for my GPS and satellite phone,” Roy grumbled.

What the hell’s going on?” Hailey asked.

It’s smart. It wants to cut us off so we can’t call for help,” you said, shaking your head.

You mean someone. Some nutjob out there just stole all our gear,” Roy thought he corrected. You rolled your eyes and went over to Sam and Dean as he spoke.

I need to speak with you…in private.” Before either could respond, you walked off, away from the campsite. Once you were a reasonable distance away from Hailey, Roy, and Ben, you stopped.

Okay. Let me see Dad’s journal.” Dean handed it to you, and you quickly found the page you needed. “Alright. Check that out.” You turned the book so they could see. Dean took one look at the page then looked at you.

Oh, come on. Wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or Northern Michigan. I’ve never even heard of one this far west,” he scoffed.

Think about it, Dean. Thespeed, the way it can mimic a human voice.”

“The claws,” Sam added. Dean looked between the two of you then sighed.

Great. Well, then, this is useless,” he said, holding up his gun. You shut the journal and handed it back to him.

We gotta get these people to safety.” Sam’s urgency was clear in his tone and the way in which he turned away from you and Dean and went back to the campsite. Dean shared a look with you before following your brother.

Alright, listen up. It’s time to go. Things have gotten more complicated,” Sam directed as he walked onto the site.

What?”Hailey asked, pressing for more information.

Don’t worry. Whatever’s out there, I think I can handle it,” Roy spoke. The arrogance in his voice made your hands ball into fists. Had you met him under any other circumstance, you’d have decked him three hours ago.

It’s not me I’m worried about. If you shoot this thing, you’re just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now.”

“One, you’re talking nonsense. Two, you’re in no position to give anybody orders,” Roy shot back at Sam.

Relax,”Dean said, looking at Roy.

We never should have let you come out here in the first place, alright? I’m trying to protect you,” Sam warned Roy.  Roy moved closer to him, growing angrier.

Youprotectme?I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you good night!”

“Yeah? It’s a damn-near-perfect hunter. It’s smarter than you. And it’s gonna hunt you down and eat you alive unless we get your stupid, sorry ass out of here.” Sam’s voice was condescending as he looked down on Roy. Roy laughed in his face and hit Sam’s arm.

You know you’re crazy, right?”

“Yeah? You ever a wen-“ Sam was cut off when Dean shoved him away from Roy. You moved with Dean, standing between Roy and Sam to avoid either of them letting the situation escalate even further.

Roy, Roy! Stop. Stop it! Everybody just stop.” Hailey looked around the group then let her eyes fall on Sam. “Look, Tommy might still be alive. And I’m not leaving here without him.”

“It’s getting late,” you said after a moment of silence. “This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night. We’ll never beat it. Not in the dark.”

“We need to settle in and protect ourselves,” Dean continued.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You were on the ground, helping Dean draw the symbols in the dirt. Hailey and Ben watched on from their spot in front of the fire. You glanced over to Sam for what was probably the fiftieth time. He’d isolated himself on a log a few feet away ages ago and was yet to move.

Once more time. That’s…”

“Anasazi symbols. It’s for protection. The wendigo can’t cross over them,” you answered Hailey, keeping your head down. Roy laughed. Once you’d finished your last symbol, you stood and tossed your stick in his direction, narrowly missing the man…accidentally, of course. You mouthed ‘sorry,’ and turned away before he could see your smirk.

Nobody likes a skeptic, Roy,” Dean said. He finished drawing the symbol then stood, dusting the dirt off his pants. “Y/N.” He gestured in Sam’s direction once you looked over at him. You nodded and followed him over, taking a seat on one side of Sam while Dean sat on the other. “You wanna tell me what’s going on in that freaky head of yours?”

“Dean…”Sam began.

No, you’re not fine,” Dean cut him off. “You’re like a powder keg. That’s not like you. I’m supposed to be the belligerent one, remember?” Sam’s eyes never left the spot in front of him, his mind seemingly racing.

Dad’s not here,” Sam finally spoke, his voice soft. “I mean, that much we know for sure, right? He would have left us a message, a sign, right?”

He’s right, Dean. I don’t think Dad’s ever been to Lost Creek,” you agreed, looking down at the ground. What was with all this secrecy with your father? He’d never left this long without at least letting you and Dean know where he was, what he was doing. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were following the trail of something you weren’t prepared to face. Sam shook his head and looked at Dean.

“We need to get these people back to town, and let’s hit the road. Go find Dad.” He threw the small stick he’d been drawing in the dirt with down on the ground. “I mean, why are we still here?” Dean moved to kneel in front of him but looked between the two of you, John’s journal in his hands. He held it out in front of him and placed one hand on top of it.

This is why. This book. This is Dad’s single most valuable possession. Everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he’s passed it on to us. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things…the family business.” You sighed and rubbed your face with your hands, keeping yourself from tearing up.

That makes no sense. Why…why doesn’t he just call us? Why doesn’t he tell us what he wants, tell us where he is?” You asked. Dean sighed and shook his head.

I don’t know. But the way I see it, Dad’s given us a job to do, and I intend to do it.”

“Dean…no. I gotta find Dad. I gotta find Jessica’s killer. It’s the only thing I can think about,” Sam spoke. His voice was even softer than before, barely audible and quivering. He blinked away the tears in his eyes, but more came. You pursed your lips and put your hand on shoulder in an attempt to silently comfort him. Dean looked at Sam and nodded.

Okay, alright. Sam, we’ll find them. I promise. Listen to me. You’ve got to prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while. And all this anger, you can’t keep it burning over the long haul. It’s going to kill you. You gotta have patience, man.”

“How do you do it?” Sam asked with a sad, half-hearted chuckle. “How does Dad do it?”

“Well, for one, them.” Dean looked over to Hailey and Ben. “ I mean, I figure our family’s so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. It makes things a little bit more bearable.” He paused for a moment, looking away from Sam. He was silent, pensive. “And I’ll tell you what else helps. Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can.” The three of you shared small, sad smiles, but the moment was quickly interrupted by that same voice calling out from deep in the woods.

Help me!”

~ ~ ~ ~

SPN rewrite taglist: @mrsfortune1306@marvelous-glims

forever taglist: @griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter@vicmc624@idksupernatural
